Effects of Reguar Exercise On Adult Asthma

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Eur J Epidemiol (2012) 27:397–407

DOI 10.1007/s10654-012-9684-8


Effects of regular exercise on adult asthma

Sirpa A. M. Heikkinen • Reginald Quansah •

Jouni J. K. Jaakkola • Maritta S. Jaakkola

Received: 22 August 2011 / Accepted: 2 April 2012 / Published online: 25 April 2012
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract Although many guidelines recommend regular insufficient evidence to assess the effects of exercise on
exercise for adults with asthma, the empirical evidence on asthma control and quality of life.
the effect of exercise on adult asthma has been inconsistent
and there are no previous systematic reviews on this topic. Keywords Asthma  Exercise  Lung function  Maximal
To fill in this gap of knowledge, we synthesized the data on oxygen consumption  Meta-analysis  Systematic review
the effects of regular exercise on physical fitness, asthma
control and quality of life of adult asthmatics. We per-
formed a Medline search from 1980 through June 2011. In Introduction
the systematic review we included all clinical trials that
provided information on the effects of regular exercise on Asthma is among the most common chronic diseases in the
adult asthma. We conducted meta-analyses of maximal working-aged populations. Asthma-related health problems
oxygen consumption (VO2max) and forced expiratory have considerable contribution to reduced quality of life,
volume in 1 s (FEV1) based on 9 studies. A total of 11 disability and increased health-care costs [1]. Improvement
studies were included in the analyses, but only 6 of them in asthma management would have substantial public
had a non-exercising reference group of asthmatics. The health benefits. Although many guidelines recommend
meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials showed that regular exercise for adults with asthma, the empirical evi-
regular exercise significantly improved VO2max. There dence on the effect of exercise on adult asthma has been
was no obvious improvement in lung function measure- inconsistent and there are no previous systematic reviews
ments. Some individual studies showed evidence of on this topic.
improvement in quality of life and asthma control. Meta- Asthma patients often limit physical exercise to avoid
analyses provided evidence that regular physical exercise respiratory symptoms, and preliminary evidence indicates
improves physical fitness of adult asthmatics. The results that there is a self-imposed decrease in physical activity
on effects on lung function were inconclusive. There is among asthmatics, even among those with mild asthma,
and patients with asthma seem to have lower physical
fitness than their peers [2]. This may predispose asthma
S. A. M. Heikkinen  R. Quansah  J. J. K. Jaakkola (&)  patients to severe long-term health risks and impair the
M. S. Jaakkola prognosis of asthma. Exercise-induced asthma has caused
Center for Environmental and Respiratory Health Research, fear for breathlessness and asthma attacks, and the lack of
University of Oulu, POB 5000 (Aapistie 1), 90014 Oulu, Finland
proper exercise guidelines often limits asthma patients
e-mail: jouni.jaakkola@oulu.fi
from taking part in physical activity. However, exercise-
S. A. M. Heikkinen  M. S. Jaakkola induced bronchoconstriction can be prevented or reduced
Respiratory Medicine Unit, Institute of Clinical Medicine, by pretreatment with short-acting bronchodilator medica-
University of Oulu and Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland
tion and with a 10–15-min warm-up [3].
J. J. K. Jaakkola In some longitudinal studies, regular physical activity
Institute of Health Sciences, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland has been associated with reduced risk of asthma

398 S. A. M. Heikkinen et al.

exacerbations [4] and attenuation of lung function decline inflammatory disease, which influenced the diagnostic
among asthmatics [5]. However, there has been limited and treatment practices),
evidence on the effects of physical training on asthma (b) was an original study,
control and prognosis in adults from clinical trials. (c) was a clinical trial,
To fill in this gap of knowledge, we summarized the (d) included adult population (16–65 years) of
available evidence of the effects of regular physical exer- asthmatics,
cise on physical fitness, asthma control and quality of life (e) provided sufficient information that could be used to
in adult asthma. We conducted a systematic review and estimate the relation between regular physical exer-
meta-analysis of clinical trials on the effects of regular cise and asthma control or physical fitness or quality
exercise on the health of adult asthmatics. The meta-anal- of life, and
yses focused on maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) (f) was published in a peer-reviewed journal in any of the
and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1). The remaining following languages: English, Finnish, French, Ger-
outcomes were synthesized qualitatively as it was not man, Spanish and Swedish.
meaningful to perform meta-analysis because heteroge-
A study was excluded if the authors reported data on
neous outcome measures had been used for asthma control
asthma patients in general but opted not to examine the
and quality of life.
data on adult patients separately. For any study to be
included in our analysis its outcome and exposure defini-
tions had to be compatible with ours.

Search strategy, and inclusion and exclusion criteria

Studied intervention and outcomes
We performed a systematic literature search of the Ovid
The studied intervention was regular physical activity or a
Medline (28.6.2011) database from 1980 through June
physical training programme offered by the investiga-
2011 using the search strategy described in Fig. 1a, b. The
tor(s) for the purposes of studying its effects on asthma.
studies were screened for their eligibility using the
The outcomes of interest included physical fitness, asthma
following inclusion criteria: The study
control and quality of life. The definition of asthma had to
(a) was published after 1st of January 1980 (correspond- be based on a diagnosis following published guidelines or
ing to the period when asthma was recognized as an regular use of asthma medication.

(a) MeSH term asthma

MeSH dance therapy MeSH exercise MeSH exercise therapy MeSH locomotion MeSH physical education and training MeSH physical training

(b) asthma


Abstract or title (ab. ti.) Title (ti.)

aerobic exercise* aerobic train* exercis*

circuit train* cycling

endurance train* fitness

kinesitherap* musc* training

physical exercise* physical train*

running walking

Fig. 1 a Medline search strategy using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). All subheadings under the MeSH terms were included. b Medline
search strategy using text search words

Effects of regular exercise on adult asthma 399

Quality assessment title or abstract. The full text of the remaining 20 articles
was reviewed in detail. After the evaluation, 11 articles
We assessed the quality of the studies using the following fulfilled our inclusion criteria and were included in the
items: description of drop-outs, description of the method of more detailed analysis. Reasons for exclusion were: study
randomization, similarity of the comparison groups at population included only children \1 years, only one
baseline, description of the eligibility criteria, and an inten- exercise session was performed, only patients with chronic
tion-to-treat analysis, applying the instructions by Jadad obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were examined, the
et al. [6] and the Delphi list [7], but taking into account that intervention included only breathing exercises or stretch-
these have been developed mainly for randomized controlled ing, or they were not clinical trials. Bundgaard et al. [13,
trials. Randomized controlled trials are considered here as 14] were on the same trial and we included the more recent
the best quality studies because of their strong study design. one. The reference lists of the articles that fulfilled the
inclusion criteria were also reviewed, but no new relevant
Data extraction references were found. The systematic review was thus
based on the 11 studies, of which 9 were suitable for the
The characteristics and results of each article included were meta-analysis (Tables 1, 2). The remaining 2 studies were
recorded in a data collection form by two authors inde- analyzed qualitatively since they did not present quantita-
pendently (SH, RQ). After this, the forms were compared tive data that could be included in the meta-analyses.
and any differences discussed. The characteristics of
interest were study design, study population, exercise Characteristics of the studies included
intervention, definition and severity of asthma, assessment
of asthma control, assessment of physical fitness, assess- Four studies were RCTs and 7 were non-RCTs. Of the non-
ment of quality of life, quantitative and qualitative results, RCTs, one study [12] had an appropriate reference group
possible subgroup analyses, and the quality of the study. but the study was non-randomized, and it was considered
as non-RCT from the perspective of our aims. The ran-
Statistical analysis domized controlled trials included either a non-exercising
reference group of asthmatics or had a low level exercise
The eligible studies rarely provided data on the mean intra- group as in the study of Bundgaard et al. [13]. The
individual difference and variance for the changes in FEV1 remaining studies did not include any reference group or
and VO2max. The mean difference and its corresponding had a reference group of non-asthmatics. Therefore those
variance were computed in excel using standard methods studies did not provide a comparison on whether regular
[8–10]. When there was evidence of substantial heteroge- exercise has effects on asthma and were considered as non-
neity (i.e. I2 [ 50 %) [11], separate meta-analyses were controlled in this context.
performed for the randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and The studies usually provided sparse background data. In
the non-randomized controlled or uncontrolled trials (called 8 studies, the majority of the participants were females [12,
here non-RCTs). Else the effect estimates from the trials 15–21], and in one study all of the participants were
were pooled together. The fixed effect model was used to females [22]. None of the studies provided information on
calculate the summary weighted mean difference (WMD) ethnicity of the subjects. Only Arandelovic et al. [23] and
and 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI). Dogra et al. [12] Hallstrand et al. [22] reported the atopic status of the study
applied a measure for VO2max which was different from all participants and in these the proportion of atopics was over
the other studies, so the Hedges’ g was used to compute the 60 % in all groups. Dogra et al. [12] and Mendes et al. [19]
weighted standardized mean difference (SMD) and 95 % CI reported body mass index (BMI) of the study participants
to achieve corresponding scale of measures [8]. The small and in both studies average BMI was similar in both
number of studies limited the possibility for formal evalua- comparison groups. Cochrane and Clark [15] included only
tion of publication bias and potential sources of heteroge- never smokers and Dogra et al. [12] and Arandelovic et al.
neity. Meta-analyses were performed using STATA 11. [23] included never smokers and ex-smokers, while this
information was not available for other studies. The
severity of asthma of the participants varied from mild to
Results severe and this information is shown for each study in
Tables 1 and 2.
Results of the systematic literature search The duration of the training programme varied from
5 weeks to 2 years (Tables 1, 2). The recommended fre-
The Medline search identified a total of 1,152 articles, of quency was usually 1–3 times a week. The target intensity
which 1,132 articles were excluded for being irrelevant by ranged from 60 to 90 % of the maximal heart rate, but this


Table 1 Characteristics of the randomized controlled trials (RCTs) included in the systematic review and meta-analysis
Author, country Participants Intervention programme Outcome used Results on outcomes: mean ± SD
in the meta-
analyses Exercise group Reference group
Initial Final Initial Final

Mendes et al. [19], 89 moderate to severe asthmatics; Aerobic exercise for 30 min per FEV1 2.3 (1.3–3.2)a 2.3 (1.0–3.4)a 2.3 (1.4–3.19)a 2.4 (1.4–3.4)a
Brazil 44 in intervention group and 45 session, twice a week for
in reference group 3 months
Arandelovic et al. 65 mild persistent asthmatics; 45 Indoor swimming for 1 h per FEV1 3.55 ± 0.85 3.65 ± 0.86 3.29 ± 0.78 3.33 ± 0.84
[23], Serbia subjects in intervention group session, twice a week for
and 20 in reference group 6 months
Cochrane and Clark 36 moderate to severe asthmatics; Indoor aerobic exercise for 30 min VO2max 23.0 ± 4.7 28.4 ± 6.0 25.9 ± 6.7 25.0 ± 5.9
[15], England 18 subjects in intervention group per session including aerobics, FEV1 2.58 ± 0.68 2.97 ± 0.69 2.94 ± 0.67 3.13 ± 0.80
and 18 in reference group cycling and jogging, and
muscular exercises, 3 times a
week for 3 months
Bundgaard et al. 27 asthmatics; 16 subjects in Indoor aerobic exercise for 1 h per VO2max 27.6 30.4 (p = 0.02)b 28.2 27.7 (p = 0.33)b
[13], Denmark intervention group and 11 in session including running,
reference group jumping and muscular exercises,
twice a week for 2 months
Data are presented as mean ± SD unless otherwise stated
FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, VO2max maximal oxygen consumption
Findings reported as mean values and their 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI)
p values were used to calculate the 95 % CIs
S. A. M. Heikkinen et al.
Table 2 Characteristics of the non-randomized controlled and uncontrolled trials (non-RCTs) included in the systematic review and meta-analysis
Author, country Participants Intervention programme Outcome used in Results on outcomes: mean ± SD
the meta-analyses
Exercise group Reference group
Initial Final Initial Final
Effects of regular exercise on adult asthma

Dogra et al. [12], 36 asthmatics; 18 subjects in Individualized aerobic exercise, 3 VO2max 2.63 (0.20)a 2.88 (0.21)a 2.66 (0.27)a 2.77 (0.29)a
Canada intervention group and 12 in times a week for 12 weeks
reference group
Hallstrand et al. [22], 5 mild asthmatics Step aerobics, 3 times a week for VO2max 22.73 ± 4.68 25.29 ± 4.70
USA 10 weeks FEV1 3.10 ± 0.22 3.12 ± 0.30
Meyer et al. [20], 31 mild to severe asthmatics Circuit and endurance training for – NA NA NA NA
Germany 1 h per week for 2 years
Emtner et al. [16], 26 mild to moderate asthmatics Indoor swimming for 45 min per FEV1 2.2 ± 0.8 2.5 ± 0.7
Sweden session, at least twice a week for
10 weeks
Robinson et al. [21], 8 moderate to severe asthmatics Aerobic exercise including VO2max 27.5 (21.9–33.0)b 31.3 (23.5–39.1)b
New Zealand running and jumping, and
muscular exercises, at least 3
sessions per week for 12 weeks
Girodo et al. [18], 67 asthmatics, 44 subjects in Aerobic training for 1 h, 3 times a – NA NA NA NA
Canada intervention and 23 in week for 16 weeks
reference group
Freeman et al. [17], 9 mild to moderate asthmatics Running on a motorized treadmill, VO2max 41.0 ± 8.2 43.8 ± 8.8
England 3 times a week for 5 weeks FEV1 3.24 ± 0.74 3.16 ± 0.83
Data are presented as mean ± SD unless otherwise stated
FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, VO2max maximal oxygen consumption, NA non-applicable: these studies did not present data on VO2max or FEV1
Findings reported as mean (SE)
Findings reported as mean values and their 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI)

402 S. A. M. Heikkinen et al.

information was not available for 6 studies. The exercise noted. For this reason the meta-analysis was conducted
programmes included running, cycling, aerobics, jogging, separately for the RCTs and the non-RCTs. Figure 2a is a
badminton, jumping, callisthenics, swimming and/or pool- forest plot for the RCTs showing also the summary esti-
exercises. Muscular exercises were also included in some mate. The forest plot and the summary estimate for the
of the training programmes, including leg, arm, back and non-RCTs are shown in Fig. 2b.
trunk exercises. Three studies included also educational Compared to the referents, the exercise group showed a
sessions on asthma [15–17]. significant improvement in VO2max [Fixed effect model-
Girodo et al. [18] presented two intervention groups: one weighted mean difference (WMD): 3.66, 95 % CI:
with physical training and one with physical training and 3.44–3.88] in the RCTs. There was evidence of substantial
breathing exercises combined. The latter group increased heterogeneity in the study-specific effect estimates
their physical activity more than the group with mere phys- (I2 = 98.7 %, p = 0.00, Q-statistics = 76.11), although
ical training. As we could not know whether the effects in this both RCTs showed a significant positive effect (Fig. 2a). In
study resulted from regular exercise or breathing exercises, contrast, in the non-RCTs no significant improvement in
we did not include the study in the analyses. VO2max was detected (Fig. 2b).
The definitions of asthma were based on the Global
Initiative for Asthma [12, 19, 23, 24], the National Asthma Effect of regular exercise on FEV1
Education and Prevention Program (USA) [22, 25], the
International Consensus Report of Asthma (Germany) [20, The effect of regular exercise on FEV1 was studied in 3
26] or the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand RCTs and 3 non-RCTs (Tables 1, 2). The forest plot and
Definition [21, 27]. Other studies based their diagnosis on the summary estimate for the RCTs are shown in Fig. 3a.
the use of asthma medication [13, 15, 16] and in two The results of the meta-analysis showed a slight improve-
studies the definition remained unclear [14–18]. ment in FEV1 in response to the intervention, but chance
could not be excluded because the confidence interval
Outcome assessment included 0 (Fig. 3a). Performing meta-analysis on the 3
non-RCTs gave similar results (Fig. 3b). Consistent results
VO2max was assessed as the measure of physical fitness by were observed when the analysis was carried out on all 6
maximal exercising in a bicycle ergometer or a treadmill studies (WMD: 0.09, 95 % CI: -0.11–0.29, I2 = 0.0 %,
test. FEV1 was assessed by spirometry or a body p = 0.923, Q-statistics = 1.81) (Fig. 3c).
In seven studies, [12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22] patients Effect of regular exercise on asthma control and quality
were asked to keep diaries for the assessment of asthma of life
control. Four studies used questionnaires designed specif-
ically for the study. Studied items included asthma symp- Many different measures were used to assess asthma con-
toms such as wheeze, cough, breathlessness on exertion trol and quality of life. Consequently, there was insufficient
and nocturnal waking, use of bronchodilator medication, information on these outcomes to compute a meaningful
ability to work and to carry out physical training, asthma- summary in meta-analysis.
symptom-free days and peak expiratory flow (PEF). In one In the study by Bundgaard et al. [13], the PEF
study, asthma control was assessed using the Asthma improved in the intervention group from an average of
Control Questionnaire [12, 28]. Two studies [19, 20] kept 383–420 l/min and decreased in the reference group from
records of emergency department visits and hospitaliza- an average of 403–396 l/min, but the result was not sta-
tions due to asthma among the subjects. tistically significant. In the study by Robinson et al. [21],
Questionnaires were used for assessing the quality of there was a small but significant increase in PEF after the
life, including the mini- Asthma Quality of Life Ques- training period, but this study did not include any reference
tionnaire [12, 29] and the asthma-specific Health Related group of non-asthmatics.
Quality of Life questionnaire [19, 30]. The study by Bundgaard et al. [13] showed a significant
decrease in the use of short-acting beta2-agonist medication
Effect of regular exercise on maximal oxygen uptake from an average of 4.91 puffs/day during the first week of
(VO2max) training to an average of 3.41 puffs/day (p = 0.037) during
the last week of training among the intervention group. In
Two RCTs, one non-randomized controlled trial and three the reference group, the use of this medication increased
uncontrolled trials studied the impact of regular exercise on from an average of 3.41 before to an average of 7.08 after
VO2max (Tables 1, 2). In our preliminary meta-analysis of the study period (p = 0.14). In the study by Mendes et al.
all 6 studies, evidence of substantial heterogeneity was [19], there was a significant increase in the number of days

Effects of regular exercise on adult asthma 403

(a) Effect of regular exercise on

Study VO2 max mL/ min/kg %

ID WMD (95% CI) Weight

Cochrane and Clark, 1990 6.30 (5.67, 6.93) 11.98

Bundgaard et al 1983 3.30 (3.07, 3.53) 88.02

Overall (I-squared = 98.7%, p = 0.000) 3.66 (3.44, 3.88) 100.00

-10 -5 -2.5 0 2.5 5 10

(b) Effect of regular exercise on

Study VO2 max mL/ min/kg %

ID SMD (95% CI) Weight

Hallstrand et al 1999 0.49 (-0.78, 1.76) 11.12

Dogra et al 2011 0.14 (-0.59, 0.87) 33.54

Robinson et al 1992 0.27 (-0.45, 0.99) 34.65

Freeman et al 1989 0.31 (-0.62, 1.24) 20.69

Overall (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.969) 0.26 (-0.16, 0.68) 100.00

-10 -5 -2.5 0 2.5 5 10

Fig. 2 a The mean difference (WMD) and the 95 % confidence standardized mean difference does include 0, suggesting a non-
interval (95 % CI) for the effect of regular exercise on maximal significant effect of the intervention. The boxes represent effect
oxygen consumption (VO2max) in ml/min/kg in randomized con- estimate of each study based on variance; the horizontal line
trolled trials; 95 % CI of the summary weighted mean difference does represents weighted mean difference with 95 % CI; the solid vertical
not include 0, suggesting a significant improvement related to the line represents no effect; effect estimate on the left hand side of the
intervention. b The standardized mean difference (SMD) and 95 % CI solid vertical line denotes a non-favorable effect; effect estimate on
for the effect of regular exercise on VO2max in ml/min/kg in non- the right hand side of the solid vertical line denotes a non-favorable
randomized controlled trials. 95 % CI of the overall summary effect of the intervention

without asthma symptoms after 30 days of training (p \ 0.2). The study by Emtner et al. [16] showed a
(p \ 0.001), while in the reference group statistically sig- decrease in the total number of emergency department
nificant improvement was not observed. visits from 9 to 3 after the training period, but this study did
In the study by Meyer et al. [20], 9 patients had been not have a non-exercising reference group of asthmatics.
hospitalized for asthma in the 2 years prior to the study for Dogra et al. [12] showed that the Asthma Control
a total of 218 in-hospital days. During the 2 years of the Questionnaire score (excluding spirometry) and mini-
study period, in-hospital days decreased to 29 days AQLQ score significantly improved in the intervention
(p \ 0.001). A reference group of 10 patients had been group compared to the reference group. Mendes et al. [19]
hospitalized for asthma in the 2 years prior to the study for detected a decrease in physical limitation and symptom
a total of 236 in-hospital days and this decreased during the frequency, and improvement in psychosocial domain
2-year study period only slightly to 201 in-hospital days measured with HRQoL-questionnaire in the intervention

404 S. A. M. Heikkinen et al.

(a) Effect of regular exercise on

Study FEV1 %

ID WMD (95% CI) Weight

Arandelovic et al 2007 -0.06 (-0.55, 0.43) 49.11

Cochrane and Clark 1990 0.20 (-0.31, 0.71) 45.41

Mendes et al 2010 0.10 (-1.36, 1.56) 5.48

Overall (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.768) 0.07 (-0.27, 0.41) 100.00

-1.5 -1 -.5 0 .5 1 1.5

Effect of regular exercise on

(b) FEV1
Study %

ID WMD (95% CI) Weight

Hallstrand et al 1999 0.02 (-0.31, 0.35) 57.39

Emtner et al 1996 0.30 (-0.13, 0.73) 33.14

Freeman et al 1989 -0.08 (-0.88, 0.72) 9.47

Overall (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.533) 0.10 (-0.14, 0.35) 100.00

-1.5 -1 -.5 0 .5 1 1.5

Effect of regular exercise on

Study FEV1 %

ID WMD (95% CI) Weight

Arandelovic et al 2007 -0.06 (-0.55, 0.43) 16.88

Cochrane and Clark 1990 0.20 (-0.31, 0.71) 15.61

Hallstrand et al 1999 0.02 (-0.31, 0.35) 37.67

Emtner et al 1996 0.30 (-0.13, 0.73) 21.75

Mendes et al 2010 0.10 (-1.36, 1.56) 1.88

Freeman et al 1989 -0.08 (-0.88, 0.72) 6.21

Overall (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.874) 0.09 (-0.11, 0.29) 100.00

-1.5 -1 -.5 0 .5 1 1.5

Effects of regular exercise on adult asthma 405

b Fig. 3 a The mean difference (WMD) and the 95 % confidence physical activity is associated with a higher level of FEV1
interval (95 % CI) for the effect of regular exercise on forced [33] among healthy subjects, but no meta-analysis of
expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) in randomized controlled trials; 95 %
CI of the summary weighted mean difference does include 0, intervention studies on the effect of regular exercise on
suggesting a non-significant effect of the intervention. b The weighted lung function could be found. Based on qualitative evalu-
mean difference (WMD) and 95 % CI for the effect of regular ation of individual studies, there was some evidence that
exercise on FEV1 in non-randomized controlled trials. 95 % CI of the physical exercise may lead to improvement in quality of
overall summary weighted mean difference does include 0, suggest-
ing a non-significant effect of the intervention. c The weighted mean life and asthma control, including reduction in the use of
difference (WMD) and 95 % CI for the effect of regular exercise on short-acting bronchodilating medication and improvement
FEV1 in all 6 studies (3 randomized controlled and 3 non-randomized in PEF.
controlled trials). 95 % CI of the overall summary weighted mean
difference does include 0, suggesting a non-significant effect of the
intervention. The boxes represent effect estimate of each study based Validity of results
on variance; the horizontal line represents weighted mean difference
with 95 % CI; the solid vertical line represents no effect; effect This systematic review and meta-analysis has a number of
estimate on the left hand side of the solid vertical line denotes a non- strengths. First, the guidelines for conducting and reporting
favorable effect; effect estimate on the right hand side of the solid
vertical line denotes a non-favorable effect of the intervention systematic reviews proposed by the Consolidated Standards
of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement [34] and the
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
group (p \ 0.001), while no significant improvement was Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement [35] were applied.
observed in the reference group. Second, all published studies on the subject were retrieved by
applying a comprehensive logical search strategy to reduce
selection bias. Third, the eligibility criteria for inclusion of
Discussion the relevant published studies were pre-specified.
However, there are some limitations to this review. The
Asthma severity and hospitalizations for asthma have number of studies identified in the systematic review was
increased over the past four decades and it has been sug- small and therefore it was not possible to investigate
gested that decreased physical activity is a contributor to sources of observed heterogeneity between the study-spe-
the poor asthma control [31]. Some previous studies have cific effect estimates. The original studies were in general
suggested that adult asthmatics could benefit from physical small and thus, under-powering of the meta-analysis may
exercise, but these studies have been inconsistent and have be a problem. Because of the small number of the studies
not been reviewed systematically earlier. We conducted a for each outcome and type of study design, we could not
systematic review and meta-analysis to address whether make interpretations related to potential publication bias
physical exercise brings health benefits to adult asthmatics. based on a funnel plot. Language bias could be critical in
Eleven studies were identified in our systematic search, 9 general, but our systematic review included studies pub-
of which were eligible for meta-analysis. The results of the lished in 6 different languages including English, French,
meta-analysis based on RCTs show that asthmatics benefit Finnish, German, Spanish and Swedish. Thus, language
from physical exercise by increasing VO2max signifi- bias is not a likely explanation for our findings. Bias in the
cantly, the effect estimate being 3.66 ml/min/kg (95 % CI selection of the original studies is very unlikely in this
3.44–3.88). We were not able to find any meta-analysis on review because the eligibility criteria were pre-defined and
the effect of regular physical exercise on VO2max in independent of the findings of the studies.
healthy adults, but a recently published controlled inter- Only a few of the original studies were randomized
vention study showed a significant improvement in controlled trials and none of these studies described the
VO2max after 8 weeks of daily cycling, the effect estimate randomization process. The purpose of randomization is to
being 2.6 ml/min/kg (p \ 0.003) [32]. Thus, the effect was minimize selection bias and confounding by ensuring that
slightly smaller among healthy adults compared to that both the intervention and the reference groups are balanced
detected among asthmatics in our meta-analysis. The in unknown and known determinants of the outcomes.
results of our systematic review and meta-analysis show Improper randomization could bias the results of the ori-
that adult asthmatics can exercise and improve their ginal studies. Some studies included in the meta-analysis
physical fitness in the same way as the healthy ones. A were uncontrolled and therefore, selection bias from the
small increase in FEV1 after the training period was allocation of the participants into the intervention could not
detected in our meta-analysis, the effect estimate being be excluded in them. Withdrawals were mentioned in 7
0.09 l/s, but chance could not be excluded, as the confi- studies [13, 16–19, 21, 22], but the participants who
dence interval included 0, so this finding was inconclusive. dropped out of the intervention were not included in the
Some cross-sectional studies have suggested that regular final analysis. Future studies should adopt both analysis-

406 S. A. M. Heikkinen et al.

by-approach and intention-to-treat approach to analyze in VO2max or potential improvement in asthma control as
their data. response to regular physical exercise among asthmatics are
currently not well known. Beneficial effects on breathing
Synthesis of the findings with previous studies pattern and reduction in bronchial hyperresponsiveness
have been suggested as potential mechanisms [4, 31]. Our
Our systematic search of the scientific literature did not research group suggests that improved oxygen uptake
identify any previous systematic review with a meta-anal- capacity accompanied by increased threshold for getting
ysis that has reported on the effects of physical exercise in breathlessness will ensure that those with asthma can cope
adult asthma. Ram et al. [36] reported a systematic review with their everyday life at a lower effort level, thus giving a
and meta-analysis on exercise and asthma focusing on better effort-benefit ratio and leaving more breathing
children. They included only RCTs and only 2 of the reserves. In addition, a very recent report suggested that a
studies were on adults, and no results were presented 3-month period of aerobic training led to significant
separately for adults. Furthermore, we recognized that both decreases in markers of airway inflammation, including
RCTs and non-RCTs may help to answer the question if induced sputum eosinophil cell counts and fractional
physical exercise is of any benefit to adult asthmatics. Our exhaled nitrogen oxide [38].
search was restricted to studies published after January 1st
1980, because after this period asthma was recognized as
an inflammatory disease and this influenced diagnostic and Conclusions
treatment practices.
Ram et al. [36] did not find any effect of physical This systematic review and meta-analysis provides evi-
exercise on resting lung function based on studies con- dence that regular physical exercise improves significantly
ducted predominantly in children, but noted that physical physical fitness measured as maximal oxygen consumption
exercise leads to improvement in cardiopulmonary fitness in adult asthmatics. The results on lung function remain
as measured by an increase in maximal oxygen consump- inconclusive. There is some evidence of improvement in
tion. Our findings focusing on adult asthmatics were con- asthma control and quality of life based on qualitative
sistent with these findings reported previously in children. evaluation of the evidence.
The strength of the average intervention effect on There is a need for large and well-designed randomized-
VO2max and FEV1 in our meta-analyses was smaller than controlled trials to investigate further potential benefits that
those reported for children. The reason for this may be that regular exercise may have on asthma to be able to give
VO2max and FEV1 after intervention are functions of fit- more specific recommendations concerning exercise as part
ness level before the intervention, age and type of physical of treatment of adult asthmatics. The need for complete
training regime. Adult asthma patients may have had a reporting in future studies is also crucial for quantitative
lower fitness level compared to the children reported in the synthesis of results. Asthmatics may also benefit from
previous studies. In addition, we were less restrictive future studies focusing on both the efficacy (the analysis-to
concerning the level of exercise and physical activity protocol approach) and the effectiveness (the intention-to-
reported and these varied widely with respect to frequency, treat approach) of interventions.
intensity and duration in the studies included in this review.
Our study fills in an important gap in current knowledge Acknowledgments Librarian Raija Heino (Oulu University
Library, Finland) kindly helped us with the systematic literature
showing that physical exercise improves physical fitness in search by providing her knowledge in using the Medline-database and
adult asthmatics. The findings on lung function level finding the suitable search terms. This study was supported by
remain inconclusive. Thus, regular exercise may have research grants by the Foundation of the Finnish Anti-Tuberculosis
potential for improving the health and disease control of Association, Väinö and Laina Kivi Foundation, Ida Montin Founda-
tion, the Oulu University Hospital, and The Academy of Finland
asthmatic adults. The vast majority of the study partici- Grants No. 129419 (SALVE Research Program) and No. 138691.
pants in the present systematic review and meta-analysis
were female adult asthmatics, so our findings should be Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict
interpreted with caution in male asthmatics. of interest.
Some studies have suggested that exercise may have
short-term beneficial effects on airway smooth muscle [31].
American College of Sports Medicine states that although
exercise may be a trigger for asthmatic airflow obstruction
for some people, research indicates that it is possible to 1. Masoli M, Fabian D, Holt S, Beasley R. The global burden of
build up tolerance to physical activity over time [37]. The asthma: executive summary of the GINA Dissemination Com-
mechanisms underlying observed long-term improvement mittee Report. Allergy. 2004;59:469–78.

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