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Nonviolent Communication – Marshall Rosenberg

Simply say what we observe. When we combine observation with evaluation, people
are apt to hear criticism. The first component of NVC is the separation of observation from

Observation mixed with evaluation Observation separate from evaluation

Doug procrastinates. Doug only studies for exams the night
She won’t get her work in. She said she won’t get her work in.
Jim is a poor student. Jim hasn’t scored better than a C on his

Identifying / naming our feeling when we observe this action or occurrence
Some feelings when needs are not fulfilled
Scared, Frightened, fearful, afraid Some feelings when needs are fulfilled
Impatient, anguished, disturbed, stressed Optimistic, excited, energetic, eager
Concerned, distressed, worried, tired, Hopeful, confident, positive, trustful
anxious Encouraged, inspired, stimulated
Confused, nervous, puzzled, reluctant, Interested, intrigued, curious
hesitant Amazed, surprised, delighted
Angry, upset, annoyed, irritated, furious Calm, comfortable, cool, relaxed
Indifferent, lonely, distant, passive Peaceful, carefree, composed
Ashamed, embarrassed, guilty Fulfilled, pleased, relieved, satisfied
Overwhelmed, shocked, surprised Happy, joyous, radiant
Sad, hurt, sensitive, vulnerable Touched, moved
Discouraged, frustrated, disappointed, Thankful, gratified, grateful, glad
uncomfortable, unhappy Tender, sensitive, warm
Helpless, Hopeless
Envious, Jealous

State what needs are associated with the feelings we identified: “I feel as I do because
I need ____.”

Some basic needs we all share
Autonomy: Choosing plans for fulfilling communication, closeness, community,
one’s dreams, goals, values. companionship,
Choice, freedom, independence, space, compassion, consideration, consistency,
spontaneity. empathy, inclusion,
Integrity: Authenticity, honesty, intimacy, love, mutuality, nurturing,
presence. respect/self-respect, security,
stability, support, to know and be
Meaning: Celebration of life and known, to understand and be
dreams fulfilled. understood, trust, warmth.
Clarity, competence, consciousness,
contribution, creativity, Physical Well-being: Air, food,
efficacy, effectiveness, growth, hope, movement, exercise, rest, sleep, sexual
learning, purpose, self expression, expression,
stimulation, understanding. safety, shelter, touch, water.

Connection: Acceptance, affection, Play/ Spiritual Communion: Joy,

appreciation, belonging, cooperation, humor, beauty, harmony, inspiration,
order, peace.
Sobriety Maintenance Needs:

Statement of what you feel you need.
Example: teacher says, “When I see papers all over the floor I feel irritated because I
need more order in our classroom. Would you be willing to pick up the papers and either
throw them away or put them in your desks?”

COMPLAINT: You are always late for meetings.

REQUEST: I would appreciate it if you can be on time for meetings.

COMPLAINT: I can never trust you.

REQUEST: I’ve heard a couple of times that you have spoken to others about me. My request
is that you come to me first if you are upset about something.

COMPLAINT: You’re driving too fast.

REQUEST: My request is that you slow down to 50 mph, because I am uncomfortable with how
fast you are driving.

COMPLAINT: You are very inconsiderate person.

REQUEST: Would you please let me finish speaking before you begin to respond.

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