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Aocrt tm•zli â a yroeeas to dâcowr W souoes of wer to rreet iIx• roquñerz¥mt of the
suiffity; schedule aixl to crrpby elective measures br nluoctilg hut narpowct in edcqutiic
rnzrr6zrs to Seite effécfive neEctén of e&?ent persomt

saiffñg is on Ixisz' Ftncton oF mirn$cm'nt. AL muggers Ian n'spuiulbi£ty uF sio0Tn$

Attn by sehcl lg tbe chief eXocu-lve ant even W gzerr¥•n ord s gecirg how a
suslBng ab zn/ wbcn by akct the rardt cmd file workers. Howcycr+ W pcrsowT

ifmccflcr as and wlcu addabial uoig›ower is wqu#ed do• to espar Ion and ñcvebprrcit
oFbus actzvg@.

‘R;gf4 pcnon for its r§;hi job' is its hesic pUipie in rccroitneni ard scicciion. Ever
organisatdn sfxiiiH give aiieaicin to the se¥'cttin of its ixaqmiver, espec tidy its imrngeis.
Tlc opciniívc irnnpowcr G cqtully rtam ard cmciaitl for ihe onkÇ woit@ of an
crnrprn. Rvery http oiginisatòefi ii mcòs iior4›owei for ca g diífcicni bussms
acte sin›otliïy and art for ihis eccruitrrcni mur of siiàabie
carddoics are cssetaitt fltomn msouree ireiogcircni i nn orginòetón w4 rot be
possbf• if msuitab le peisois ara sckried ard errpioyrrc is ú a bisirxss inút.


Itocr\ânrurJ b if›c Process of ñtzlkg mcl aniacling uepBbk o/›p aiits Air ¢oybjnicm. Tim

subrrdtcd. Tfc rcsuL â a pool oFaqpIi‹atén 6crn whi•h rcw crrpbj<cs six sckclcd -

Tin rccruitrrunt /m›ccss coiryirâcs oFfivc trXcrrcbtcd sales viz
Ev«lætbn and Cuniioï

draft ri cnrqiælcr i'n: job specifkntci n fur ilc• mcnnt poegioiy oinliiing is irojor ard
nóor n>pursbiIitics, tI”c skïlb, cspcrkrcc and quaü£<atbns m , made aixJ kvcl oF
ç›ay• suuti I dsie: wh•iIxr lenyomry or nernenm dret mrnt n of smc•I coixlcnm. if

2. Srœte Des'elogn ro:

Orce i is kimwn imw rruny wih wlnt qimlificatio in of r«mlHales arc required i • rcxt
step ân'o1ved âi this rcgaids to dcvn a xaitabie stniicgy for summing th• candidates n He

reguizd carxlidates if<rreeÏves or hirc a fioin oiaskle, wfut bT< of rcsniarrm¥ rreiJloJ to
be uscd, who gzaphiceT Boca be consóerod for amrcÏang tf¥• cand?daW, which souzce of
rccruórcni io be p tó¢d. Old wfnt scgia'rce oF aelfútús to be Iò1Icwcd fi recruiïng


This shep îmaîvcs eiczctk\g job scckcn to lle orguiisalön. TI-cie arc broadly two soiaccs
ilscd to ultnim candida\es.Tlrsc arc:

i lnternet Seiirces, ard

ii. Ezlernal Go«rves
IÑYERNAL SOURCES : Ocst ciqtbyecs can bo fôislJ wàhn de or$aniaitloc Wfnn a

h§jI<r Foot is given ‹a a dcservâig crrgbj<c. i nockeics gal oiMr cmbyees oF th
crrgsnâatén to work hard. b on be ñdbrrmd of th a voc by â¥errasT
ulxertâetrcnt. Th Iniertel Solaoes Are — TniiaLw

EXT£RNAL COURCES: AB orgBnäaiöm lait io inc exxmI shun-ce Iôr rcméorcni lo

Ñglier I>osàk›rs 'chen es tag e b s are mc Ok. More I •nrra are meded wlun

• Recenxrx•ixiat innfnExisting Errpbyees

• Factor Gales

• Labow Coroac‹o‹s

some via as flu stifling poñ i of sttxt0n. in low com¥kred
irtegra 1 pan nf recninrmnL T1u• mason being ibe scbctim process siarts one' nffer tla•
app¥caiions hovc been screened ard Wrt£stod. Let i be cxciylifnd watt nn cxerip£:. In
tFc Univms* ice, appUrn ir: are Envied hr filing tin pest of Pmfessen. AppUt I'ris re-
ceived in in io ñ \fat o n, ce., sdm mm aic :«iitcmd urd sfDrilis led irn th bars

one gbiliTy will suiabTlity. TMrr only iM s Ncrxd appâcBzgs src âwicd for s¢mfrer
prcscntsflon ord pcmimi1 irxcrv 'w. Tie sek•ciJon Fro•:css stor‹s 6om fee, Le„ scmâar

job sgec tin é izwakob€ seremâng, App ins are screened ago?zst W
qwhfcxt@ kio>kdgc, sk8b, abiii 's, i›lctcsi a›xI cxperkrx'c itenlkmcJ ?\ the job
sIx'cifxaIéw Those silo do rot qusIif¿ arv simi2fitwsy cIâté•ted born tie cebctbn

Th Iechn<Iws usod Ibr scm<nñg ccixJ lalss vacy deyerxtk\g on be source of sity fo:I
rrcrlod reed for recnzit Preâmizasry appb ctors, lusts or¥I
rvk•ws aic coimon iccfatiqrcs used tbt scivcrJrlg tile con‹lidatcs.

Given the ooiuklcmbY• cosi Evoked ia t1u• mcniñrmifi process, rim m'e¥sitñn mm enamel


In w of above, ñ ?s mercy tb'r a pr\dgui g byer to try la aieiwer qotBin qWtoza

W: wI¥•W the rocruiazx•zli rr¥•ids ore a ” ie crd wlé? Ard whuW W
roeriornni process filbwed m me organâetion is etfeciivc at elf or ref? In case tk
ambers to qi racHa are m mgative. tin appropriate cor4zol tmasures reed ie be


SELECTION met be difTcleit¥ttcd fioin ivcruiuum, ikou$h these arr ‹wo plascs uf
Rocrtétm•nT powdcs echo tin Ń slang prooess. S'cloctŃn irnohcs choose tic beer
cæddale with bcsi ebilšius, sk8b crd knowkdge /ôr tic teguked job.

Fut¥'k'yc': Mkciion ö tfc process oF puitin rgN run on rğht j+b. Ii à ii proofurc of
iæîcIø›g orpmizctóial roguëe‹rmus wżh IU skilb ыd qudìfxańom oF ț›cogk. £lksčw
scbclón eau be Son only wîcn here ă cfficiLrc riøichaø By sckcúng bcsl «Mrlыe Ibr
de required job. tÏe orgaróolion w8l Rei qualcy ncrlõnrorce of cnybycs. Momover.
ozganòatón wk Iăce Iss of obacrgeeem cry estate tuzrowr prob •na. By sc •c r\
gN ¢øn ’ńaiø For th' I<quëe‹l job, oцytnizøtón wi1 nbo stiw tirø afzt irowy. Pro/›cr
scmenżig of” carddalcs islcas phew durty¡ scî•çIîen ț›roccóîxe. All ttc I>oicmeI cord s
wШ apply Br tlк yM'o job arc lcstcd.
The Rmployen s»'łenñon Process вkes place ët Iõlbwing order-

Me/BcaT exandnation
Erzgzloynxał Intenâews
Written Tel+s
Appllcatlon blanks
tPzelbdnazy Interviews


6own by th orginizatöm Tlc sk lb, ncadeiric nut tannoy beckgrourd, corrpetcmFs srd
irnriests of He cøiuiÕitø aic exnnkcd duriøg pieláninry inns Prelimirøry ćiervk'ws
aic £:ss fin-rвăzvd srd plnrai tran th- frøl Lacrns. TO' caiui£latcs arc giwn a bréf
uf obot4 tin conșøity ard flu job pr°tik; ad s ń sbo oænñrd low rr*ch W candle
TTc caMMnt wfo clear W prcTmézary rv?cw aq d Tu fi0 appf?caton bIcrd‹. It
comazs dat mord of ITx• caixIj‹tates swt\ as Staid abrtzt age. qiajit]c4\iuns. maso \ for

3. Wdneo Testa

4. Erc$ilo mm \ntcnfeos

IT ñ a ora• to one @cmcIJon bmwccn W fnzew r oM Time po c'i I cor¥tMau•. IT s


Agri Nochinary Sreup

BSE: 500495

£oimder Hair i'4arda arxl Yixi Ffanda

. Headqiorte Fai-?labad, Jrclâ

: Area served

Tmcom cmp soWi‹ne pkk and Om‹rs. tmckbc

bndem, ronymmom. shork zbsobm, mEvay.
bmkc*p e noupkn

. N um1x• r of li.000 (20I4)


Tho Conpmv Toms a l pmmmn m Acme o£«n›w #m‹ ntD com xw o

cdllrce a› slrong '+kcs, crr¥tbyec pBrtbiatbit pBybg ckuc aIa•nlion io cnybyoes'

qa t•/ oP A, post percçpton of b abaut W Company and bus s
ah m'iti of HR polcks. Tbc cipby‹x's •cI proM cd tk' orginizslíon així arc Iï$hly
ócdkatcd io do \to vcry hesl possbb lo contrbiac io \l< orlgmòalion's r«cm«. Thà

ESCORTS beIic\w é serta crgsniziillcral excc¥cixe tf ouI/h coixit«otu

dcwbprrunt of Le Iwien msoutccs. Tlcmfñre. a conymhcns c kunan resom
scaicgy spanrérg auidtics proccd@ tic pre-en”gbjrircni of pcrsom'l io aclivit
Iblbwi ifelr sc arotbn a a bm. This stmle is refhctcd \Ic crcetk›n of a
Hunun Poki•s,

We, o‹ F-SCORTS PVT LTD, ciy;sIpd n suumng 8' wells rF sheet n<icI
arc corrrréttcd O yrcvunt/ redac polbgén nrxl to prove

cadcascur. Th qinPly syslcm urxi pinccdiecs wk be admired nut pmLssiornl cihics


AgrJ Macfilnem

1 1960 - D«urts sci ug its: stratum A¡;ri Mach Groug (AJdG) tu vcraixc Pro

* 1965 - E:scoris rofi:d out ther Frxi tnimt of irectors urxler th: bun mn of

3 1969 - A wqnratv cou ›aoy, Escorts Tmeiors Lid., was establ Ind with c-quity
f›orik@aién oF Ford MoIw C‘o.. Baan don. UIF. fbr inc n•mbcwv of Ford

4 l99éi• Escorts Tiactors Lid. formiib' merged watt ihe parcni company, Escorts

hurls AIVICi law ihn'c oynéz J ai+d well-nrxvpied micicr brsixls, whñh «o en
disiâ”ci pBtfbrna of icchrokigy.

1 Parmiac: Worb Ckss I?rcmbm maroon, wilt sndc rcdtctbn aixi epi-cyclb
rcdiniion mummies cms from 34 io 75 HP.

2 Po•tnrac- Uiilty ard Vake-lbr-non ircctun. a slrc -ask sr<t

frr •rcdiniion rumors finm 3. 4 in 55 HP. tinier’s N o.1 ccommy rnrtry •
steered la @t h@ dbscl ccoioirly.
3 Esc oñ: Fcomrriy iiactorx kiviag h&• mdin:tDn tiar nñssion arm •cytixier
engics from 27 to 35 ltP. A Pi›mriag brard of‘ trnciors immducc6 by Escorts

International Subsidiaries

• Fai-rroac Nonh Am•rica LLCé inc U.S.A.

• Fanroac Tiaciors Europe n PoBrxl.

• It imw caters io Licaiioiv arross 41 coirfries.

Functional Excellence

• Mariu!\icturing

a MalcréB Mezagcrrent.

• Ft owe.

• 1nhm•it nn T*chn bpy.

Esouris has also nade mnlLil itn< tnciits with excl ie ik' rn 'I\«tñaimn ord
noderntzolén of Elem techrob|gy. The Eacoria IreI o£ Fann Median 'clan {EIFM)
al Ban lore o a stak-uf h •art Mr w tramp s izzgarted fi upcrolén,

Construction equipment
Tie $aitut ut” cquipnx'its miniilâclured by Escons @kxles cram, baJcn, vbietory
rovers aixi foit1i&s. The corrpaay also boasts io be ill pt:›rmn ia irtrodini;g t1u•
corx:cpt of Pick 'n' Carry hydrau¥c niibik ciarx:s ñ tit: 70’s xi Irxiii nrd cciNiiax:s to be
it woñd's nt»ivhot er of th•se cmres.
subsisntbl irack rccurd be
fi T T@ro\dfi Mobk Crux's
2 Loaders
3 Fotklills

> Rnllway equipment

Siia:e dc past 40 years. E8ooits lms been the reading nniuifriciui r of criti::al rnilwny
coi rems. Ii â. aicl frs befit ore of il*' oM‹ut aixi not irtslw'ofihy paflrcrs of
lrdiori Ratvey tlu laysi railway ivmvoA i iht uorH. tlnvirg phs a s ificam
ro£: in tic nodcmcxtnn an growih of 11a helm Raihvays, todoy i s o rrkfii• produk
imti-zslimbgy bisir<ss at Escons.

1 Slx•ck Absorbcrs
2 C ykn
3 wkc syxr‹e
4 Drake Bbcks

tAn ISO: 9001 -30000 ccñiftxi corr$niny, Eseoñs nenuiiictarcs prnflmls as per
trtcmit hurl stnrdaaJs specified by UlC, AAR aad ladnn Ra4ways}.


? Farai Track
Furrrsiec biarxJ urc ih' nowt yowciYul ¡m'rréurn rap uf tniclors ifei j#vc rruxinxan

1 Exported \o th' nosI añuirccd markets iu Its wctkl.

2 Wet acocgiod Orrallnafly for its vcnattJity.
3 Dcs d km tfc dcm›rdbg roguñcnonls oFpro jvc famws.
4 Mach • wk powerfzd g•oaxcs Iâr rzaxtrnm mercy.

f’owcrcos bnuxt of ttasiors are N nose fi›s1-cfb:iciu tn\cem in Iheir mspoctñv

categortea iIaT oflfr excellent aIza• Ib'r zrorn•y azd Reeve begged W Iâ izrgrow

Val rartge — Yelrc Iâr rror<y, Fu I efikicr , 30 - 55 HP rar\$c

Zsoort brand of tzaclars arc scope of rc&b ad tnai ant enjoy d-c conbâcm oT
Us 8nrñltt â›r in bsl 40 years.

Ecaromr rar\gc - 2 cy£rdcr, 27 - 35 HI', SRI of rcñibil ty s\roc 40 pars

4 A Tiadat›n of The.
2 Pi›r*xrhg brerd of iracton ilro6M by Escorts.
3 Escon rnrige of trnciors - n trnd4nn of servtx• arxl tnaL
4 Urf›eatabie advnntoges.


nummonvz rnESS SffOr: r AcOR M i‹ spmh fuily-uulorrati: Press LV

comisling oix• nress of aid ihrcc pressœ cf 40fîTonfc cock ßodsôn rł” all

HEÜh1 INC SHOP: For tie Fвst ‹ăre car. rlx' actkïty of Ix'ozmng îòr nskкig tie
v@i s fi¥ss born u uzcc^d b'y un Or\gzrsil uğrrcm Mumdttclmr lC’EKd)'
Three h•n g presses. aluiy; wàh a hoitery oF sf›eI '+cБiig jigs, gms & MÏLi bmztn8

DI E SPØTTJ NG PRESS : I 00Torrc ON A Make Spnnsh Hydraulic Die Spoithg

Weld Shop

• Designing, Surface Modeling & Deve1opnv•nt of automobile

• Stamping Die, Fanel Checker & Welding I\g Designing fur

sheet-meal parts.

• For £malizalion of Draw Face, we are usiug Altair

HYPERFORM V6.0 with LS-Dyna. It simulates the Draw
operation on vidual press step-by-st¢p so that any wrinkle
fomation, any cmck formabilily, any Thinning can be found at
the very beginning, thus climâtating time & money wastage on

We aLo help to validate our vendor’s slumping processes &

solve their problems using HVPERFORM V6.0


The CcrtIIfca1Ion of TUV ¥¥xiiagemnt Senlee ¢irrbH cvn lies ihatEStURTS
PVT I.IM lTFD (India) Its established itsclF as a Airtnirohib Cnnpomm irofzJ a•:‹urcr
and apples a 9ras S tern for I’M Shucl MrW1 CunQorertis & W«Mod


Environment policy

• lintiianieilisc efFcñm imornce uiili5aton wnsin end mdixefpicvera

aim conxni inn nt of our crr$ib .

Tide Pollcy oouId be regularty resale'+ed and nuide avallable ro city Interested

To achieve this, ze comn4i ourselves to :


Vision- an Entrepreneur's Dream.

ments urd TcchrDb gy.


• We believe kt tecrt• ork wLh web deFaxd Res£orobilit ice ant ccouiM6ility.

• We bcbwc in accordiitg top prbriy to crsIom•r Focus 4oough firotr¿n aild

• We belies n respect ard care Ibr a0 ibosc Assocfitcd wih ts by corrstñ incnis.


• To met tfc ctai4imr muds

• To provide good qie¥ty produci
To tnâitm ñx• lh• cnst
• To grid pixif4
• Wcaht inximizatñn
• To mrna in gond working erivirnnmert


Every coupes a tkcicd by 1s cmiroi in•nl. B*e cmiroiorcnl can ix• ñ W€ es two

e 8aong Unén
• Web rkilcd workers S ctzgk›yees

• Thy dcimd

• Coordâaién belwmn alt dpartrreN

• No Jb mmbn
• Wasa$c

• Gbbafmtien

• Adoplbn oFfz'w teclvobgy

small fivcsHtcnl

• Arc bn
• Govcrnnz'm pol y
• Conyctñion fiom k›cuI p&ycis
• Cash Ibn' grobkrn
• Strd‹cs

• T4
• PTL(Pun#b Tnuor Udj

• Dajaj Terrpo
• Foid raw In› rid


• Achrvc lotsl crslormr sBtisbctk›n by dclivcr¥yl prodisls aid providiyl ''rvées tial
rrec or exoeed Ihciz reguâen¥mts ard exgectatém and la do on T za• and at rrosl
corrp‹xiivc pmes n dousstb nr<I export irntket For its eitt?c range of prodix't.

• Msnain an cnvtomx1xeL Instil aild safLry rrnna$¢nxm sysicm aixl proj;rsm aim
regular rrorotor, set ard relw object uugeis on to cozlio•aztIy Ave
cnvizoilnxrJ owl rcd\xc/ pivvca pok4ioc hmlth nnd safe\y risks Io crrpb arxJ
i›tcreoe‹I Panks on known of orgonmtloia oclivitl.



1. She el Serelre hether

Fast 0/ US kcXd Stflcl sñ rVoc ccJcF M pre\/sTc sCct0r. csiab&Md ‹0 WcT rTNicrñ il
rogu¥enmxs oF various a\Ao«oiñ 'c ed whae y›od mm‹Iâctuze Th scrape tas smt€IIt
o€azt bBzlktng . c A To I•PgIfi ar¥J CNC b a•r ,

nz›torcnks ‹I scooters limped (HMSI]. 3 n unñ tae sfraigls eF wMâ›g egu@nwtt Robo\s

4 Ffntores sod Tools M

Th \añ is bcdkatcd to nziru&cItoc a fish precbk›n wckltn$ jigs end éxiurc used in

TI-c un ü 6ed atcd Pô r wanu6c rLyj at six 'I corrpor<ut bcirg uccó Jó r autorrobBcs,
bollt Iô ur wlleckn ard Iwo wluck«s, Tm iaii ms hale 4un 40 lilãt prestes etxt 2 kms of
Imp preases roi8r@ Ifor« 40 ione io 500 toras capaz .

fi. Tenil Dcsienine Ucdt

â urét â e4@Ted Iâ r rrsnuBc Tools erxt djs used n a\ orrobdeg and offs refered

7. Nbe ManaFacttatae E'arltltles

Tie uñ is dcdkaioJ Ibr riainubclurñ g oF tubes erd hbc rcBtcd corrpoiurilu bcirg ua'd

6. Tim unti is dcdketcd for ftonu&cturi\g oF sleet corrpomnt bcirg used For




Rccnisorcni used as it i oust éiportanl Ation of pcrsoinl adnñ 4stntion. Rmm

unkss tfn r4lhi type eF pcopk or hiod I'm the best pbns, orgnninitDn cksns etxt control
system daub 6L
Rcmi tm'a is Ill diocese oF scarclñ 4t tic caixlldalc and sl¥mbtcs hem Br cn¥•bytrcnt.


• To etiract ¡x'ogk wih nzAi skiIb nnJ expcricn:e hat suis if< pxsea nicl Ittun'

• To init Fresh bbed at a4 Finl of orgari'atña

• To duwcbp an orgnréaftioral mdtW• tial attm«ts corrgclcrd pcogk la tic Tonga .
• To search go for helm gbboTty ard az jot wih m W cozz awry.


Tie gemral pirposc of rccniinwm is io ptoviic a pool of pozr4ñ lly quHld job

1. D¢1crntir ' Ifc press aM ffnxc n:c¡u?citcnl cF IIlc orgatânlân in cot§urz'ton wart
persoml pinning and job analyse octaves:

Liam Wcjofipeu|of bcomd s#›mhimumc

3. Help ixrcasc Ifc sio¢css raw of the scbctbn process l›y rcdia'irltt lie notbcr visbly

4. Help mdiz:c tfc probabi¥ty tltil job appli:ents, orcc rccniiod sckxkW, wit knsv 1lx•
orginim ño n one ajlcr a alert period of inrt•;

S. Mcci ill o iñ sivrs lxl iiixl socñ l obJtiin mprding tic corrposai›n of 4s

h. Hcfy Demin of PmFerir4i pomntiil job appd:as wtD wn be approprñ ie

9. Lvck•\c tic cflLslñemss of vacéus recnéiyl leclviqw ard sources for all ‹y2m nFjob


There arc n unrulier of ficiors ifot afF•ci rccniitmerx. • are biondiy cRsaiPm4
irao two cure rics:


Tfc btcnol 8ctors ako called ss 'Rogcnous facton" nre lit Iâcton within lie
organéatén tlast affect rocnziting gcraomt In The orgarrbotion

1. She ef the erganlmfiez

rccnJttrcn\ kss probLwic tlain wnh sirttkr

II. Reciolti pop
The tvcrukrrcm policy oF ihe orçanizalion Le. mcnàtiyl fiorn ă«cmaI sources and csîeu I
sauces aha oder iecruórcm process. Gcz •m/, reczutmønt Hugh feessT aolaoes
é prcłëncù, becnme own crrgloy¢cs ktow Il1e orgвfóclion nnï tlhy cnn we8 ß č\ ro tÏø

UI. łioage oFI0e ergaaIz•+ton

ilx' orjpnizstóit Gœd irmgs of th orøiniætÓn cxrtøü by iI\c number of” overt nwI coven
actón by wgsners k§›s oæect ț›eicmeI and onimbl cвrclLlsics. Maiageról actiore
1ke goal pubâc rcB4ыo. mndctfig purr be 1kc bUЯHg nods pEb£c paÆ>
huspмB and schœä let мm iaeø or gœdwù fш mwnWüon Tit b wW cø

TV. î-age ef the Înb

Bcitcr rcп¥eciatbn ord workfig corcl›Lom as corьüer¢d ilc cłeiacicrötx's of good
à age oF e job. Besdes, Pmnorón cixł cerг r devebpnerc şokks of orgтròoiîon also


Lke irtcirøl factors, ıfierc arc sorrc meters extcial ia oqjarti tion, which love their
irinmmo on xcruli •ni pmccss 5om• of thee arc ghen tx•Jow:-

I Denogæpltlc factors
As den grвphú tăcien as iuimiioiy rsbicd tn nvimn figs. Le cybpet M low
proФixd cif¥xm::ø on mcniñmnt process. Dciographi: fåctors ix:ldc age, sex, Liciacy,
œoixi state m

IN Labor næzket
I•gbor rrozLct rnø•dïŃn I.¢. epp§ ord ófi-uxt oT bibor ifi ofl uBr ozu›rec in
afłäctŃg rocru zrx•nT procce. E.g, if tic dermnd Iór speci& skif ø h@ rcbsLiw io ńs
suțiPh à more îIвn Ïbr partz'uIar skilL recruàfmm w£I be mBúYcly caskr.

III Uncn$iIo¿itura sftuallbo
The row oF urx•rrgbyrmm is yet ar›ok<r cxlerrol 6iclor as bfbci<e on ihc rocnâtnr'nI
process. WS W orrg+by Baie ii an azea \s h tt¥• recru zra•nt pzocese tends aa
strty•kt. Th reason tot difficult ie seek. Tie rzotbct of upglz'allon is cxgoe1cdly vz;y’
high which nekcs casñr Io aruacf tic Ix,>t-quaâdx'd aFpIf:alias Tie wren» i« abo Inc.
With bw ‹oic uFun«rpIcym'nt, rc«riéing pierces ic‹xI to bc‹:orrc di&null

IV Lalxir Ives
Thcic urc wvcni1 bbor bws elit icgAlbis passod by ik' cemra1 oM slole tp\eri1rrerzs
ilat yovem difErem lyge of c byuuni. Tlx«e covw '•'orL@ corxlebn, corqx'r Unit
rciircrrcnt bcrclïts, saC ard hoafth of errgby¢c àt irdusirol urdenakings.

Tfc chR1 Lebour Ach1986, fur exarrpic prohf›ns enjibyirmu of chikiren ia centru

SflrAiriy seveial oilur acLs sinh as iiu r by •at Exc Aci, 1958; Tlu Appeervc
Acu I96I , iM Fociory Act,I948, ard Tlc Mir<s Acu 1952 dcal wih recru rrcnt.

Y Legal coociderutian
Ana\Item cxtcrna1 Victor is Gym eorsécralbn wih rcljsrd la elrgbyrrcm rcsmetbn of jobs
Ibr scloduk mbes. ord of backward cbes (OFICj is th goPu6r excrrglee of sort L'lpl
uorsMeiaioa TM rcrrc court of Info free given rdici oi Fax oF 50 per c«ni uF



Prnirolior« alcl transfLx lmam »rrony tfc prvem eitgby.a csn bc $nod soiacvs of
rocrutnxnl. f'rotrolbn lics ypadlztg of ali ctrt,k, to a higI<r posk@n carrylng
r sattzs, pay azd resporab . Prorro@n 6orn mug W prescN errgb m
sJ stlcotr &au>c čc ctiyik›yocs txonutcd src u’cM acqui with tlc crpiniatbn
c4ure, h¥•y ggT i”fQtfmted ard žt @ cheoper aBo. f’tofior@n bom jug W perrgn
eitgb sbo rcdixcs čc r¢qušcrrx'ni cF job ca Howc\er, ilc dbadvanagc lks št
Ižrfibg \I< ctočc oF liz f'cw ncopk Btzt denyityf hižryT of outsžtcn 'zlo uay be bcacr

qwbMd old ski. F wore, prorrotén 6om orrong prcscrd ebbs-s aha results in
+r woding. whkh creates FrusimiJon auoeg hose no‹ proiroxd. Troiakr mfcn io shiftrg
an b 6om or¥• job to arab wâloia any clasnge in tbe pond a /poag statra ord
rcsgof bilii¢s. Tlz' reed Iér iraftsfcr Fch la provde employees s broaJcr orcl carttxl
bese. w kh b considemd mw«ary /br prorro‹iorr Job rooibn irnolves ooiaFcr oF
vripbyccs tiurn arc job io ciatMr job on 0c bicral bask

11 fiorns r eiqilnyees:
Foiwer oirpf›pes are antler son •c of appi*.mm for vacaicm to be fikâ tip ii tk
oiginiaiton- Reined or mtmrctcd erq›bycos imy be niFrcsied io c ecu host ion
eonpeny in wurk on tic part ttm• basis. Sirn&ñy, mite fñrrrx:r errpbyoes wfo fed ich He
o niznñ» br an' rmsoa. any coim back io were. This sovrm lbs R s6mraages of
fiiiaB penp£: w1u›se periirrrrurx:e is aPcady kimwn to ilx: orgunizat¥i rr

pccpk i1 čn urgonizntbm bccaus< wkr lo tlosc poletslal caixI@«tcx wto m•et tfc
oorrj›ony mqmrmrc kro- to kam 6on› iI'c• own c rcv. The wferred Jxtivdak
arc cspcclcd tu bc sit\Mir ri ime in tlc oF sice srd sem, ter currgL, a t usc wto orc

lv Previous appIk'ant:
TNs fi coieéered is btcnal race Lt th serar 6et apglrbia thorn its f›eIrmeI
carzJdalcs arc akc»dy with orpul aioe Sorrclim's tlc orgBntation cuntacis tMtiglt

scrniikillcd jobs.

The polčy of rinxil iecniiirx•at avtu

pmvi3es the oeganimiionin rmke a
bcticr use of iaicms eHcrrci lly avadib f•
und io dcseiup thcrn fixiicr oiui firthcr.

n*lwd umkcs cnubgru rt Jmt thcy *ouW bt pwkmd onr Ju om$Ucn itd
wl/wiithey 0kd tp RlheoqznhlLn ecoris

emnbyccs to itiyros tlcir carrkr aml tx'onn. Tla c‹mb s Imel Itrti cr¿\ncatbit bel
čat orgcnbstčn fi a pbce \vb•re Ih¢y cv budd uči Mir Ihfi-hng cowcr. Besdcs. kficrrol


Lxmom dmutmckosnoaied & Ux mcma! :nimenl nisblbus:

InIerroI rcsrv3uers Nults ks choicc io ihc tekrzs avaihbb wlthin Ihc orgai iio•- Tla *
derfies the aspg@ ofi bslenra avadobk• m the vase bar rrarket m4s@e the argar@mr@w
Moieovcr, intcrrnl rccruitttcnl setvcs es a uesf £•r "Wroedirlt\", wkich ls tx•vcr lmittky

2. Dbcotiragc ee qietftkin:

og¡›cnunay io oifcrwJsc corrpciem caildiJales fiom outside illc organi:cilion. This in to

dcwbtxs a xixIcr<y arrong he crrgby s ie tal‹c its' Pmrrotion wtiI•iia stowbg «arc

Wiih ifc 1eltng dat ttrcrna1 caixIkl‹iics \vLI surcly IIct prorrolcd, ilcir skiM in čz' biyl noi
amy becone suigrnm or obrobie. IFso, ntodwli 'ity ard sufFciew y of

PonlTcis and cunliowrsics sur8ce eiror\g ili' žikrtnI caIxIkIe\cs, whciller or ›oi ifcy


I Errgf4oyim ni esefceage s:
Tnc iotfirul coiwrnsion bhor t 1969) o1»crvcd č its rcport ttot ci lhe prc-ti&yAcrcc

i‹xtcpcrdercc, iailiorat crry•bynnni services were esm8lâfcd to brt\g errgbycr owl jub
seeker toyPer. Tn rcspoiae io k, tic corrgubory i<tâica\bn at” vscotcks act of 1959
{Carreras calbd org ut excl act) 'ams ñzsled wart becom ogeraâvc ?n
I 960.tie irniti fia<Iém of ilea errpb nt each w?h tic bian'fcs in rrosl ckics arc
regâtmton of job ceeker az¥t her p@errer+t m W rotided search. It â ob6gaTo lair

ciipf›pr io hifonn ahoo iti oiacooc of sckcton wZf4n lS daj to tfc crrpJoyimn

cohnnge. Empbywzo Oxchang % pnnkuhdy fl h nmnu4zng bbcoDar.
Mhr oM xhndl Mdcn.

mglstw candktetes fi›r mbyncix aixl fim/sk z let oF sutebk carol lalcs fiom tla dala
borik aa ard wI¥m Bougfs by t& prosgem n• e byer. Gerg•rally. tf¥•se ogerc@s sedel
pcnots<1 for s\y›cwtn›ry arcl \ • hglcr Jcwb. Tla nam fizlx'tbn oF tlz'sc np:rcbs is to
wšc aFpkalinn zixl stx›rt-let \Ix• suluibb cardžIa‹cs Fnr tla ogpnimtbrr OF course. \Jc
rcpmwaiivc oF tfc urgonailbn takcs ifc bral dccafan on I¢ction Tla errpbyr
organizatbrs dcrive severs1 advaniages \t\/oud\ ihis soi•ce. Tla rirrn ssved in čib nx•dod
dan be brmer utllžzed eBc\z/žcze by W organ at@zc Ae W orgazzeafiowt žtczlitty rcrraža
unkiuau to the job spcakws, k, rb«s, avokl tccci'fing Litcn aixl olleirga to tn4ucrc¢.

Ili Wertisewnt:

sugph oF hat resources in tie labour rtnrkei, tfc ttoic wklcly dispcncd th advertis¢nxnl
•m I!keIy e b«. For Imiar<e. the seaxh Iâr a log mautive iréBN cW« sdwrrlscrrems in
a mlloiul daily ldc tfc Hbds Soon crrplnyis/corrgan s ad›crtâ c thc• posl by
Item Cost box rsvrber of its uaut of sone recnâ tkg agency. This fi dc4le la Fonñ ubr
keep own dcrszry seem ua off cesaazy correspordewe with app6czNs. Hour
Ifz• dLadv«nags oF ifz'sc bI3xI edwctbcfrz'nL ie., past box fzarber @ ilat \ • potcnlal job
sPekers are En flesttant w#Iout ufikmwžg ife ž oge o€ tte ozgsnb'at@n, ofi ile om paul,
aixl ilx- bad rcpoialion tim ti-c brati ačwttim•at lviv rcc<m•d bccausc of tla:

bt of care has to be iakcn to mike it ckor and to ill yoilt. II mlsi ciaire tlait sons' sclF-
sekccbn orrong aPnI!cam t‹ikc PBce ant ords qiafifud oF'gI am rucpoixls ils'

1-iowever, mar imny organizatior menim cnrrjik e derek aboin job posiioin tri ibtre
ad m•nt. Wlni fuppcicd fi iltit ana miy wonkd arxi bina4 -bascd

adwrt@czzcnts rray @rme\e a los h-rckvont appgcBtion, wf ch ao&, bn/ rccvzsay,
+rcmesing ilc cost of pn›ccssing Jem.

luna Moiagenwu Assocoiiom ctc.. provik piaccrmm ervke to tic sin. Tlu

or ita$szx 's conančtg ačvcniscitcnis br Il<r frcitber. It is partčubrty tseliil I r

altmmng taBhly eLilt d a ‹t groWsloial pc.rsnn/cL Hnwmmr. fi trxlis. \he e rot o
coimon pracik< ard tk›sc 6w provdv swh kird sef hal mi bccn obL to

V Ca«ws Recmttm•nt

OF 4e+ sowx• org;srñmTforts ssh as HLL_ HCI_ L&T+ Cir acrd‹, Cadbury AZ Grid
Jsys, elc., in Iridb law siartc‹l vbMirg edu:aIioial and lieh?\g iatiuls/ ceirguscs
for mndiwrs purT›oses. Many Tr tiut•s Inc mgubr pBcmwra cells rffccs to serve
tkbon &1wccn it+c vrrplogv an2 tfc studcnis. Tazpe Ccncal UnñcrsJy las crc Deliu\
y Dtr¢clor (Tra b8 cr<t f'bcerrea) Ib'r fiurpose of corpus recr\dront a«d

Tja' rrudod oF ca us rocrutn<nI alan wf1ain advsnages io ihc cir¥•bycr organlzst@rs.

grada@ug subsir›g §. Tlc d@admrgngqe ofl ime ofi mrutbrerd tim

organizatbrs love io 1irš ilx•ir sebctbn to only ”Mary” pos¥ions aid 4x•y
irtervim' the cardiJaies wto imve simi8r edtnatfin ord experieijce. if ai ah

Amlfcr zouzcc oF reeru zra•nt fi dc]autaton T.e., a•ndteg an e bjrc s to arotlor

organkatbn br tla stort durstbn of wo io ilvzc ycsrs. This ituthod oF rem tnxni
is piact x• d a pntiy mi •r. in ila• Gosemmmt deparmuai & piiblL sector
‹W4cc ycar b Wt cnmqh br Lc dcmwd cmpbHe w pmvUe cn€bHc ta pm»
Neflhez meflk•, on &e one Nud, and devebq coaz itnemt wgh ocean %

Yll Werd-ef-nv›utli:
Soim org;inčaiinn tri lrxlei oho pinciže ifx• ’4oix1• of•nxnnh” mlad of mcruitrrcni. In
:Ms mr0nd . V wow bgssx| cmmd fr Wcanckso opcnWm h d:o mmlnc
Am›bx kom oF wontoEmmmh mUmd of Onpb opm:hhg” ic: tM o»ylnpo

u•rrza oF both m• and rrorx•y. bom• of W organžmT@n rr¥zizztatn a & apg Ura a6
scrs a bb-dva by’ a job wckcr. Tla-ic wrvc as a vcry Iziixly tis \vfcn thcrc viicatcy tn
iM o r oiJon. Tla advonage oF čim nettod is ro cost lkcd in mcn-čnwt
Howcwr, iM diauva‹sa$cs oF hip hej oF wcru itos arc rnn- aaiBbi1ity oF the
cotxtdales fieu iaodcd ctok'c of c•rxIld^i @ resu54ed tn a lon m€ m•i6cr.

'VIT £takLng or I’oaeIItng:

Thlr â *ix›kr sources oF mcndncrt whcmby de riot drm by aiming to o•d
uordltinis, fry io otiracl qatIto‹l ‘s to jowl ifc. Tits rad@ â a oorisron E'olu”c
iu thr Irdăn nrganizaibre. Far irsi«rce, sete esecutl of IJMT bfi to jon T Wa‹ch
Cod, eo aBo exodw ofi plbz 6om I6ă¥n Ale \o tI¥• prfimtc a• tizzi opoauar.

Bcxdcs tlcsc, was - cuntrauors, rang aal t«»visbc acquààioi urxl rrc r
clc., en som oit<r sourccs of recr\óri»iu used by org nòation-

1. Ste th• ¥izm 1 s of rccni cxicrml soirccs arc

rr&'d of advar4oj;cs an4

lkiq a axiie opcr jess, i is £ite9 io aurvct a la atndor ot apphiaMpplkiiow
"flx•, fi tix u'i:Ima it opti:›n of seiectYin

2. AvulleHlity ef Talented Caivlidetes:-

With th puvl of opp1I:ams, a bocoims possblc ter «rganizatim io fo'n' taknnxl
carddaies from the ount. Thu i ntro6tces on' mbb Its’ iñu
od o

W@h Inrge pooT o€ opg1@znu, Bel•ct@n proceas becorrx•e corrpefit@. Tfiš ses
t›rospccts ter sckct@n ifc bcsl car<Iidat«s.

4. Provkles I+eaM@ compeddoa:

As itc extcriul nirbcn arc stpposod io be umre m¥c6 ard cffcU. Wili smfi a

Howevcr, č< exienal sourccs of recruitnem suft”cr fiom ccnažt d advomag¢s too, if<sc

Ths m:Mod ofmcn@nem b boh mptmi and Gne coaumfit ]lr'm s m gmmnwt
A#om#iton *M gmdads##bkcnABWv

2. UafaaBllarfty wfib Ibe Orgaiilzatloo:

Az cazldâaTes son¥• ouia -te & ozgarzlzstÂw IMy ann tot Elmîâar wch iaska, jeb
rotia-c atzl tie iracriuiliniuil sccrnrio oF tie organîaiiort

3. Diseouzage he Ezlsdng Emplosee:

Ex tkg cubes a • ›ot so la px proitolicn. Tltb dbcoirays tlcm la do tic had
nook. This, in turn, bofk down to dccrc•s@ Pred ctivñy of dv organéot ion-


"D¥• ger •rul puzgose of retire e: la pzovée a pool of potertfia/ qrssbled job
atsJdnlcs. Spec Fcolly, the purposes as \o:
• De •wi x• tbz pr sem crd future regu?renms of the orgls ation fi oonjucTén witfi ñx
pcrsoitrX'I plaitning aixl jub-aralysis aclivitLs.
• Tr¥•wse I x• pool o€jub coMMa es at irnurn cost.
• 1 low increasetic Hccess scñ ti›n precise by editing tic nitntivx oL vnnly


Gñren % key rok and cNcrrasT Lily, rocrutarcrg o rarity subjo•c Io of

seveial Iéclors. Thee irckde eternal as well as i Icrml Iéiccs.

• Num-6cr of suitable cizrdéaics Mr sckciJort
• Rcicnlbn ard Fcrbrtramc of 4e eetxtdulcs sekcicd.
• C'o6t OF wcrtAlrñ iooLW.


Whteyz•r Ibnn W appâcatére tlzkc+ Ww Amy be a mX•d to sfB beIbzz• rro or to

tf\e irxerv w stage. Swh a si8 x io iro‹ch th appkat s as cbscly ns possbL to tie
job W person run and To pnxlm a shortlist of peagk to w. To tod any
possbkty oF bus, sish siItk\g sloukl be iaxlcrtakcn by two or nore poopk, mol a shoukl
imotvc Ih• direct ldc nai¥igr/suIx'rvisor as web a.s pmrecL Tin siIt¥Ig staue cen sbo
her Tie orgsriâa\én by pro d@ Ii«•dback un lbs oJvt•rtâing process and tf¥• suñ ab of
tic oppIicoi?in Foim li can abo kt¢tJ Fy neopL who rtéghi be mcful ebewf¥'rc ct th organ?
aatéu TF retérer¥x•e or m•dfiaB are io be tzlke-n betbn• W fivjtaton to @ w
suitlc, it shoukl be miJc uk¥r on th nppliculbn IâniYinltiriteiinn pack scilt io tix• appfs'ats.


In sons earmark's Ilicm with be a Pcnoraxl or h«nsin resource st›ecBks‹ '^Jo wiJ
uzdcrdzkc rrosl od Tic ej and słort btng ft gry bzportan tI”nI tle ó ”c
rinfrilpr/sugervó or Ió r th• job obo bc irnołvcd, both of ile job aild pcrson spccilicalion


coerce ‹a lame a E.'w. Lls agy a rzrngu of rrctlods bv used by iIx• organâalion

depending on ifc tq - of' job ‹a b¢ Obd, 0s: skBB oF tic rccnAcr ard 0c budget Ibr


tic cazdñ loic z* slbh tbr tt¥• jobs and to W cundéatc if ma on about tIx• @b ord
the organbatâiv Every caixIi‹lme sfouB be olkxd th sznx opponuti8ics ‹a 8ivc dv bcsi
prcacntoan of to derronstmte Wy sultab and Io ask qr¥•sTém of W

csrryteteixts of in appllccet is an cffck'nt rmlfod of focfe#\g on tic na\ch between job

ad caMMaTc. TT sha rzeam hat there e* a cousstcN Carrs io fiT , pafi?cuIzt\
iF there are a rsiri6cr oFcaix)idza to be seerr

Unstruchsm4 Intenk s am very poor for rrcruiñg iIx• r!g« t›e.rear Th suwt\•cd
trgef é bros liked la be eflécéve obtcâzñzg spccétc âlJârzratén aga ta aet of
cksr# de trol criict?t. Hourcvcr, oI e\try rmmlpr â skékd al ito«viewing, end may tot


• The rradJ ill oppñoiñn item. job an person spccifcotnm in idrnitj areas whéh
mcd fitrtlcr csgbratbn or cbrit”catbn
• Trgcrvéwcr should prepare by piles IM gon. Tn sona• trick a fi
a ropriale cz ask only enc or two qwslbrs io en:oizodc Ikc cailddalc \o lek af ki1gIh
on ccrtaé subjeT. Tn airs a ray 6c bclier o ssk a eel of sion quine on searaT arms. IF hue is fts»c flan ore irxervñ wcr, dilk rJ t›oopk can cover di4cxrJ
1opic;x, eg job kmwPdpe, trap qi ¥fkntbr . Do imi est For peisorcil irrbimiton or
views tnnts lo K jo6. Do ixit axk poicntit4y dâ critâ rutory qrni›t ssh as 'Arc

CorxJi<i iti btcwkw n sti cnvăorm:ix ilat wLl ulbw carXlkÎulcs io giYc ol” Il<r bcsi.
Arrsnlp For ttmrc Io f'e m âttcrruFcbrs, dken tebphnnc calh, clco«c tie cardÂaie(s).

TI nossbk. ki th corddole home a brief tour oF ifc place oF work. This b nanicubrly
useM m th case of p<oFle rmv ‹a he job narkcf (school-Seven, mourning run ant
wom•n), 6o rr¥zy fssve With or zo e odw al la expect ?na workplace. II rray aBo
proc vstuabb in olltñyl an sdd¥bial oppornsliiy ‹a assess the caixldal6s iueiaclion

Armed a 4%ob/t¥y wt 0c »pp1kslion 6rm - i is cmxy io ovcrbok sfttgL ixljusiucras that

nay be rcasoixibk io woke:

• Cardéates wflfi femzzng era rray rat o reed To be obI• Io ck s/ see the
nlctvicwcr as they s obi g. bui way m<‹l corneal nlion suppon iF \h‹ry arc ioi to lx'
ybced ac a disudsaNoge
• Is here an a8ctrniivc la sleps kx access to tfc buddk\g" Can ihc nlcrvicw t«kc pbce
eIa•where. wI¥•ze acoeca be easy tbr oncr¥• wart a physical d@bility?

Aflcr ScotI Sotro€S Of mhm itsotBfm, sCnFDfmQ Air pfobd1Octiv4• cubes Dill

Wézn of BcWñug W Mgmt b at tIa• tâz¥• TIs• objm•fivc of W seloctén

decision b io choose the ixlividral who can m›s‹ siax'essfia fi perbrm ihc job Liam ill'
pool of qwTffted cardâJaies. The seW@n procedure u W sp •m of I re éa and denies

• Thie irxai he sorry sioiuiard of personrnl watt wtrirh a prospective three imy be
cung›ar¢fl re. a corrpicfciul job description ard jub sqcciF<atkm shnukl be avalBbL

cnybycs oay
?s e a standard scloctén g cJs II¥tt can bv Dlbwo‹l by alt tbc
anas. Coiq›anks nay Iâlbw dilkwnl sclectbn Icclmzluer or rtndods dcperztñg upon tfc
e 'e of W copy, rasam• of W bw k amt mzrr6¢r of persons io be e bled,
goes rcgubtk›ts ‹a Obc Fo0owcd etc. Tlaa, cauh cortyxiny nay folbw nny arc or
Ifc Peubk corrbiatbra oF netfods of sckcibn n he orde cenver roe or e\ét•bk e é
Following arc Ihc sclcctân rrz'ttods generally folbwcd by IM currpeny.
Selection proocdla”c c flys several rr¥*lJods oI coTketñ\g tntbinzetén about ldc
catxixIaIe*s quaMFs:atbrs, pt\yskeI and irnrJel ab£¥y. raiutc act
kzowM , agl ude ard W Ake zr judging when a Bert appbcant â or â row suitabN
Iñr tic job. Tfcfñic, the sckcIk›n procedure â I-cii a singb acl bu is <weaa¥y a serf's uF
rr¥•rIode or anger by w h different is of âflârms@n can be need Hugh voñota
sc6rén Tw m. At cach step, 6c s rrssy corrc io ight, whz•h as M tbir carrion
with it< job requirciwnis en errgloyec specifcalbtt


Wffn we la&' about tfc rccniñ rmat arzi sckclion meets ii co a tie rctruinrcni

Th recnétitcnl oixl sckctbn pnxess oF Escous Lfmied can be cxgbin•d by th Ibl ›wm
Match th• I O cod JS
(Job description & Job x&scripiion}

scwrhg of sliofilisicd
tar<tñ aeVpsp hologkvl tests

cfcenbg oI”slx•nIistcrt caixlldetx tI4ougIt PART A)


rñ ›1 shnnlsling if«ough pLrsciah

iracn' w PART D


Joiriig of fro lly in lisi‹x1 csmlkfizs

Whm we u¥:¥Ig about ill mnAwut Ihc Frsi pmcess is tic I+Ian SgeefFuallen Sliret
affrr riot W second processé Denpoer Regafslâon for

iYf fi lf tio F ” specifes Oct ivhéh caiuiklnie is ceded for which post with
hü / k'r csscnièil +iixl dcs%bk q\zttF<stïm, sk ki llet ebo cnrrks lia tocc. ry
tngarrration abast W akÏI!s set of W required mzldtdate.

With Ific Fch nf thr• form evcfy I•cnon can c -•IIY w›d lxl ttai what ñ tic h 'mrcfiy
spurn of cach posâén uzd wIuT az+• W \wéus corrpcu•r¥•fis are req d tbr which k cL
TI ir›slMcs ñ< varéus parmrc lkc. wl\Fch ex irz'rabwd bcbw:-

• Ro' arts la
• Dkcct Stit›oidiiaies

• Specify TiaLiiny 7 Spcculioiticn

The fomnt of Mon Spocificniion ton é given in nnrx•xine (nt pup in›.fi5 ) which is reed é1
. MaapnMr Reqiiisldon Form

"D¥• fionret oT Ma wcr rogu sftén Ibrm zs ?n xzae

spcci6.u ttni how tscltit adimialion a conaiâu:

V Wruñncr4 ifnagh Carries P£iccncras

k R‹sNrreni tlreugh Comalraors
i• Recniiimin tlvoagh ReFcreiu:es.



Tlacugh tlib 0s caixldxlc cun able la know ebout th orptriizufion. can be xiJc io krnw

Inirodi•:% ile rz'w c byec wło ń da@atcd as a proboóoix'r io ii job. job bratlom
eurround organmstórs, orgaz¥estórts surroW and Sue e b ó tb• 6zaT

anoiyl ix'w crrgbnm con ›srod io hat anong senior crrgbyces. Tab is naâdy because oF
e prabLm of adjwaz¥•rs adaptab To W ww suzzouz¥I@ and Further
it<twIbn is es»cniinI as th ww coitr'r nay kel ilsocirc, shy, ixnc+suss and d lurbiryt
Tits sâuo6n leads ua tze sb. Hcrce, Main pip phoust rok• acqusâstug tbz we

JMwtén fi process oT week ardw+•Lo lan cugiby¢c when Kshs W£ j›otre e

corrj›sny ard gfimg htnt hx• bcsr infornatén ie meds io set\k dowc q@kly ord hafipily

emâonrrcnt uF the job aM its organiznt?»t it or‹tcr tu miLe tfc m ctrpk›ycc acyani

• Aboid ldc Con-pens

• Abut 0-c Dcparinmt

• Above he Sqx'riors, Subordiutcs eic.

Cl 1.4P3 Llt 4


1 j â'o sii•Jy tin fluent imni & SeRtien process in kcorts fitted.

2) To check \u1éfiy of wmét nt procedim• according io mm connive sccrssr?o'.

3) To Fms ota the cffLctietz'ss at” \lu imhxls used for ttx' Rccnétircnl & 1L<iion in

4) To incl k-odbuck fkim lhi c pk yccs nbui4 Rccruitrrx:nl & Set::ctbn pax:cis rn Escons
Lirdi xi.

5) Tour s xlmm zAmflxmcnñmcN ondecbmbn pm es.


Tie scope of rrzy study a cord?rod O ESCORTS oily To know how rccruiuJcilz @ sclectln
ñ Plys picviJ?tj; tfc polctsfil vrrgb 1cei«tidctes \o th ctganini\iun.

Recrutnxm & Se&tbn ir 'kxlcs infnrrmtbn rchtcd la lie soy oF obaLii th' /›oiemRI


As the rsinr iidzsics, xsrrp£: so It:ii:re to the nanocr of Kxpeixicats ur the sin: of' the

Tccluiictucs of Dcscriptivc L-scnivh orc :
• Secorafary Dnm Aron ia qimrtitat im nmravrr
• Strvc)s

• Obscrvatöo
• t osc siuJy rrmhod
The Reseamb f nstruimi0 med ßi rib pni)ect b Oß•iFRVATlIl?i Mettmt


T d@d0d IO SttÖ\ ihc fiai¥lidatcs 4g#1i«J For lfm post ct Team Mernber in dilk-rem
dctuFtlmncs of " ESCU RTS PVP Lld."


Dale Cnkclln Pmccdurc :- Sunny

Tla stiidy wns corrž:d dni ona' at ilx• ESCO RTS Piodix:ts Lmiifed, FARiDABAD,SEC- 12.PLANT-
2 Ard i Yes rDt cowred th way of Rtcroñ mm & Seisrnn st offer Pbr*s of in
EscoRis evT ma sr t,* a i di ran r»c ten see xoun ct»-i
thee coulti ma be coveted l›ecam as ioca«xi at a very dâtam plate and to carry om
flu by over tlui wit tsko ntiib' months

2. Lcss cxpcrtisc o r sk ills in the rcsesrcher.

3. Leck of'Sckioific Izafš\g b čn nxlfodokigy oF rmearcher.
4. Dilftculty uF rrely vrzi adcqiatc s¢enxar@1 asskisrec.
5. DilFcvlty ot iiouly t f›biuč dan.
6. Rm oiit of d•tnhnee nary iin-=s sirce ust ofiln• cardi3aies woiiH fum a¥eady bcen
7. Tlu resperdcni weie bu hmmsied tri nic'.veršs 4xt qicstioniok, oi if›cy Rl tipu i
w8s all lf8nrfu%1IO£t tO ttcr fogttflr w4FL


A q csfbniaim was pwf›arod Ičr Ific nurliosc uf gclfb8 Fecdbcck frum čc e byees and

a›e sebcicd Sanj dil •rcm degartrrnni afst weic disirlbutcd ile g <stiotsa¥e imam tfc


Manpower Planning

Manpower Foreastlng

2. Specify the finn j;ørlodtsl tor v ilch nil esdiiøtcs are node?


0-2years 30%


Tfme Perlod for Estimate



1. Totol cost of the project 6 20%

2. Past experience 12 40%

3. Different phases of the 9 30%


4 Al 1 of the above

20'X• peepk crtt 5a‹ \brtr company â ›recast re 0e bm ofToiol conf oFf pojecu
40°& pcopL sail flat fbrccast on he hascs of past c erc/u<s.
30°a pcopb sod flat tie cony›any forecast on tie bescs of tie Difkrm places of

n 10'ñ people said ifei the eoripor¡y forecast on tht bases on of th ebove

4. Dees your orl tabeden gtso Ibe rcc dtzrz'nt golicyi



i. 18 60%

No 12 40P»

Recruitment poI1cy plan

& 40 °A pœpb saÑ tlaî If<y don't pbn rccr‹dtmnt policy

4. De leu thlok the jueBent reczalloeol Policy b heîpFid In ecbievlog tl›t goeb ef



I. Yes I5 50%

2. No 6 20Ye

3. To sotne exieni 9 30%

È 3 peopb *eb thm tb: conpAn/s mcnñnent po%y :ü hr@h# to sonr rnsd in
%hü%ng bgoeä

6- Decs the ee ny's rcerukueid pdlry eonlfle to idczutfy the fekooiag arees*



Recniitment needs of 6 20%

the organization

Preferred sources of 9 30°J


3. Appropriate criteria fpr 9 30%


4. Identification oS the cost of 6 20'A

nsnâniunt me4s of tic oorrp•i9'.

ñ 30•ñ pmp£• seid tiai tfc company’s recnérreiv poky ciubts to denlify tic
preferred sources of rocrt4om nC
N 30°r'» peDpie suit flat th: company’s port::y crnb¥:s lo identify Ill

xlerxiFcation of cost of recruincnL

7. Tfaough wfiLh source pm oq;anizstlon* rcmñ tic mpbyccs?



1. Internally 6 20%

2. Externally 18 60%

3. Both 6 20%

fi 60°/r t›eonIc sBkI hat th congriny wruis tin eimbycc lioin it+• eucnatl sources.
2&o p¢opb salt it tfa• corrpom/ mruñs tt¥• ebbs 6orn W bob sources.

8. WhLh of tic FoJbwb$ cztcnasl aiaces you efoosc Mr Gc rccnéirz•rX oF tfc



1. Employee Exchange 20%


2. Private Employee Agencies 20°4

3. Advertisement 10%

4. Internet 12 40%



& 2@a people -II iI¥t be cgrrgariy he eipbym excla c9reu#onts,

P 20°X pcopL salt ihat tic conyony m priate mtplojrncnt atprc

8. 1s cerrpai9 use own web en for iectrrem.?


\. Yes 27 90%

2. No 3 10%

90•Z» pn›pk salt tial 11c eo my m â own watt tic for rccn nt.

+. Tue HR hes saccessftiily imlniulned cililts an4 vatats In the


Orlpnisclbn works it lomony aixl befYves in sgreodiyt lamouy.

Nears 909’> oh ¥• resporderzs agreed.
A very god sigr £ir arty orggnisaiñn wlm #s eiybyecs hlk›w cihi:s arm sites aim
ako fuel its pimcace of d ii the orginisniion



Tie iwo mute inns period l»vi hecn u very vambic eq›cricrcc for in from R critic
siudy coixiuctcd. 1 low hecerrc wel ocquei'red wilt potkés Bid by ilr 1 lR DE1ARATJ\
dH4• in an orgarémixin

Rocruârent and Be&rén oro gelñng cry mh âzportorce tMso days W ozgaréssT\ow
It b very cr¥kal ihk8 to evaluate lie hioz¥in ivsoiaccs.

Its a s tcrrul< procc4w otal vohcs rreny aclkrik's. Th“ process irckxlcs tic sicp time
I'IR pbrobg oiiracti\k appkerx eat scroming their li is very irgor\ea octiviy as i/
pzo des peoph m ight plec at bghl •. IT â rot an easy Task as a éon's
fuiute is dpperds on this activity. If scitebL eirgbyecs aie scbciod which src bcrclicial to
ill aria-râmlén â ñ ai ufi• sde bin if dect bn Ijnos wrong ñ can br dae8crow io tlo
or$onizslioe Sc it a an aeiñ'fty Iâr ahLh HR âcporc 'ni gets wry mch étgortam.

rtétrrcitt ard sckctiou pro«oâurc alzd âs policy cI#inyd as por Plc orgnniailiozt
lis irrgoruiixc abo gets changed os N orgcnbotion clmngcd.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Boaom Line of HR Initiatives

•' Yo w9h rtorc A rroic consullanLs thorn mAple segnzxrs.

' Tie' corrg›om sfcuLl rtBdc onlbc plots Air 01 g PP Form and tfc PI firm Le tic
prediciñ c âdex Ibrm eo IIat Pe process become less rims consu•ñ y! and chonIIsIJng of
eamdéotcs shout be dor¥• zrorc easily wart can helg the orgazémtionio
thoictx•rsn wk src elid›lc aixi fi to Hi vacarcyard cae save rromy at tie both
•' Purch/ng nacfišX• slnukl bc gut on or pbcc wi4› a grd se itet claire of

* ESCORT GROUP LJnied sfou\-I rgrow ut›on Ls adven@ g «nJ scrvica

«ittaci' ' imrc cusluuz'rs.

drxentr«1iotiun aixl čowislzin@






I iun / Dcpmarui

Reports to

D #mbk




Date oF requlreizent:

Required by:

v+«J strength e›age‹ed for t • ap n‹: Tetal strength exiting:


Existing min0/eri
Reason Fat requlreaeai: {Ti¢k the appropriate)

' For wdia-lion xt work Load (Qwittif¿ it) (for wforn)

'= Exiling Members rcacix•d seaxatbn bvcl iti ’= Cost Factors
Krawkdge and 5kâI Busânma Giowlñ /£itacfi Level



How would you ute yotr Lwel ct” exprttbc fi [Green mijor Fur 'lion io be f›ct16rnn'J]
Wlty do you rate yourself” hat way2
? IJt wart airs do u Al you mcd to ig adc pm lux›wkdyc? Why do pu IT tion

How good is your kiowkd$c oF l scri cssmifil kmwkd¡p afca]. Pkasc brb0y
sm•rarizc ilat for rrc?

? W\of woud you scy am yo•r Frt•ct al weak s rr shonconângs? How rr?ght hose
iiicrffu witii yoir since in ilia posAiin'? How night u ovcmoim tfcfi
fi Wiiet was tin irrst elective or o at ‹x›rarbuiñ n You mide to ww bet orginiw t Art?
é CoiiH you deserve a £rn' sirmtioix n whéh ymx wnrk was crhéized? How did you

ñ Wlot eLllb or ab!Iit s do you Foes which have rat yet bee us•d1 yaw coro•t'?

fi Wlot woub you do if you dficowrcd an ear byee iaking iILgcI drup or drinks\g ou ile
Wfnf would yuu do if you s\spec\cd Ilat Iv•’o of your unnarrbd mr¥•byccs lmvc Bti
oiinoie reB‹oia ? How woukl your gFgioach b* dtfkrwc if you lad pr4of of eixft a

Wlot weu£l yo• dn if you ew P‹cicd. but coub roc Prom. ilut a subonJâaic '•as ac0?›g
tfa• orgonb'at?on's property Air persoreT god? How would your approach be dilFercnt é
you led

? \Vlaf do you went to be doñg 5 Yean tiom mw2

ñ Where do sec your career golrg in W bnger

Stow del yu y iio the full'?
F Wit' did You sc¥st tlu ñicaiieiiel pmgram you chose? ?
whir do yum enjoy insi aboa bcJ a merger?

F \¥lui are you dohg io corttâiin dembprig i,aur rraixigcrrc ni ékiih?

â Will a • tk qialâi•s tlxii note i0r a frc«i irnrugV*
F Wiiéh web:-mbied orgaréz-aii›ns f•w you jotr«xi?
V Wlui Lists of hooks ant periodicals do yoa read?
fi How do you spend you Pisure tim?
i• 1. 1 you led t to do omr agm woiiH ymi rake ifc snmc• {odix:ntkiVcarccr path]7


•• Wlat your demon oflsrztz'e.Ys?

ñ \*'Io las cxcxécd Ilx• quo\csI i\0uercc on you? lieu dé you kani thorn hcr/kiirñ
? For wIa‹ kurd oForg»iza‹bn mm you do y e bell v•’ort‹?
ñ \YIut arc tic girl <u thai mike for e grro/ orgi‹n atbn, in Air opt tbn?
fi Wlot do \I\td‹ rrl;gIc be your not inyor‹ant coroJbuton la our orgarñnlion?
*• Wlat woub you e'xgcct wordd fappm f pu Bz¥t e Ifilbw e b coub rot

Who wold you km vauH feppn # @u or a@n bin M ooh 9r abW?

Yaw was ynu vvpou wmfi %ppcn T a cmVmcnBocuxem coepbbcd ubou
but won. oz X way yoU xpokg @ Mr4ñm?


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