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COMIL SERVICES (WAN) EXAH-2022 CRNA-C-ASSM wait ( arate /arererpert ) Refte mH : © 8bT Aw: 300 areata 42) te Prova Freer areas Fares Bete wore stars / Frere aH ARICA If Comal SRRCATCATA say Sea fafa ante | SCOT PS sche AM / eres PEO FT ACE Frome cen meal erara Gee waar raTs (GT Pca) fate ana | SceTeaa aca rere Plas eer fem eniscey wre arr aera re Pete Het Mae Bera by Vaca eA BOT ATT am | eters SB CHTcaTal or at pore TA Re ene MBL art fea aa | ASSAMESE ( Compulsory ) Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300 QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions All questions are to be attempted. ‘The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it. Answers must be written in ASSAMESE (Assamese script) unless otherwise directed in the question. Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to and if answered in much longer or shorter than the prescribed length, marks may be deducted. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off. (CRNA-C-ASSM/1 1 [P.T.0. 1. was fer fF corer abl FRAT 600 “74 FSET ae THT fa: 100 (a) aaa mf: Here ae sreTTETA (b) cones Faas wisert (0) Bier ate aftfenteae (a) AR Sets ATTEN eteT 2. ware fim SEMA Srerca A STE wa ware fi secaraa ~B, WR Te vfie@ Gee fh: 12*5=60 Soca PR wee ARC TE werE ere STAT safe Beer Po eT TR carer aca Terie aAVAARS FempS were fort aT | ae ere Dee Glens ofS Te fre orraw area ata coscarce Fatarere ares aie, afoemTe wer aafas BAe ore FSH aaTeT ‘vara fecal orem FAARe | Bast TaTe AR Scare Baer Tea TEE Fae SAS GER BTCA Ble | DATTA rary safer x cara Sita Poteer! are CBee wena aferaa Aca AEs sICHTER BTR Ae Ca RAE CUSTS OR Tea orqT GARE ZOE maT TEE Ta ona | De ART ATG Be ACH CH COSTES CHa HRcaTaa Fears ifeeseT Cours ars Brae eR TA TOT FBT are free ogy fen Sara areas aa Coma af arate aac | bead WAIbaTARA “tat TY CHR Sea omea-erde, aH ere Otte gla THR ond | aaHA Son ew ore sae oR wibiecaTa AaB FETS eH | ara Ss ona, APTEMTA TAY STH VTS GT ATVI aH eae a OR Bam Terie TRE faa was Be ea (com Tem) Ae CH rae Vitale wrath 7 A | ‘Safer moore crea Brera tat Beara AAT FA ST FAA SAANCS DRA aa BC A HR FAA ACHR STW AA Fle | AR sreoBre FeaTeg ora afar ota aA coders Peiibs SRE aR otace RE BT safer acd amet afer me AeA Hr eqprengs Coreg enter on cao, Freer, ab-9a fait wre are eR wa CTS CRPRR SACHA | SAIS AM TPTRS TH-sTEM TVET aa fey aA cisco AB em, ‘Acar CHee FaS FITC Hea BI aT "A DePr Tera eae og aaa ace Patera wre fot aH Cafe | Saher ~feare mrersitace Rea Beers CARICA HAS WAN RNS CPT TAT FAT CefeT | 1872 Baw eae erate eee FdeteCa acs SAP ASS Lefer) Baa MS 1881 OFA TAT Ns (aE 10 TeAT FA A A) ICT se ae PS TeET aS Va | CCAS AATeTT BET Ve TC PM TI AT AS CAPT we yA GOAT AT 2A | CRNA-C-ASSM/1 2 oR afeTRETR CRT ATTRA ACT TT SoS Shears aaa Patt sats Ferre eT ‘Wrens 72 ae RSH CI FHS TET Gla URSA wie SEA PT a aM, fae, HS oe Siders FSfawe were sea aR aT HRTTA Ss FR STA Coral UH, TIA BTS APH we ere Rerfee Roa fe Weert aciga SeprE SaTECH 24 cies gf TYEE AcE! ae COPY TAY FA SHS A MB seq Searcy GPR as as A GaPAR core Hee BAH TE A ware for wer Force Hee Fa Lefer | aS ATA ae Ge VBS cx HCAS aT Fa eh STE CHTACATA SIA aT aH Fa CRA | (a) SrecaPre Pr pears wey at ART Gar CHCA See? (b) Seincate prerreas aca aria fer ory! aie? (co) Seiecatre aifecarra sencaca anaes Serer Peaca aa a1 TH? (a) Reni wey a aes fer aM cS ga aera? (ce) Seiicae “Pee Fea ATS BISS ATE corneas eifeR? ware fr penta rare are-BSaten ars fSwae Ped 1 carers faa eeTeT ATE | TATE COTA ‘Frere wrens fata via : 60 eee ‘Ren ara wa afecers rarer HS ore OR TAICG SST wal tate af ere Bt are Beare A waters SEAS HIS MTs Codcaed Cea-COlfee afters Fees wasftrre ares fee Relat aca Te excl oafee A eact Remi are sface STE CaCTEATT Sebrl-aftore Sat-comee fice, AR Be cas suchas or eerew MSaAe | eye Te RREPRLR A-iRce Srazfaee a ofS om ace, Core wa wae Vera coat afecac afer a ote fice ore BAe FEM Prt ore errs eM eAcR 1 fees fart oe Te_M ATT BT RaelqaE, TTS Sa Aas eras Boas are Bees esers STATA | remy eran eter ore eB erase amgsa fer ser crea wi Sibi | RN fered TRE ere can adtaee Grea erie oka, ve dys aR Tem, eal oR Ue aceTE Secorer AE ae see aI eT fe afte aetaeesra aM cePRECE feat EE Cae aca YA AA RT Gitera abet aca HaCTS 19704 WSS “PA ea aT Gne? wer ‘Gara are yer'a a Ara Rane eRe wage I Ba | a eat ETF FET wre ona Sea Fata Uo AR se Cores wat ca Rams erat eae BetaiSe cores Ares + afte craft 1 tare werneTaTs Fem ore San-Fetes ae, SeraTes, Prem, CMA ATS NET Te CRNA-C-ASSM/1 3 [P.7.0. wetafes wan Tae Sere Cre AHS EHRs HELS %Z BCR! 19804 HAC Far ae weg cae aS Cen ba Ve ATE FACT AA FHC eae has Aras Te COS sama srarcent wie | 19604 rT ONG BIC AHTETS ARTs eS wr Wes AHS ACCC FAS wee set afey a waa Remi wr Baa wae soniie err often ets afta a worenhes srerea acy AREA ares fora exe wfbien | facet fare fara wonerass were aie corer fears ery fi AES TBs ‘few facet are fear arms” (WCED) #1 4c, a4 ya) eaier Tacos AeA seal Baca aoe | Ae ‘ONGC 1987 ves “era ae Vora’ aaa afer (ars arora afer qe Cer wa) ET aff | WCED TH FSCS se Awa BF FER BA ATS abe era tem age ‘afafen | o& afer wpa Fee sera Rare ae Ba “ae area Repl WE CIS enfant AGA orerea TreTae oars sreriae seats Tear eres ara Pre SETS fA aT? | ( 360% ) . Pafate ommet Bar Crate SpA Fat: commbc Cerf cx viftcwrers aerece wR Pioale Ce of warcR, aTCe wre A wnacR ATC | Aer BACT BA ACTS AUS Urs sara ree Pera Slay cs, A AT AI SRT Yas | ACTA obi Brae, Fert are awe eee 1 ereres wee Far wen far MM ae mcs | flaca are safe eae a arte ase Ric, Cara wera Prem Sera ore mae FAC | GARY CHT OAS corres lem Pree AEM Fae crac | cara eTANAAE caTe Ga-seA 1B Grr Gre Fea see) are cafemtace care Sten-aicn aa Gara mf aca cofeatere aera Geq-aeMN | ore cafeetace care Ger-aM co Ge TA, TATE aT reser afOFR te tea cofeurterce Fi veces Gteri-mfBM e cal aicere afera Glare area morete i84 T | raft sah Bee BH aH Bre Bree Pea fate fac fet Stee va Rats oS Pac AaCATETS SIM Seley Fac, Ores tal feartace A Mb Rais eA CHR PRCAICATA | cBET TASHA | STATA aera wecbrcee Bat mesa oT ecara FFT | BI Tas aqters ace ace! Hee Te ace ENR THe aT Mee mapferen 1 orca Fee rar AH | HCA ae few aT sea ICHAT CH a TELM ae OT (CRNA-C-ASSM/1 4 20 5. Sas fm ea eR oeta ay ea 20 Socrates was one of the celebrated Greek thinkers who became very influential in the development of Greek philosophy in particular and Western philosophy in general. Socrates tried to bring radical changes in the society. But his attempts in the social field were not accepted and appreciated by the authorities. But convinced of his principles Socrates continued his efforts. The authorities considered him as a threat to their existence and as a result he was arrested and sent to prison. Later, he was given capital punishment because he was frank and outspoken. When he received the news of the death penalty he was not at all shaken. It confused all the officials and even Socrates’ own disciples because they had never seen a person accepting the news of his death penalty with a smiling face. When asked why so, he replied, “I have been preparing for death all my life. I have never done anything wrong to any man. That is why I am able to accept even death with a smiling face.” In his use of critical reasoning, by his unwavering commitment to truth and through the vivid example of his own life, Socrates set the standard for all subsequent Western philosophy. 6. (a) wae fim Sea eH Tae + CHEE ae FT 2x5=10 (jv) Fre ey) ve CRNA-C-ASSM/1. 5 [P.T.0. (b) eae Frm Fea1-CTER YO STARMAN SAT: @ Wea wT 2m seca AAR (i) Ferra Fa Ffoe Fea | (c) ware fim scars sicerere erate Rete adae «te Pr : @ em (i) Por (iii) STO fv) fee (v) rarer (vi) prec (vit) HF (vit) afer (ix) Ware (x) aR (a) eae Fran cares cerca acaba oe fr: @ (i) crm (ii) (CRNA-C-ASSM/1. 6 5x2=10 1*10=10 1*10=10 kek CRNA-C-ASSM/1 7 $823—72

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