The Born To Win Newsletter - June 2023

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June Christian Educational Ministries 2023

with Ronald L. Dart

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them

in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:19–20
Feed My

from a sermon by Ronald L. Dart

I wonder how long it took for you me more than these?’ ‘Yes,
Jesus’ disciples to sort out what it Lord; you know that I love you.’
was that he really wanted them to He said to him, ‘Feed my lambs’”
do. It’s not merely that they were (John 21:13–15).
obtuse. The problem was that the Now, I’ve heard a lot of
ideas that Jesus was presenting messages about this—that Peter
to them were absolutely new to sort of dodges the question a
them—Jesus was new wine; and, little bit; because Jesus uses the
in a sense, they were old bottles. word agapaó [ἀγαπάω, Strong’s
They had become used to their g25] for love, and Peter responds
own brand of Judaism. They were with phileó [φιλέω, g5368], which
fishermen and tax collectors. basically is a kind of brotherly love,
They were not highly religious and isn’t quite the same thing. In
men until Jesus called them, verse 16, “He said to him again the
and at times they had trouble second time, ‘Simon, son of Jonas,
understanding what Jesus told do you love me?’ He said unto
them. It took a long time, I think, him, ‘Yea, Lord; you know that I
for them to sort these things out. love you.’ He said unto him, ‘Feed
“Jesus then came, and took my sheep.’ He said unto him the
bread, and gave to them, and fish third time, ‘Simon, son of Jonas,
likewise. This is now the third do you love me?’ [Have affection
time that Jesus showed himself for me. He switches to Simon’s
to his disciples, after he was risen own word at this point.] Peter was
from the dead. So when they grieved because he said unto him
had dined, Jesus said to Simon the third time, ‘Do you love me?’
Peter, ‘Simon, son of Jonas, love And he said unto him, ‘Lord, you

2) Christian Educational Ministries • June 2023

know all things; you know that
I love you.’ Jesus said unto him, Merriam–Webster
‘Feed my sheep.’”
When I read this, I sometimes
wonder if we have the right handle Evangelism (ih-'van-jә-liz-әm)
on our mission. Evangelism is 1: the winning or revival of personal
very high on our list of priorities, commitments to Christ
but Jesus’ commission was not so
much to evangelize when you look 2: militant or crusading zeal
at it—at least not to evangelize
in the way that we use the term. Evangelism is derived from the Greek
The word evangelize basically word euaggelion, meaning “gospel”
means to spread the good news. or “good news.” The verbal forms of
It comes from the word evangelion euaggelizesthai, meaning “to bring” or
[εὐαγγέλιον, g2098], which means “to announce good news” occur some
“the good news”; and then turns 55 times in the new testament.
it into a verb form, which means
“to good news” everybody, as it (Acts 8:4, 25, 35; 11:20)
were, or to proclaim glad tidings Normally translated with the
or the good news. And so, the appropriate form of the word “preach.”
idea is almost as though the
proclamation of the good news Evangelism has to do with the
is like an announcement. But if proclamation of the message of the
you go back and actually look at good news.
this, it doesn’t say “evangelize”
in Matthew 28:19–20. “Go ye
therefore, and make disciples of Disciple (di-'sī-pәl)
all the nations, baptizing them 1: One who accepts and assists in
into the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: spreading the doctrines of another:
teaching them to observe all such as;
things whatsoever I commanded a- Christianity: one of the twelve in
you: and lo, I am with you always, the inner circle of Christ's followers
even unto the end of the world.” according to the Gospel accounts
Historically, we have called this
the two-fold commission. The b- A convinced adherent of a school or
first commission is to proclaim individual. The condition or situation
the gospel to the world for a of being a disciple, a follower, or a
witness, the second commission student of some philosophy, especially
is to feed the flock—that is, a follower of Christ.
to teach the flock (the sheep
of God) once they have come During Jesus’ earthly ministry, and
into the flock of God. Actually, during the days of the early church, the
what if this is not a two-fold
commission? What if this is all term that was used most frequently to
just one statement of commission? designate one of Jesus’ followers was
Because a “disciple” is what…? a “disciple” (mathētés [μαθητής], 262
It’s somebody you teach; it’s a times). (3
pupil, a student—someone who feeding God’s sheep. We hear
comes in, and sits down, and you people say things like, “We get
explain things, and teach things spiritual food at church.” So we
to. I want you to make students, could argue that this is a different
he said, out of all nations. Now, commission from the first
in the process of turning a person commission only if you assume
into a disciple of Jesus, you have that Jesus’ sheep are to be found
not made that person a converted only in the church. Think about
person. All they are doing at this that. You can consider Peter’s
point is learning from him. Jesus, “Feed my sheep” as the second
while he was here on the earth, commission only if you consider
had disciples in the hundreds, that all of God’s sheep are in the
perhaps in the thousands—people church. Is that true? Turn back a
who walked up and down the few pages to John 10, where Jesus
roads behind him, people who addresses this question of who his
gathered around wherever he was; sheep are. I don’t know that we
and they said they believed him. really quite have got our minds
They believed him…up to a point; around this, because when he
and beyond that point, there was told Peter “Feed my sheep” three
at least one occasion where his times, the implication of this has
sayings got a little tough for them. long been drawn in churches in
“From that time many of his our tradition as an admonition to
disciples went back, and walked feed the church. It was to help the
no more with him” (John 6:66). church to grow, to get the church
In Jesus’ words to Peter, “Feed people together. Feed my sheep,
my sheep”, he said the equivalent as the church are my sheep.
of when he said, “teaching them Well now, who were God’s
to observe all things whatsoever sheep before Jesus showed up?
I have commanded you”, right? Who were God’s sheep before he
Most Christians would describe built the church? “Verily, verily, I
what I’m doing right now as say unto you, He that enters not
by the door into the sheepfold,
but climbs up some other way, the
same is a thief and a robber. But
More From he that enters in by the door is the
shepherd of the sheep. To him the
Ron Dart gatekeeper opens; and the sheep
The following titles are available to hear his voice: and he calls his
you for free in the formats listed: own sheep by name, and leads
them out” (John 10:1–3).
Bound and Obligated He calls his own sheep by name.
Now, that is really interesting. I
Discipleship or Evangelism? didn’t know shepherds named
Personal Ministry their sheep. But nevertheless, he
says he calls his own sheep by
All to the Glory of God name. He knows them and leads
them out. Verse 4: “And when he
Available Formats
puts forth his own sheep, he goes
-Audio -Video -Print before them, and the sheep follow
him: for they know his voice.”
Scan the CODE But where are his sheep? Where
or CALL are you going to find them? And
1-888-BIBLE-44 how hard are we expected to go
To Claim Your looking for them? And how do
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4) Christian Educational Ministries • June 2023
people there or few? Because when them. And I think, whenever
Paul came to Corinth, God told you read the New Testament and
him to stay there, you see who the
work there, “for I
have much people in T hen in the process of
going to the world−
people are that are
drawn to Jesus, they
this city” (Acts 18:10). when you leave a Born to Win are not the religious
Who were they? establishment. They
Paul didn’t know. newsletter or a booklet in your are fishermen and tax
Paul had no idea doctor’s or dentist’s office and collectors, who are
whether there would someone picks it up and reads it− probably something
be 100 converts, 200 close to the lowest
converts, or 2000 you may feed one of his sheep... rung of society.
converts in this city These were not the
when he walked into it. So what authorities; they were not the
was he supposed to do? Well, religious establishment.
about all he could do is do what “I am the door: by me if any
you and I can do, and that’s our man enter in, he shall be saved,
best. We put ourselves in the way and shall go in and out, and find
of people, we put the gospel in the pasture. The thief comes not, but
way of people, and we trust that to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
God’s sheep will know his voice. I am come that they might have
But I think we need to understand life, and that they might have it
that all of God’s sheep are not in more abundantly. I am the good
what you and I call “the Church”. shepherd: the good shepherd
Read on to see what Jesus says in gives his life for the sheep. But
this particular situation: “‘And he that is a hireling, and not the
a stranger will they not follow, shepherd, whose own the sheep
but will flee from him: for they are not, sees the wolf coming, and
know not the voice of strangers.’ leaves the sheep, and flees: and the
This parable spoke Jesus to them: wolf catches them, and scatters
but they understood not what the sheep. The hireling flees,
things they were which he spoke because he is a hireling, and cares
to them. Then said Jesus to them not for the sheep” (John 10:9–13).
again, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, I Who is the shepherd who cares
am the door of the sheep. All that for the sheep? It’s Jesus, pure and
ever came before me are thieves simple. There is one shepherd.
and robbers: but the sheep did not And I guess the rest of us, who
hear them’” (John 10:5–8). many people might call shepherds
He is referring to the religious of the sheep or pastors of the flock,
establishment that rejected him. really are far better described,
You know, the way in which these probably, as sheepdogs—the ones
men conducted their affairs, the that the shepherd sends running
way in which they accused Jesus out there to do a little barking,
of being demon-possessed [John to kind of head them back this
7:20; Matthew 12:24, Luke 11:15], way, perhaps; to do something
the way in which they condemned of that nature. But to say that we
him by calling him illegitimate in are the Good Shepherd? No. No,
birth [possibly John 8:41], all the that’s not us. We can see in verses
names they called him all this 14–15 that he is the only one who
period of time, establishes these is the shepherd: “I am the good
people as thieves and robbers. shepherd, and know my sheep,
They are not the good shepherds and am known of mine. As the
of the sheep. And he says, in this Father knows me, even so know I
particular thing, the sheep will the Father: and I lay down my life
not hear them; and they’re afraid for the sheep.”
of them, and they won’t follow And then he says this in verse 16:
....Continued on page 8 (5
Redefining Evangelism:
The Call for Personal Engagement
Rooted in the Old Testament
by Blake Silverstein
Matthew 28:18–20, commonly ing other nations towards worship
known as the Great Commission, (Deuteronomy 4:5–8).
serves as a rallying cry for Christians, Prophets like Isaiah echo the same
prompting us to spread the Good theme, envisioning a future where
News of the Gospel to all nations. nations would gather and worship
But what if we’ve misunderstood its the Lord. This ingathering is vividly
implications? Two primary interpre- captured in Daniel’s prophecy, where
tations emerge: “go and make disci- the Son of Man receives dominion
ples” and “as you go, make disciples.” over all nations (Daniel 7:14), mark-
While seeming like a minute linguis- ing the beginning of the ingathering
tic debate, the choice between these of people from all tribes, languages,
interpretations profoundly impacts and nations.
how we approach evangelism and When we understand the Great
discipleship. A rich exploration of Commission in light of this Old Tes-
the Old Testament’s teachings offers tament background, the “as you go”
fresh insights into the Great Com- interpretation becomes compelling.
mission and reframes our under- This view understands the command
standing of evangelism. to “go” as an incidental activity that
An exploration of the Great Com- naturally accompanies the Chris-
mission must begin with the Old Tes- tian’s daily life.
tament, where we see the initiation Historically, the Church has
of God’s universal redemptive plan. tended to focus on institutional
From God’s promise to Abraham in evangelism, sometimes neglecting
Genesis 12:1–3 to the prophetic vision personal evangelism’s importance.
of nations gathering in Isaiah 2:2–4, Consequently, lay members often
the Old Testament consistently com- receive limited training on personal
municates God’s intention to extend evangelism. However, an “as you go”
His blessings beyond Israel, ultimate- understanding of the Great Commis-
ly reaching every nation. sion invites an emphasis on personal
In the Abrahamic Covenant, God evangelism.
promises to transform Abraham into This call for personal evange-
a great nation, with the intention that lism necessitates an understanding
“all the families of the earth shall be of the various forms it can take. Tra-
blessed” through him (Genesis 12:3). ditionally, the Church has empha-
This covenant lays the groundwork sized mass-evangelism—large-scale
for God’s mission to redeem every preaching and evangelistic cam-
nation through Israel. paigns. While these are essential, the
This theme is further emphasized “as you go” interpretation underscores
in the Mosaic Covenant, wherein micro-evangelism or personal evan-
God intends for Israel to function as a gelism, where Gospel sharing occurs
“kingdom of priests” and a “holy na- in everyday interactions. Additionally,
tion” (Exodus 19:5–6). Israel’s priest- social evangelism arises as a crucial
ly role is one of mediation, serving as form, where personal faith intersects
a conduit between God and the other with societal issues, expressing God’s
nations of the world. Israel’s fidelity love in tangible, impactful ways.
to God’s law was intended to bear Successful personal evangelism/
witness to God’s greatness, draw- discipleship relies heavily on rela-
6) Christian Educational Ministries • June 2023
tionships. Rather than an objective evangelism. Each form plays a unique
to be completed or a quota to be met, role. Mass evangelism allows for the
evangelism emerges as an organic ex- Gospel’s widespread communica-
tension of genuine relationships. This tion, personal evangelism leverages
understanding is deeply rooted in the personal relationships and individual
Old Testament model of Israel serv- influence, while social evangelism op-
ing as a priestly kingdom among the erationalizes faith, addressing societal
nations, highlighting the relational issues through a biblical worldview.
nature of God’s redemptive plan. By revisiting the Old Testament
Moreover, shifting our focus to foundations and the fundamental
planting and watering—sharing the principles of the Great Commission,
Gospel and nurturing faith—offers the Church can ignite a fresh wave
a more comprehensive approach to of evangelism marked by relation-
evangelism. The apostle Paul’s reflec- al depth, personal engagement, and
tion in 1 Corinthians 3:6–7 provides societal impact. In a world craving
a guiding principle: “I planted, Apol- authentic relationships and palpable
los watered, but God gave the growth. expressions of love, such an approach
So neither he who plants nor he who could be revolutionary.
waters is anything, but only God who The reinterpretation of the Great
gives the growth.” This reminds us Commission as an “as you go” com-
that the task of conversion belongs mand compels us to view evangelism
to God, and ours is to faithfully plant not as a separate task but as an inte-
and water the seeds of faith. gral part of our daily lives. Embracing
Reassessing our evangelistic ap- this model opens up exciting possi-
proach involves empowering lay bilities for personal evangelism. As
members to engage effectively in per- the Church trains and empowers its
sonal evangelism. This is a significant members for this mission, we stand
shift from the historical focus on in- on the threshold of a new chapter in
stitutional evangelism to individual God’s redemptive plan for the nations.
evangelism, demanding that we equip By integrating this understanding
and train church members at all levels. of evangelism and discipleship into
Training should be designed to our daily lives, we stand poised to
inspire believers to perceive their affect dramatic change in the world
daily encounters through the lens of around us. A redefined, balanced ap-
the Great Commission, promoting proach to evangelism offers renewed
a seamless integration of their faith hope for the fulfillment of the Great
into everyday lives. This integration Commission, as envisioned in the
culminates in a lifestyle that express- Old Testament. This transformation
es love for our neighbors, shares faith of evangelism is not merely a change
stories, invites others into our lives, in approach but a return to our roots,
and meets practical needs—all while a reclaiming of the relational and per-
bearing witness to the transformative sonal essence of our faith. The Great
power of the Gospel. Commission is not a mandate for a
As we equip individual believers select few but an invitation for every
for personal evangelism, it is cru- believer to partake in the redemptive
cial to maintain a balanced approach work of God—an invitation to “go”,
that values mass, personal, and social or rather, “as you go, make disciples.”

Every Believer (7
...“Feed My Lambs” continued
matter who has got us penned
“And other sheep I have, which up, and no matter where we are,
are not of this fold […]” What did we still belong to one Shepherd.
he mean by that? Well, I think And I think we also need to
those who heard him make this understand that, when we gather
statement at the time—his own all the Sabbath-keeping, Holy-
disciples sitting around him— Day-keeping people together in
probably thought he meant that one mystical body of people, that
the fold was Israel. And they may Jesus would say to us still, “I have
or may not have begun to get their other sheep that are not of this
mind around the fact that Jesus fold.” And for us to think that we
was not going to be a shepherd are all there is—we are the people,
only to Israel—that he intended and wisdom will die with us, and
to be a shepherd to the entirety we have the knowledge, we have
of the world, that he was going to the lock on God’s word—we are
call sheep from everywhere. And making a very BIG mistake.
so he did. But what he is saying is Peter was told to Feed my sheep.
that he intends to look out to the To me, this is the same thing as
entirety of the world. saying, “Go and make disciples of
“I have other sheep that are not all nations and teach them to do
of this fold.” Where are they? I all things that I have commanded
don’t know. But you see, if you are you". Then in the process of
going to serve Christ, then you going to the world—when you
need to be on the lookout for his leave a Born to Win newsletter
sheep; you need to try to care for or a booklet in your doctor’s or
his sheep; you need to go find his dentist’s office and someone picks
sheep—get up and go off across it up and reads it—you may feed
the mountains and down the one of his sheep—they will hear
valleys and over the hills, and look his voice, and they will know his
wherever you can to help him find voice as he touches their heart and
his sheep. And he does go on to as he reaches down and begins to
say in verse 16: “…and they shall work in their life.
hear my voice; and there shall be I think when the command
one fold, and one shepherd.” comes out to “Feed my sheep”, we
Just because we’re out here need to realize he has other sheep
wandering around the world with that are not of this fold—sheep
a whole bunch of other people about whom we know very little,
doesn’t mean that Christ doesn’t with whom we have had very
know who we are, and where we little contact—and that the work
are, and what we are doing; and to be done for us, and by us, down
that he isn’t taking care of us like through the years that follow is
a good shepherd would; because a a lot bigger than any of us ever
lot of the time the good shepherd would realize. “I have other
leaves the sheep alone to do the sheep that are not of this fold.”
work of sheep. Well, they eat grass And he seems to be saying—to
and they make wool, they make me, to Peter, and to all of us—“I
mutton and they reproduce. want you to go find them and
That’s what sheep do. I think God feed them.” And in the process of
puts us out here in the world to feeding them, you will actually
learn, to experience, to do, to find save lives; you will actually lead
others who are of like mind, to be to people becoming disciples
able to help him do his work in of Jesus; you will actually cause
reaching out to people wherever people to come to baptism and
we are. We have our work that we eventually to be in the kingdom
are supposed to be doing. of God—people who otherwise
We need to understand, at might be lost. Pray about that,
any given point in time, that no and think about that.
8) Christian Educational Ministries • June 2023
Around the World

On June 13, 2021, the International Centre for World Peace (ICFWP)
pioneered a historic event by hosting its first virtual reality (VR) experience
within the Virtual House of God, also known as the Millennial Temple. Since
then, we’ve hosted over 20 VR events, immersing participants in a prophetic
vision of the world to come.
The ICFWP is more than just a host for VR events. Our core mission is to
unite God’s people, fostering understanding of His plan for peace at both
individual and universal levels. Our objective is to provide diverse learning
opportunities, connecting the broader body of Christ beyond geographical
We don’t intend to replace local church communities; rather, we supplement
your spiritual journey by presenting a wider variety of Bible teachers.
The ICFWP focuses on the grand narrative of God’s plan, weaving a
tapestry that links God’s holy days, representing different dispensations
of His plan. We explore this story at macro and micro levels, crafting
resources to facilitate your spiritual growth, intellectually and practically.
With the onset of 2023, the ICFWP has expanded its platform to include
Zoom and live YouTube presentations, considering the technical challenges
some brethren face with VR. Elder Carmine Russo from the Church of
God inaugur -ated this sacred year with his Zoom event, “Programmed to
Receive”, which is available on YouTube.
Our shift in event format coincided with the announcement of the impending
shutdown of our VR platform, AltspaceVR (which occurred in March of this
year). As Microsoft pivots to its new Metaverse platform, we remain vigilant
about the evolution of AR (augmented reality) and VR technologies. We
understand the significance of maintaining a presence in the world’s digital
spaces, considering the ubiquity of online human interaction. We eagerly
anticipate the emergence of the Metaverse, or Internet 3.0, and its potential
for unifying God’s people and advancing His Kingdom.
In the interim, we will continue hosting events via Zoom and YouTube. Stay
tuned for this year’s holy day events!
Best, Timothy Stahle, President, ICFWP (9
Comments From
Our Listeners
Rachel K. devoted to sending this out, not
Kansas City, MO only to me but to many people. I
know that he sends them out to
I don’t know how long the Born hundreds of people, so he is just
to Win app has been around, fervent at getting this word out
but I recently downloaded it and to everybody.
am very impressed. It is very
professional and user-friendly. Tanner C.
Bronte TX

Australia The program, Personal Evangelism,
is a great assessment of the
I just want to commend my difficulties in evangelizing today.
friend Bernard Obbin for his He (Ron Dart) hits the nail right on
work, his service for sending the head!
these audios. He’s been sending
them out to me at least one, if not If you would like to share a
more, each week for over a year comment, please let us know, we
now, consistently. I just think want to hear from you!
that he is highly motivated and

CEM Mission Statement

• First, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. (Matthew 28)
• Second, to teach the disciples of Jesus Christ so that they may be
“proficient and equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:17)
• Third, to teach and train this generation and the next with studies and
programs focused on youth, through the Darts’ special passion, Youth
Educational Adventures (YEA). (Deuteronomy 11:19, Proverbs 22:6)
• Fourth, to bring God’s people closer together, through cooperative
efforts, wherever they may be. (2 Corinthians 5:18)
To this end, we teach the Bible and its Truth, with a goal of helping people make
their own lives work while they are a positive influence and blessing to those
around them. Follow Mr. Dart and CEM @, Facebook,
YouTube, and other media.

Connect with Christian Educational Ministries

P.O. Box 560
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(888) BIBLE–44
(903) 839–9311 Download Now! About Us
Christian Educational Ministries
(CEM) was founded in November
1995 by the late Ron and Allie
Dart as an independent, non–
denominational ministry to
serve the public and individual
Christians of every kind.
Mr. Dart, was an ordained
minister and evangelist, has
served God through hundreds of
sermons, radio broadcasts, Bible
Studies, and books. His clear,
conversational style brings clarity
and simplicity to difficult Biblical
Ronald Dart’s radio ministry,
Born to Win, is broadcast around
the world and on the Born to Win
Download website.

The 2023 Plan
Reading, Writing, and Responding
This year we will write Genesis through 2 Samuel, with the exception of
Deuteronomy (as we did that in 2020). We encourage you to read the daily
assignment, handwrite the assigned scriptures, and then respond to those
verses with prayer, meditation, contemplation, and application in your own life.
Jul 1 Exo 27:1–10 Jul 17 Exo 32:12–23
Jul 2 Exo 27:11–21 Jul 18 Exo 32:24–35
Jul 3 Exo 28:1–10 Jul 19 Exo 33:1–11
Jul 4 Exo 28:11–21 Jul 20 Exo 33:12–23
Jul 5 Exo 28:22–32 Jul 21 Exo 34:1–12
Jul 6 Exo 28:33–43 Jul 22 Exo 34:13–24
Jul 7 Exo 29:1–11 Jul 23 Exo 34:25–35
Jul 8 Exo 29:12–24 Jul 24 Exo 35:1–11
Jul 9 Exo 29:25–36 Jul 25 Exo 35:12–23
Jul 10 Exo 29:37–46 Jul 26 Exo 35:24–35
Jul 11 Exo 30:1–13 Jul 27 Exo 36:1–13
Jul 12 Exo 30:14–26 Jul 28 Exo 36:14–26
Jul 13 Exo 30:27–38 Jul 29 Exo 36:27–38
Jul 14 Exo 31:1–9 Jul 30 Exo 37:1–9
Jul 15 Exo 31:10–18 Jul 31 Exo 37:10–19
Jul 16 Exo 32:1–11
If you are interested in our Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan, visit the link below. (11
Broadcast Christian Educational Ministries
Whitehouse, TX 75791
P.O. Box 560

July Schedule
1st-2nd..........The Courageous Christian 17th.............Christian Origins #25 - 1 Cor

3rd................Above and Beyond [Part 1] 18th.............Christian Origins #26 - 1 Cor

4th................Above and Beyond [Part 2] 19th.............Christian Origins #27 - 1 Cor

5th.............Christian Origins #19 - Thess 20th.............Christian Origins #28 - 1 Cor

6th.............Christian Origins #20 - Thess 21st-23rd...........................Faith in a Box

7th-9th.........................Thy Will Be Done 24th.............Christian Origins #29 - 1 Cor

10th.............Christian Origins #21 - Acts 25th.............Christian Origins #30 - 1 Cor

11th.............Christian Origins #22 - 1 Cor 26th.............Christian Origins #31 - 1 Cor

12th.............Christian Origins #23 - 1 Cor 27th.............Christian Origins #32 - 1 Cor

13th.............Christian Origins #24 - 1 Cor 28th-30th..........................Love and Law

14th-16th.................American Prophets 31st....Renewing the Power to Love [Part 1]

Contact us for FREE copies of these messages.

For help finding a radio station near you call 1–888–BIBLE–44
Listen online @
Where did you hear about Born to Win? Here

Born to Win
P.O. Box 560
Whitehouse, TX 75791-0560

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