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Call Review

Rep: Nerlyn S Intake Date: 06/16/23 Total Call Time: 118 mins
Score: 2
Client Matter ID: 1314343 Review Date: 06/16/23 Intake Time: 100 mins

Asking Every Question P/F: fail

* DWB – Skipped DWB required script.

Verify All Vital Info P/F: pass

Don’t Make Stuff Up P/F: pass

Customer Service P/F: fail

* Finished final contact info verification at 100 mins mark. Esign completed.

Accuracy P/F: fail

* DLW – Client said that she stopped working back in 12/2019 but not sure why rep listed 06/16/23.

* DWB – Client said that they had divorced before her spouse passed away but rep still “yes” to “prior marriages end in the death of your spouse”.

* Income – Client said that her friend gives him $165 to pay for her utilities. If it's a specific amount on a regular basis, we would list it as “unearned income”.

* Claim status – Client filed a claim back in 2015. Since it's over 2 years ago and the client haven't heard from SSA, we can just mark “no” to the initial

* Birthplace – Rep listed “Hamilton, Ohio”. It should be “Hamilton, OH”.

* Mother's maiden name – We only need to list the last name here.

* Contact – Listed friend's number as a secondary contact. It should listed as an alternate contact.

* Contact – Auth contact was listed but no PN was left about it.

* Contact – Rep only asked “Do you authorize her?”. Make sure to impart if we can talk to them about the claim before clicking yes.

* Work – Rep listed “Emotional support animal”. Make sure that we'll clarify if the client needs that in order to work. Emotional support animal is totally
different from a service animal. A service animal means any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a
disability. While an emotional support animal is any animal that provides emotional support alleviating one or more symptoms or effects of a person’s

* School – Client said that she completed her 12th grade in 06/1985 but rep listed 06/1984.

* Special Ed – Client attended special ed due to Learning Disabilities. We'd want to add that as part of the client's conditions.

* Spouse name – We no longer need to add the middle initial here.

* Spouse's birthplace/ where married/ where ended – We need to use the proper format when listing the city and state. Always abbreviate the state if it's
within US. We actually no longer need the previous spouse's info here. It was just so happened that the rep marked yes to “prior marriages end in the death
of your spouse”.
Additional Notes (Not Errors)
How It's Graded
Asking Every Question
- Was every question asked appropriately?
- If information was known, was information stated back appropriately?
- Did the rep skip any questions?
- Did the rep fail to state back information that was already given?

Verify All Vital Info

- Were all Names phonetically verified back to client?
- Were all DOB's stated back to client number by number?
- Were all SSN's stated back to client number by number?
- Were all Phone Numbers stated back to client number by number?
- Were all Addresses verified back to client?
- If applicable, was the client's email address verified phonetically (unless the same as name)?

Don’t Make Stuff Up

- Did the rep list any information on the intake that the client did not give/tell the rep?
- Did the rep choose information without consulting/asking or clarifying with the client?
- Did the rep falsify any information?
- Did the rep coach the client into any answers given?
- Did the rep choose a date without asking the client?

Customer Service
- How was the rep's tone of voice? (Was it warm, welcoming, empathetic/sympathetic, etc)?
- Did the rep have a sense of urgency?
- Was the call time 50 minutes (including E-Sign) or under?
- Was the rep helpful? (Did they address any questions/concerns of the client)?
- Was the rep professional? (Did they use any jargon/slang/or bad language)?

- Did the rep use proper spellings/grammar?
- Did the rep use Google when needed? (Did they list conditions/jobs/schooling correctly)?
- Did the rep read the end script properly?
- Did the rep provide correct e-sign instructions to the client?
- Did the rep give advice? (Marital, Employment, Medical, etc?
- Did the rep make any falsifying statements or give incorrect information to the client?
- Did the rep use the FAQ scripts when needed?

Auto Fails
- Taking a claim we know we shouldn't have taken.
- Not verifying the client's vital info. (Client's Name, DOB, SSN, email address).
- Purposefully skipping questions (A complete disregard to ask each question).
- Falsifying information/Fraud (A complete disregard to list information the client provides).
- Severe lack of Customer Service.
- Not reading beginning and ending scripts. (Who we are/what we do, Compliance, No Email, Text Disclaimer, Ending Script)
- Rep not asking e-sign sign questions and just choosing for the client. (Marking sign later/send paper packet, etc)

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