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Re-examining project appraisal and control: Developing a focus on wealth


Article  in  International Journal of Project Management · October 2001

DOI: 10.1016/S0263-7863(00)00019-3


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Mehari Mekonnen
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International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 375±383

Re-examining project appraisal and control:

developing a focus on wealth creation
Mehari Mekonnen Akalu
Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University, Burg. Oudlaan 50, 3062 PA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Received 7 July 1999; accepted 14 March 2000

Capital investment appraisal techniques based on discounted cash ¯ow have been in use since the 1970s. However, in spite of
their popularity, the link between the value projects assured by these techniques and the value attained by the organization is not
certain. Thus, there is a growing interest in the search for appraisal techniques, which directly link project value to shareholder
value. Therefore, it is a universal principle to base choices on alternative courses of action both at the investment stage of the
project, and during project execution. This paper reviews the strengths and weaknesses associated with traditional investment
appraisal techniques and their e€ect on shareholder value. It also explores the prospects of shareholder value analysis as a candidate
for the future investment evaluation and monitoring. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Project appraisal; Project control; Shareholder value; Investment appraisal techniques; Discounted cash ¯ow (DCF)

1. Introduction appraisal are considered and current trends are

reviewed. The weaknesses in current appraisal techni-
Projects can be initiated at all levels of an organiza- ques, in line with the maximum wealth creation, will be
tion. For the purpose of checking their feasibility and discussed. The shareholder value analysis is introduced
their adherence to the goals of the ®rm, projects need to as potentially overcoming the above problems. The need
be appraised, before they start, using project appraisal for continuously appraising the project status against the
techniques. These appraisal methods are variously requirement of wealth creation, is also visited vis-a-vis
called project selection models [28], or capital budgeting the method of shareholder value analysis.
techniques [15].
Traditional project appraisal techniques include
accounting-based measures and time-based discounted 2. Traditional methods
cash ¯ows (DCFs). The former measures the apparent
pro®tability while the latter measures the extent of net 2.1. The non-DCF methods
cash ¯ows. However, neither measures wealth nor
shareholder value creating, which is the objective of the Traditional non-DCF methods are perhaps, the ®rst
modern ®rm. This paper reviews the potential e€ects of group of appraisal techniques applied in projects. They
the shareholder value technique both to approve project are simple to apply and interpret. The payback period
selection, and continuously gauge their execution. (PBP) and the accounting/average rate of return (ARR)
The paper begins by discussing traditional methods of are commonly known under this category.
capital investment appraisals, reviews their strengths
and weaknesses, and the reasons why new developments 2.1.1. The payback period (PBP)
are required with objectives of maintaining shareholder The PBP is the number of years required to recover
value. Recent developments in the capital investment the initial investment of the project. Hence, it empha-
sizes liquidity and the risk position of the project. The
computation of PBP is simple if the cash ¯ows are in the
E-mail address: (M.M. Akalu). form of an annuity. A method of commutative cash
0263-7863/01/$20.00 # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.
PII: S0263-7863(00)00019-3
376 M.M. Akalu / International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 375±383

¯ows is necessary in the case of a non-annuity pattern of de®nition in its structure. The presence of scrap value or
cash ¯ows. For the annuity pattern of cash ¯ow, the salvage value for a project and the availability of alter-
PBP can be computed using the following relationship native depreciation methods make the ARR more complex
(see Ref. [28], p. 50)1: and arbitrary [24]. Furthermore, ARR is not a useful
  method if a ®rm wants to evaluate multiple projects
I with di€erent life spans [45]. In addition, the management
PBP ˆ …1†
 is required to set a target rate of return as a prerequisite of
applying ARR as an appraisal method. Despite varia-
where PBP is the payback period (years),  is the tions in opinion, ARR is sometimes interpreted as return
annual pro®t in annuity form, and I is the amount of on investment, ROI, or return on capital employed,
investment. ROCE [24], and de®ned as an economic rate of return in
Despite its simplicity, PBP has a number of draw- certain circumstances [6].
backs. The major criticism is that it does not take into ARR is widely applied in various ranges of projects.
account the time-value of money. Moreover, since it Di€erent surveys con®rm the existence of ARR as one
concerns with liquidity and not pro®tability, it does not of the main capital budgeting tools in business. Kelly
account all cash ¯ows occurring after the required and Tippett [17] argue on the importance of ARR in
number of years. However, it does provide a very useful relation to the stochastic cash ¯ow forecasting process
initial safety mechanism for projects. of a project. Moreover, only 9% of the total surveyed
Discounted payback period (DPBP), proposed by ®rms failed to use ARR as an investment evaluating
Longmore [25], is a re®nement made to tackle some of mechanism [8]. However, the trend of applying ARR in
the problems of the payback method. This approach major projects is declining. According to the various
discounts the cash ¯ow of the project and divides it into researches made between 1975 and 1992, the ARR was
the initial investment as the simple PBP does. However, reported to go through such a continuous decreasing
it still considers only those cash ¯ows until the required trend, from 12 to 0%, during the survey periods [22,40].
PBP is applied in a number of companies, for a range 2.2. The discounted cash ¯ow (DCF) methods
of projects, as one of the standard investment appraisal
techniques. Reported research results indicate that 54 and Although the concept of present value dates back to
65% respectively of UK and US companies, extensively the 1540s [23], the theoretical foundation of the time-
use the DPBP in their investment appraisals [21]. value of money was laid by Fisher [14]. However, the
Moreover, Chadwell-Hat®eld et al. [8], have found 65% of application of time-value of money for investment
the 118 sampled US manufacturing ®rms utilizing the appraisal began very recently. The seminal papers of
simple PBP as an important method in evaluating projects. Modigliani and Miller [32,33], the MM model, lays the
basic foundation for today's investment appraisal tech-
2.1.2. Accounting/average rate of return (ARR) nique using the time-value of money. From the MM
ARR is designed to compute the percentage of expec- model, the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC3)
ted return on the project. It uses the accounting pro®t to is derived, with which the investment cash ¯ows are
measure bene®ts of the project. Hence, it conforms very discounted. Using the WACC, most of the time-value
closely with accounting records and reports of the project. based investment appraisal methods are employed to
Computation of ARR is possible using the following evaluate the worthiness of an investment.
formula (see, for example, Ref. [15], p. 367)2: The DCF technique had emerged as a practice to
" # evaluate investments during the 1970s [26]. Under DCF,

ARR ˆ …2† a number of techniques have been developed for the
I purpose of investment appraisals. The net present value
(NPV), the internal rate of return (IRR), the net terminal
where ARR is accounting/average rate of return (%),  value (NTV), and the pro®tability index (PI) are some
is the annual project pro®t, I is the amount of initial or among the methods. The NPV and the PI methods are
average investment, and T is the life span of the project. very similar; di€ering only in the presentation, as an
Like the PBP, ARR also has practical weaknesses. It absolute ®gure and as a ratio, respectively. The discus-
does not take into account the time-value of money, and sions which follow focus only on the ®rst two methods
does not consider the timing and pattern of pro®ts of the as they are widely used in evaluating investments.
project. Moreover, it has got a problem of conceptual

WACC= (after tax cost of debt)  (proportion of debt in the
The concept is changed into formula. capital structure) + (cost of equity)  (proportion of equity in the
The concept is changed into formula. capital structure).
M.M. Akalu / International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 375±383 377

2.2.1. The net present value (NPV) will be zero, implying that IRR is the maximum cost of
As its name implies, NPV is the di€erence between ®nancing the project. IRR produces the discount rate of
two categories of DCFs. It nets the present value of the cash ¯ows. The IRR can be computed using the fol-
investment from the present value of the bene®t of the lowing formula (see, for example, Ref. [27], p. 663)6:
project (revenue). Mathematically, the NPV can be pre-
XT   T 
sented as follows (see, for example, Ref. [49], p. 71)4: NCFi Ii
IRR ) ˆ0 …5†
…1 ‡ k†t …1 ‡ k†t
XT   T 
X  tˆ1 tˆ1
NPV ˆ …3†
…1 ‡ k†t iˆ1
…1 ‡ k†t
The purpose of the above equation is to ®nd k, the dis-
count rate. When we assume the initial investment (I) is
When the investment (I) is made at the beginning of the made at the beginning of the period (t = 0), the formula
period t = 0), the formula will be: will be:

XT   XT  
NPV ˆ I0 …4† IRR ) I0 ˆ 0 …6†
…1 ‡ k†t tˆ1
…1 ‡ k†t

where NPV is the net present value, NCFi is the net cash where IRR is the internal rate of return (%), NCFi is
¯ow from the project at period i, k is the cost of capital, the net cash ¯ow from the project at period i, k is the
I0 is the amount of investment, and T is the life span of discount rate, I0 is the amount of investment, and T is
the project. the life span of the project.
As a rule, projects are accepted if their NPV is positive. IRR is simple to interpret as it shows percentage
When we have a number of projects, we may rank them bene®t from the given investment. IRR is found to be
according to their PI5. NPV considers all cash ¯ows of more convenient than other DCF methods since the
the project and accounts for pattern and timing of the discount rate need not be computed in the application.
cash ¯ows. NPV is assumed to measure the net worth of The advent of high capacity computers makes the pre-
the ®rm as a result of the changes caused by the project. viously laborious task of computing IRR easy. How-
However, it has not been possible to prove a rigorous ever, there are drawbacks of the IRR appraisal method.
link between NPV and the owners' objective of wealth One of the shortcomings of IRR is that sometimes the
maximization [10,53]. solution is non-unique giving multiple rates when we
There are several drawbacks of the NPV method have non-conventional patterns of project cash ¯ow
applied for investment appraisals. In mutually exclusive (i.e., out¯ows are followed by in¯ows or vice versa).
projects (di€ering in life and initial investment), the Moreover, IRR assumes the same rate of lending and
NPV may lead to di€erent decision results. Moreover, it borrowing, which is contrary to the practical world. It
requires and assumes equal class of risk for both cash also assigns equal cost of capital for each year of dis-
in¯ows and out¯ows of the project. counting as does the NPV method [7].
Despite these criticisms, NPV continues to be one of Curing the problems of IRR has been tried by
the most widely applied DCF techniques in business decomposing some of its problems. For instance, a
and industry. Chadwell-Hat®eld et al. [8] have found method to narrow the gap between actual and fore-
that 40% of the sample ®rms apply NPV in their capital casted cash ¯ows, called pro®ling the IRR, has been
budgeting program. proposed. This method adjusts the deviation of the
IRR, caused by cash ¯ow de®ciency, through the capital
2.2.2. The internal rate of return (IRR) recovery system [11]. Another attempt has been made
Historically, it is believed that IRR was coined by by using ARR to compute a conditional IRR subject to
statisticians to solve the puzzle of equality of future cash measurement errors [6]. A modi®ed rate of return
in¯ows to speci®c out¯ows of the current period [41]. (MRR) has also been tested academically to alleviate
IRR is the rate that equates the cost and bene®t of the the problems of IRR. Under the latter approach, inter-
project in terms of present value. The internally gener- est rates are adjusted to bring equality between project
ated return is used as a cut-o€ rate to evaluate the ben- cash out¯ows and negative project balances [20,23].
e®t/cost of the project. In contrast to NPV, it provides Despite these problems, there are a number of ®rms
the rate of return that the project will provide if it is who use the IRR as an appraisal tool. A study of 150
accepted. At the rate of IRR, the NPV of the project major British ®rms reveals the popularity of IRR as an
investment evaluating technique [38]. In addition, surveys
The format is rearranged.
5 6
PI is the present value of NCF divided by initial investment. The format is rearranged.
378 M.M. Akalu / International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 375±383

made by Chadwell-Hat®eld et al. [8] found the highest 3.3. The equity cash ¯ow (ECF)
percentage (72%) rank given to IRR among DCF
methods of capital budgeting. Furthermore, the survey Luehrman [26] proposes three di€erent methods of
result for the last 15 years indicates that larger ®rms capital budgeting tools for the three di€erent areas of
prefer IRR more than smaller ®rms [9]. investment. According to this approach, the ®rm's
investment decision is divided into three: future oppor-
tunities, asset-in-progress and ownership claims. As
3. Other approaches to investment appraisals these areas of investment are di€erent, it is argued that
di€erent methods are essential to evaluate their worth.
Although not widely used, a number of alternatives Accordingly, the methods are classi®ed in such a way
have been proposed by di€erent researchers with the that, new investments can be evaluated using option
aim of reducing the problems of the DCF-based methods. pricing method, while the on-going asset of the ®rm is
These methods are in one way or another, a continua- using the APV method. Finally, the ownership claim is
tion of the previous DCF methods; and, hence, most of evaluated using the expected and discounted cash ¯ow
the problems of the DCF have a spillover e€ect on the of the stocks of the ®rm by the ECF method.
newly proposed methods. The three most commonly
mentioned proposals are the option pricing, the adjusted
present value (APV) and the equity cash ¯ow (ECF) 4. The current trend in the capital budgeting methods
So far, three groups of investment appraisal techniques
3.1. The option pricing have been discussed. The last group has emerged as a
remedy for the problems of the ®rst two groups. The
One of the areas of application of capital budgeting ®rst two groups, non-DCF and DCF, are extensively
tools is valuing opportunities of future investments. applied in business, while the last group has not yet
These are future options that the ®rm is going to use or been tested practically. In general, research shows the
not depending on their interest. Hence, investments can use of combined methods of the ®rst two groups of
be regarded as future option, which entails rights but appraisals [47,52]. However, various researches con®rm
not obligations to take some action in the future [13]. the presence of a trend shift from the traditional to the
According to the option theory, most of the business more sophisticated DCF methods [8,39,40,47].
investment decisions are assumed to be irreversible and In the area of investment appraisals, research empha-
involve greater uncertainty; and, hence, this behaviour sis has been made, and is still, mostly on the DCF rather
is similar to the ®nancial call option of a business. On than on other methods. Moreover, the practice is
the other hand, the standard capital budgeting methods towards the use of the DCF method than other methods.
such as NPV assume reversibility of investment and On the other hand, complaints are also growing about
automatic operation of projects: starting and completion, the application of these methods, which call for the
ignoring the degree of uncertainty. design of a new method. Studies made by Kennedy and
The major advantage of the option approach is its Sugden [19] have failed to show a positive correlation
capacity to incorporate uncertainty by delaying the between the DCF method and ®rm pro®tability. Since
investment decision-making time, and consideration of DCF ignores the preparatory stages of investment decision
alternative investments within the given time frame. Dixit and the e€ect of active management, it is mostly found
and Pindyck, [13] recommend the option pricing method as a cause for the rejection of strategic investments
for such investments as oil reserves, utility planning when [19,30]. Furthermore, the application of DCF is limited
there are scale versus ¯exibility issues, and for those to certain areas, and hence, there is no justi®cation for
areas where product prices are highly volatile. its complete validity in all investment categories. For
instance, it has not been used to evaluate the working
3.2. Adjusted present value (APV) capital investment, R&D, or in most of the purchases of
®xed assets of a ®rm [1].
The existence of fallacies in the practical application The paper by Tyrrall [51] clearly stipulates the current
of basic assumptions of the cost of capital (k), causes an situation of the DCF method. In this paper, he argued
adjustment in the investment decision process. Myers that it is not by the merit of the DCF that investments
[35] proposed the application of adjusted present value are accepted in business, but by the expectation of
to correct such errors in the standard capital budgeting investors in the market. One of the diculties of the
methods. According to this theory, the APV is obtained DCF method is short-termism. Investment in R&D is
by separately treating the cash in¯ows and out¯ows of the made with strong expectation of long-run development,
project, and summing up the present value di€erences to which might result in negative cash ¯ow in the short-
determine whether APV is above or below zero. run. Thus, with this objective of the ®rm and the reality,
M.M. Akalu / International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 375±383 379

such projects of innovation cannot be accepted under techniques are based on the actual cash ¯ows
the narrow focused standard investment appraisal during the performance period.
methods of today.  The results of DCF methods are constant over
Another situation where the standard investment the life of the investment whereas the perfor-
appraisal methods fail to assist the management is in the mance results are dynamic, which correspond
evaluation of Information Technology/System (IT/IS) to the variation in the business cycle, micro-
projects. The feasibility of such projects is not justi®able economic changes, and changes in the general
until implementation, due to the intangible nature of the business environment.
bene®t, and hence, it cannot be favored by the current
appraisal methods. Studies documented that IT/IS pro- 2. When assessing the value of an individual project,
jects cannot be justi®ed by the current appraisal methods an organisation may accept a project from an
due to the problem of identifying direct (indirect) costs unpro®table part of the business if it has very high
and the problem of maturity of the bene®ts at the time indirect costs and low direct costs. Although the
of implementation [16]. current appraisal methods treat R&D costs as
Companies are now searching for means to substitute sunk cost, the ®rm must go on supporting the
the old-aged investment appraisal methods. For instance, product with on-going R&D in choosing to stay in
some Japanese companies have shifted from DCF that business. Furthermore, when assessing a
appraisal methods to a method that indicates the avail- portfolio of a project, NPV and IRR will favor
ability of cash for the next stage of development [51]. projects with high indirect costs and low direct
The over simplifying e€ect of forecasting the returns, cost. This causes several problems:
and the increasing complexity of the tax systems of  It favors projects from unpro®table parts of
countries make the DCF method's value less in the real business.
estate business [45]. The impact of the DCF technique in  It contradicts the conventional management
evaluating leverage buyout (LBO) business is also thinking that it is better to have high direct
another problem. As a result, a number of big companies costs and low indirect costs ( the concept of
are found to be su€ering from incompatible investment controllability of direct costs).
appraisal method [41].
3. NPV and IRR take no account of the new debt
required to ®nance the project. It is common
5. Investment appraisal methods: a critical assessment practice to run overspent projects, which require
additional debt for completion. Hence, unpro®table
The DCF methods we use today are valuable to projects may continue to operate without consider-
appraise projects in progress, to evaluate new ventures ing the consequence of the additional debt.
and to determine ownership claims in business. How- 4. The DCF methods do not take into account the
ever, these standard appraisal techniques have got a opportunity lost as a result of pursuing the current
number of signi®cant shortcomings particularly if they alternative. The current methods are based on the
are measured in relation to their focus on shareholders principle of invest now or never.
wealth creation. The following paragraphs summarise 5. Since NPV and IRR values are computed before
some of the critical problems of these methods. the project starts, subsequent changes in the pro-
ject environment will not be accommodated. Any
1. Projects are appraised using one or more of the e€ect resulting from such changes, therefore, will
DCF techniques. However, the performance eva- lead the project team to choose a solution based
luation of these projects, after their implementa- on gut reaction or preconceptions. This creates a
tion, is done using non-DCF methods such as number of problems:
price earning (PE) ratio, economic value added  It increases uncertainty about the choice of the
(EVA), return on investment (ROI), etc. This cre- most important variable to control and path to
ates the following problems: follow.
 DCF methods measure pro®tability in terms of  It requires an additional burden on the team to
time-value of money while the evaluating cri- understand the interdependence of variables.
teria judge the performance of projects without
taking into account the e€ect of time on the 6. Some of the DCF methods may provide unrealistic
value of money and thus, disconformity in the rates of return; others are too sensitive to errors.
measurement results. Moreover, IRR and NPV assume the same class of
 DCF methods measure pro®tability of a pro- risk for both cash in¯ows and out¯ows of the
ject before implementation and use forecasted investment, which is contrary to the real world
cash ¯ows, while the performance evaluating situation.
380 M.M. Akalu / International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 375±383

7. The standard investment appraisal methods do not [42]. Shareholder value (SV) is the value of the equity
consider the strategic importance of projects. portion of the ®rm's ®nancing [43]. Similar to other
Moreover, the methods have limited capacity to DCF methods, SVA is based on discounted cash ¯ow of
identify the value creating/destroying elements in a future bene®ts and costs. SVA is a strategy and a tool
project. useful to analyze individual or mutually exclusive pro-
8. Using several options for solving a problem on a jects, mergers, acquisitions, expansions, divestments,
project as a ``portfolio of projects'' and applying etc., in business. SV of a single project can be expressed
NPV for comparing these options can go part way using the following relationship (see, Ref. [42], p. 49)7:
in solving this problem. It provides a valid com- !
XT   X T 
parison of the options, but still su€ers from the NCFi Ii
SV ˆ …7†
following problems: …1 ‡ k†t …1 ‡ k †t
tˆ1 iˆ1
 It takes little account of the ®nancial ratios of
the ®rm.
 Even though an option may be the best from The ®rst term on the right-hand side of Eq. (7) is the
the current position, it may still lead a project same as the NPV presented in Eq. (3). Thus, we can
towards unpro®tability. rearrange the SV formula as follows:

In general, all these problems indicate that it is high SV ˆ NPV

time to deal critically and assess the relevance of the
current investment appraisal methods, and to address where SV is the amount of contribution from the pro-
the eventual design of the new standard. Hence, new ject to shareholders and , the market value of debt
ways of appraising projects may be required to alleviate used to ®nance the project.
some of the problems of the standard investment Like most of the theories of ®nance and economics,
appraisal techniques. A new proposal should, at least, the SV approach is also based on a number of assump-
help to: tions. The ®rm is assumed to identify true value creation.
Moreover, the planning period, the time-value of
1. assess the impact of projects on the value of the money, and risk-return relationship are some of the
®rm; fundamental assumptions of the model [12,46].
2. recognise the on-going commitment on R&D for Researchers such as Rappaport [42,43], Moskowitz
products involving high indirect costs; [34], Ruhl and Cowen [46], Mills [29], Mills and Print
3. take better account of rising and falling costs [31], and Turner [50] have categorized the critical rev-
(direct, indirect and cost of capital) through eco- enue and cost determinants of SV. These are: sales
nomic cycles in assessing the risk of the project; growth rate, operating pro®t margin, income tax rate,
4. provide clear-cut guidelines as to the choice among incremental investment in working capital, incremental
competing projects (options); investment in ®xed capital, replacement of ®xed capital,
5. provide a clue to identify value creating/destroying the cost of ®nancing (cost of capital) and forecast duration
variables of projects; (the planning period).
6. provide new ways of comparing a portfolio of These value drivers can be decomposed into their
projects, project recovering mechanisms and pro- constituent components. For example, the incremental
ject control tools; working capital is composed of accounts that constitute
7. provide a mechanism to evaluate special projects, the working capital, such as receivables (debtors),
such as IS/IT projects, real estate development, inventory (stocks) and other current assets. That is, the
etc.; incremental working capital required as a result of
8. provide a method of monitoring and controlling increase in sales is re¯ected in increasing investments in
on-going projects to make a comparison against receivables, inventory and/or other current assets. Thus,
the standard and maintain the shareholder value, percentage increases in working capital accounts,
and caused by sales increase, give us incremental investment
9. maintain the merits of the current investment in working capital. Similarly, we can express the incre-
appraisal techniques. mental ®xed investment by the items of the ®xed
investment in the balance sheet of the project/®rm.
SV is consistent with the value maximizing objective
6. SVA as investment appraisal tool of the ®rm. It facilitates better resource allocation in the
®rm and prevents mere growth without pro®tability. It
In the beginning of the 1980s, the seminal work of provides a base for executive compensation that further
Alfred Rappaport proposes a new method of value
measurement called shareholder value analysis, SVA 7
The format is changed.
M.M. Akalu / International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 375±383 381

aligns owner±manager goals [36,43]. By analyzing the reduces cost of information production and ¯ow. The
value drivers, SV helps to identify the sources of value SVA is a good candidate that can satisfy all the
creation and destruction in the ®rm [2]. It not only requirements of valid measurement.
strengthens the planning and forecasting capacity of the In general, the time interval for control and perfor-
®rm, but also minimizes value gaps between incoming mance measurement of projects can be divided into
and outgoing CEOs of the ®rm [4]. three: project performance measured from the beginning
SV is a strategy that can be applied not only to ®rms, to the current period; from the current period to the
but also to individual business units [48]. SV should also ®nal estimated life; and complete valuation from the
be a prime goal for a ®rm [3]. Thus, the application of beginning to the estimated end. At all these junctures,
SV strategy is extremely wide from individual project to project managers can identify, correct and adjust any
mergers and acquisitions; from introduction of new discrepancy from the expected target of SV. Moreover,
product to divestment; in short, in every business sector. by applying SVA, errors of the past will be easily inves-
More than 15 years have passed since most American tigated; current problems will be ®xed in time and pre-
®rms began to single out SV as a central mission of cautionary signals about the future path of the project
corporate strategy [44]. Firms are expressing their con- may be easily collected.
cern on using the old traditional methods. Various types Another strong side of the SVA, as a model, is its
of evaluation methods have been proposed by researches facility to decompose its constituencies for further inde-
as part of the academic exercise and to solve this busi- pendent analysis. That is, controlling will be easy by
ness concern. For instance, Cho [10] has developed an identifying value-creating factors from those that
approach to evaluate the SV without considering the destroy project value. This provides motivation to con-
e€ect of external ®nancing. However, SVA is gaining tinuously audit the progress of the project. In this cir-
higher momentum among the proposed candidates of cumstance, SVA represents a type of cybernetics control
measurements. Researches focused on the linkage and tool whereby the immediate feedback is going to be part
evaluation of R&D projects to SV by Boer [5] and Kelm of the input to the ongoing process so as to correct the
et al. [18] are prime examples of the academic e€ort future expected errors. Hence, the past evaluation will
attached to the importance of the SVA. assist in estimating the direction of the project in the
In practice, many companies are changing their attitude future. The one time frame result checks the future periods,
from traditional to the SV both as an objective and as a and it keeps continuously checking the health, while the
tool. A survey conducted by Philip [37], for Canadian project is in progress.
Chartered Accountants and Financial Executives,
reveals that 90% of the companies participating in the 7.1. Illustration of SVA
survey speci®cally stated that SV is their objective and is
used as a means of both internal and external commu- Let us assume a hypothetical project at an initial cost
nications. of £70 million with estimated life of 5 years. Assume
also that the initial investment is made at the beginning
of the project period and the project has a debt equity
7. SVA and project control ratio of 50% in its ®nancing. The forecasted cash ¯ows
and the appraisal results of the project are presented in
It is essential to emphasize the role of SVA in perfor- Table 1. As per the analysis presented in Table 1, the
mance evaluation and project control. As it is a multi- project is expected to generate an NPV of £3.77 million8,
faceted model, containing appraisal and evaluation, it and provides greater IRR as compared to its cost of
will be much easier to compare the actual result against capital. However, the project could be rejected under
the intended value computed at the time of appraisal. the SVA method as it reduces the value of shareholders
Moreover, since SVA measures in terms of present by £31.2 million. For the purpose of our discussion, let
value ®gures, it will minimize problems of scaling results us assume the project is accepted for implementation
of various methods. SVA can also be applied in all based on the results of the traditional investment
phases of a venture. appraisal methods.
Since decision-making is pervasive irrespective of Let us further assume, after the third year, that the
stages and phases, we need a consistent and pertinent project situation is changed. And it is found to be over-
method that passes through all these stages of a project. spent, and requires additional investment of £15 million
Moreover, a method is preferable if it has a capacity to for completion. Moreover, the latest cash ¯ow forecast
be extended from stage of appraisal to performance reveals that there will not be any collection at the end of
evaluation and control of project activities. This com- year 5. The recomputed cash ¯ow is given in Table 2.
bination has got many advantages beyond its simplicity The analysis based on the NPV and IRR gives the same
in the application. It adds to consistency of measure-
ment when we pass from one phase to the other, and 8
15% discount rate is assumed.
382 M.M. Akalu / International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 375±383

Table 1 The project environment is continuously changing.

Forecasted cash ¯ow and project evaluation Hence, there is a need for a measurement that accom-
Years 0 1 2 3 4 5 modates the shocks and that enables us to compare the
current level of operation vis-aÁ-vis the target at any
Net cash ¯ow (million £) ± 20 40 25 10 8 given time. Shareholders are those who provide the
Investment (million £) 70
NPV £3.77
®nancing resources of the project with no priority of
PI 1.1 claims. Hence, it is legitimate to start and complete the
IRR 18% analysis of projects with the central idea of creating
SVA £31.2 shareholders wealth at any point in time.
As it is discussed and illustrated above, current methods
of appraisal need renovation. They have been used for dec-
Table 2 ades and need updating by incorporating the new methods
Recomputed cash ¯ow and project evaluation
to respond properly to changing environment. Previously,
Years 0 1 2 3 4 5 alternative investment appraisals had been proposed as a
Net cash ¯ow (million £) ± 20 40 25 10 0
remedy to the current problems. However, the market did
Investment (million £) 70 15 not accept them, as they were unable to eliminate the fund-
NPV £3.77 (as Table 1) amental problems of the old methods. Thus, an alternative
PI 1.1 (as Table 1) investment appraisal tool like the SVA is proposed.
IRR 18% (as Table 1)
SVA £42.7

result as in Table 1 since these methods do not take into
account any change occurred after implementation of I am highly indebted to Professor J. Rodney Turner,
the project. Thus, according to these methods, the pro- for his advice, encouragement and assistance in the
ject is still healthy. development of this critical literature review.
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