Examen Trimestral de Inglés

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1. Write whether these are countable or uncountable:

1. milk

→ 2. Room

→ 3. butter

→ 4. Song

→ 5. music

→ 6. minute

→ 7. Tea

→ 8. child

→ 9. Key

2. Write the correct word a / an or some

1. I have __________good idea.

2. That’s __________ interesting job!

3. They have found _________ gold in that old mine.

4. Do the Smiths have _____________ yellow van?

5. Look! He's having ___________ sandwiches.

6. He always likes __________ piece of chocolate.

7. I have _________ homework to do for tomorrow.

8. There's _________nice girl in the red car.

9. Would you like _________ milk with your cookies?

10.How about _________ grapes? Shaimaa Shemeis

3. Use “How many” or “How much”.

1. _________ stars are there in the sky?

2. __________ people live on islands?

3. __________ birds are there?

4. __________water is in the ocean?

5. ______________money is in a bank?

6. _____________countries are there in the world?

7. ____________bread is eaten per day?

8. ____________ bones are there in the human body?

9. ___________ sand is in the deserts?

10.______________ information is on the internet?

4. Use “much” or “many”

1. There isn't ___________milk left in the fridge.

2.You shouldn't eat so __________ sweets.

3. My friend doesn't eat __________ fruit.

4. I don't have ________ time to practice basketball.

5. There aren't __________ people in the shops today?

5. Complete the sentences using the past tense of the verbs.

Last weekend, my friend and me ___________ (go) to England. We _____________(get

up) early. He _________(make) some sandwiches. We _____________(leave) home at 8
o’clock. My parents __________(take) us to the airport by car. When we _____________
(arrive), my dad _______ (say): “Have you got your passport?” I___________ (look) in my
bag, but it ____________(not be) there. I _________(find) it in my pocket. We
___________(have) a great time there. We _________(do) a lot of interesting things and
__________(see) interesting buildings and markets. I ___________ (buy) a lot of presents
for my family.

6. Write the sentences in the negative form.

1. I ___________________ (not love) chocolate as a child.

2. You ________________ (not go) shopping this morning.
3. He __________________ (not like) sport.
4. She __________________(not study) for the exam.
5. Lucy __________________ (not meet) her friends yesterday.

7. Order the words to ask questions and then match with the correct answer.

1. park/where/your sister/ did?

2. He/did/the/close/window?
3. Music/listen to/what/did/you?
4. Film/you/did/the/like?
5. Yesterday/work/you/did?
6. Time/your friends/did/what/arrive?
7. They/the restaurant/go/did/the/to?
8. Want/did/she/coffee/a?
a. Yes, I did. It was great.
b. They arrived at nine o´clock.
c. In the car park.
d. Yes, she did. Coffee and milk.
e. Yes, they did.
f. Yes, I did. All day long.
g. We listened pop mus
8. Complete the sentences with the present continuous

1) Jim ________ eating ice cream.

2) The kids ________ playing in the park.
3) Birds ________ singing.
4) Henry and I ________ watching football.
5) Bees ________ gathering honey.
6) __________ it ________ ? (rain)
7) __________ he ________ ? (smoke)
8) __________ the birds __________ ? (chirp)
9) __________ I __________? (dream)
10) __________ the wind ___________ ? (blow)

1. You going to visit your sister. __Are you going to visit your sister?

2. She going to walk in the park with her friends.


3. Anna going to work.


4. John going to speak at the meeting.


5. You going to publish this novel.


6. Lisa and Andrew going to come with us.


7. She going to leave the house.


8. Adriana going to pick up her little sister.


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