01 (Bii) - Spring Reading - The Tempest (Feedback)

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Year 7 Spring Assessment: Shakespeare’s comedies (The Tempest)

Read the two extracts from ‘The Tempest’. The first is from Act 1, Scene 2 and the second is
from Act 5, Scene 1. Both extracts feature Prospero speaking with his servant, Ariel.

Compare the presentation of Prospero and Ariel’s relationship in both scenes.

In your answer you should:

1. Identify different aspects of Prospero and Ariel’s relationship across both scenes
2. Explain carefully how this aspect is shown to the audience
3. Support your ideas with reference to both scenes.
4. Present your ideas in a way that makes sense to you – be creative!

R3: Making connections within and across texts

Compares ideas across the two scenes in a clear and relevant way.

 Shows clear understanding of the relationship between Prospero and Ariel in both scenes.

 Selects relevant detail from/across the two scenes to support interpretation.

 Ideas presented in a creative and original way.

Attempts to compare ideas across the two scenes.

 Shows some understanding of the relationship between Prospero and Ariel in both scenes.

 Selects some appropriate textual detail/references within or across the two scenes to
support interpretation.

 Ideas presented in a clear and accessible way.

Shows simple awareness of similarities or differences between the two scenes

 Shows simple awareness of the relationship between Prospero and Ariel in one/both

 Makes simple references or providing simple textual details from one/both scenes to
support ideas.

 Ideas presented in a suitable way.

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