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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 1

Read Me Romance
AR Taboo
Copyright © 2023 by AR Taboo. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any
means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the
prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests,
email to
Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of
the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes.
Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or
locales is completely coincidental.
Punished by the Principal

Being sent to the principal’s office is supposed to be a punishment… but

this feels like a reward.
Chapter One

“I f the multiplier is divided by the sum of the remainder, we get

Mrs. Welborne trails off with today’s lesson, but I can’t be
bothered. Why is she even starting a new lesson when the end of school is
in two days? Leave it to her to try and torture us to the very last second.
What would she do if I got up and walked out? I’m eighteen, so
technically I don’t have to be here, but I promised my dad I’d be good. He’s
got a special gift for my graduation planned, and he told me that if I got in
trouble he wasn’t going to give it to me.
I sigh as I look around the room and see that everyone is either taking
notes or playing on their phones where Mrs. Welborne can’t see. I’m in the
very back of the room, and the desk beside me is empty. Perfect.
Sometimes when I get bored in class I like to fantasize about dirty
things, and it seems to make the time go by faster. My eyes drift to the
window that overlooks the courtyard below of my all girls school. The sun
is shining, and I wonder what it would be like to lie on the grass topless and
have it warm me up in a place I’m supposed to keep hidden. My nipples
harden as I think about how the breeze might blow across them right before
he was standing over me.
I close my eyes as I imagine him watching me lie there before he kneels
down beside me and puts his mouth to my nipple. Would he lick me first or
suck on it right away?
My eyes pop open, and I see Mrs. Welborne standing there with a
mixture of anger and shock on her face. She looks down at my lap, and it’s
then I notice I must have slid my hand between my legs while I was
As quickly and discreetly as I can, I take my hand away and straighten,
but it’s no use. She bends down so that no one else can hear her berate me.
“What have I told you about that?” Her tone is filled with disgust and
shame as she hisses the words. “Girls are never supposed to do that.”
“I’m sorry,” I say quietly, but she straightens and shakes her
head. “Get up, we’re going to the principal's office.”
“But-” I try to argue, but she’s already grabbing my bag off the floor.
Shit, I can’t get in trouble. Not now.
“Let’s go, or you’ll make it
When I manage to look around the room, there’s only a few people
staring at me while the rest of them are taking advantage of Mrs.
Welborne’s distraction. Nobody heard what she said to me, and thankfully I
don’t think anyone saw me while I was dreaming.
“Mrs. Welborne, please.” I try again once we’re out in the hallway.
“Sadie, I’ve looked the other way for far too long.” She stops and glares
at me like I’m some kind of whore. “You might be eighteen now and about
to graduate, and maybe I can’t do anything to stop that because you’re a
straight A student, but I won’t tolerate such, such-” She can’t seem to think
of a word that adequately describes how repulsed she is, so she tries again.
“Good girls are not supposed to do that,” she finally says.
I want to argue with her that it’s natural and my dad told me all people
do it, but Mrs. Welborne has always hated me. This isn't the first time she’s
taken me to the principal's office, but god I hope it’s the last.
Once we’re in the office, we walk past the empty secretary desk, and
she goes straight to the principal's door and knocks on it loudly.
“Come in,” Principal Smith calls, and Mrs. Welborne smiles smugly as
we go inside.
Mrs. Welborne makes a show of taking my bag and dropping into one
of the chairs that face Principal Smith's desk. The two of us stand there as
his brows furrow and he takes in what’s before him.
“How can I help you, Mrs. Welborne?”
“Once again, I’m having a problem with Miss Sadie controlling
herself.” She crosses her arms over her chest protectively and gives me a
sideways glance. “It’s repugnant, and I won’t tolerate it for another
Principal Smith turns his eyes on me, but his expression gives nothing
“I understand,” he says and then stands from his desk. “I’ll make sure
she’s dealt with, and you won’t have her in your class for the remainder of
the day.”
Mrs. Welborne sighs in relief and then smiles brightly. “Thank you for
understanding, Principal Smith. As always, I appreciate your discretion in
these delicate matters.” The way she looks at him is what’s truly repugnant.
She acts like a lovesick troll who's never seen a man before.
Granted Principal Smith is hot, so I can’t say she’s wrong. The salt and
pepper around his temples makes him look older but only adds to his
appeal. He’s also big and has a thick dad bod. Most of the girls in school
don’t give him a second glance, but I know for a fact the teachers whisper
about him.
Mrs. Welborne’s smile drops as she gives me one last look of revulsion
and then leaves the office. As soon as she’s gone, the only sound left is
Principal Smith’s footsteps as he walks across the room and locks the door.
I lick my lips and try not to watch him as he makes his way back to his desk
and takes a seat.
“Again, Sadie?” he asks softly, and my heart begins to beat
faster. “I’m sorry I-”
“You were daydreaming, weren’t you?” His voice is even and calm and
so unlike Mrs. Welborne’s. When I nod, so does he because he expected the
answer. “And what were you doing in your daydream?”
I can’t look at him as I play with the edge of my skirt. “Just thinking
about things.”
“Something you couldn’t control until you got home?”
When I glance at him, I see he’s running the tips of his fingers on the
edge of his desk. “I don’t know.” I shrug and look down at my feet.
“You’ve only got two days left, Sadie. Is this really how you want to
end your time here?” His voice is so smooth and gentle, and it’s one of the
things I’ve always liked about him. He’s never judged me or shamed me for
what I’ve gotten in trouble for.
“I’m sorry. I’m not supposed to get in trouble, but I just kind of forgot
what I was doing. I was bored, and school is almost over.” I shrug again
because although I’m embarrassed, I feel safe saying this to him. “And then
she caught me, and I didn’t know what to say.”
“Did you finish?”
My head snaps up at the question, and he looks so relaxed that I’m
wondering if I heard him right.
“What?” I ask even though I know exactly what he said.
“You can’t go to your next period if you haven’t taken care of the
problem.” His eyes move down my body and stop right at my skirt, where
he stares for a long moment before he repeats himself. “Did you finish?”
“No,” I say quickly and shake my head.
“All right, then you’ll do it now so you can go to your next class
without distractions.”
Did Principal Smith just ask me to rub one out in front of him? My
blank face must ask the question for me because he nods as he leans back in
his seat.
“I don’t have all day, Miss Sadie. Put your hand in your panties.”
Chapter Two

“Y ou can sit down and do it,” I order and it only takes Sadie a
moment before she takes the chair right in front of my desk. She’s
skirt. sitting on the edge of it, and her hands are still playing with her
Sadie is such a beautiful girl, and although a principal is never supposed
to have a favorite, she’s always been special. So special. This isn’t the first
time she’s been sent to my office for her behavior; this just happens to be
the first time it’s happened since she’s turned eighteen. Fucking finally.
“Lean back.” I put my elbow on my chair and bring my fingers to my
lips as I watch her.
“Yes, Principal Smith.” She agrees and does as instructed.
“Close your eyes,” I say softly. Once they’re closed, I put my hand over
the front of my pants and begin to rub my growing erection. “Now spread
your legs.”
Ever so slowly, they part, and her plaid skirt, which she’s already rolled
up higher than dress code allows, rides up her smooth thighs. I see the little
triangle of panties covering her pussy, and there’s a wet spot. I don’t know
if it’s from earlier or since she sat down.
“Tell me what you were thinking about earlier.” My voice is calm and
quiet as I slowly rub my hand over the front of my pants.
“I was outside.” She swallows as her hand moves to her bare knee.
“And what were you doing outside?” I lick my lips as her legs widen
and I see more of that pretty triangle.
“I was topless.”
My eyes immediately go to her tits, and I see the outline of her hard
nipples. “For everyone to see?”
“No.” She shakes her head as her hand trails up the inside of her thighs.
“I was wondering—” She swallows again as her fingers make contact with
her panties. “What it would be like to have them sucked.”
My hand stills on my cock, and I can feel it pulse firm and strong like
all the blood in my body is pumping to my dick. “And that made you wet.”
My fingers reach for the button of my pants, and as quietly as possibly I
open the top of them. I was trying to resist, but I already know I can’t.
“Yes.” She moans as she traces over her wet spot.
“Pull them to the side,” I whisper, and just as her finger hooks the white
cotton, my own hand grabs my cock.
Her cunt lips are wet and puffy, and her clit is poking out. Fuck I wish I
could smell it, and the thought makes my mouth water.
“Show me how you touch it.” My voice is so quiet in the room, but it
might as well echo because I’m straining to hear her make even the barest
of sounds.
Her fingers are sure and swift as they go right to her clit and begin to
rub up and down. She’s quick with how she moves them, and my cock
throbs in my hand in answer. She would take a fast fuck like a grown
woman, and I grunt at the thought.
Then I see her push her fingers into her little cunty, and I nearly nut all
over myself. She sticks them in deep and jacks herself just like I’d do it to
her. Hard and fast. How is this sweet teenager so eager to take a cock?
She’s all but begging for it. Who could fault me?
Her eyes open, and my hand stills so she doesn’t see what I’m doing.
Thankfully, my chair is pulled under my desk so my cock is hidden. This is
all so wrong, and I don’t want her to see how much I’m enjoying it. I’ve
never done anything like this before, but I already know this won’t be the
last time I have Sadie in my office before the last day of school.
“I need to hump something,” she says as her fingers move back to her
clit and begin to rub up and down.
“What do you-” I clear my throat as images of her humping my leg
form. “What do you usually use?”
“My pillow.” She whines and looks at my desk. “Can I use that?”
The edge of my desk is soft, smooth wood that’s polished clean. I nod,
and then she’s off her feet and moving into position. She goes to the corner
where it’s been rounded into a decorative edge. There’s a little flower that
I’ve never considered until this moment. Seeing it now, I realize it’s
probably the perfect thing to hump.
She pulls her panties down to her knees and then spreads her legs so
that the rounded corner goes between them. But as soon as she does it, her
skirt falls down and I can’t watch.
“Hold it up,” I bark much harsher than I intended to, but she quickly
raises it for me.
When she picks up her skirt, I see that she has her clit pressed to the
little flower, and her hips begin to move. She humps my desk gently and
slowly, back and forth, and I can already see her leaving a trail of slippery
cream on it.
“That’s it,” she says as she pushes her hips forward and her puffy lips
“Look at me,” I order and she keeps her eyes on me as I watch her.
My hands grip the arms of my chair so tightly I’m afraid they might
break in two, but I don’t move an inch. My jaw is locked solid, and I can’t
take my eyes off of her humping my desk as she lets out little cries of
“Yes.” Her voice sounds like a whine as she gasps and then slows her
hips. With two more quick thrusts forward, her body gives in, and I watch
her cum. She’s trying to catch her breath as she stumbles back and then we
both see the mess she’s left on my desk. “I’m sorry. I’ll clean that up.”
“No.” I shake my head but don’t make a move to stand because my
pants are still open. “You can go back to class now.”
“Yes sir,” she says then reaches for her panties.
“I’ll keep those,” I say and hold out my hand. When she looks at me in
question, I nod to the desk. “To clean up the mess.”
Her cheeks flush and then she nods as she walks over next to me. I hold
out my hand, and she gently places them in my waiting palm. To my
surprise, she bends down and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you, Principal Smith,” she says before she grabs her backpack
and walks out of my office.
As soon as the door is shut, I walk over to the corner of the desk that’s
still shiny from her release. Bending down, I lick the flower and taste the
sweet flavor of her cunt. With her panties in my hand, I hold it to the tip of
my cock and cum right on them. I was so fucking full I didn’t even have to
jack off. All I had to do was taste the gift that she left me and I was
pumping a load into the white cotton.
I stagger back to my seat and close my eyes as I replay what little Sadie
just did. A smile spreads across my face because I already have a plan for
Chapter Three

T omorrow I’m free. I can make it until then, right?

Dad reminded me again this morning about being good or he
wouldn’t give me my graduation present, but here I sit once again in
Mrs. Welborne’s class bored out of my mind.
She’s got her back to the class as she turns the projector on. She’s been
trying to do it for the past ten minutes, and at this point it’s comical.
Anyone in here could show her how to do it in half a second, but we’ve all
mentally checked out. At least whoever is left of us. Today the room is
almost empty with the seniors ditching their last days. I envy them, but my
dad would murder me, and I know Mrs. Welborne is just looking for an
excuse to get me in trouble.
The lights are out in the classroom, and she has the shades drawn. As I
lean back in my chair, my mind wanders, and I can’t help but think about
yesterday. Principal Smith let me get off on his desk while he watched, and
it was the hottest thing I’ve ever done. I came so hard that it shocked me,
and from the look on his face, he was surprised too.
I thought about the way he’d looked at me last night when I was having
dinner. I could hardly sit still in my seat and my dad kept asking me if I was
all right. Even now I squirm at the thought of me rubbing myself while
Principal Smith touched his cock.
He tried to hide it under his desk, but I saw the way his shoulder moved.
He loved it, and that got me wetter and wetter. Enough to make me rub my
kitty all over his desk until I came so hard my knees almost buckled.
Thankfully, it was enough to sate me the rest of the school day, but that
night it only made me want more. Right now, I’m so turned on thinking
about how good it felt that I rock my hips back and forth in my seat.
“Sadie.” Mrs. Welborne hisses, and I open my eyes to see her standing
over me.
The video is playing on the whiteboard, and the students who are left
are watching whatever she put on. It’s dark back here, so there’s no way she
saw what I was doing unless she purposely snuck to the back of the room to
spy on me.
“I thought after yesterday you could control yourself, but you have no
self-control. Get up.”
She marches straight out of the room, and I have no choice but to follow
her. Once she gets to Principal Smith’s office, she barely knocks before
flinging the door open and blurting out her anger.
“She’s an absolute nightmare, and I won’t tolerate her behavior for
another moment,” she blusters.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Welborne,” Principal Smith says gently as he
places the book he was holding on his desk and stands. “I see there’s been
an incident with Sadie again.” Before Mrs. Welborne can respond, he’s
already soothing her. “You know how seniors can be at the end of their time
with us. Why don’t you go back to class and enjoy the rest of the afternoon
while I deal with this.”
“Yes.” She takes a calming breath and nods. “That would be wonderful,
thank you.” She preens a little as she straightens, and I see her give him a
flirty smile. “You’re always so supportive of the teachers here.”
“That’s just part of the job.” He pats her on the shoulder and walks her
to his door. “Why don’t we avoid any last-day waves by having Sadie come
straight to my office during your class? I’m sure that would alleviate any
unwanted stress, and since it’s the last day, I can have her write lines.”
“I think that would be perfect.” Mrs. Welborne beams as he gently
nudges her out of his office.
“I’ll make sure it’s done,” Principal Smith tells her as he closes the door
and locks it behind her.
There’s a long stretch of silence before he turns around and crosses his
arms over his chest. It’s like he’s waiting for me to talk first, and as the
silence goes on, I cave.
“I’m sorry.” I try to sound contrite even as I feel the ache between my
legs grow.
“I want you to be honest with me, Sadie.” He comes closer, and now
he’s looking down at me with a stern expression and his jaw clenched tight.
“Did you purposely get in trouble so that you would have to come to my
office again?”
I bite my bottom lip as my fingers nervously play with the edge of my
skirt. I rolled it up extra high on the way here. “Maybe?” I answer in the
form of a question, and he shakes his head.
“I knew this would happen.” His eyes go to where my fingers are, and
he raises his chin. “Lift it up.”
“But-” He cuts me off with a shake of his head.
Slowly I lift the front of my skirt and when he looks at me, he inhales
sharply. I’m not wearing any panties, and I know my pussy is dripping wet.
I’ve been achy since I got to school because I hoped this would happen.
“You’ve been like this all day?” His voice is so much deeper, and he
hasn’t taken his eyes off of my shaved pussy.
“Yes,” I answer honestly.
He sighs as he takes a step back and then walks around his desk.
“You’ve got one day left, Sadie. Please try and control yourself.” He pulls
open a drawer and then takes something out of it. “I bought you something
that should help you get it under control.”
My mouth falls open when he shows me a slender pink dildo with a
suction cup on the end of it. I watch as he places it on the corner of his desk
I humped last time and secures it to the smooth wood.
“It should hopefully fit you and not be too tight. Come slide down on it
and see how it feels.”
Chapter Four

I take a seat in my chair so I can watch her every move as she slowly
walks over to the corner and looks at it. She’s still holding her skirt up
so I can watch her pussy lips glisten as she walks and see her need on
the inside of her thighs.
“Just spread your legs a little,” I instruct and she does it beautifully.
“That’s it, now lift up a little and put it at the opening of your pussy.”
The pink tip rubs over her clit, and she giggles as she does it again. I
lick my lips, wishing I could kiss it for her, but I remain in my seat. After a
few quick rubs, she positions it at her entrance.
“Go slowly so it doesn’t pinch.”
She hesitates and then puts in a little more, and I can see even the
slender size is almost too big.
“Careful, let your body get used to it.” She takes another inch, and then
I hear her moan as her hips rock forward. “Good girl.”
She bends her knees slightly, and when she finally has all of it inside
her, she grinds against my desk. “Oh, that feels sooooo good.” She closes
her eyes and leans her head back.
Reaching into my pocket, I take out the little remote and hit the vibrate
button. As soon as it begins to pulse, her eyes fly open, and she stares at me
with a mix of surprise and excitement.
“Oh god,” she whispers as she rubs her cunt faster.
I’m so fucking hard I can feel cum leaking onto the inside of my thigh. I
have to reach between my legs to squeeze my cock so I can keep some kind
of control. She’s moving faster now, and all I can think about is how it
would feel if it was my dick inside of her instead of that toy.
“Bend over the desk,” I order as I stand up. She doesn’t hesitate as she
falls forward and keeps grinding on the vibrating toy.
I walk around to look at her from behind as I see the pink toy wiggling
in her pussy. Her pretty little lips squeeze around it, and she’s clenching
hard like she can’t get enough. Looking at her like this, I can see her
asshole, and she must realize it at the same time.
“Daddy,” she moans, and I stiffen. Her face is against my desk and her
eyes are squeezed shut as she fucks this toy and drips on my desk.
My heart pounds in my ears as all my careful control melts away, and I
move closer to her. I don’t have thoughts about how wrong this is or that I
should stop; instead, the only thing I can think about is touching her.
“I’ve got you,” I whisper as I lick my finger and then gently place it
between her cheeks. I push it against the entrance of her ass, and when she
tenses, I rub it. “Just breathe, Sadie.”
Her pretty pink hole is so fucking tight, but I manage to get in. My cock
is pulsing with the vibrator now as I push inside and feel her body stiffen. I
place my other hand against her pussy, and when she cries out and cums,
I’m not disappointed when there’s a rush of warm liquid that greets it.
She purrs like a kitten, then collapses against the desk when she’s
finished, and I slide my finger out of her ass. With a click of a button the
vibrator goes off, and I reach down to remove it from her pussy. While
she’s still on the desk and not moving, I tuck the toy away and take a seat
behind my desk so she can’t see my erection.
I watch her for a long moment, and when she’s finally caught her
breath, she smiles and slowly stands back up.
“Better?” I ask, and she nods.
“So much better.” I see her bite her lip and then push her skirt down.
“Maybe a little sore,” she says, and her cheeks burn with embarrassment.
“Thank you for, you know, helping.”
“Are you able to return to class now?” I check my watch. “Mrs.
Welborne will be done with her lesson.”
She walks closer to my desk, and I see her look down at my lap. There’s
a clear wet spot on the front of my pants, and she’s got her eyes on it.
“What about you?”
“I’ll wait until you’re gone,” I say softly.
“But what if I want to watch?” Her dark eyes are so innocent as she
looks at me through her lashes.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Sadie,” I say to her in answer.
She pokes her bottom lip out and pouts in the most adorable way as she
grabs her bag and leaves me alone in my office.
As soon as the door is shut, I undo my pants and let my cock spring
free. I’m so hard that it’s standing straight up, and it’s painful at the base
where all my cum has built up. I put my fingers to my nose and inhale the
scent of her pussy as I grip my cock and stroke it twice. That’s all it takes
before cum is spilling down my fist, and I use it to lube the rest of my
length. I have to make myself cum again to get it to go down, and by the
time I’m done my heart is racing.
Sadie is something special, and tomorrow is her last day. I know with
every inch of my soul that I won’t let her walk out of this school without
putting her on my cock.
Chapter Five

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I t’s my last day of school forever, and I couldn’t be happier. Dad wants
me to think about plans for college, but I told him that I wanted to take
a year off and enjoy myself before I made any big decision.
This morning, he said I’d get my big surprise after school, and it’s all I
can do to contain my excitement. Only a few more hours until the day is
done and I can go home and find out. It’s been bugging me for weeks, but
he’s good at keeping me guessing.
Sitting through all of my classes is pointless, but I do as I’m told
because I don’t want to mess up my surprise. Thankfully, when it’s time for
me to go to Mrs. Welborne’s class, I walk right by it and go straight to the
principal's office.
I’ve been thinking about this moment since I left Principal Smith
yesterday, and it was all I could think about last night. I kept wondering if
he jerked off after I left and why he wouldn’t let me watch. Especially after
he touched me the way he did. Just thinking about him sliding his finger in
my back hole makes me blush. Am I a freak for loving it? Who cares? It felt
so damn good, and I hope he does it again today.
Actually, I hope he does a lot more.
Everything south of my belly button vibrates as I push open the door to
his office and drop my backpack by the door. My school uniform is
unbuttoned low enough to show off my bra, and my skirt is rolled up high
enough that if I stretch my arms over my head, my kitty cat might just
With the way Principal Smith looks at me, I can tell he appreciates the
slight adjustments to the school dress code.
“Come in, Sadie, and take a seat. I’ve got a pencil and paper for you to
write lines.” He points to the chair in front of him, and I see the supplies
waiting on me.
“Oh,” I say as disappointment makes my stomach sink.
He doesn’t make a move as I slowly walk over and sit down at the chair
in front of his desk. But as soon as I sit, I stand back up and glance down at
the seat. It’s different than before, and something is poking me.
“Everything all right?” Principal Smith asks, and I press on the smooth
“Something sharp is sticking up.” When I push on the material, I can
see a spring poking through, and that must have been what it was.
“I’m so sorry. The chairs can be a bit worn down. Try the one beside
it.” He points to the next one, and I go to try it out.
As soon as my bottom makes contact with the seat, once again I’m
poked with a metal spring. “Ouch, this one too.”
“Oh no, that’s not good.” And when he says it, there’s something about
his tone that’s off. “Now where will you sit?” He looks around the room,
and I follow his perusal.
There are no other chairs in the office and no other places for me to sit.
“Why don’t you come over here?” He offers and gently pats his lap.
“Bring your paper and pencil.”
I press my lips together to hide my smile as I gather my things and walk
around his big wooden desk. When I’m standing in front of him, he looks
up at me and opens his arms.
Placing my things on the desk, I turn around and slowly lower onto his
lap. He’s still as I move a little to adjust myself and then I realize there’s
something long and hard pushing right against my bottom. I must let out a
gasp because he chuckles, and his hands come to rest on my hips.
I’m frozen in place as he slides his palms down the tops of my bare
thighs and then to the inside of my knees. With firm hands, he pulls my legs
apart and places them on the outside of his knees so that I’m locked open. I
can feel cool air kiss my pussy lips, and I try to remember to breathe.
“Comfortable?” he asks, and I feel the edge of my skirt getting pulled
up so that my bare lower half is fully sitting on him. There’s nothing
between him and my kitty except his pants, and I know I’m making a wet
spot on him.
“Very,” I say and boldly push back a little so I can feel his hard cock in
the right place.
“I want you to write something for me,” he says, and I realize his mouth
is right at my ear.
He’s so close I feel his warm breath against my skin, and I close my
eyes. His hands on the inside of my knees move higher, and I know I’m
probably shaking. I’ve never felt anything so good before, and I never want
this to end.
I’m unable to speak as his lips graze the shell of my ear, so I nod
“I want you to write I promise to be a good girl. Can you do that for
me?” I nod again and then his teeth trace the path of his lips. “Go ahead,
I pick up the pencil, and as I begin to write, his hands move up the
inside of my open thighs. My fingers shake as I press the tip of the pencil to
the paper and write the first letter. Just as I’m about to write the word
promise I feel both his hands spread me wide and slide between my wet
“Write it down, Sadie, or I’ll stop.” His fingers brush over my clit, and I
gasp at how good it feels.
He rubs my clit up and down just the way I like it, and the pencil almost
falls out of my hand when he stops. I hurry to grab it tightly and write a line
as fast as I can. As soon as the first one is done, his fingers dip inside me,
and I can hear how wet I am. It sounds obscene, but he hums his approval
as it runs down between my legs and to my ass.
I scribble another line just as fast, and I know it’s hardly legible, but he
didn’t say it had to be neat. My hips begin rocking against his fingers as one
hand plays with my clit and the other plunges in and out of my kitty. It’s so
much better with him doing it than when I do it on my own, and I want to
cum already.
“Write one more and then you can cum,” he says and licks my ear.
My breath gets caught in my throat, and I bear down on him as I
furiously write another sentence. I practically slam the pencil down and
lean back against him just as the orgasm rocks through my body. It’s hot
and fast, but the rush is like a drug, and I want another.
“Better?” he asks, and I shake my head. “You want more?” I nod this
time, and he smiles as he pulls his fingers out of me and quickly sucks them
clean. “I think I can do something about that.”
To my surprise, he lifts me off his lap and then sits me on his desk in
front of him so that my legs are open and my skirt is bunched up. He pulls
me right to the edge, and before I know what’s happening his face is
between my thighs, and he’s licking my pussy.
The sounds he makes are almost as erotic as the feel of his tongue on
my aching clit. He’s hungry, and the way he’s licking me, he must be
starved for it. I rock against him, and the sight of him sucking me off is
enough to send me over the edge, and I cum on his face.
Just as I cry out, he stands and looks at me with wild eyes and reaches
for his pants. I know exactly what he wants, and I want to give it to him just
as badly. When his cock is freed between us, I glance down, and my eyes
widen at the sight of it. He’s hard and swollen to the point that his cock is
veiny and the skin is stretched tight. I reach out to touch it, but he takes my
wrist and pushes my hand away.
“This little cunt is going to be tight enough, I don’t need your hand
making me cum too fast.” He pins my hands to the desk as he nudges my
opening with the fat head of his cock. “This is our secret, right, Sadie?”
“Yes, Principal Smith,” I agree, and he pushes into me.
It’s so tight at first that I whine, but he doesn’t stop as he sinks deep into
my body, and I have to stretch to let him in. I open my mouth to tell him it’s
too much, but he bends down and kisses me. When his tongue slides into
my mouth, I can taste myself on him, and it’s strange and sexy.
His hips pull back, and then he surges forward until he’s fucking me
hard. I have to hold my breath and force myself to relax while he pounds
into me in hard, steady strokes. I’m bouncing on his cock, and seeing how
much he loves it makes me relax. After a few more times, it starts to feel
good, and eventually I’m spreading wider so he can take more.
“That’s my good girl,” he encourages me, and I get wetter.
He watches his cock disappear into me before pulling the cup of my bra
down and sucking on my nipple. When his mouth latches on, I feel lit all
the way down to my clit, and the sensation of him inside me at the same
time makes me cum.
As soon as I pulse around him, he stills and thrusts as deep as he can go
one last time. I can feel his cock throbbing as he empties, and my eyes
widen. His cum is hot, and there’s so much of it I can feel it run out from
where we’re joined.
He smiles sleepily as he begins to relax and kisses my nipple before he
puts my bra cup back into place. I giggle, and then he kisses my lips before
slowly pulling out. I ache at the loss of him, but something tells me we’re
not finished yet.
“Grab your backpack,” he says as he tucks himself back into his pants.
“Really? School’s not over yet,” I say, but I’m already pushing my skirt
down and hopping off his desk.
“I’m the principal; I say when it’s over.” He reaches in his desk and
grabs his keys before holding out his hand to take mine.
I’m surprised at the gesture, but I’m eager to take it as we exit his office
and begin to walk down the hall toward the parking lot.
Just when we’re about to reach the exit, I see Mrs. Welborne step in
front of us.
“Principal Smith, are you going home for the day?” She looks between
us and then down at our joined hands.
“Yes, I’m afraid I’ve got an appointment I can’t miss.” He holds my
hand tighter and makes no move to separate us.
“And I suppose you’re taking Miss Sadie with you?”
“Yes.” I answer for him and smile as I lean against his
“Well.” She purses her lips and then sighs. “I guess good luck to you in
the future then, Sadie. You’re lucky to have a father like Principal Smith
that looks after your education.”
“He’s the best daddy ever,” I say, and I feel him squeeze my hand.
“I like to think I’m the lucky one,” Dad says and then winks at me.
“Have a good summer, Mrs. Welborne.”
When we take a step away, I think we’ve made it, but then I hear Mrs.
Welborne behind us.
“Oh Sadie, you’ve gotten something on your leg.” She points to my
thigh, and Dad and I glance down at the same time to see what she’s talking
“Oh, it’s just some cream from my treat earlier,” I say as I swipe my
finger through it and bring it to my lips.
Mrs. Welborne looks after us with a confused expression as Dad pulls
me along behind him so we can quickly leave the building.
“I can’t believe you said that,” he hisses playfully as he puts me in the
car and goes around to the driver’s side.
“I couldn’t help myself.” I lean over and place a kiss on his lips.
“Besides, I like the way it tastes, Daddy.” I never can get enough of his
taste. Not since that first night I woke up with him thrusting his cock into
my mouth before he pinned me to my bed and made me a woman. My pink
bed sheets showing the evidence of what my naughty daddy did. But he
promised I would still be his little girl.
“I’m already hard again. Don’t make me fuck you in this parking lot,
little girl.”
“Do I get my surprise now?” I blink up at him with big eyes, and he
reaches into the glove box to pull out an envelope. “Oh my god, are you
“Anything for you, baby,” he says and puts his hand between my legs as
he pulls out of the parking lot.
“Just the two of us in the Caribbean for three weeks. What are we going
to do?”
“I’m sure you’ll think of something,” he says just as his fingers find my
wet slit.

Milkmaid For My Uncle

Earning her keep is going to be easier than she thought.

Chapter 1

P eople say I was raised in a cult, but I don’t think about it like that. At
least it never felt like a cult to me. Sure, we were on a compound and
we could never leave, but my life was simple, and I found joy in my
Then one day the police came, and everything changed. Suddenly I’m
being sent to live with an uncle I’ve never met or even heard of. He lives far
away from where I was raised, but I’m told it’s on a farm. That’s the kind
of work I’m used to, so hopefully it won’t be too hard to figure out what to
I pull the front of my dress up so that I don’t spill out of it. When I left
the compound, I was only able to take one suitcase with me, and most of
my dresses are a little snug. The man I was supposed to marry liked all his
wives to dress this way, so I got used to it. Now I’m going to a new place
with Uncle Amos, and I hope he doesn’t mind.
“This is your new home, Faith,” the lady from the agency says as she
pulls up to the pretty country home and parks the car.
When we get out of the car, there’s a man that comes from the house
wearing overalls and a cowboy hat. He’s dirty and bigger than any man I’ve
ever seen. I swallow hard as he comes off the porch and shakes hands with
the lady from the agency. They exchange a few words, and then she smiles
at me before she departs.
I’m left alone with this giant, and I have no idea what to do.
“Come on, little lamb. I’ll show you to your room,” he says before he
grabs my bag and walks into the house.
Little lamb? Does he not know my name? Instead of asking him, I
follow along dutifully and keep my head bowed like I was taught.
Once we’re inside, I glance around and see the beautiful space. It’s a
well-made home that might have been built by his own hands, and I
instantly love it. Some of my fears are put to rest when he shows me to a
bedroom that’s much bigger than the one I had before.
“How many people will be sleeping in this room?” I ask softly.
He’s quiet for so long I look up and watch him push his hat out of the
way so I can see his face. He’s got a dark stubble over his chin, and there’s
dirt along his brow like he’s been wiping away the sweat. His dark eyes
rake up and down me before he shakes his head.
“I don’t know what they did with you before, little lamb, but it’s just
you and me from now on. Okay?”
“Okay.” I try not to sound too excited. I’ve never ever had my own
room before. My own room? This is like magic.
“You wanna see the farm?” His deep voice fills the space, and I nod
“Yes please, Uncle Amos,” I say, and I watch as his eyes move down
my body. “My name is Faith, by the way.”
“I know,” he says and then shakes his head. “But you’re a little lamb if I
ever saw one. Come on, let’s show you around while we’ve still got
When we get outside, I see the big barn in the distance and the rolling
hills around it. There are horses in the stable and cows in the fields. On the
way to the barn, we pass some chickens, and I can’t get over how beautiful
it is here. Could all of my fears have been for nothing? This place seems
like a dream come true.
“They told me you were on a farm,” he says, and I wonder if he’s used
to having people here with him. He seems like the quiet type, but at least
he’s trying to talk while he shows me my new home.
“Yes, my parents left me there when I was a baby,” I say, and Uncle
Amos stops.
“I didn’t know about you, or I would have come to get you.” His vow is
solemn, and even though my time on the compound wasn’t all bad, I
appreciate his concern.
“That’s okay. I made friends, and I liked living there.” I shrug as we go
through the stables, and he shows me some of the horses.
“What kind of work did you do for them?”
“I was the milk maid,” I say proudly. “I also did the cooking and
cleaning for our house, but that was because I was the new bride.”
“New bride?” Uncle Amos leans against the railing of the stable and
watches me.
“Yes, the newest girl to be wed is responsible for the household chores.
Since all the other wives take care of the children, the one that’s not been
officially married yet does the rest.”
“So you never got married.”
I shake my head. “I didn’t get to lie with Brother Simon before I left, so
I’m still pure.”
Uncle Amos looks at me in surprise, but I smile up at him.
“I’m not too upset that he didn’t lie with me. He was very old, and his
true wives didn’t speak kindly of his abilities.”
“Little lamb, it sounds like you dodged a bullet.”
“Would you like me to cook dinner?” I ask, and I see Uncle Amos is
going to protest. “Please, it’s something I’ve really missed since being
taken from the compound.”
“I sure would love to have a home-cooked meal.” He looks down at my
body again and then quickly glances away.
Wanting to show Uncle Amos how appreciative I am, I take his hand
and hold it close to my chest. “Thank you for letting me come live with
you. I promise you won’t regret it.”
“I don’t think I will,” he says, his voice deeper than before.
The contrast of his dirty, rough hand against my smooth clean skin is
startling, but I give his hand another squeeze before we both walk back to
the house.

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AR Taboo is the extra filthy side of the
writing duo Alexa Riley

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Table of Contents
Title Page
Punished by the Principal
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Milkmaid For My Uncle
Chapter 1
Read Me Romance
AR Taboo

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