Unique and Common Traits in Mycorrhizal Symbioses

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Unique and common traits in

mycorrhizal symbioses
Andrea Genre   , Luisa Lanfranco   , Silvia Perotto    and Paola Bonfante    ✉
Abstract | Mycorrhizas are among the most important biological interkingdom interactions,
as they involve ~340,000 land plants and ~50,000 taxa of soil fungi. In these mutually beneficial
interactions, fungi receive photosynthesis-derived carbon and provide the host plant with
mineral nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen in exchange. More than 150 years of research
on mycorrhizas has raised awareness of their biology, biodiversity and ecological impact. In this
Review, we focus on recent phylogenomic, molecular and cell biology studies to present the
current state of knowledge of the origin of mycorrhizal fungi and the evolutionary history of their
relationship with land plants. As mycorrhizas feature a variety of phenotypes, depending on
partner taxonomy, physiology and cellular interactions, we explore similarities and differences
between mycorrhizal types. During evolution, mycorrhizal fungi have refined their biotrophic
capabilities to take advantage of their hosts as food sources and protective niches, while plants
have developed multiple strategies to accommodate diverse fungal symbionts. Intimate
associations with pervasive ecological success have originated at the crossroads between these
two evolutionary pathways. Our understanding of the biological processes underlying these
symbioses, where fungi act as biofertilizers and bioprotectors, provides the tools to design
biotechnological applications addressing environmental and agricultural challenges.

Mycorrhizas are ubiquitous mutualistic symbioses estimated to form mycorrhizas4. This startling diversity,
Vascular plants with seeds and established between plant roots and soil fungi. Across supported by more than 400 million years of co-evolution
flowers; they are the largest the intimate cellular contact between the two symbi- between plants and fungi, has generated four main mycor­
and most diverse group within otic partners, mycorrhizal fungi receive fixed carbon rhizal types that have emerged at different times during
the kingdom Plantae.
from their photosynthetic hosts in exchange for min- plant evolution and feature specific morphological traits:
eral nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, with a arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM), ectomycorrhizas (ECM),
positive impact on plant growth1. The beneficial effect orchid mycorrhizas (ORM) and ericoid mycorrhizas
of symbiosis on host plants also includes an increased (ERM); see Fig. 1. Cell–cell interactions in each mycor-
tolerance of biotic and abiotic stresses2. In addition, myc- rhizal type (Box 1) have fascinated plant biologists since
orrhizas offer several ecosystem services in natural and the pioneering ultrastructural observations in the 1980s8,9
agricultural environments. Mycorrhizal fungi are known and set the foundation for subsequent investigations
drivers of carbon sequestration3 and particle aggregation on signalling and gene regulation in these symbioses.
in soil and have a major impact on the composition of Mycorrhizas are formed by most plants but display an
microbial and plant communities4. For these reasons, uneven distribution: AM are the dominant type (72%),
mycorrhizas are believed to have shaped biosphere evo- followed by ORM (10%), ECM (2%) and ERM (1.4%)6.
lution since plant terrestrialization and, in the current Multiple mycorrhizal types coexist in many ecosystems,
context of growing environmental concerns, they are with plant and fungal species establishing — in some
crucial actors of ecosystem functioning4,5. cases — more than one type of mycorrhiza (Fig. 1). In addi­
Between 320,000 and 340,000 extant vascular and tion, a single fungus can colonize different hosts, estab­
Department of Life Sciences non-vascular plants can form mycorrhizas6. Among them, lishing a ‘common mycorrhizal network’ (Fig. 1); that is,
and Systems Biology, angiosperms account for the largest and most diverse group an underground hyphal network connecting distinct
University of Turin,
Turin, Italy.
of mycorrhizal species (~85–90%). They include trees, plant individuals10.
✉e-mail: paola.bonfante@ shrubs, herbs and the majority of staple crops such as rice, Mycorrhizal fungi are now considered among the dom-
unito.it wheat, maize, potato, sweet potato, tomato and cassava7. inant components of the plant microbiota11, the bio­diverse
https://doi.org/10.1038/ For the fungal partners, at least 50,000 fungal species ecosystem of microbial communities that live in close asso-
s41579-020-0402-3 of Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Mucoromycota are ciation with multicellular individuals and impact human as

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


Ectomycorrhizas Endomycorrhizas

Ericoid Orchid Arbuscular

mycorrhizas mycorrhizas mycorrhizas

b c d e


Fig. 1 | Major mycorrhizal types. a | The major morphological distinctions between ectomycorrhizas (ECM), mostly
involving trees and shrubs, and endomycorrhizas, which include ericoid mycorrhizas (restricted to the Ericaceae), orchid
mycorrhizas (ORM) (limited to the Orchidaceae) and the more widespread arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM). b | The reciprocal
exchange of nutrients in the mutualistic mycorrhizal symbiosis is shown. In AM, organic carbon fixed by the plant through
photosynthesis is transferred to the fungus in exchange for soil-derived water and inorganic compounds containing
phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S) and other essential nutrients. c | A few fungal species, such as Russula sp., develop
different types of mycorrhizal interactions: ECM with a tree species and ORM with an orchid, in this case. d | The opposite
situation is shown, where a single plant host (such as poplar) can develop both AM and ECM. e | The formation of a
common mycorrhizal network within plant communities is shown, where the fungal hyphae colonize and connect the
roots of different plants, allowing the exchange of nutrients and signals.

much as plant health12,13. In this context, mycorrhizal fungi biotrophism. Furthermore, we discuss how fungal bio­
could act as drivers of the so-called microbial revolution; trophism is supported by multiple signalling and colo-
that is, the development of sustainable, microbiota-based nization processes, underpinned by relatively conserved
tools to enhance plant health and productivity. genetic bases in plants. Lastly, we outline the potential
In this Review, we explore the biological diversity of mycorrhizal symbioses as important actors in a global
A mode of microbial nutrition
based on the extracellular of mycorrhizas, which have historically been grouped scenario that calls for the increasing use of sustainable
digestion of dead or decaying according to their morphological features (Box  1) , agricultural and environmental strategies (Box 2).
organic matter. through the identification of unique and common traits
between types. Fossil data and phylogenomic studies Origin and evolution of mycorrhizas
The nutritional strategy of a
offer an evolution-based guideline to illustrate how Owing to their importance in ancient and extant ecosys-
pathogen or a mutualist that ancient saprotrophic fungi feeding on decaying organic tems, the evolution of mycorrhizas has been explored in
needs its host to stay alive. matter evolved a novel nutritional strategy based on several reviews on the basis of data from palaeontology,


Rhynie chert genomic and phylogenomic studies, as well as plant and between 170 and 270 MYA14, ECM fossils are more recent
An Early Devonian sedimentary fungal diversity6,14,15, with the final aim to decipher the and date back to 52 MYA, in the early Eocene epoch22. The
deposit located in Scotland origin of their pervasive ecological success. gnepine hypothesis suggests that the Gnetales are a sister
and exhibiting exceptionally The earliest fossil evidence of plant–fungus associations group of the Pinaceae23, and it is interesting that mem-
well preserved fossils of plants,
fungi, lichens and animals from
is in the 407-million-year-old Rhynie chert, where rhi- bers of the genus Gnetum also bear ECM. However, other
an early terrestrial ecosystem. zomes of extinct plants such as Aglaophyton majus hosted Gnetales members (the genera Welwitschia and Ephedra)
arbuscule-like structures. These structures are similar to are AM plants, as are the remaining gymnosperms, includ-
Gymnosperms the AM observed in extant plant roots16 (Box 1), suggesting ing the ‘living fossil’ Ginkgo biloba. These data indicate that
A group of vascular,
that the AM symbiosis played a role in land colonization only some gymnosperms lost their primal AM status to
non-flowering seed-producing
plants that includes among
by the earliest plants. Liverworts are the earliest diverging embrace the ECM condition, possibly under the pressure
conifers, cycads and Ginkgo group among living plants, and the occurrence of AM of environmental constraints. In general terms, the dom-
biloba. in extant species (Fig. 2) supports this hypothesis, even inance of AM symbiosis in angiosperms mirrors the eco-
though mycorrhizal fossils of these non-vascular plants logical success of this lineage since its evolutionary burst
Gnepine hypothesis
According to this hypothesis on
have not been found. Rhynie chert specimens suggest that ~140–180 MYA. Major exceptions are represented by the
the evolution of gymnosperms, AM fungi assigned to the subphylum Glomeromycotina17 Orchidaceae and Ericaceae, two families that developed
gnetophytes are a sister group were not alone in colonizing the first land plants, as addi- different mycorrhizal interactions. Convincing fossils of
of the Pinaceae. tional intracellular fungi morphologically similar to extant ORM are currently not available, but their appearance
Mucoromycotina have been found18. Indeed, phylogenomic must follow the late Cretaceous origin (76–84 MYA) of
evidence places the origin of both the Mucoromycotina this family24. ERM developed in the Ericaceae from AM
and the Glomeromycotina (AM fungi) in the middle to ancestors25, and their most ancient fossils, belonging to the
late Silurian period, ~420 million years ago (MYA)17,19–21. extant genus Leucothoe, date from 66–72 MYA14.
Even though the origin of ECM (Box 1; Fig.1) likely cor- Despite the discontinuity of the fossil record, mycor­
relates with the appearance of Pinaceae (gymnosperms), rhizal interactions likely evolved in non-vascular

Box 1 | Main cellular features of ectomycorrhizas, arbuscular, orchid and ericoid mycorrhizas
Most mycorrhizal interactions belong to one of the four Arbuscular mycorrhizas Ericoid mycorrhizas
types illustrated in the figure, which are also the most
studied. in arbuscular mycorrhizas, hyphae originating Hyphopodium Coil
from soil-germinating spores contact the epidermal cells
of host lateral roots through a flattened, often branched
structure called the ‘hyphopodium’79,90. the hyphopodium
and epidermal cell walls attach in an unclear process of
Root cell
softening and interweaving138. Penetrating hyphae then
develop, cross the outer root cell layers with diverse
colonization patterns that include the formation of loose
intracellular coils and branched hyphae, and finally reach
inner cortical cells, where they give rise to tree-like
arbuscules139. intracellular hyphae and arbuscules are
always separated from the plant cell cytoplasm by an Arbuscule
apoplastic interface (green) surrounded by a perifungal
membrane, a specialized extension of the host plasma
membrane (orange). the periarbuscular interface is
Orchid mycorrhizas Ectomycorrhizas
believed to be the main site of nutrient exchange140,
possibly facilitated by tubular expansions increasing the Mantle
exchange surface141,142.
in ericoid mycorrhizas, hyphae penetrate the thick
epidermal cell walls of ericaceae roots without the
development of apparent adhesion structures. Dense
hyphal coils are then produced inside each epidermal cell,
also in this case surrounded by an interface compartment Hartig net
(green) and an extension of the plant membrane8.
in orchid mycorrhizas, symbiotic fungi may develop Peloton
in germinating seeds and seedling roots, but the best
described colonization process is in protocorms, the
postembryonic tuber-shaped structures that develop
on seed germination. in this case, hyphae penetrate
epidermal hair cells and reach the cortical parenchyma,
where they form large hyphal coils, called ‘pelotons’8,
within a membrane-delimited symbiotic interface.
in ectomycorrhizas, subapical epidermal cells of emerging lateral fruitbodies. the mantle’s inner hyphae further develop between
roots are targeted by soil-borne hyphae. their proliferation generates a epidermal cells, reaching different depths into the cortical tissue
pseudoparenchymatous tissue known as the ‘sheathing mantle’, which (depending on the host plant). such intraradical hyphae never penetrate
engulfs the whole root tip8. this unique structure probably mirrors the the cell lumen, and the so-called Hartig net forms an intercellular
ability of these fungi to develop comparable pseudo-tissues in their interface (green).

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


Box 2 | Translational applications of mycorrhizal fungi

Mycorrhizal fungi have become acknowledged as potential
beneficial drivers of an upcoming microbial revolution in the Ectomycorrhizas Ericoid mycorrhizas
age of the microbiota, along with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, • Reforestation • Bioremediation
• Fruit-body production • Berry production
other plant growth-promoting microorganisms and • Landscaping or leisure • Flower production
endophytes . 143
• Arboriculture
Owing to their broad diversification, mycorrhizal fungi • Phytostabilization
have been successfully applied in very different sectors
(see the figure). in particular, ectomycorrhizas (eCM) have
massive potential in forest management144, including
regeneration after stand-replacing forest fires145 and
ecological restoration of mine sites146. eCM fungal inocula
have been used for seedling production of both
conifers147–149 and broadleaved trees150,151. Furthermore,
a growing number of applicative studies have focused on
eCM fungi that produce worldwide-appreciated delicacies
such as boletes, chanterelles and truffles152–154. the
inoculation of host tree seedlings with black truffle (Tuber
melanosporum vittad.) was so successful that more than Orchid mycorrhizas Arbuscular mycorrhizas
80% of black truffle production occurs in orchards in • Conservation • Crop production
France155. • Traditional medicine • Fodder production
the urgent demand for food safety and low-impact, • Fruit production
• Horticulture
sustainable agricultural practices offers a broad field of • Phytoremediation
application for mycorrhizal interactions. in this respect,
arbuscular mycorrhizal (aM) fungi have the strongest
potential, owing to their ability to colonize most crop plants
and their positive effects on plant productivity31,156–161 and
crop quality162–164. However, results on the benefits provided
by aM fungi to host plants obtained in greenhouses may
not directly be applicable in the field. as commented on
in a recent meta-analysis study165, a benefit in terms of
increased yield is not often evident, especially when cereals
are considered. it is also worth noting that aM fungi may
also contribute to ecosystem functions such as soil
aggregation166 and reduced nutrient losses167. in addition,
the reduced need for fertilizers directly influences the profitability performance in fertilized soils, but are not particularly prone to aM
and environmental impact of aM-based agricultural practices, even in colonization173. a novel approach has recently been proposed, based on
the absence of a net yield increase. as previously advocated168, new the demonstration that plant treatments with exogenous Myc factors
production systems must be developed where the benefits for the host (such as short-chain chito-oligosaccharides) promote aM
plant and the ecosystem services provided by mycorrhizal symbionts and establishment174. Field treatments with such aM fungal signals could
other beneficial microorganisms are maximized to support sustainable facilitate root colonization by both native and inoculated aM fungi.
agriculture143,169. Despite the specific applied perspectives of each type of mycorrhizal
in the face of this great potential, the application of aM fungi in fungi, common challenges are emerging. Germplasm collection of
agroecosystems poses some technical challenges. Firstly, environmental fungal isolates has to increase, inoculum production and formulation
variables can substantially impact the beneficial effects of aM170. must be optimized, and natural variation has to be investigated to
secondly, obligate biotrophy of aM fungi has been a major limitation for identify the best performing plant–fungus combinations. Moreover, the
large-scale inoculum production. Feeding aM fungi with lipids171,172 opens impact of the fungal microbiota on the beneficial effects of mycorrhizas
new opportunities for massive in vitro production of pure inocula. Lastly, is far from being fully understood11. Finally, the feasibility of large-scale
the role of beneficial plant–fungus interactions has been overlooked for mycorrhizal plant production and the development of technologies in
centuries by plant breeders, leading to crop varieties that have a high developing countries are crucial aspects that have to be addressed.

ancestors of extant plants with the instrumental role are particularly few27. However, a limited number of spe-
of favouring plant nutrient acquisition from the harsh cies have been examined so far. Similarly, AM fungi are
primeval soils. In this regard, the limited occurrence of not dominant among early-diverging tracheophytes such
mycorrhizal interactions in extant early diverging plants as ferns and club mosses6,28. A clue to this conundrum
(bryophytes) appears puzzling. Mycorrhizas are absent may come from the observation that photosynthesis
in mosses (including the model species Physcomitrella and growth promotion in AM liverworts are enhanced
Bryophytes patens) and are found rather erratically in hornworts6 under high-CO2 conditions29, resembling those of the
An informal group of early and liverworts (Fig. 2), where the congeneric Marchantia Palaeozoic atmosphere. It is therefore tempting to spec-
diverging, non-vascular plants, paleacea and Marchantia polymorpha are mycorrhizal ulate that the progressive reduction in atmospheric CO2
consisting of three divisions: and non-mycorrhizal, respectively26. A recent survey concentration during more recent geological eras eroded
liverworts, hornworts and
mosses. All of them are
revealed that less than 30% of the examined liverworts the usefulness of AM in some of these early diverging
characterized by a dominant engage in associations with symbiotic fungi and those plants. Biosphere evolution can therefore be added
gametophytic phase. that associate with members of the Glomeromycotina to some more obvious ecological considerations: in


particular, bryophytes live in very humid environments among lineages37, likely reflecting their evolutionary his-
and in close contact with the wet soil surface, possibly tory and specific ecological functions, such as the abil-
reducing the need for AM fungi as suppliers of water ity to provide host plants with organic matter-derived
and minerals. Conversely, the preference of seed plants nitrogen41. Genome sequencing of Pezizomycotina
(gymnosperms and angiosperms) for AM may reflect ECM, such as the widespread Cenoccoccum geophilum42
the positive impact of mycorrhizal symbiosis on seed and several truffles belonging to the Tuberaceae 43,
quality. Studies on crop plants such as maize and wheat also revealed a reduction in lignocellulose-degrading
have demonstrated that mycorrhizal plants have larger enzymes in Ascomycota.
seeds with a higher nutritional content30,31. This obser- Irrespective of their evolutionary history, the small
vation alone suggests a direct transgenerational effect complement of CAZymes in AM and ECM suggests
with obvious implications in the success of mycorrhizal that fungal colonization of plant tissues may be largely
seed plants32,33. modulated by the host plant, according to its nutritional
needs and physiological status. Notably, the poor ability
Evolutionary trends in mycorrhizas of fungi to degrade plant cell wall polysaccharides would
Mycorrhizal fungi are highly diverse in terms of their also limit the release of degradation by-products, which
evolutionary history. However, genome sequencing of are potent elicitors of plant defence44.
a substantial number of fungal species (see the fungal In contrast to such apparently similar evolutionary
genomic resource MycoCosm) suggests that mecha- trends in AM and ECM (Fig. 2), a surprisingly large set of
nisms of convergent evolution may have shaped their cell wall-degrading enzymes was found in the genomes
genomes. The most notable trait shared by all mycor- of ORM and ERM fungi37. Their occurrence in ORM
rhizal fungi is the expansion of small secreted protein fungi such as the Agaricomycetes members Serendipita
families that may act as effectors (Fig. 3) to manipulate vermifera (order Sebacinales) and Tulasnella calospora
host responses and to facilitate mutualistic interactions34. (order Cantharellales) aligns with the role of these fungi
However, this genomic feature is also found in other in plant nutrition. In the early stages of their devel-
plant-interacting microorganisms, such as plant path- opment, orchids are heterotrophic and ORM fungi
ogens, where effector functions have been extensively feed them with carbohydrates likely extracted from
characterized35,36. In addition, a limited complement of soil organic matter1. Beside polysaccharide‐degrading
plant cell wall-degrading carbohydrate-active enzymes enzymes, the genomes of ERM Ascomycetes mem-
(CAZymes) characterizes the evolutionarily oldest bers Oidiodendron maius and Rhizoscyphus ericae
AM and ECM fungi34,37. In saprotrophic fungi, plant also contain numerous lipases, proteases and second-
cell wall-degrading enzymes are instrumental for the ary metabolism enzymes, much like saprotrophs and
degradation of soil organic litter. Whereas no data non-mycorrhizal fungal endophytes45,46. Overall, the
exist to support the origin of AM fungi from sapro- genomic features of phylogenetically distant ORM and
trophic CAZyme-equipped ancestors, phylogenomic ERM fungi, where a large suite of small secreted pro-
reconstructions clearly show that Basidiomycota ECM teins (likely involved in their interactions with hosts)
fungi evolved independently from saprotrophs, mainly associate with an array of cell wall-degrading enzymes
wood-decaying white and brown rot fungi, that pos- (Fig. 3), mirror their dual biotrophic and saprotrophic
sessed genes for lignin and/or cellulose degradation38,39. capabilities. This may be the result of an evolutionary
In most cases, the ECM lifestyle favoured the loss of incomplete transition from the saprotrophic to the
genes involved in the degradation of lignocellulose and mycorrhizal habit34,37, likely owing to the recent origin
phenolic compounds present in soil organic matter40. of these symbioses, both found exclusively in angio-
However, the degree to which individual ECM spe- sperm taxa. However, some ECM lineages also origi-
cies have maintained saprotrophy-related genes differs nated quite recently but underwent a strong reduction

a b c


Host cell Interface

Fig. 2 | Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in extant bryophytes. a | The transverse section of a Conocephalum sp. thallus
reveals arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal structures in the central parenchyma underlying the photosynthetic chlorenchyma.
b | A higher magnification shows the details of arbuscule morphology, with large trunk hyphae giving rise to thinner branches.
c | Transmission electron microscopy shows that such intracellular hyphae are surrounded by the invaginated host
membrane, producing an interface compartment, a constant feature of all endomycorrhizas. Scale bars, 150 µm (part a),
15 µm (part b) and 0.25 µm (part c). Images are reprinted with permission from ref.137, Wiley.

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


and rely on lipids received from the host plant54,55.

Although tracing back the ancestors of AM fungi is not
an easy task, members of the Glomeromycotina cluster
with members of the lipid-rich but predominantly sapro-
Limited trophic Mortierellomycotina and Mucoromycotina17,21.
mycorrhizas Crucial information on a potential saprotrophic ori-
gin will come from genome sequencing of the earli-
Ectomycorrhizas est diverging taxa of the Glomeromycotina, including
CSSP Geosyphon pyriforme, a non-AM fungus that associates
with photosynthetic cyanobacteria56.
In conclusion, fungal phylogenomics provides a first
Orchid mycorrhizas insight into the evolution of mycorrhizal fungi that fits
with the fossil record. These data identify members of
Ericoid mycorrhizas
the Glomeromycotina and/or Mucoromycotina21 as the
Effectors most ancient mycorrhizal fungi and highlight biotroph-
ism as a common trait that resulted from different
evolutionary pathways.
Fig. 3 | Unique and common traits in mycorrhizal interactions. The scheme illustrates
how the plant common symbiotic signalling pathway (CSSP) underpins all three endo­
mycorrhizas (arbuscular mycorrhizas, ericoid mycorrhizas and orchid mycorrhizas); Symbiotic signatures
a limited set of fungal carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) is a common trait of Regardless of the taxonomy, origin and evolutionary
arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi, whereas microorganism-associated history of mycorrhizal fungi, host plants have been
molecular pattern (MAMP)-mediated and effector-mediated signalling are found in all a common challenge to all plant-interacting fungi.
mycorrhizas. Notably, the one symbiosis relying on all three features (arbuscular mycor- Studies focused on AM plants have revealed that a core
rhizas) involves the Glomeromycotina, the only obligate biotrophs among mycorrhizal set of genes is necessary to establish symbiosis57 and that
fungi. Purple circles represent the relative abundance of each type of mycorrhizal this plant symbiotic ‘toolkit’ is conserved across plant
interaction across plant lineages. taxa58,59. This genetic signature includes members of the
so-called common symbiotic signalling pathway (CSSP),
in CAZymes. For example, molecular data indicate that namely SymRK, CCaMK and CYCLOPS, that are con-
ECM fungal lineages in the genus Laccaria diversified served in all AM host species59–61 and are also required
from saprotrophic ancestors ~56–66 MYA47, whereas for the establishment of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in
phylogenomics placed the origin of ERM fungi at ~118 legumes57 and actinorhizal plants62. Unexpectedly, a few
MYA, about the same time proposed for the origin of of these genes occur in charophytes, the closest living
the family Ericaceae45. A more intriguing hypothesis to algal relatives of land plant ancestors58. The absence
explain the genomic features of ERM and ORM fungi, of known mycorrhizal-like interactions in algae raises
in contrast to those of AM and ECM fungi, derives from several intriguing questions about the function of ‘sym-
the observation that specialization to narrow ecological biotic’ genes in charophytes and the process by which
niches commonly leads to gene loss48. Thus, one could this set of genes has been exapted for new functions in
hypothesize that AM (and to a lesser degree ECM) fungi early plants58. This symbiotic toolkit also includes tran-
evolved as exclusive mycorrhizal symbionts with the loss scription factors that coordinate the expression of a set of
of specific genes, whereas ERM and ORM fungi retained downstream plant genes involved in specific symbiotic
a much broader ecological niche4,49, which allows them functions, such as phosphate transport and lipid synthe-
to switch between saprotrophic (in soil), mycorrhizal sis and transport59. Plant phylogenomics and functional
(in roots) and even pathogenic strategies46. analysis of the symbiotic toolkit have been instrumental
Genome sequencing of AM fungi has provided clues in the identification of this gene hierarchy in AM hosts63.
to explain their peculiar status of obligate biotrophs The fungal symbiotic toolkit appears to have fol-
and several of their characteristic functional traits. lowed a different evolutionary trajectory. Transcriptomic
Different AM fungal species feature an overall compa- analyses in ECM revealed that many fungal symbiotic
rable number of genes spread over very large genomes genes (that is, those upregulated in mycorrhizal roots)
rich in transposable elements, ranging from 125 Mb are restricted to a single fungal species37. Indeed, most
in Rhizophagus irregularis to 770 Mb in Gigaspora symbiosis-induced genes do not have homologues
margarita50,51. Phosphate uptake was established as the between Laccaria amethystina and Laccaria bicolor,
most iconic feature of AM fungi in the earliest studies on which diverged only around 20 MYA. Also, compari-
symbiosis functioning52, but only the recent sequencing son across AM species of expressed candidate secreted
Auxotrophs of the G. margarita genome has revealed an expansion of proteins, which are expected to play a key role in plant–
Organisms that are unable to
phosphate metabolism-related genes, supporting the key fungus interactions 35,36, revealed the prevalence of
synthetize a particular organic
compound that is required for role of these fungi as biofertilizers51. Some genome ero- lineage-specific proteins64. Remarkably, the expression
their own growth. sion has also occurred, and all sequenced AM fungi lack of some of these secreted proteins can differ even within
a few basic metabolic processes, such as fatty acid and the same AM species, depending on the host plant64.
Cyanobacteria thiamine (also known as vitamin B1) biosynthesis. The Genomic data also point to large differences in the
A group of photosynthetic,
nitrogen-fixing bacteria forming
absence of fatty acid synthase53 inspired the recent dis- gene repertoire of closely related AM fungal species50,51.
filamentous colonies arranged covery that AM fungi — characterized by the extensive Although most of these genes have not been character-
in a gelatinous sheath. accumulation of reserve lipids — are fatty acid auxotrophs ized, these observations indicate that lineage-specific


genes with possible roles in symbiosis have evolved been lost several times during the evolution of lineages
several times in the genome of mycorrhizal fungi, even hosting extracellular symbionts (including ECM and
over a relatively short evolutionary timescale37,51,64. cyanobacterial associations) or those that are plainly
Consequently, distinctive features of symbiotic fungi non-symbiotic (Fig. 3).
are not limited to the convergent loss of CAzymes — at In conclusion, the CSSP is emerging as a key path-
least for AM and ECM — but also include the evolution way regulating all endomycorrhizal interactions. A few
of lineage-specific functional innovations. observations suggest a more general role, at least for indi­
In addition to the necessary genetic toolkits, symbi- vidual CSSP members. In particular, L. japonicus CCamK
otic partners need to sense each other in the soil, and and SymRK, or their orthologues in other species, were
signal exchange is an essential step in the development found to play a role in plant responses to beneficial micro-
of mycorrhizal symbioses. Such presymbiotic chemical organisms84, nematodes85, parasitic plants86, fungal endo-
dialogue has been studied more deeply in AM, where phytes87, pathogenic fungi88 and mechanical stimuli85,89.
a number of molecules have been characterized as These observations point to additional roles for individ-
reciprocally active symbiotic signals65. Host plant roots ual CSSP members, in agreement with their presence in
actively exude strigolactones66,67, a class of apocarote- the genomes of charophytes, where their function has
noids that are sensed by AM fungi and promote spore unfortunately not been characterized20,58.
germination, hyphal branching, nuclear divisions and
respiratory metabolism68,69. With respect to fungi, a Plant–fungus interfaces and colonization
few chitin-derived molecules (or Myc factors) have Following reciprocal signalling and recognition, the sub-
been identified in AM fungal exudates as biologically apical region of young lateral roots is the most common
active signals70,71 triggering the CSSP in the host plant. site of plant–fungus contacts8. The broad developmen-
Such Myc factors include chito-oligosaccharides made tal plasticity and responsiveness of this area may be a
of four or five N-acetylglucosamine residues71–73 as well major requirement for symbiont accommodation. An
as lipochito-oligosaccharides70, where a fatty acid chain even more pronounced plasticity can be envisaged for
and/or a sulfate group is bonded to the oligosaccha- postembryonic cells of orchid protocorms in ORM (Box 1).
ridic chain. The sensing of chito-oligosaccharides and Intriguingly, AM fungi are the only known fungal
lipochito-oligosaccharides by the host plant74 activates symbionts to develop a specialized adhesion structure
responses that prepare the plant for fungal colonization — the hyphopodium90. This broad and often branched
and range from the regulation of symbiosis-supporting expansion of the hyphal tip is a substantial resource
genes75–77 to physiological, metabolic and developmental investment by the fungus and generates a large contact
changes on a cellular, organ and organismal scale78–80. surface with epidermal cells. Its development may be
Our knowledge of presymbiotic signalling in other related to the inability of AM fungi to actively pierce the
mycorrhizal interactions remains limited. Molecules plant cell wall enzymatically and the consequent need to
acting as presymbiotic signals have not been identified elicit accommodation responses in the host (including
in ERM and ORM, but the key genetic components of prepenetration apparatus assembly and local cell wall
the plant CSSP have been identified through homol- loosening under the hyphopodium). Epidermal cell pen-
ogy searches in the genome of some orchid species81,82 etration occurs several hours after the partner contact91,
and in the root transcriptome of the ERM species in contrast to the direct penetration of epidermal cell
Rhododendron fortunei59. These findings, together with walls by both ERM and ORM fungi, both of which
the ability of the CCaMK gene of the orchid Bletilla express numerous plant cell wall-degrading enzymes
striata to restore both AM and nodule formation in a during interaction with the plant37,45.
CCaMK-defective Lotus japonicus mutant81, suggest In ECM, extensive hyphal proliferation between
a wide conservation of the CSSP across plants forming and beneath epidermal cells is associated with a weak-
different mycorrhizal types. Some genes involved in ening of plant cell wall cohesion. Fungal colonization
early signalling, including key genes for strigolactone of the resulting apoplastic space is believed to depend
biosynthesis and secretion, are present in multiple copies on the chemical degradation of middle lamella pectins,
in the genome of Gastrodia elata, a non-photosynthetic combined with mechanical forces developed by hyphal
orchid that strictly depends on its ORM fungus for tip growth34,92. Notably, in L. bicolor this process was
nutrients82. This condition may increase the ability of recently shown to be enhanced by a symbiosis-induced
G. elata to interact with the ORM fungal partner and to endoglucanase (LbGH5–CBM1)93.
establish the symbiotic relationship82. In all cases, a substantial amount of fungal mycelium,
Molecules acting as ECM presymbiotic signals have either intercellular, as in ECM, or in the very lumen of
Protocorms recently been identified83 in the ECM fungus L. bicolor, individual plant cells, as in AM, ERM and ORM, is
Intermediate tuber-like which releases a cocktail of lipochito-oligosaccharides accommodated within the host tissues. This implies a
structures derived from the
able to activate the CSSP in poplar roots. However, CSSP massive reprogramming of plant development in coor-
embryo after germination of
orchid seeds and before conservation in poplar is likely related to its ability to dination with fungal growth. In the case of ECM, this
seedling development. also host AM fungi. Indeed, a comparative analysis of reprogramming primarily involves root meristems, which
more than 120 plant genomes and 270 transcriptomes59 initially generate a novel pattern of recursive dichoto-
Meristems demonstrated that a broad set of genes (not limited to mous branching and eventually stop their activity as the
Plant tissues consisting of
proliferating stem cells
CSSP members) is conserved in all plant lineages host- fungal mantle envelops them34. Alterations of root auxin
(meristematic cells) that ing intracellular symbionts — including AM, ORM and signalling by the colonizing ECM fungus have been
generate tissues and organs. ERM as well as nitrogen-fixing symbioses — but has proposed to play a major role in these developmental

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


processes, even if a consistent model is still missing94. mycorrhiza-induced resistance and leads to higher
Extensive root branching has been observed in both resistance of AM plants to biotrophic and necrotrophic
ERM and AM since the earliest interaction with the sym- pathogens, nematodes, insects and viruses31,113–115.
biotic fungi. However, the most striking developmental Among MAMPs, chitin-related molecules have a piv-
changes characterizing all endomycorrhizal interactions otal role as elicitors of the plant response. Even if the pic-
(AM, ERM and ORM) occur inside the colonized cells, ture is far from clear, such chitin-based signals have been
with the appearance of de novo-assembled cell compart- shown to trigger different plant responses depending on
ments containing cell wall components that are lined by the length of their chitinous backbone. Short-chain chitin
the host cell membrane (Box 1). oligomers (tetramers and pentamers) are potent elicitors
A common feature emerging from this scenario is of the CSSP in all AM hosts tested so far70–72 — a role that
that symbiotic fungal hyphae never have direct access to in legumes is also played by chitin oligomer derivatives
the host cell cytoplasm, and they are confined to the apo- bearing lateral substitutions such as sulfate groups and
plastic space within diverse symbiotic interfaces. These a lipid tail52,64. By contrast, longer molecules (such as
interfaces are also the main sites of nutrient exchange, chito-octamers) activate pathogen-associated molecular
thus representing the functional core of all mycorrhizal pattern-triggered immunity107, mitogen-activated pro-
symbioses. In AM, the generation of a symbiotic interface tein kinase signalling, reactive oxygen species release and
seems to be dependent on CSSP signalling78,95, in striking defence gene expression116,117. Indeed, recent studies in
analogy with other plant symbioses, such as symbiotic rice have demonstrated that the same LysM receptor-like
nitrogen fixation and actinorrhizas62. The numerous kinase, OsCERK1, is involved in either symbiotic or path-
structural similarities observed among AM, ERM and ogenic signal perception118,119, likely depending on the
ORM, as well as the induction of many homologues of cohort of co-receptors that discriminate between long and
AM-induced genes in ORM81,96,97, hint at the possible use short chitin chains65,74,120. One study discovered an impor-
of similar signalling and developmental processes across tant element to this scenario, revealing that a secreted
endomycorrhizal interactions. Furthermore, the devel- fungal protein (RiSLM) with high affinity for long-chain
opment of apoplastic interfaces is common to several chitin molecules can play a role in sequestering and
other plant–microorganism interactions, ranging from masking such pathogen-like molecules, thus promoting
the infection thread in legume–rhizobium symbiosis98 recognition of symbiotic signals in AM fungal exudates121.
to actinorrhizal interactions99, to less characterized bac- Early plant responses to ECM fungi also involve
terial and fungal endophytic associations100,101 and the non-specific, broad-spectrum defences, including
more studied biotrophic pathogenic interactions102,103. increased chitinase and peroxidase activities during
At least some of the plant cell responses may be con- hyphal penetration into the apoplastic space of the root
served among all such diverse interactions85,104, but fur- cortex. This pattern is attenuated in mature ECM105,122,123.
ther investigations are needed before a global model of Thus, the transitory induction of plant defence responses
microorganism accommodation processes in plants can appears to be shared between AM and ECM; in both,
be outlined. plant hormone signals have been proposed to play a
major role34,124,125.
Strategies for successful colonization Fungal effectors are emerging actors in the molecu-
To sustain such an intimate functional association, mycor­ lar mechanisms modulating plant responses, and a large
rhizal colonization requires a reprogramming of the repertoire of putative effectors has been identified in
whole plant metabolism. Extensive plant gene expres- AM50,64,126–129 and ECM37,42,43,125 fungal genomes or tran-
sion modulation was described in AM plants with up to scriptomes. A few of these effectors have been demon-
thousands of differentially expressed genes, mirroring strated to enter the host cell and interfere with gene
the deep cellular reorganization on fungal entry31,75,77. regulation. A seminal study129 provided the first evidence
A few of these genes (such as the Medicago truncatula of translocation of an AM fungal protein (SP7) into the
phosphate transporter gene MtPT4) have been identi- plant cell nucleus, where it was suggested to counter-
fied as AM-specific and are currently used as markers of act the plant immune response by interacting with a
symbiosis functionality. By contrast, in ECM roots, gene pathogenesis-related transcription factor. Another AM
expression was found to be more extensively regulated in effector (RiCRN1) was also recently shown to localize in
the fungus (up to 20% of the analysed transcripts) than plant host nuclei and to be crucial for symbiosis progres-
in the plant (2–5% of the transcripts)105,106. On the same sion and arbuscule development130. Concerning ECM, the
line, ECM development has not been associated with the L. bicolor MiSSP7 effector was proposed to interfere with
expression of symbiosis-specific plant marker genes. plant immunity by repressing jasmonic acid-responsive
Since the first transcriptomic studies of both AM genes125. Although several small secreted proteins that
and ECM, there has been particular interest in genes may act as effectors were identified in the genomes of
involved in plant defence. Cell wall components of ERM and ORM fungi37,45, only a hydrophobin-like pro-
mycorrhizal fungi can indeed be perceived by the host tein was characterized in the ERM fungus O. maius131, but
plants as microorganism-associated molecular patterns its mechanism of action remains unknown.
(MAMPs) and elicit plant immune responses107. The This overview of plant and fungal strategies sup-
transient activation of such defence responses dur- porting mycorrhizal establishment highlights a few
ing early AM formation has been detected in several common traits (Fig. 3). Strikingly, some of these molec-
studies108–111. This activation has been explained as a ular tools (such as MAMPs and effectors) and processes
form of plant priming112 that contributes to the so-called (pattern-triggered and effector-triggered immunity) are


Box 3 | research themes and open questions capabilities of their fungal partners. Notwithstanding
the individual evolutionary history of each plant taxon, the
origin and distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi mycorrhizal status seems to stem from common genetic
Phylogenomics has demonstrated the origin and evolutionary trends of ectomycorrhizal bases already present in the common ancestor of land
(eCM) fungi, whereas the origin of fungi forming arbuscular mycorrhizas (aM) remains plants. The co-evolution of land plants with AM fungi
unclear. in particular:
was revealed by fossil reports and is acknowledged
• Do aM fungi (Glomeromycotina) originate from saprotrophic ancestors? as a dogma among plant biologists, but plant–fungus
• How common are Mucoromycotina interactions with extant plant lineages? what was co-evolution can also be hypothesized for the other, more
their role in plant terrestrialization? recent mycorrhizal types. Because of a number of inde-
• is the available set of fossil data representative of the global process of pendent evolutionary events, a few gymnosperm and
mycorrhiza-assisted plant establishment on land? angiosperm taxa, such as Pinaceae (170–270 MYA)
Signalling in mycorrhizas and rosids (100–109 MYA), started to establish ECM
Despite the recent progress in the identification of the genetic and molecular interactions with fungi that had lost ancient sapro-
determinants of signal exchange in different mycorrhizal types, several questions trophic strategies — including lignin-decaying capabili-
remain open. ties — to grant cell viability to their hosts4. Plant–fungus
• which genes and regulatory networks are involved in the production of short-chain co-evolution in ORM has likely been shaped by the
chito-oligosaccharides and lipochito-oligosaccharides in aM fungi? Do mycorrhizal peculiar nutritional strategies of orchids. ORM fungi
fungi possess specific acyltransferases for lipochito-oligosaccharide biosynthesis ensure the ecological success of members of this large
similarly to rhizobia? plant family by feeding them with organic carbon dur-
• How common is lipo-chitooligosaccharide-based signalling in eCM fungi? is it ing early plant development, if not during the whole
conserved in eCM fungi interacting with plants that have lost the common symbiotic life cycle of the numerous achlorophyllous species133.
signalling pathway? Although ERM plants interact with a relatively small
• what signals are exchanged between partners in ericoid mycorrhizas (erM) and number of fungal taxa, a possible co-evolution in this
orchid mycorrhizas (OrM)? Do erM and OrM fungi produce chitin-related Myc symbiosis is less clear because of the broad ecological
niche of most fungal partners.
• what is the perception mechanism of strigolactones in aM fungi? are other plant The low frequency of mycorrhizal associations in
molecules involved in symbiotic signalling?
early diverging plants, such as bryophytes and pteri-
• what is the function of ‘symbiotic’ genes in non-mycorrhizal plants and/or in dophytes, remains enigmatic. M. paleacea and M. poly-
non-mycorrhizal interactions?
morpha appear an ideal system for comparative ‘omics’
Towards functional symbioses investigations to shed light on their different attitude
after signalling their presence to the host plant, mycorrhizal fungi must be able towards symbiotic fungi, and phylogenomics of early
to colonize the plant tissues without triggering the host defence responses so as to diverging plants is expected to provide a broader picture.
establish a functional mutualistic symbiosis. Key questions remain in this area: Even though fungal genomes sequencing has identified
• How do aM fungi colonize plant tissues with their limited set of carbohydrate-active key players in the interaction, such as secreted effectors,
enzymes? AM fungi unfortunately remain beyond reach for genetic
• How do endomycorrhizal fungi mitigate plant defence once inside the host cells? approaches, and although a few species of mycor­rhizal
in particular, how do erM fungi prevent triggering plant defence in spite of the strong Ascomycota and Basidiomycota are amenable to genetic
upregulation of carbohydrate-active enzymes during symbiosis? transformation, a limited number of functional studies
• are there similarities — due to convergent evolution — in the mechanisms of action has been published.
of effectors in the different mycorrhizal systems? Or are lineage-specific functions In the context of environmental global changes,
more prominent? the influence of the anthropogenic impact on mycor-
• are systemic signals that underpin plant stress response conserved in the different rhizal establishment and functioning has not been fully
mycorrhizal types? understood. For example, high phosphate availability,
• How do plants modulate their susceptibility to mycorrhizal fungi in response to which is the expected condition in intensive agriculture,
environmental conditions, such as nutrient availability? inhibits AM establishment134, probably affecting early
signalling events. Conversely, soil contaminants, result-
ing from industrial activities, may lead to the selection
also fundamental during pathogenic interactions. The of heavy metal-tolerant fungi that could potentially
current challenge is to decipher the regulatory networks be more successful in their symbiotic performance135.
that discriminate between plant responses activated on These examples suggest that environmental conditions
pathogen attacks and those allowing the establishment may overcome the genetic blueprint of both partners
of a long-lasting beneficial interaction with mutualis- as a major determinant of symbiosis development and
tic symbionts. This knowledge will be instrumental in functioning and urge further investigations.
understanding how mycorrhizal fungi regulate plant Although mycorrhizal interactions occur in the roots
immunity and behave as additional layers of defence of higher plants, their benefits extend to the whole indi-
against biotic stresses132. vidual, and even to its progeny, through the impact of
symbiosis on seed production and quality. Such systemic
Conclusions and outlook effects are the basis of the well-known growth effect
Our bird’s-eye view of mycorrhizal interactions high- described in mycorrhizal interactions: the characteri-
lights the morphological diversity of mycorrhizal zation of plant mechanisms underlying such systemic
types developed by ~340,000 plant species, with func- effects, such as phytohormone-based, microRNA-based
tions that largely reflect the metabolic and ecological or peptide-based signalling136, for all mycorrhizal types

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


is a crucial challenge for future research in this field. the biological and ecological complexity of mycor-
We envisage that the growing number of studies based rhizal interactions and novel strategies for agricultural
on big data, implementation of models and correla- applications in a changing environment.
tion networks are bound to provide new clues and lead
Published online xx xx xxxx
the way to new research avenues (Box 3) addressing

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