Family of Prophet Saw

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Prophet muhammad saw had a most noble family.

,his lineage was directly linked to prophet ismail
Allah chose kinana from all the descendants of ismail [a]
and he chose quraysh from kinana, and he chose banu
hashim from quraysh,
And he chose muhammad saw from banu hashim .
● Prophet saw’s grandfather abdul muthalib was the
respected leader in banu hashim.
● Prophet saw’s father abdullah was the handsome and great
man who loved his family
● Prophet saw’s mother amina bint wahb [r] also linked to the
same tribe quraish,she is also lived in a noble family
Abdullah was the best looking man that was ever seen in
Arabia and he enjoyed a fine character and elegant
manners.After the consummation of the marriage, lady
Aminah got pregnant and she carried in her womb the
blessed Prophet Muhammad (saw]. when he went out for
a commercial trip with his tribe, Quraysh. When they
finished their business and were heading back to
Makkah, they passed by the Medinah on their way back
and ‘Abdullah was getting sick at that time so he stayed
behind with his maternal uncles in Bani Najjar. His father,
‘Abd al Muttalib send his eldest son, al Harith, to go to
the Madinah and seek the news of ‘Abdullah and by the
time he went there he found that ‘Abdullah died there so
he went back to his father and delivered the aching news
of ‘Abdullah’s death. His father and his brothers were
deeply grieved by the death of ‘Abdullah who died when
he was 25 years old.

The Amina[r] narrated that her pregnancy was a light one and
she didn’t feel the heavy burden of pregnancy that women
usually feel.When the time came close to the birth of the
Prophet (saw), his mother saw a dream that she gave birth to a
boy and with this boy a magnificent emergence of light spread
out and enveloped the earth until it reached Busra in al-Sham.
She also saw herself in the dream saying 'u'iithuhu
bilahil-wahid min shari kuli hasid' which means 'I seek for him,
refuge in Allah the One from the evil of every jealouser'.

On a Monday, the 12th of Rabee' al-Awwal during the year that

became known as the 'Year of the Elephant', 50 days after the
incident of the Elephant, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was
born. And with his birth, a number of interesting and
extraordinary incidents occurred.

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