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Maintenance and Service Manual 28000 Powershift @ Transmission @ R MODEL 8 SPEED LONG DROP | COMPONENTS CLARIC-HURTE> i 31196.246 SM RPBB. (Rev. 1-87) Service Publications 1-77 at 1-40, Rt. 18, Box 38 Statesville, NC 28677 TOWING OR PUSH STARTING Before lowing the vehicle, be sure to lift the tear wheels off the ground or disconnect the driveling ta avoid damage 9 the trans. mission during towing NOTE: It the transmission has 4 wheel drive, disconnect both front and rear drivelines. Because of the design of the hydraulic system, the engine eannot be started by pushing oF towing. MAINTENANCE & SERVICE MANUAL CORRECTIONS 28000 SERIES, 32000 SERIES & 34000 SERIES Please keep this sheet with any 28000, 32000 or 34000 Maintenance and Service Manuals. Use the following torque chart for the self locking elastic stop nut used on the input, output, idler and P.T.0. shafts when repairing any of the above series tranamissions. Corrections be made at the next individual Maintenance and Service Manual printing SELF LOCKING ELASTIC STOP NUT TORQUE — —_ | __ THREAD SIZE FT, LBS, TORQUE NEWTON METERS {N.m} 1" - 20 150 - 200 203.4 - 271.1 200 - 250 271.2 - 338.9 300 - 350 406,8 - 474.5 542.4 - 610.1 SPAT 358 FOREWORD This manual has been prepared to provide the customer and the maintenance personnel with information and instructions on the mainten- nce and repair of the CLARK Power Shift Transmission, Extreme care has been exercised in the design, selection of materials and manufacturing of these units. Tho slight outlay in personal attention and cost requited to provide regular and proper lubrication, inspection at stated intervals, and such adjustments as may bo indicated will be reimbursed many times in low cost operation and trouble free service. In order to become familiar with the various parts of the transmission, its principal of operation, trauble shooting and adjustments, it is urged that the mechanic study the instructions in this manual cerefully and use it asa reference whan performing maintensnee and repair operations. Whenever repair ov replacement of component parts is required, only Clark Companents internstionsl-approved paris as listed in the applicable parts manual should be used, Use of “willsfit” of non-approved parts may endanger proper operation and performance of the equipment. Clark Components International does not warrant repair or replacement parts, nor failures resulting from the use thereof, which are not supplied by or approved by Clark Components Intemational. IMPORTANT: Always furnish the Distributor with the transmission serial and model number when ordering parts. TABLE OF CONTENTS HOW THE UNITS GPERATE SECTIONAL VIEWS AND PARTS IDENTIFICATION Basic Desigh Cross Section............ a 3 Transmiesion Case and Front Cover Group... : 4 Eight Speed Geer and Gluteh Group... cee OB Contral Walve Assembly ‘ : 10 Aale Disconnect oc... weet eet teeeees 12 Typical 28,000 Eight Speed Cress Section. ....sce.cc0ee. 13 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION. 00.2... coc MAIS DISASSEMBLY OF TRANSMISSION... coe 7 CLEANING AND INSPECTION , seeeuee veranda 23 REASSEMBLY OF TRANSMISSION .....00.00cccecpseeeeeeenes 20 SERVICING MAGHINE AFTER TRANSMISSION OVERHAUL....... 45 SPECIFICATION AND SEAVICE DATA ........ co 86 LUBRICATION v.00 seee cies nae a 46 TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE... ..0...ccccceecteeseseeseeenes 7 EXTERNAL PLUMBING DIAGRAM... sie 48 CLUTCH AND GEAR ARRANGEMENT .....00.00c0ccceececeeees 48 SHIELDED BEARING INSTALLATION ...0000600000000sccscseees a8 TYPICAL EIGHT SPEED POWER FLOW [Low Range)....0.0...... 50 TYPICAL EIGHT SPEED POWER FLOW (High Range}... 5! NOTE; Metric Dimensions Shown in Brackets | TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY n and hydreulic torque portion ofthe powertrain enacts an important rola in transmitting engine power In order to properly maintain and service these units itis important to fest understand th “The transmis to the driving whe funetion and haw thay operate. ‘The transmission and torque converter function tagether and operete through @ comman hydraulic system, It is necessary to cansider both units in the study of chair Funetion and operation. To supplement the taxt below, and for reference use therewith, the following illustrations are provided: Basic Design Crars Section... . aciwad Transmission Case and Front Cover Group... - Eight Speed Gear and Cluteh Group oe Control Valve... . . ‘Axle Disconnect 0.2... 7 ‘Typical 28000 Eight Speed Cross Section. External Plumbing Diagrarn coe Typical Fight Speed Power Flew (Low Range) i ‘Typical Eight Speed Power Flow (High Renge).. nee Clutch end Gear Arrangement - - Shielded Bearing installation... - . The R, HA, and MHR Mode! Transmissions are of thier basic designs ‘The fi Mada! consists of a separate torque converter, mausted to the engine with the powershift tanamissionremotely mounted and connastsd ta the torque canverter with 8 drive chaft ‘The HR Model consists of a torque converter and powershitted tangmissinn im one packepe mounted directly to the engine. See page $ lor basic design. The MHA version is-@ mid-mount torque converter and transmission assambly connweted to the engine by means Sf a drive shaft The shift contro! valve assembly may be mounted directly on the side of the convarter housing or front transmission Saver, or remota mounted and connected to the iransmission by means of flexibla hoses. The function of the control valve as sembly isto direct oil under prassuna to the desired directional and speed clutch. A provision is made on certain morlels to neutralize the transmiasion ‘when the brakes are opplied. This is accomplished through use of » brake sotusted shutolt valve. The speed and direction clutch assemblies are mounted inside the transmission case and are connected io the output shaft of the converte Giractions| clutehes is ta cieact the power flow through the gear tri to provide the desirad speed range.and direction. her by direct gearing or drive cheft. The purpose of the speed or ‘An axle-dieconnact is aptional and is located on the output shaft. The drive tothe tront or ar axle can be disconnected or connected by manual shifting. CLARK HOW THE UNITS OPERATE With the engine running, the converter cherging pump draws cil rem the transmissian sumptheaugh the removable ail Suction eerean and directs it through the pressure regulating valve and oil iter ‘The pressure regulating velve maintains presaure 10 the Wansmission control caver for actusting the direction and speadielutehes. This requires a'small portian of the total volume af oil used in th irocted through the torque converterGifcuit to the oil cooler andi returns ta the transmission for positive lub This requlstor valve consists af a hardened valve spool operating in 2 closely fitted bore. The valve spool is spring loaded to hold the valve in a glosed position. When a specific pressure is achieved, the valve spool works against the spring until @ portis exposed along the:side of the bore, This sequence of events provides the proper systern pressure, ‘stam. The remaining wolume of wil is, Alter entering the converter housing theo is directed through the statarsupportto the converter blade cavity and =xits in the passage between the turing shaft and converter support. Tha oil then flaws outof the converter to te oil cooler. Alter leaving tha cooler, the oil is directed ta a fisting on the transmiss lubricates the transmission bearings and clutches. The olf then gravity drains to the transmission sump, 1n. Thee through # series ol tubes and passages Tae hycraulic torque converter consists basically of three slements and their related parts to multiply ngine torque. The ongine power is tranemitted from the engine flywheel to the impeller elemant through the impeller caver. This element is the pump portian af the hydraulic torque caverta and is the primary campenent which starts the ail flowing to the other components which results in torque multiplication. This élamentasn be compared to 8 centrifugal pump in that it picks up fluid at its genter and discharges at ics owtar diamever, The torque converter turbine is mountad opposita the impsliar and is cennected to the output shaft of the torque converter, This elament receivias fluid at its outer diameter andi dischargas at ite centar. Fluid divactad by the impeller out inta the particular design of blading in the turbing and repctian mamber isthe means by which the hy deaulia torque converter multiplias sorque, ‘Tho reaction mombor ofthe torque converter i located between and at the center orinner diamoters ofthe impellerand turbine elements. ts function is to take the fluid which is exhausting from the inner position of the turbine and change ita direction to allow correct entry for recirculation into the impeller element Tre torque converter will multiply engine torque to its designed maximum multiplication ratio when the output shaft is ft zaro RPM, Therofore, we can say that as the output shaft is decreasing in spand the torque multiplication is increasing, Tho shift contro! valve assambly consists of a valve body with selector valve spools. A detent ball and spring in the elector spool provides one position tor cach speed range: A detent ball and spring in the direction spool provides thet pasitions, ane exch for forward, nautral and reverse, With the engine running and the directional eonteal Ieverin neutral position, ofl pressure from the requlating valve is blacked af the Control valve, and the transmission is in neutral. Movement af the forward and reverse spool will direct oll. under pressure to either the forward ar reverse direction clutch as desired. When either directional clutch is selected the opposite clutch is relieved of pressure and vents back through the direction selector spool, Tha same procadure is used in the speed selector ‘The direction oF spond cliten aszembly consists of a drum with Internal splines and 2 bors to receive a hydraulically actuated piston, The piston is “ailtight" by the use of sealing rings. Astsal disc withaxtemal splinesis inserted inte the ‘drum andrests egainst the piston. Next, a friction dist with splines at the inner diameter is inserted, Dises arealternated ‘until the required total it achieved. Aleavy back-up plate ig then inserted and secured with a snap ring. A Hub with 0.0. ‘splings is inserted into the splines ef discs with teeth on the inna’ diameter. The diss and hub are free to increase in ‘speed or rotate in the eppasite direction as lang as na pressure is present in that specific eluteh, ‘To engage the clutch. 88 praviousiy stated, the cuntrol valve is placed in the desired position, This allows oll under pressure tofiow from the control yaive, through s tube, to a chasen clutch shaft, This shaft has a drilled passayeriay for oil under pressure to enter the shalt. Oil pressure sealing rings are located on the clutch shatt. These rings direct oil under pressure to. desired elute, Prassure of the oil foroas the pistan and wiscs against the heavy back-up plata, ‘The discs. with teeth on the outer diameter, clamping against dists with teeth on the inner diameter, enables the hub and clutch shaft te be locked together and allows them te drive as 8 unit ‘There ara bleed balls in the clutch piston which allow quick escape far oil when the pressure to the piston is relensad ‘Tha & speed transmission has @ forward speeds and 8 reverse speeds, ‘he B-speed transmission has 4 working range shifts and 4 travel eange shifts, Gear ratio. dotermines working and travel ranges. They sre 4s follows st — 2nd — 3rd and Sth working range. Sth — 6th — 7th and th travel range. NOTE: Range shift from low to high must be made with machina stopped, CLARK ITEM DESCRIPTION Input Flange Nut Cattery. oss Flange Nut ees ceeceesc vid Flange Nut Washer... Input Flange “O” Ring. Input Flange seit ttees input Flange Gul Seal Input Shaft Frant Bearing Retainer Ring Input Shaft Frent Besting Input Shalt Frant Beering Loc Pipe PUG. ve eeeecc neces Front COVE ye veeye res Ring... 4rd Speed Tube Ascombly- Tube Tube Tube Clip Screw Roverse Tube Assembly Breather. Front Cover Sleeve. Frant Cover Sleeve Lock Sleeve Lockscrew Lockwasher Sleeve Lockscrew Input Shalt... - Input Shaft Rear Searing Input Shalt Gear dace Input Shaft Gear Retainer Ring. Tube Sleeve Tube Sieve Dstent Spring Ostent Spring... - Valve to Housing Screw Vinlve to Housing Seraw Lockwasner. Conteal Valve Assembly... Conteal Valve Gasket ryen Betent Ball. Detent Ball : Cover to Case Scrow. Cover to Cast Screw Lockwasher Front Gaver Plug ses seeeee Front Gover Plug Gasket... Screw Lockwasher 19 Ring, 28000 8 SPEED TRANSMISSION CASE AND FRONT COVER GROUP ary. ee eee ee eee He Tem at 42 43 aa a5 48, 47 48 49 50 51 52 Be 54 58 SE a7 5B so eo 6 62 62 ee 85 86 er 6 6a 70 7" 72 73 4 78 76 7 78 29 80 81 DESCRIPTION ary. Covar to Case Screw 4 Cover to Case Serew Lockiasher 4 Pressure Tube "O” Ring Presture Tube Sleeve oo... Low Speed Clutch Pressure Tube. Cover to Case Scraw Lockwasher Cover to Case Scrous Case to Cover Dowel Pin Case to Cover Gasket . Rear Cover os Rear Covet ta Transmission Case Serevr Rear Covet to Transmission Case Serow Lockwasher . seusnreeesse Pressure Tube “O° RINQ ee ees. Pressure Tube Sla@va sce eeeses Rear Cover ta Transmission Caso Stud Rear Cover to Transmission Case Stud Lockwasher ‘ . oat Gaver to Transmission Case Sug Nes Rear Cover Pipe PII... esc veise OW Battle. ee cee aaagnetic Drain Plug 08 Level Plog... ‘Oi Level Plug, Scrowm Assembly - Sereen Assembly Gasket Transmissign Case Assarnbly . Tranamisaton Case Plug oo... 06 . Suction Tube Clip Washer... Suction Tube Clip . Suction Tube Assembly . Retaining Washer Serow . Retaining Washer. . Suction Tube "0" Front Covar Gaker . Front Cawer Bowe! Pi Suction Tube Clip Rivet Remote Valve Plate Scraw Lockwasher, Rlemate Valve Plate Screw Valve Plate Plug . Valve Plate . - Control Valve Ramote Mouating Plate. Control Valve to Piate Gasket... . eee gg wae A aa pg ee nae a ee 28000 EIGHT SPEED GEAR AND CLUTCH GROUP BO Spring Retsiner Snep Ring Retsinar 81 Spring Retainer . 82 Pistan Retum Spring 82 Spring Retainer . 84 Front Bearing Cap Oil Saal... Front Bearing Cap Serove ese sos 86 Front Bearing Cap Scravr Lockwasher 87 Front Bearing Gap weatcerptgee BB Disconnact Housing Shim... cece cere ees Al 89. Front Bearing Gap “O" Ring 90 Front Bearing Cup 91 Front Bearing Cone. .... 92 Output Gear Thrust Washer 93 Output Gear Bearing 94 Output Gear Bear a 95 Output Gear Bearing Inner Race, 96 Output Shaft and Bushing Assembly 97 Output Shalt Bushing ..... foe 98 Range Shift Rail Support “O° Ring... 99 Range Shit Rail Suppore...... . 100 Range Snitt Rai! Support Screw Lockwashar 101 Range Shift Rail Support Screws... 102 Range Shitt Rall... 103 Low Speed Shaft RewrBesiing Locating Ring... D4 Clutch Shaft Piston Ring... cece ees Continued on next page. 2B Spring Retainer Saap Ring... 28 Clutch Driven Gear Bearing 30 Clutch Driven Gear Rearing Snap Ring. 31 Spring Retainer coe 32 Piston Return Spring 33. Spring Retainer . g Retainer Snap Ring Retainer... 1g Retainer Smep Ring . . 36. Jed Gear Rearing . 37 Sed Gear Bearing Snap Ring . - 38 Clutch Hub Oil Baffle Ring 39 Sid Gear 5 40 ard Gear Bearing Spacer. . 41. 3rd Gear Beating Snap Ring 42. Grd Gear Beating - Shield Gut 43 Reverse and 3rd Shaft Rear Bearing 44 Low Chateh Drive Gear. 45 Gear Retaining Ring ......- 48 Low Speed Clutch Shaft Pilot Bearing Tem DESCRIPTION ary. ITEM DESCRIPTION ary, 1 Reverse and ed Clutoh Shaft Piston Ring « 83 Chiteh Hub Oil Baffle Rina . 1 2 Front Bearing Retainer Ring... s+ 54 Spring Retaining Ring Ret 1 3 Reverse and Sid) Sha Front Bearing 55 Spring Retaining Ring a1 4 Front Searing Retainer Ring see 56 Belleville Washer 5 5 Clutch Driven Gear Beating ~ Shiald Out... 57 Piston to Belleville Washar Spacer 1 @ Clutch Driven Gear Bearing Snap Ring 5B eer Bearing Cap Sarees es ve cee 5 7 Clutch Deven Gear. 59 Rear Bearing Cap Saraw Lockwashor «0... 5 Clutch Hub Ol Batfie Ring a 1 9 End Plate Retainar Ring Gt Rese Bearing Gap Gaskat . 1 10 End Plate 62 Reor Gearing Retainer Piate Screw 3 17 Clutch Outer ise... 63 Rar Baaring Retainer Plate 1 12 CWich Inner Disc . 64 Bearing Lackhsll 1 1 CWtch Piston 65 Low Speed Shalt Rear Besring Assembly. 1 14 Clutch Piston Outer Seal Ring 66 Low Speed Cluteh Shaft end Oram Assembly .. 1 1B Clutch Piston Inner Seal Ring. 87 Clutch Piston Inner Seal Ring. 1 16 Reverse and 3rd Clutch Drum Assembly @8 Clutch Piston Outer Seal Ring 1 17 Clutch Pigien Inner Seal Ring. 89 Clutch Piston Assembly. 1 48 Clutch Piston Outer Seal Ring JO Gluteh Quter Dise a 1 Clutch Pigion Ascembly, 7 Gluten inner Dise 8 20 Clutch Inner Disc 72 End Plate, ve 1 21 Clutch Outer 73 End Plate Ratainer Ring 1 22 End Plate... 74 2nd Geer. ‘ 1 22 End Plate Rewsiner Riog 78 Ghiten Hub Oil Bathe Ring « 1 24 Spring Retainer... 76 2nd Gear Retainer Rind... -.scs2e00+ 1 25 Piston Return Spring 77 And Gear Ring Retainer. i 26 Spring Retainer 7a Ind Goar Ring Retainer Snap Ring t 27 Spring Retainer Snap Ring Retainer 79° Spring Retainer Snap Ring. i 49. Boaring Retaining Ring Retainer - vs 50 Low Speed Gesr Bearing Retainer Ring - 51 Low Speed Gear Bearing Assembly 52 Low Speed Gear. _ oe gh ; A er NY gm. ee : em ~ ig an aon hss aera ba At "erm 28000 EIGHT SPEED GEAR AND CLUTCH GROUP (Continued) ITEM DESCRIPTION ary. ITEM DESCRIPTION ary. 105 Rast Besring Gap “O° Ring. . cmpesed 159 Bearing Cap Serew oo ccc ees : 2 108 Rear Boeing Cap PHB. ee secsereeesee T 160 Diseunneet Housing “O” Ring 1 107 Transmission Caso Rear Gover... val 461 Disconnect Housing Adaptor 1 108 Range Shift Rail OW Seo 1 162 Disconnect Housing Adaptor “O" Ring 1 103 ldler Shaft snd Gear 1 163. Disconnect Housing Adaptor “O" Ring 1 110. Banga Shift Rai Datent Plug 1 164 Output Shah Rear Bearing Cup , 111 Range Shift Rail Detent Ball 1 165 Ourput Shak Rear Bearing Gane... 1 112 Range Shift Rail Detant Spring 1 166 Output Gear Thrust Washer wef 113 Gear Spacer. weniaeat 167 Outgut Gear Bearing « doeedie negee 114 Iter Sheft Low Range Gear . 1 168 Output Gear Bearing 1 115. lar Shaft Gear Retainer Ring 1 169 Output Gear Inner Race. 1 118 Iifler Shaft Front Gesring. seed 170 High Range Gear... 1 147 lar Shite Piles BOBTING oo. sec cesverseeee D 171 Shift Hub Sleeve bone 1 118 Transmiesion Case Assembly... i 172, High Low Shift Hub, 1 119 rd Plate Retainer Ring 1 173. Law Range Gear 1 130, End Plare 1 174 ath Speed Cloich Hab 1 121 Clutch Outer Disc. 8 175° Clutch Hub Snap Ring 1 4122. Clutch tnner Disc 6 176 Spang Retainer Snap Ring 1 129. Clutch Piston Assembly 1 177 Spring Retainer - ot 124 Clutch Piston Outer Seal Ring ' 178. Piston Retun Spring het 125 Clutch Piston Inner Seal Ring. 1 179 Backing Plate Snag Ring, ‘ ’ 126 Farward and 2nd Shafi, Chteh Orum Assembly 1 180 Clutch Dise Bosking Plata, . treed 127 Clutch Fiston Inner Seal Ring, 1 1B1 Clutch QuIEE DiaC. se eriereeeeeree cents 8 128 Clutch Piston Outer Seal Ring pond 182. Gluteh Inner Bis 8 129° Clutch Piston Assembly ond 183. Clutch Piston Assembly. 1 130 Clutch Outer Diss . 6 164 Clutah Piston Seal - Quieres T 131° Clutch anor Oi é 185 Clutch Piston Seal - Inner 1 132 tnd Plate i 188 4th Speed Shaft Piston Ring 2 133 Era Plate Retainer Fina « 1 187 Front Bearing Retainer Ring - 1 134 Forward and 2nd Shaft Piston Ring.-<----—--- 3 488. th Speed Shate Front Bearing od 138 Front Bearing Retainer Ring , at 189. Front Searing Soap Ring a 136 Faryad and 2nd Shaft Front Bearing 1 180. dth Speed Shalt and Clutch Drum Assembly... 1 1ST Front Bearing Locating Ring 1 191 Shift Fork 1 138 rant Bearing Retaining Ring 1 192 Shift Fork Lockserew 1 139° Clutch Driven Gear Bearing » Shield Out... 1 193 Disconnect Housing. : eet 140 Clutch Dewen Gear Bowing Snap Ring 1 19% Discennaet Housing Plua 1 141 Forward Cluteh kiven Gear 1 195. High snd Love Range Shift Fork. fond 142 Clutch Hub Oil Baile Ring ..- nd 196 Shift Fork LOCKSCTOW. sss eceeeseeerseeerere 143 Clutch Driven Geer Sesring Snap Ring 1 197. Shift Bail, 1 144 Clute Driven Gear Baarina cetteene T 196 Shift Bail ON Seal eee cece VAS Spring Retsinar Snap RING. see. ce ves eeeee 199 Disconnect Shaft... : tan t 148 Spring Retainer Snap Ring Retainar - oa 200 Bearing Retwinae Ring 1 TAT Spring RetaINAE eevee eee ed 201 Bearing... Liserenticreeetsiee 148 Piston Return Spring 1 202 Boaring Retainor Ring. 22 en eee 149 Spring Retainer... beet 203. Oil Seal . - Sd 180 idler Snatt Bearing Lock Bail ad 20 Disconnect Housing Capscrew a 151 Booting Cap Screw Lockwnsher z 205. Disconnect Housing Capscraw Lockwasher .... 4 152 Bearing Cap Screw 2 208 Dotant Ball. 1 153 idler Shaft Bearing Assembly. 1 207 Detant Spring ad 154 ear Bearing Locating . 1 208 Shitt Hub. 1 155 Idler Shaft Nut 4 208 Companion Flange. 1 156 Idler Shaft Rear Bearing Cap Gasket 1 210 Flange “0” Ring -1 157 Rear Bearing Cap 1 211 Flange Wesher..... veel 156 Bearing Cap Screw Lockwasher. 12 242 Flange NUE... ceseceeeeeeerseerseeeeee eee Decuutcn INCHING | FORWARD ONY ‘CONTROL VALVE aeseNaLY (ai orcLuTeH, —10— CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY iTem DESCRIPTION ary. item DESCRIPTION ary. 1 Oil Seal cones 1 22. Overshift Spacer (Not on all models) 1 2 Gil Seal Retsiner Ring i 23. Oil Seal Retainer Washer 1 Oil Seal Retainer Washer 1 24 Oil Seal Retainer Ring sane 1 4 Forward & Reverse Valve Spool....., 1 25 Oil Seale... bee 5 Control Valve Gasket wd 26 Piston Housing Assembly...00.0000 4 6 Detent Spring voces 1 27 Stop Plug bocce 1 7 Detent Spring vc A 28 Plug “O” Ring...... 1 8 — Detent Ball 3-29 Piston “0” Ring wd 9 Neutral Switch ......... 1 30° Glyd Ring . 1 10 Detant Ball oc ccccccceeeccceeses TF 31. Piston... 1 11) Valve Housing Plug... cece TH 32 Fiston Hausing bese 12. Valve Housing Plug “0” Ring... 1 33 Gil Seal bittctree A 13° OvershiftSpacer(Notonali models)... 1 34 Band Seal 1 14 Control Valve Housing........6. 1 3B "O" Ring. cscs 1 15 Detent Spring Plug. . aeeeeeee T Figures A-B-C & D are various decluteh options, 16 Detent Spring Plug Washer. 1 44 Adaptor Screw sees _ 4 17 Detent Spring..... wesc TD 45 Adaptor Screw Lockwasher _ 4 18 Valve to Adaptor Housing Serew..... 9 48 Valve Adaphic : vie 7 19 Valve to Adaptor Housing Screw 47 Volve Adaptor Gasket «....... ‘ Lockwasher. ree 48 Adaptor Screw 5 20 Speed Selector Spool Puges....ee0. 7 AG Adsplor to Piste Sitekot 1 21 Bpantl Selector Spoot «s+: ++ a 80 Valve Adaptor Plate .. 1 =u CLARK ARLE DISCONNECT AXLE DISCONNECT TEM DESCRIPTION ary, TEM DESCRIPTION or, )— Bisconneet Housing Capserow 8 Disconnect Shaft 1 2 Disconnect Housing Capserew 9 Detent Ball ... 1 Lodkwasher conn 10 Detent Spring ay a Disconnect Housing ........0... wd cn Shift Rail ~1 4 Disconnect Housing Plug wn V 12 Shift Rail Oil Seal... -1 5 Shi HUB ee D 13 Bearing Retainer Ring .... a ShIFE FOF see 14 Bearing 1 7 Shift Fork Lockserow 15 Bearing Retainer Ring .. =12- CLARK R 28000 8 SPEED TRANSMISSION 1a CLARK Tighten Elastic Stop (Nut 200 ta 250 Ls. Ft. Tighten Elastic Stop [2712 - 308.8 Nm) Nut 200 10 250 Lbs. FL [271.2 - 288,3 Nem| Tighten Elastic: Slop Nut 200 ta 260 Lbs. Fr, [712 - 38,9 Nim “Tighten Elastic Step Nt 200 to 250 Lbs. Ft, [271.2 - 2389 Nem] “Apply Permatex No. 2 200. ol pug Before assembly. R 28000 & SPEED TRANSMISSION —14— AS Gear to be assembled with long hub length to this side, &S Four clutches, 6-outer steel plates, & inner bronze, plaies. Assemble alternately. starting with outer steel plate. SEE NOTE BELOW 2S Must be loose intemal fit bearings, No, “'3" etched ‘on bearing. A Bearing shia out 2 Low clutch, Souter steel plates, Sinner bronze plates. Assemble alternately, starting with outor steel plale, SEE NOTE BELOW & ration oil screen ags'y. 10 0 15 Lbs, Fe [13.8 - 20,0 Nm} AS Shim output shaft bearings ta produce 6 to 8 Ls. - In, 10,68 + 0,90 Nr] pretoad. Notes. A Use Permatex & Crane Sesier Only where ‘specified 8. All lead in chamtors for ol) seals, piston rings & ‘O" tings must be smooth & free from, burts, G. Lubricate al piston ring gronves & “O"" rings ‘with ol Betore 335'y. .Apoty wary igh coal of Permatex No. 2 10 0.0. ol all oi seals before ass'y. E, Alter assembly of parts using Permatex or Grane: sealer, there must net be any ftee or excess material that could enter the oil circuit, . Apply batt enat of Grane Seale aN pe SS. Appy a thin cating cl gree between veal Nips on lip type seals prior io ase'y. H. Apply light coat of Permatex No. 2 to all thru hole stud threads NOTE: Metric dimensions shown in brackets [ NOTE. The fetion discs In he owe eaten a Flaten die bn sust-not ba tle. higher eof other clutches, rhwrefors tm discs low clutch inner die car be Iain the Fdenbiied by a8 "A" slammed an ane ade of the Inner teeth Panstolbie yellow pain ofthe dae, Entarged view af Pision Ring & Expander Note: Expander gap 1o bo approx. 180° fram ring hook joint to sid ting assembly Torus § “Theo cote inmor site alee bas a: cnip of prayed an the ouler ede View “0” (a Low Gluten Return Springs. Concave side af first belleville washer to be laced against clutch piston, Remaining four ‘washers to ba stacked alternataly reversed as shown. cification for Lubricated or Plated Screw Threads CAASE THREAD, Lert re ize | 8.1| | [naam] Tofes aes (fara aa [esas pas st paae neg Stes sas | eT pais a Popeater ce ce an, [ties uaa eo) te —15— Grade 8G Fine THeeaS coarse TRAD Las iver) _| tps Nu e290 |e, ‘3.175 | pis 29724 [3580-17 [tons aap m2 [re 7a Shoat] hase | aaa | aoa taens 33-409] i [twos sat[ oo] tea tear] NOTES MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Tha instuctions contained herain cover the disas Similar te Trouble shoot, disassemble, eepair, an sembly and reassembly af the wansmission in a sequence sembie that would narmally be followed after the unit has been removed from the machine and iz ta be completely CAUTION: Cleanliness Is of axtrome importance and ‘overhauled. It must algo be undarsiond that this is # bawic 8 fan absolute rust in the repair and overhaul of this unit speed 28000 transmission with many options, Campeninn Befere attempting any repairs, the wxterior of the: unit must Hanges and output shafts with and without disconnect be thoroughly cloaned te pravent the possibility of firt andt assemblies mzy vary on specitie madels. The units are very foreign mutter amtering the mechanism, DISASSEMBLY Figure 1 ‘General viaw. (B mode! 28000) Fomave fanpe. Figu Figure 4 Remove flanoa nut, washer ang "0" ring. Remove control valve bolts and washers, Figure § Figure 6 Remove front cover plug Figure 7 Remove trent cover plug, valve, use caution not to loose detent Figure & Romove bolts securing front soverto transmission Bausing. Figure $ holst: Pry front cower from second clutch willcome Figure 10 Use spreading type snap ring pliers te spread sars on frant bearing snap ring and separate clutch from front gover 1a— Figure 11 Remove input shaft gear and snap ring Figure 12 Hemave input shaft Figure 13 Romove input shaft oll soal, CLARK Figure 14 Remove input shaft front bearing retainerring, front besring and bearing oeating ring. Figure 15 Remove input shatt pear bearing from input shalt Figure 16 Remave fourth spead clutch aszembly irom transmission housing, CLARK Figure 17 Remave fourth apead clutch disc hub retaine: ring Hema ys Figure 19 Remavé idler helt bearing cap bolts, bearing cap. idler shalt nut and spacer. Figure 23 Remove 3 bolts and bearing retainer plate, Figure 25 ou Romave beating lock-bells Figure 24 Remove beanng locetiag ing. Figure 27 Remove low clurch double bearing cup. outer cone and spacer. Figure 28 Remove reer cover bats. Using pry slots provided, pry ‘cover rom tansmission housing tapping on low clutch end. idler shaft to allow cover to br remaved without shaft Figure 28 binding. NOTE: Tha usa of alignment studs wll facilitate CAUTION: Outer cone, double bearing cup, spacer and caver remo. inner bearing cone are replaced as a set. au CLARK Figura 29 Remove low clutch inner bearing cone, NOTE: To remeve the inner cone beseing without damage, a special bearing Buller must Be made (sae diagears Fig. 236) or the outer cage and rollars may be pulled fram the bearing innarrace and the inner race can be removed alter the low clutch assembly has bean removed from the transmission, See caution in Figure 28, beep “7 os CUT WITH 176 ALIBBER: seed [imme eeEL APNEA HON oy ta ae ma aS yl aarvas a Figure 29-4 Atimken bearing cup, No. 29520 must be used wi above bearing puller the Figure 30 Remove idler shaft and gp F assembly from housing, Figure 31 Remove law speed drive gear retainer fing and drive gear Figure 52 Remove reverse and re cl Figura 23 Remove 2nd gear ring reteiner snap ring. =2- CLARK Figure 34 Figure 27 Remove 2nd gear ratsiner ring retainer, Figure 36 Figure 38 Remove 2nd gear retainer ring, ‘With all clutches and shefts removed, cur iockwire en range shit fork lnckscrew. Remove lark locksorew: Figure 39 Figure 36 Remove range shift rall support botts. Remove rail Remove 2nd gear, and 2nd gear baaring end plate. support, rail and range shift fork, —2- CIARK Figure 40 Figure 43 Remove auiput shaft rear bearing cop bolts and bearing Remove end plate ca a Remove frant output flange nut, washes. "0" ing. tongs and bearing cap from havsing, Black ourpun goars. Push Figure 44 output shaft from rear through gears and taper beating amove inner ane sutar claten aises 4TH SPEED CLUTCH DISASSEMBLY Figure 48 Compress spring retainer washer, Remove spring Figure 42 retainer snap ring. Release tension on spring retainer + Remove end plate retainer Remove snag ring, apring retainer snd return Spring Me a er HEE 4 B, rete, rue 4a Ramave clutch shalt bearing. LOW CLUTCH DISASSEMBLY Figure 47 Remove cluich shaft oil sealing rings, Figure 50 Remove low clutch shaft front bearing race. a. Figure 51 Figure 46 Hemove low speed gear taper bearing retainer ring Remove chatch shaft tering retainer sing, retainer. — 25 CLARK Figure 52 Remove low speed gear tsper hearing retainer ing Figure 53 Romove-low speed gearsnd outer taper bearing. Remove low eluich taper beanng spacer Figur Remove clutch ehd plate retainer ring. Remave eluteh ‘end plate and inner and outer clutch izes, 54 Figure 55 Remove low gesr inner taper bes > Figure 56 Fomove snap ring, ring revaingr, Figure 57 Remove clutch pistan return Belleville washer retainer fing, & sleove with a pottion removed is recommended for remaving the clutch piston return spring Belleville washers and retsine: ring Sleeve shown is a commen pipe, with a 1 1/2. 1 [99,0 x 26,0mm} opening. The pipe ts 6 x 3-1 /4x2 3/4 [155,0x85.0. 78, mm). Compress Belleville washer. ‘Though apening remove retainer ring. Release tension on washers. Remove spring retainer ning. 2 Figure $8 Romove Belleville washers and spacer. Turn eluteh var and tap clutch shaft an a block of wood to remove clutch piston, Figure 61 Remove front bearing. FORWARD AND 2ND CLUTCH DISASSEMBLY (Forward being disassembled) Figure 62 Figure 58 Flomave front bearing lncating ring, Remove elutch shaft piston rings ities Figure 60 Figure 63 Remove front bearing retainer ting Remove clutch driven gear and outer beating 27 — CLARK Figure Remove inaer bearing. eh cannes Figure 67 Compress return spring rtaines. Remove retainer ring roe groove Figure 65 Romove end plate misiner ring Figure 66 Remove end plate. Figure 68 Riliews spring compression. Remove retainer ring. Figure 69 .d outer clutch discs, Turn clutch ever ‘and tap clutch shaft on a block of wood to: remove clutch piston. Remave inner me CLEANING AND INSPECTION ‘CLEANING Clean all parts theraughly vsing solvent type elean- ing fivid. 18 is recommended that paris be immersed in cleaning fluid and moved up and down slowly until ll ald lubricant and foreign material is dissolved and parts are thoroughly cleaned. CAUTION: Care shovld be exercised to avoid skin rashes, fire hazerds and inhalation of vapors when sing alvent type cleaners. Bearings Remave bearings fram cleaning fluid and strike flat against a black of wood to dislodge soliditied particles of lubricant. Immarse again in cleaning fluid ta flush out particles. Repeal above operation until beariogs are theravahly clean. Ory bearings using meisture- free camprested aie. Be careful to direct air stream aerate boating to avsid spinning. Do no! spin bearings when deying. Bearings may be rotated slowly by hand to facilitaio drying process Housings Clean interior and autorior of havtingt, bearing caps, etc. thoroughly. Cast paris may be cleaned in hot telorion tank: with mild alkali eelutions providing there parts da net have ground or polished surfaces. Parts should remsin in aoluton long enough fo be theraugh: ly deaned and heated, This will aid the avaparation of the elesning sslution and rinse water, Parts cleaned insalution tanks must be thoroughly rinsed with clean water 12 ramave all tracot of aikall, Cast parte may also be cleaned with steam cleaner CAUTION: Care shavld bo oxercisod 1 avaid in elation of vapors and skin rashes when using elkel cleaners All parts cleaned must be thoroughly dried immedi stely by using moisture free compresied air or soft, Tintless absorbent wiping rags free of abrasive maleri« als such at metal filings, contaminated oil or lapping compound, INSPECTION Tho importance of careful and thorough inspection of all parts connat be aversirested. Replacement of oll parts showing lniliestion of wear or stress will ein inate costly and avoidable failuces at a later date. Bearings Carefully inspect cll valloes; cages ond cups dar wer, chipping ae nicks te determing fitaess ef Bearings for fur” ther vse. Do aot replace a bearing cone or cup individually ‘without replacing the mating cop oy cone oF hp some sine, After inspection, dip bearings in Automatic Transmis- tion Fluid arid wrap in clean lintiess cloth o paper to protect them until installed, Seals, Gaskors, Ete, Replacement of spring load oil seals, “O" rings, metal Sealing rings. goskets and snap rings is more ‘economical when unit is disassemblod than premature ‘overhaul 18 roplace these parts at a future time. Fur- ther loss of lubricant through « worn seal may result in failure of ether more expensive parts of the assem should be handled carefully, particularly wwhea being installed. Cutting, scratching, or curling under of lip of seat seriously impairs ite ‘efficiency. Apply a thin cost of Permatex No. 2 on the outer diameter of the oil teal to assure an ail tight firinte the retainer, When assembling new matal type sealing rings, some should be lubricated with cost of chassis grease 10 sta was in their grooves for pase ef assembly pf mating mamaors, Lubricate all SO" rings and seals with recommended type Asstom: Transmission Fluid before assembly. Gears and Shafis HF magnavtiux process it available, use pragest to check parts, Ckamino teerh om ail gears carefully far swear, pitting, chipping, wicks, erecks or scores, If gear Jeeth show sport where cous hardening ie worn through tr cracked, replace with mew gear. Small nicks may be removed with suitable hone. Inspect shafts and quills 1 make certain they are not sprung, Bent, or splines twisted, and that shafts are true, Housing, Covers, ete. Inspect housings, covert and bearing caps to be certein they sre thoroughly cleaned and that mating surfaces, besring bores, a¥e., 370 ‘ree from nicks or burrs, Chock ail parts carefully for ovidence oF cracks n which would cause subsequent oil leaks bly. Sealing member ras Ol Sealing Ring Sleoves Check fonward, reuarse and th clutch front oi sealing ring slasves for weer. If 8 groove is strting to wear in the sleeve, replace sleeve, See removal procedure an page 81 REASSEMBLY Forward and 2nd Clutch Reassembly (Forward being assembled.) Figure 70 Install new clutch piston inner and outer sealing rings NOTE: Rings must be sized before installiteg in elute dram. Sizing is best accomplished by roteling piston whila holding a round object against the new seal ing 9s shawn, Rotate piston until seal ring is flush With inner and outer diameter of piston. Figure 71 Inger clutch piston in eluteh drum, Us samage sealing sings. ition as net to ~29— CLARK Figure 75 lagtall end plate retainer ring. Figure 72 Install clutch piston return spring, spring retainer snd retainer snap ring. Insert one sive! disc db e -s- Figure 76 in gear inner bearing, NOTE: The inner 1 have « shield Figure 73 Isa chutcn te beanng dows n Install one friction disc, Altemate eteel and friction dives Until the properamnunt of dises eva installed. First ise next 10 the piston is steel, last disc installed is friction. & ed Figure 7 Install eluteh driven gear inte clutch drum. Align splines con cluich gear with internal teath of fiction dises. Tap gear into position. Du nat force this operstinn. Gear splines must Install and plate. bbe in full position with internal teeth of ail fiction discs, we Figure 78 Install riven geareuter bearing, NOTE: Bewring shield out Soe page 49 for proper Shialded Bearing installation, Figure 79 Install front bearing locating ring Figure 80 Install front bearing, NOTE: Snap ring groove in front bearing must be down. Figure @1 Install front bewring retaining ring, Figure 82 aft wil seating rings. Grease rings to bly into trent housings LOW CLUTCH REASSEMBLY Figure 83 tall new ciuteh piston inner and auter sealing rings and size as explained in Figure 7D. Insert piston inte clstch drut using caution as Not ta damage seals. Install piston to Belleville washers spacer. Install Belleville washers. First washer with large diameter of washer toward spacer Alternate (5) tive washers, CLARK Figure G4 Position piston return spring belleville washer snap ring. Compress belleville washers and install snap fig, Low Clutch Retum Springs. Concave side of fiest bollevilie washer to be Plaved against chuich piston. Famaining tour Washers to he stacked a'ternately reversed as shown. Figure 85 Install snap ring eotainer ee: Y . * 4 Bes ~ Figure 86 Install low gear inner taper bearing, Install one steel disc. Install ane {riction disc, NOTE: The friction discs in the low cluteh has higher co-efficient rating than the friction dizes in the other clutches, theralore the discs must nat bemixed, The low elutehinner dise-can be identified by an “" stamped on one side of the inner teeth, The low clutch inner disc also has a strip of nonssoluble yellow: aint sprayed on the outer edge.of the dise. Almsate steal and friction dises until the proper amount of dises are installed. First disc next to the piston is steel, last dise ‘nonalied is thetic, Figure 87 Install ead plate end retainer ring Figure 88 Install low clutch taper bearing spacer. NOTE: When installing the 31d gear ip the fd speed clutch @ bearing spacer is used between the inner and puter 3rd gear beating also, =32— ns Figure 88 low gear inte clutch drum, Aliga sp ear with internal Louth af friction discs. Tap gear inte Position. Do not larce this operation. Gear splines must be fn full position with ancarnel teeth of all faction dises Figure 30, I lows gear outer taper bearing, Figura 91 Install tow eluten taper Bearing tetoines ring, NOTE: Retainer ring is selected at sssembly for proper thickness, A snap ring kit ia available, Select the thickest of the thee rings in the Kit that canbe fitted inte the snap ring groove te ausure a proper taper bearing tightness. Check ring 22 shown far tight sing to bearing fit, Figure $2 Install low speed gear taper bearing retainer ring, et Figure 93. Install low speed gesr taper Bearing rat ner ring retainer, se ai Figure 99 Install law cluteh shaft front bearing inner race with large diameter of race down, aa CLARK 47H SPEED CLUTCH REASSEMBLY ones Ree Figure 98 - Install new eluteh piston inner and outer sealing rings Figure 96 Ingert clutch pision in clugch drum, Use caution af not 19 Install clutch shaft bearing NOTE: Bearing snap cing Momoge sealing igs groove must ba dove, it Figure 98 Figure 96 Install clutch piston rewurn spring, epring retainer anct Install Bearing retainer fing retainer snep ring. lasert ane sive! dige, Install one frict disc. Altemate sta! and friction dises until the preper wile ‘amount of ciacs are ingtallad. Fist disc next te the prstan is steel, last dise installed is friction sil Figure 97 Install clutch shaft oll wealing rings, grease rings to Figure 100, facilitate reassembly into front housing. Install end plate, ro Figure 101 Install end plate eatainer ring TRANSMISSION REASSEMBLY Figure 102 View of ouput shaft as it would be positioned transmission case. Note front bearing cone and output gé thrust washer shauidered an thaft with tiege diameter of bbaaring in, Figura 103 Position high and low rangé gears. ait hub, hub sleeve nd needie bearings in transmission PONENTS ‘Statesville, North Carolina Brugge, Belgium Arco, Italy Sao Paulo, Brazil ONT-0019 PRINTED IN USA

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