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Internship training exercise is one of the major activities that will be carried out by a student of

criminology and security studies department in fulfillment of his/her degree program and to get

the necessary experience needed especially practical knowledge of this particular field of study.

A criminologist can have his or her internship program in lot of places which include

 Police college

 Airport

 Law court

 A secondary school

 Civil defense

 Immigration

 Counseling centers etc.

A place of choice of internship is a build up for a CSS undergraduate in understanding his or her

particular niche or specific field of interest in the broad course of study, criminology and security


Amidst all prospective places of internship, REDEEMERS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL,

OKPUNO AWKA, a secondary school under the mother body, Christ the redeemer’s ministry

(CRM). The school was established in the year 2006. The school has a mission of establishing an

ideal comprehensive secondary school that produced well rounded and independent citizen

through a broad based functional Christian education at affordable cost.

The vision of the school state “we are committed to the impartation of knowledge and value with

the aim of raising young leaders with character and impeccable standards, who will eventually

take charge of the world affair.

General Issues of Crime and Security in Nigeria.

To understand the issues of crime and security in a particular country, Nigeria as a case study,

one needs to understand the concept of crime and security.

Crime can be defined in ordinary language, as an unlawful act punishable by a state or other

authority. The term crime does not, in modern criminal law, have any simple and universally

accepted definition, though statutory definitions have been provided for certain purposes.

Crime is behavior, either by act or omission, defined by statutory or common law as deserving

of punishment or penalty. Although most crimes require the element of intent, certain minor

crimes may be committed based on strict liability even if the defendant had no specific mindset

with regard to the criminal action.

 A crime is an offence against a public law. This word, in its most general sense, includes all

offences, but in its more limited sense is confined to felony.

The term offence may be considered as having the same meaning, but is usually understood to be

a crime not indictable but punishable, summarily or by the forfeiture of a penalty

Criminologist Paul Tappan defines crime as “an intentional act or omission in violation of

criminal law, committed without defense or justification, and sanctioned by the state as a felony

or misdemeanor.”

A crime is a deliberate act that causes physical or psychological harm, damage to or loss of

property, and is against the law.

A crime is an act proscribed by law and subject to punishment. It can also be an omission instead

of an act, namely a failure to act where the law imposes a duty to act. Traditionally, crimes have

been restricted to acts and omissions that harm the interests of others. Sometimes, however, a

legislature will criminalize an act or omission because it is harmful to the perpetrator himself, or

because the conduct is morally reprehensible.

It’s also interesting to note that as dangerous as crime may sound or seems to be a country cannot

exist without her having the element and presence of crime.

 Crime consists of conduct that is in violation of federal, state or local laws. When a law is

broken, there is a penalty imposed. The penalty can include a loss of one's freedom or even one's

life. Without a law to indicate the particular prohibited behavior, there can be no crime.

Therefore, even if an individual's behavior is so horrible that it is shocking, it will still not be

considered criminal if there is no law making it a crime

Categories of Crime

There are three categories of crime:

 Felonies

 Misdemeanors

 Simple offences/ Violations

Felonies are the most serious of crimes that one can commit. Felonies are punishable by three

year or more imprisonment. In fact, there are some states which impose the death penalty for

certain types of felony crimes. Felony crime includes personal crimes, such as murder, robbery

and rape. Other types are crimes against property, including burglary or larceny
Many types of crime exist. Criminologists commonly group crimes into several major categories:

(1) violent crime

(2) property crime

(3) white-collar crime

(4) organized crime

(5) consensual or victimless crime.

Within each category, many more specific crimes exist. For example, violent crime includes

homicide, aggravated and simple assault, rape and sexual assault, and robbery, while property

crime includes burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Because a full discussion of the

many types of crime would take several chapters or even an entire book or more, we highlight

here the most important dimensions of the major categories of crime and the issues they raise for

public safety and crime control.

Violent Crime

Even if, as our earlier discussion indicated, the news media exaggerate the problem of violent

crime, it remains true that violent crime plagues many communities around the country and is the

type of crime that most concerns Nigerians. The news story that began this chapter reminds us

that violent crime is all too real for too many people; it traps some people inside their homes and

makes others afraid to let their children play outside or even to walk to school. Rape and sexual f

assault are a common concern for many women and female children and leads them to be more
fearful of being victimized than men: In the 2011 Gallup poll mentioned earlier, 37 percent of

women said they worried about being sexually assaulted, compared to only 6 percent of men (see

fig 1.1.1)

Research on violent crime tends to focus on homicide and on rape and sexual assault. Homicide,

of course, is considered the most serious crime because it involves the taking of a human life. As

well, homicide data are considered more accurate than those for other crimes because most

homicides come to the attention of the police and are more likely than other crimes to lead to an

arrest. For its part, the focus on rape and sexual assault reflects the contemporary women’s

movement’s interest in these related crimes beginning in the 1970s and the corresponding

interest of criminologists, both female and male, in the criminal victimization of women.

Certain aspects of homicide are worth noting. First, although some homicides are premeditated,

most in fact are relatively spontaneous and the result of intense emotions like anger, hatred, or

jealousy (Fox, Levin, & Quinet, 2012). Two people may begin arguing for any number of

reasons, and things escalate. A fight may then ensue that results in a fatal injury, but one of the

antagonists may also pick up a weapon and use it. About 25–50 percent of all homicides are

victim-precipitated, meaning that the eventual victim is the one who starts the argument or the

first one to escalate it once it has begun.

Second, and related to the first aspect, most homicide offenders and victims knew each other

before the homicide occurred. Indeed, about three-fourths of all homicides involve non strangers,

and only one-fourth involve strangers. Intimate partners (spouses, ex-spouses, and current and

former partners) and other relatives commit almost 30 percent of all homicides (Messner, Deane,

& Beaulieu, 2002). Thus although fear of a deadly attack by a stranger dominates the American
consciousness, we in fact are much more likely on average to be killed by someone we know

than by someone we do not

Third, about two-thirds of homicides involve firearms. To be a bit more precise, just over half

involve a handgun, and the remaining firearm-related homicides involve a shotgun, rifle, or

another undetermined firearm. Combining these first three aspects, then, the most typical

homicide involves non strangers who have an argument that escalates and then results in the use

of deadly force when one of the antagonists uses a handgun.

Fourth, most homicides (as most violent crime in general) are interracial, meaning that they

occur within the same race; the offender and victim are of the same race. For single

offender/single victim homicides where the race of both parties is known, about 90 percent of

African American victims are killed by African American offenders, and about 83 percent of

white victims are killed by white offenders (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2011). Although

whites fear victimization by African Americans more than by whites, whites in fact are much

more likely to be killed by other whites than by African Americans. While African Americans do

commit about half of all homicides, most of their victims are also African Americans

Property Crime

As noted earlier, the major property crimes are burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson.

These crimes are quite common in the Nigeria and other nations and, as indicated, millions

occur annually in this country. Many Nigerians have installed burglar alarms and other security

measures in their homes and similar devices in their cars and SUVs. While property crime by

definition does not involve physical harm, it still makes us concerned, in part because it touches
so many of us. Although property crime has in fact declined along with violent crime since the

early 2000, its still is considered a major component of the crime problem, because it is so

common and produces losses of billions of naira annually.

Much property crime can be understood in terms of the roles and social networks of property

criminals. In this regard, many scholars distinguish between amateur theft and professional theft.

Most property offenders are amateur offenders: They are young and unskilled in the ways of

crime, and the amount they gain from any single theft is relatively small. They also do not plan

their crimes and instead commit them when they see an opportunity for quick illegal gain. In

contrast, professional property offenders tend to be older and quite skilled in the ways of crime,

and the amount they gain from any single theft is relatively large. Not surprisingly, they often

plan their crimes well in advance. The so-called cat burglar, someone who scales tall buildings

to steal jewels, expensive artwork, or large sums of money, is perhaps the prototypical example

of the professional property criminals. Many professional thieves learn how to do their crimes

from other professional thieves, and in this sense they are mentored by the latter just as students

are mentored by professors, and young workers by older workers.

White-Collar Crime

If you were asked to picture a criminal in your mind, what image would you be likely to think of

first: a scruffy young male with a scowl or sneer on his face, or a handsome, middle-aged man

dressed in a three-piece business suit? No doubt the former image would come to mind first, if

only because violent crime and property crime dominate newspaper headlines and television

newscasts and because many of us have been victims of violent or property crime. Yet white-
collar crime is arguably much more harmful than street crime, both in terms of economic loss

and of physical injury, illness, and even death.

What exactly is white-collar crime? The most famous definition comes from Edwin Sutherland

(1949, p. 9), a sociologist who coined the term in the 1940s and defined it as “a crime committed

by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.” Sutherland

examined the behavior of the seventy largest US corporations and found that they had violated

the law hundreds of times among them. Several had engaged in crimes during either World War

I or II; they provided defective weapons and spoiled food to US troops and even sold weapons to

Germany and other nations the United States was fighting.

Although white-collar crime as studied today includes auto shop repair fraud and employee theft

by cashiers, bookkeepers, and other employees of relatively low status, most research follows

Sutherland’s definition in focusing on crime committed by people of “respectability and high

social status.” Thus much of the study of white-collar crime today focuses on fraud by

physicians, attorneys, and other professionals and on illegal behavior by executives of

corporations designed to protect or improve corporate profits (corporate crime)

Organized Crime

Organized crime refers to criminal activity by groups or organizations whose major purpose for

existing is to commit such crime. When we hear the term “organized crime,” we almost

automatically think of the so-called Mafia, vividly portrayed in the Godfather movies and other

films, that comprises several highly organized and hierarchical Italian American “families.”
Although Italian Americans have certainly been involved in organized crime in the United

States, so have Irish Americans, Jews, African Americans, and other ethnicities over the years.

What are these roots? Simply put, organized crime exists and even thrives because it provides

goods and/or services that the public demands. Today, organized crime earns its considerable

money from products and services such as illegal drugs, prostitution, pornography, loan

sharking, and gambling. It also began long ago to branch out into legal activities such as trash

hauling and the vending industry.

Government efforts against organized crime since the 90s have focused on arrest, prosecution,

and other law-enforcement strategies. Organized crime has certainly continued despite these

efforts. This fact leads some scholars to emphasize the need to reduce public demand for the

goods and services that organized crime provides. However, other scholars say that reducing this

demand is probably a futile or mostly futile task, and they instead urge consideration of

legalizing at least some of the illegal products and services (e.g., drugs and prostitution) that

organized crime provides. Doing so, they argue, would weaken the influence of organized crime.

Consensual Crime

Consensual crime (also called victimless crime) refers to behaviors in which people engage

voluntarily and willingly even though these behaviors violate the law. Forms of consensual crime

include prostitution, gambling, and pornography. People who use illegal drugs, who hire

themselves out as prostitutes or employ the services of a prostitute, who gamble illegally, and

who use pornography are all doing so because they want to. These behaviors are not entirely

victimless, as illegal drug users, for example, may harm themselves and others, and that is why
the term consensual crime is often preferred over victimless crime. As just discussed, organized

crime provides some of the illegal products and services that compose consensual crime, but

these products and services certainly come from sources other than organized crime.

This issue aside, the existence of consensual crime raises two related questions: First, to what

degree should the government ban behaviors that people willingly commit and that generally do

not have unwilling victims? Second, do government attempts to ban such behaviors do more

good than harm or more harm than good? For example, laws against prostitution enable pimps to

control prostitutes and help ensure the transmission of sexual diseases because condoms are not

regularly used.

1.2 Specific issues of crime and security

As criminologist that studies crime and security, there is an aspect of criminology and that deals

greatly with the study of Deviance and Juvenile delinquency.

An in-depth understanding of deviance and juvenile delinquency with bring to the

understanding of the readers the issues of crime and security even at my place of my internship,

Redeemers international high school okpono akwa.

What is Deviance?

Deviance or the sociology of deviance explores the actions or behaviors that violate social

norms across formally enacted rules (e.g., crime) as well as informal violations of social norms

(e.g., rejecting folkways and mores). Although deviance may have a negative connotation, the
violation of social norms is not always a negative action; positive deviation exists in some

situations. Although a norm is violated, a behavior can still be classified as positive or


Social norms differ throughout society and between cultures. A certain act or behavior may

be viewed as deviant and receive sanctions or punishments within one society and be seen as a

normal behavior in another society. Additionally, as a society's understanding of social norms

changes over time, so too does the collective perception of deviance.

Deviance is relative to the place where it was committed or to the time the act took place.

Killing another human is generally considered wrong for example, except when governments

permit it during warfare or for self-defense. There are two types of major deviant actions: mala

in se and mala prohibita

The violation of norms (Deviance) can be categorized as two forms, formal deviance and

informal deviance. Formal deviance can be described as a crime, which violates laws in a

society. Informal deviance is minor violations that break unwritten rules of social life. Norms

that have great moral significance are more, which means the conventions that embody the

fundamental values of a group. Under informal deviance, a more opposes societal taboos.

Deviant behavior is defined as actions that violate social norms, which may include both

informal social rules or more formal societal expectations and laws. Socially acceptable

behavior, on the other hand, refers to the actions that are generally viewed as being appropriate

to engage in when in the presence of other people.

Deviance is norm-breaking behavior. Sociologists argue that deviance is context dependent –

what is deviant depends on the situation you are in, such as the country and the historical period.
The concept of deviance is more difficult to define than crime. Deviance includes both criminal

and non-criminal acts, but it is quite difficult to pin down what members of any society or groups

actually regard as deviant behavior. Downes and Rock (2007) suggest that ambiguity is a key

feature of rule-breaking, as people are frequently unsure whether a particular episode is truly

deviant or what deviance is. Their judgment will depend on the context in which it occurs, who

the person is, what they know about them and what their motives might be.

Societal deviance refers to forms of deviance that most members of a society regard as deviant

because they share similar ideas about approved and unapproved behavior – murder, rape, child

abuse and driving over the alcohol limit in the UK generally fall into this category.

Situational deviance refers to the way in which an act being seen as deviant or not depends on

the context or location in which it takes place. These two conceptions of deviance suggest that,

while there may be some acts that many people agree are deviant in one society, those acts

defined as deviant will vary between groups within a society.

Juvenile delinquency is the participation by a minor child, usually between the ages of 10 and

17, in illegal behavior or activities. Juvenile delinquency is also used to refer to children who

exhibit a persistent behavior of mischievousness or disobedience, so as to be considered out of

parental control, becoming subject to legal action by the court system. Juvenile delinquency is

also known as “juvenile offending,” and each state has a separate legal system in place to deal

with juveniles who break the law. To explore this concept, consider the following juvenile

delinquency definition.

Juvenile delinquency, also known as juvenile offending or formal deviance, is the act of

participating in unlawful behavior as a minor or individual younger than the statutory age of
majority. In Nigeria, a juvenile delinquent is a person who commits a crime and is under a

specific age. Most states specify a juvenile delinquent as an individual under 18 years of age

while a few states have set the maximum age slightly different

Juvenile Delinquency Statistics

Many organizations, including the OJJDP(Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency

Prevention), study juvenile delinquency, and report compiled data in order to learn what

contributes to the issue of juvenile delinquency. Some of the latest juvenile delinquency statistics

 In 2012, police arrested 182 violent juvenile offenders for every 100,000 juveniles.

 The peak age for offending falls between 15 and 19 years of age

 52% to 57% of juvenile offenders continue offending into their mid-20s

 By age 30, only 16% to 19% of juvenile delinquents continue to offend

 If a juvenile starts offending before the age of 12, he is more likely to continue offending

into adulthood

 The average onset of gang involvement is 16 years of age

 The average onset of drug use is 16 to 17 years of age

With the above knowledge, specific issues of crime and security at my place of internship which


AKWA, can be discussed.

1. Intra class hatred

There were major level of dislike I discovered in the school among students, but the major one I

felt disguised about was dislike or hatred among students of same class. This type of hatred was

so noticeable as students now sit in clique only amidst there so called friends, bad mouth those

who are not in there group collectively, and do both good and evil together.

A student who belongs to a clique can decide to hate another student due to either a

misunderstanding or because the student did something against her opinion, and collectively

everyone students in that clique joins in the hatred. This has a way of creating unhealthy groups

in the class, unhealthy revival among class mate and unnecessary competition among class

mates, as everyone want to be seen as superior to the other. This might not look dangerous in the

original sense, because a student who decides to move with friends that are impacting and

impacting positive things to him or her can end up been a great student due to the type of

association he or she keeps and vice versa. This is better understood in the Differential

association theory of Edwin Sutherland. In this case, this is the negative part of Differential

association theory coming to play, this is because, the motive of the association and the intent at

which they run their interaction will birth negative outcome. The outcome that I sense as a

criminologist with the knowledge of pre crime management with regards of intra class hatred is

disastrous. This enmity has started to birth bullying among weaker students or students who do

not belong to any group or clique in class. The rate of unhealthy rivalry, as those students who

belong to various cliques will struggle for attention, love and care from those who are in charge

or those who are the teachers, principal, or caregivers of the school. Cultism may tend to arise as

a result of this groups already created at secondary school level and with time other students

might be initiated into the group and they might start the use of weapons and other sharp and

dangerous object in the school. To get the said attention, results and outcome that they need as a
group, threat might also be used, student might begin to threatening teachers, principals and even

class mates or any other person they feel will stand in their way of getting what they want as a

team or group of students.

Bringing of contrabands to school

Redeemers’ international high school is a school of high moral and discipline standard, a school

that tries to make each student a student or person of discipline. This is the school standard, but

at some point, some students still go against the schools rules that goes against bringing of some

object which the school has tagged contraband to school. Some students come to school with

object and gadget that the school has placed a band on. Some of these objects include: mobile

phone, bottled perfume, headset, electrical appliances, ring light, jewelries, hoodies, sweatshirt,

mufti, colour sock or sock that has no school inscriptions on them, notes books different from the

school recommended exercise book, coloured scandals, etc.

These and many more were tagged contraband at redeemers international high school, and any

student who was caught with these kind or types of objects were severely punished, as it was

seen as going against the school rules and regulations.

Improper dressing

Another deviant act that was kicked against was improper dressing. The school being a Christian

secondary school, a branch of Christ the redeemer’s ministry kicks fiercely against any form of

improper dressing. Improper dressing in this context is not just limited to wearing dresses that

reveals any part of your body as a male or female student, but putting on any attire that is not

part of the approved school uniform e.g., wearing of double sock, wearing of a brown coloued or
any other colour wrist watch aside from black which is the school approved colour of wrist

watch, putting the school cardigan round your neck or waist. In RIHS, a student wearing the

school uniform, but wearing it wrongly can also be tagged as indent dressing e.g. the female

student skirt zip should be at the left hand side, positioning the zip at the right hand side is seen

and being punished as indecent or improper dressing.

Lateness to school

This is one of the menaces the school authority frown at towards both teachers and students. At

redeemers’ international high school, the teachers and care givers are expected to be in school

before 7:20am, while students are considered late by 8:00am.

Teachers who come late to school at the maximum of three days a weeks, a maximum of 500

naira is deducted from his or her salary. It’s also amazing how that some of the teachers are

suspended from work due to lateness or irregularity at work place. Irregularity in this context

means that a teacher come to school three times a week without due permission can be


For the students, punishment for late coming varies from flogging, to positive punishment like

sweeping the classrooms, picking round the school field etc. sending the deviant home in some

cases, and in habitual cases suspension.

Fighting in classes/school
Most people are of the take that as long as there is a gathering of different people with different

ideology and opinion of life, from different background in a particular setting or group they tend

to be conflict or fights rising time without number. A class room setting is not different from this

because at some point in the classroom, the students tends to have little or major

misunderstanding about a particular thing or some major thing while In class, and this can in one

way or the other bring about the outburst or outbreak of fight in the class. In some cases, a fight

can break out due to bullying from a fellow classmate to another, sometimes fight can breakout

amidst senior and junior students. This is somehow a phenomenon that tends to happen amidst

people of different race, belief, ideology and opinion about life, and sometimes amidst people of

same belief, ideology and opinion.

Sensitivity of teachers in cases like this is mostly needed to be able to curtain this issue to

prevent it from escalating or becoming a major dispute in class.

Fight sometimes amidst secondary school student can be in form of exchange of vulgar words

that could stir up dangerous emotions and unnecessary hatred among student of either same,

senior or junior or school mate.

Examination malpractice

Examination Malpractice is defined as a deliberate illegal act contrary to the rules and

regulations of the official examination. In another way, it can be defined as illegal or improper

conduct by a candidate of an examination with the aim to pass an exam. This illegal act is

alarming in our educational sector today. Examination malpractice is any act that gives any

students or participant undue advantage to passing the said examination.

As much as RIHS is a school of high moral discipline, some students in the school still involve

themselves in this menace. They do this during test, classwork and even homework that should

be done at home. Sometimes some of these students bring the said assignment to school and

copy from themselves to get undue advantage and high marks.

The school frowns at examination malpractice and punishes students that are caught in the act.

One of the things done in RIHS to cub examination malpractice to give out a spacious

environment for any examination and test and the teaches are told on different way to invigilate

the students during examination to prevent examination malpractice

Noise making in class

Another issue of deviance in RIHS is that of noise making in class and even outside the

classroom. The truth is that an individual cannot to an extent totally eradicate completely the

noise being made in a gathering of people. A classroom is a typical example. Students will

always have something to say, things about what happened in their different homes or on their

way to school, or even what was discussed on the assemble ground. There is always something

to discuss amidst young people especially students and young people who tend to see something

new things every time. In a bit to discuss this among themselves, they tend to do the discussion

either in the wrong place or at the wrong time.

At different occasion, students are punished for talking either during classes or when a teacher is

in their classroom, this is what the teacher end up calling noise at it has a way of disturbing the

teaching and learning at that time.

In some cases, when a teacher is not in class is another moment for the student to speak out loud

and disturb the peace of the whole student causing noise pollution, discussing what to them is of

great importance.

Students of RIHS are fond of doing their discussion in places like on the corridor, you see them

hanging around the corridor discussing things that are of great relevance to them and when they

sight a teacher they tag as being harsh, they all flee into their various classes.

Disorganization in the assembly ground

One of the deviant I noticed at RIHS is the disorganization from the ends of the students on the

assembly ground. The school has a large field space that can take the total population of the

school, but due to the fact that most students are disorganized, and there is no teacher to see to

the implementation of the organization of the students lines on the days of the assembly, the

students end up staying in very scatted lines on the assembly and this in tune make it difficult

for students to hear the instructions being passed across on the assembly ground and to while

away time they end up taking on the assembly ground, making what we end up calling noise

Failure to enter the class after break time

Another deviance is the student’s failure to response to certain bells when it is been rang, a major

example is the bell that indicates end of break time. The amazing thing about this is that it’s

always when the bell for end of break time goes, that students troop out as if they just rang the

bell for break. When confronted, you tend to hear excuses that they don’t know when the bell

for beak time was ringed. Some set of students use that time of end of break time to start the
major play, you see male students trying to see goal post when the bell for end of break has been


Disrespect to parents

As much as this looks like a deviant act that does not affect much in school, or that does not

happen often in school, it has its way of bringing resultant effect in school and by extension,

students who disrespect their parents at home ends up disrespecting teachers. I end up hearing

statement like “if I can tell my mom things like this and she cannot or does not do anything to

me, then there is nothing this teacher can do.”

2 special cases handled at internship place

2.1 Green collar crime

Green-collar crimes are defined as crimes committed against the environment. A crime

committed against nature is known as green-collar crime. Illegal logging and deforestation are

examples of green-collar crimes. The patterns of illegality in green-collar crimes and

environmental crime are a new subject. Green-collar crime is also referred to as Environmental

Crime. Green-collar criminologists conduct research into the forms, causes, and consequences of

law breaking that harms the environment. Green-collar crimes include a violation of the criminal

provisions in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 and the Federal Pollution Control Act of

1972. The term "green-collar crime" and "green criminology" was introduced by Michael J.
Lynch in 1990, and was expanded upon in Nancy Frank and Michael J. Lynch's 1992 book,

Corporate Crime, Corporate Violence. The book examined the political and economic origins of

green crime, green-collar crime, and the scope of environmental law. Some consider “green

crimes” to be a part of white-collar crimes.

At redeemers international high school one of the cases that came up was that of a green collar


The school field which is a big space that serves the school as the school assembly ground, the

school playground and a space for any outdoor extracurricular activities is found of been dirty

with all sort of nylon, sweet wrapper, sachet water nylon, sweet stick, pie wrapping paper etc.

After every break period every faithful day. This is a major concern to me because this is a major

form of green collar crime, a crime against the environment, and a major concern of the school

and school authority. The teachers and school authority knew that the students of the school were

responsible, but cannot pinpoint who the actual deviant or the groups of deviants were.

On the last day of the first week of my internship. 2nd September, 2022. Friday precisely. I

was walking down the corridor of the senior secondary school building when an ss3 student by

the name Okafor Wisdom was coming from the school mini mart where he went to get snacks

(biscuits, sweet, and fish pie) he intends to eat. While on his way back from the mini mart to his

class, he opened the sweet and threw the nylon on the school field which is the bridge between

the school mini mart and his classroom.

I was able to take note of the student okafor wisdom who was the deviant, and as of the time of

the act, he was busy talking with a junior student.

Okafor wisdom is one of the academically sound student in redeemers international high, a

science student who has the intentions of studying medicine and surgery after his secondary


Knowing him to be a person who is willing to learn new things and someone with no previous

deviance record and he also happens to be the sanitation prefect and on the good books of most

of this teachers, punishing him like an habitual deviant will not be the solution, and not

punishing him at all or doing something to see to the end of the green collar crime in school will

not be the best thing as of the said time.

Case 2

Smoking of cigarette by a German visitor inside the school compound

Redeemers’ international high school is a school that is known to be of great academic

excellence at state and international level, this is because of their previous outstanding records in

different competitions they have been invited to and the way the representative of the school

represented the school well. Therefore, it is not a new thing to have international visitors coming

in and out of the school premise for one or two reason, some can be for the sole reason of

admission of their ward into the school, for business reasons, to build standard and constructive

relationship with the school authority and so many other reasons.

On Friday, 21st of October, 2022. Just immediately after break periods at around 1:30pm in the

afternoon, some germen men came into the school compound solely to do business with the

teachers and school authority as some of the white men usually come around for in some cases.

They walked thought the school gate and the security man thinking they had an appointment

with the school authority let them into the school compound. Most teachers at that time were in

different classes teaching as it was just few minutes after break period.

I was in the staff room with my supervisor who happens to be the school examination officer,

Mr. Chinazaekpere Chidi, when they came into the staff room and requested to see the school

authority, my supervisor asked the germen men why they came to see the school authority as this

is not the first time the school was having foreigners visit the school. In responses they told my

supervisor that they came for business, as they have a business deal they intend to present to the

school, to the teachers and those that are willing to buy things. My supervisor asked if they have

been in the school before or if they have an appointment with the school principle. Which they

answer saying “no”

Mr chidi, my IT supervisor went to report the presence of the German foreigners to the proper

authority leaving me and the German men in the staff room. Few minutes after my supervisor

left one of the German foreigner went to the corridor of the staff room, lit up a cigarette and

started smoking, puffing out the air out into the sky with the strong smell clouding the

atmosphere of the staffroom and the class rooms just few steps away from the staff room. The

other German foreigner who was also inside the staff room brought out a tobacco lit it and was at

the verge of also smoking the tobacco inside the staffroom.

Students of the senior secondary school two (ss2) which share the same floor with the staff room

was already bringing out their heads out through the window to know what the cause of the smell

was, and where it was coming from and also to know who was the persons that was comfortable

polluting the air of the school environment as they were not use to that particular smell inside the

school compound.

After the issue was solved, the white men were sent out of the school premises, the business deal

they wanted the school to look into and hopefully the school patronize them was not successful

as the school authority was not pleased with that act and as a way of showing their displeasure,

the school ordered that the deal with the German men be cancelled as a way of telling them that

should know how to be well behaved in places they go to and check the environment before they

decide to do some of the things they intend to do, as some of the environment they will go for the

business deal will not be environment that will accommodate act and actions like what they did.

Case 3

Insensitivity in the part of a teacher Miss Ngozi okpala

Miss Ngozi Okpala is a new teacher who was employed into redeemers international high school

to teach the junior secondary school students of redeemers international high school information

communication technol0ogy (ICT). I was fortunate to be presence when the school board was

interviewing those who applied for different vacancy position available in the school. Miss

Ngozi Okpala who was one of the interviewee present and the only person who was present and

interested in filling the vacant position of the information communication technology teacher

(ICT). One of the advantage that Miss Ngozi has that made her got the job is the fact that she
was the only one that applied to teach the said subject ICT. The interview for the applicants who

wants to fill in the vacant teaching position was on the 5th week of my internship.

On the 7th week at my place of internship those who passed the interview were officially to

resume work after they have been given their appointment letters. Miss Ngozi okpala was also

taken, and she was to stay in the computer room while the school makes provision for more table

and chairs for the new teachers that were employed.

The computer room was a counseling room for me, as I use the computer room to counsel

students who want to discuss things with me and seeks my counsel to things or in relation to

things they are passing through.

Wednesday of the 7th week of my internship at redeemers international high school, I was in the

computer room with some students who were willing and wanting to know what they could

really do with their different field ( art, science and commercial classes) they are currently

studying, how could they link what they are doing now with what they have strong passion for,

and how could they make their parents understand them better and not choose a course of study

for them in the higher institution. One of my “client” the student, Faith Ofor by name took Miss

Ngozi Okpala supposed chair to sit on while she listens to the counsel I have for her. While the

counseling section was going on with my clients laughing out loud as they were understanding

the process I was giving to them. Miss Ngozi came into the computer room and the student

greeted as usual, Miss Ngozi did not response to Faith Ofor greeting and to the surprise of every

other student present at my round table, Miss Ngozi walked up to faith and out of angry gave

faith the most dreadful outburst faith has ever received, warning her thoroughly never to come

close tpo her seat or anything on the her table telling her that she , Miss Ngozi said that she
knows faith has no respect and little or no regards for elders talk more of teachers who is old

enough to give birth to her.

The outburst of Miss Ngozi Okpala left faith Ofor crying profusely as faith has told me earlier

that her mother is always fond of telling her that she has no regards for adults and that she is

disrespectful, faith ended up telling me that m

Miss Ngozi who she does not even know he has just confirmed it, faith ended up saying that she

feels that she has a problem, that is the reason why her mum always complain about her and

compare her with every one or her mate around the compound.

I made faith understand that she is not what people around her say she is regardless of what they

say, I made her understand that she is different and unique just the way she is and can also do

more exploit if she learns to listens less to the negative things people around her are saying. All

these counseling and inspirational talk came after I told her to return the seat she took from Miss

Ngozi table

Case 4


Success Anyanwu a junior secondary school three (3) student of redeemers international high

school was of the habit of thinking and always paying less attention during classes. This act of

hers was observed by her class teacher Mrs. Choima Okeke, many of the teachers at Redeemers
international high school has tried all they could to bring back the cheerful success back to what

she used to be in her junior secondary school 1 and 2 respectively, but all to no avail.

Success lack of attention in class really began to affect her academic performance as the once

bright and brilliant student was all of a sudden becoming lackadaisical towards her academics

and not beating her class or topping her class just the way she is known for. This was the story of

success the jss3 student that I met at redeemers’ international high school.

On the third week of my stay at redeemer’s international high school, I was opportune to have a

class with the jss3 students, standing in for their civil teacher who was at that time currently


Stepping into the class, I was quick to notice success because she seats at the front and coupled

with the fact that it was the first class or period they were to have that day, it was wrong to be

moody because they just finish the assembly, and as it known students are fond of being busy

discussing about what was discussed on the assembly ground and how their night went.

We were to treat the topic Integrity, and at different point I was asking the class different

questions to be sure that they understood what was taught in the previous class.

I asked success and immediately the class echoed “she will not know it” I was amazed at that

response and I quickly told the class “success will shock us all as she will tell us the right

answer” the whole class said in unionism that “it’s not possible”. To the surprise of everyone

success attempted the question and the whole class was amazed, though she did not get the

answer correctly but I made the class applaud her and after that day class, I asked to see success

in the staff room.

Success did not come at of the time she was supposed to. I saw her a week after during break

period sitting alone in class. I insisted she fellow me to the staff room. She fellow me, and that

was when success told me about herself, she told me how her dad left her with her mum, and

how she was super fond of her dad before he left, she does not believe that her both parents

separation would affect her this much until she was made to live with her mother. She told me

how that her mother believes that she success is the major cause her daddy left them both and

that her mother is fond of saying that her presence in the house is what is making her not to be

able to do what she intend to do. Her mother words according to her always hunt her as her

mother believes that she is truly a bad luck.

She told me about her dream to study nursing in the university but the funny part of the whole

episode is that her mother wants her to study micro biology. She ended by saying that her mother

always tells her that she is as bad as her father, and will end up amounting to nothing. When I

asked her about her academic performance and what lead to her poor performance academically,

she told me that she feels that there is no reason why she is living and prays one day she sleeps

and do not wake up, so every day she wakes up and discover that that dream of hers has not been

accomplished, she feels moody and hope that one day she will sleep and not see the brightness of

the day.

Concealing a lie

The act of lying to elders, mates, seniors or even juniors is one of the deviant act that is found

among young people especially students. Student of different level are found of telling lies to one

another, to teachers and also to their care givers.

Students tell lies when they have done something and they are trying to cover up so that they

don’t end up being punished or in a bit to escape punishment. Sometimes, they end up making

the teacher, principle or care giver look like a fool.

A major case came up on the 5th week at my place of internship at RIHS. Some students were

caught playing whot card in the class when a teacher was not in class. One of the things that are

banded at RIHS is the use of whot card in the school, I feel one of the major reasons why the

school placed a ban on whot cards in school is so as to discourage gambling among student, as

the school authority feels that exposing students to games like this can make them become addict

and eventually tune them into addict and eventually gamblers.

Some students were caught playing whot card inside their classroom. They were: mary, john,

Amanda, favor and Esther. They were playing the game and were caught by a teacher who was

passing through the corridor of their class. The students in a bit to hid the card from the teacher

who already saw them gave some of the whot card to other students of the class to hid and keep

for them to prevent them from being punished.

Unfortunately for the students, they were seen by the teacher Mrs. Nancy Joyce.
Mrs. Nancy brought them to the staffroom and was questioning them to know what exactly

happened. The major deviant Mary, John, Amanda, Favour and Esther denied at first saying they

were only talking to themselves about what happened in the class. They were severely

questioned yet none of the major deviants opened up to tell the truth. This got Mrs. Nancy angry

as the students due to their smartness were about making a fool of her (Mrs. Nancy).

Some students of the class junior secondary school two (2) were called and questioned as well so

that the truth can be told, but all to no avail.

2.2 Strategies used by my IT organization/ institution to solve cases discussed

Case 1

Green Collar Crime

One of rules my internship institute placed that helped me to be flexible in my work with the

students was that, IT students were permitted to make corrections, correct the students as of

when due or anytime they feel that a student has done something wrong against the moral

principle of the school or the society at large. This rule at my internship place made me to be

able to correct things that I feel is totally against the school rules or as a criminologist is a

deviant act.

On sighting wisdom Okafor in the act of throwing nylon on the school field, I walked up to him,

and told him to pick round the school field which was already in a mess, wisdom out of

obedience picked round the school field and after he was done picking, I asked him if he knew

why I asked him to pick round the school field, in responses, wisdom told me that it is because

he threw a nylon on the ground.

I educated wisdom on green collar crime and how that he has committed a crime against the

environment. Wisdom was shocked that such exist. We then concluded that as from that point he

will see to it that the school is always clean during and after beak period and he promises to

enlighten other students on green collar crime.

Wisdom took the cleaning of the school field to heart, as he ensured that he worked with other

prefect to see that the school field is always clean during the assembly, after the assembly, and

after break period.

One of the major means of punishing deviant who go against the rule of keeping the school

compound clean or throwing dirt in the wrong place was the same punishment I gave to him

(picking round the school field) therefore any student who deviances from the rule of throwing

paper, nylon, stick on the ground, when caught is liable to been punished by either wisdom or

other prefect who has taken it upon themselves to always see to the cleanliness of the school

field and compound in general.

Case 2

Smoking of Cigarette by Two German Visitors

On the basses of the authority my place of internship placed on all IT student which I am not an

exception that gives us the right to correct thing we deem wrong, I was able to profound solution

to this.

As on the time when the German visitors were smoking, I was the only staff present. I used the

authority placed on me my IT institute to stop the German visitors politely. I told them that this

is a school, a place of molding and branding young people, and some act should not found

committed by adults in setting like this.

One amazing things I noticed is that when I told the German visitors this, they stopped

immediately. Stopping immediately made me come to the conclusion that some persons know
what is right and what should be done, but still at some point need to be remained of the danger

of the act sometimes to prevent the act or omission from being carried out by them.

Another major thing my IT institute did to correct this act is the way the school authority rejected

their business proposal, stating clearing that the school is not ready to enter into any agreement

with anybody, individuals, or organization that are not of high moral standard, as the germen

men has portrayed high rate of moral decadence.

Case 3

Insensitivity in the Part of a New Teacher.

After the outburst of the new teacher to one of my “client”, Faith Ofor, who is a student of RIHS,

I walked up to miss Ngozi later that day, I sat down on her visitors chair discussing with her

randomly, unfortunately for her, she brought up that issue trying to explain how rude and fearless

some students are and the audacity they have to take things that do not belong to them and use

for personal use. It was at this point that I politely told her that “I understand that what she did

was wrong, but there is better way of trying to drive home once point as a teacher to a student

than exchanging words with a student”. I made her see reasons. “Some students are and can be

so emotional with words, and once the word gets to them, they might eventually start doing those

thing that people label them as even though initial they were not”.

Miss Ngozi took to what I said and apologized to me for that wrong she did.

I also let in my IT supervisor on this, Mr. chidi told me that he has observed her (Miss Ngozi)

attitude towards students and he intends that miss Ngozi seats among other teachers in the major
staffroom, so other teachers can serve as a guide to her in relation to teacher students


Case 4


The major strategy used for solving this issue was counseling. I served as the school counselor at

redeemers international high while doing my IT. I was able to counsel lots of students, among

them is Success Anyanwu. also with the help of the school counselor.

Another thing that the school counselor did was to give her money. At some point in our (the

school counselor and I) interaction with success, she told us of her mom’s inability to get some

things for her even at her demand. We were able to request from her of those things, and some of

the things she said was sanitary pad, towel, and tooth brush and sometimes her mom forgets to

give her money for feeding. All this were noted and some of it cared for by the counselor.

The school authority also placed a phone call on her both parents, and invited them officially to

school. They came and were counseled on how to take care of success, which also yielded as

there were massive changes observed by me, her teachers, friends and classmate.

Case 5

Concealing a lie

Positive punishment was used on the students.

Positive punishment is a concept used in B. F. Skinner's theory of operant conditioning. How

exactly does the positive punishment process work? The goal of any type of punishment is to

decrease the behavior that it follows. In the case of positive punishment, it involves presenting an

unfavorable outcome or event following an undesirable behavior.

Miss Nancy out of disappoint in the students, as she was amazed that student of this young age

could be good with lies used a means of positive punishment. She use cane on those set of

students who were covering up for the major deviant. What amazes me was her ability to use the

cane on those who concealed the act, and when asked later after the incident, she told me that

seems she teaches this class and by the virtue of the fact that she saw them when they were

playing the whot cards, she knew who they gave the whot cards to, and is just amazes her that

those that the whot card was given to will tell this gravity of lies to cover up the major deviants,

and lie again to make themselves look innocent and not guilty.

For some persons, Mrs. Nancy used threat, she threaten some of them that the case will go to the

principal, and afterward, will be heard by their parents as their parents will be invited to school

and their individual case reported to them ( their parents)

In some cases, she used the fear of suspension. Telling them the students to their faces that they

will be suspended from school because of the act they committed. These various form of positive

punishment made some of them to speak up truthfully.

Another method she used in getting the truth to be said was through separation. Mrs. Nancy

separated the students and at some point, the students were separately questioned to actually

know who was saying the truth and who was not saying the truth. According to her, she said this
method will not give the deviance way to speak to each other so they don’t end up agreeing on

what they will tell her when it is their tune to be questioned by her.

2.3 Materials used for strategies employed

Material used for case 1

Baskets: The major material used for strategic solution was basket. I gave wisdom basket which

he used to pick any nylon, paper, wrapper that he picked on the open field while he was serving

the punishment. The basket made the dirt he collected from the school field collective. It’s also

made me to know the accurate quantity of the dirt he has collected and where the dirt were gotten

from. A piece of trash or dirt picked from the schools open field is always different from the

ones in the incinerator.

Individual hands: Another major material used here was the individual hands. Wisdom the first

deviant I caught was the major person that used this material. I made him pick the school field

with his hands and drop every dirt he picked into the basket which he ended up empting in the


Brooms: in subsequent cases, other student made use of the brooms as the major material to pick

thing up and majorly gathers things in the open school field. Student who were caught by either

wisdom or other prefect use the broom to gather things in the school open field.

Packer: Another material used by students was the basket packer, as dirt were gathered using the

broom, then packed using the basket pack

Materials used in case 2

The major material used in this situation was spoken words. It was more of a verbal

communication between me and the German visitors, and between the school authority and the

German visitors.

Materials used in case 3

Table: one of the major materials I used here was table. I made such that the new teacher was in

a relaxed mood, sitting on her chair and leaning on her table before I joined her on the table and

we discussed what the whole outburst between her and my “client” faith.

Chair: I made used of chair while talking to the new teacher, while suggest to her what I feel she

should have done and what I felt she has done wrong

Pen: I wrote out using a pen when I was prescribing to faith what she should do and books she

should read that will put her better in track. One of the books I prescribed and wrote down for

her is gifted hands by Ben Carson.

Paper/book: I used a paper to prescribe to faith what I deemed right for her as at the time of the

case, I also used a paper to jot down major point from what she was saying so I don’t leave any

stone unturned

Materials used for case 4.

Money: Sometimes, some issues are just like this are solved with the strategic material called

money. The school counselor gave to the young girl, Success Anyanwu at some interval money
to sort out some of her major needs in school like the purchase of sanitary pad etc. and

sometimes money for lunch

Table/ chair: one of the major materials needed to counsel students according to the school

counselor is table and chair and this case was not an exception as the used of the material table

and chair was also required. The table and chair was used so as to make the client especially, and

the counselor comfortable. “It is when the client is comfortable that he/ she will be able to speak

to you and speak well to you and sometimes be very truthful.” Says the school counselor Mrs.

Adeze Judith

Notepad/ pen: At every point counseling section was going on, a notepad and pen is a major

material that is needed, that is because you will need to be able to jot down some important

things that the client or student is saying. Most of the words the client is saying is always in

puzzle and you need a notepad and a pen to be able to do get all pictures of the puzzle and then

rearrange it to give the prefect picture.

Case 5

The major material used here is cane. At some point the teacher, Mrs. Nancy needed to flog

some students so that they could open up and come out plain on this issue.

Table was also used to flog some students who were behaving adamant and were mainly proving

to be above correction.
2.4 Personal Reflections/ Learning about Specific Crime Cases and Strategies from IT

Case 1

This case brought to my understanding another dimension of green collar crime, and how young

people also partake in this type of crime or act not knowing that this a type of crime and such act

can be punished by some state who take environmental law seriously.

Another major learning this case brought about is the ability to talk and correct young people

who has directly or indirectly gone against a particular law, some of this laws they know, while

some are unknown to them, making them deviant because there is no ignorance under the law.

Therefore the way a young person who has gone against a particular law should be address will

be quite different from the way an adult who committed that crime should also be addressed, talk

more of a hardened criminal. Proper correction to young people who has committed a crime or a

deviant act is important to prevent them from being hardened criminal or recidivists.

Punishment, which could be positive or negative while been melted upon on the particular

deviant who committed a deviant act, should not be way above the deviant act committed. It

should on most cases be equal to the act committed or a bit above the said deviant act committed.

Another dimension of learning I was exposed to is the counseling act or act of counseling. At the

stage of deviance or any secondary school students or generally speaking, any underage that

commits a deviant act, it is expected that such deviance be counseled either before punishment,

after punishment or during the period of punishment all dependence on the type of crime

committed and the type of punishment given to the deviance. Counseling is important and should

not be neglected. It is an important part of the deviant formation. A deviance can be counseled so

he or she will be brought to the light of what he or she has done, he should counseled so he/ she
can understand why he /she is being punished and he/she should be counseled to see that he/she

does not hold grudges against the person or the institutions who gives or is giving the

punishment or the association to which he got the punishment from.

Making an act a law that goes against an institutes has a way of putting people in that association

or that institute in order, as a law has been made, and most decent citizens will not want to go

against the law that has been made by that organization, especially if such law are fully

implemented to bring out the full obedience of the law.

Another of my major reflection as regards this particular case is the creation of Anti-green collar

crime team with the major deviant wisdom as the president. With the creation of this team,

students in the school will be sensitized and informed about the danger of green collar crime, and

any student who goes against the law of the school in relation to environmental crime will be

punished by the Anti-green collar crime team as ascribed by the rules of the school and by the

rules governing the anti-green collar crime association of the school

Case 2

One of the major lesson I got from this case is the ability of an adult to negatively influence a

young person just by the adult carrying out an act either ones or continuously. Young people are

set of spices that learn and have the tendency of learning fast especially from adult who they are

either used to or from adult who they have seen display that particular act.

The moral of a child can be easily built or corrupted by the type of adult they have around they

which can either make or mar them. Most student learn best by seeing people do that same thing
they are taught to do, therefore access to adult who are not morally tanned or disciplined by

children or young people who are just coming up can distrust destroy totally the young person

formation, making the young person who learns a particular wrong act just by exposure to the

wrong person at the wrong timing in his growth formation an individual with tendency of

committing that act he/ she has been exposed to while growing or his exposure to adult with

unmanned or indiscipline attitude, and in criminal cases, the young person can grow up having

criminal tendency or end up being a criminal if not duly curbed or corrected.

One of my major lessons from this case is the ability to know when to publicly correct some act

which might in its original sense not be criminal in nature, but if allowed to grow or if not

publicly disapproved of can end up been a s cankerworm affecting the formation of young

people who has seen adult display such act either in high level or in low level. The school was

able to show their utmost displeasure in the act done by the germen men, and because of the said

act did not do business with the Germen men as propose, and also announce the act to only ss2

students who were the only set of students that had firsthand encounter with the German man


Another is the ability of not informing a set or other set of students about an act and the

repercussion when they were not informed or have no means of getting the information of what

happened, or the exact deviance act that took place. The school only warned the ss2 students

about the act and did not deem it fit to inform other classes as to what happen. I believe that this

will help other set who were not directly involve not to either stress themselves or open a space

or imaginative power of how the whole incident happened thereby causing unnecessary thought

from flying into their creative mind and head.

Case 3

One of the major lessons I got from this case is the fact that as adults, there are situation or cases

that a young person will be involved in that will warrant that as adult such person behaves

maturely just because of the major reason that the major person involved is an underage ( a child

still going through major formation and learning). The effect of an adult reactions in different

cases especially the ones that has to do with young people or underage cannot be over emphasis.

Most young person look up to the adult they find around them, so it is of great importance that an

adult mind his or her reaction to a young person especially people under formation like primary

and secondary school students majorly.

Another lesson gotten from this case is the ability to note and notice when a young person mood

has changed, and try to know or understand why the change of mood and if anything can be done

to understand the change of mood or possible solution to brighten the mood if it a mood that is

an outcome of something negative,

Also, the ability to know when to proper corrects and positions your point to an adult. It is wise

that one understand that in relation to a person who is way above the communicator either in age

or position, there are proper ways and channel to correct and politely lunch your compliance that

the receiver who is either your boss or a senior at your place of work or internship will not take

offence or see it as a junior or an individual who is not a staff trying to over rid a superior. The

mood of the boss or superior should be taken into consideration and your manner of approach

counts a lot, likewise your tone. This will all determine if the outcome of what you want will be

successful or not.
Some cases will not also be solved by someone who is not a staff, by someone who is just an

intern. Therefore, it is wise that any challenges faced by an intern during internship either within

the control of the intern or not, as long as it has to do with the staff of the institute or

organization, such should be brought to the table of the intern internship supervisor, who is most

a worker or a staff in that said institute or organization. This according to what I learnt is to

prevent bullying from other staff or unnecessary jealously.

Case 4

One of things I learnt from this case is the ability to observe students, teachers and generally

things around us. The ability to observe and profile people in the field of criminology cannot be

over emphasized. The ability to be able to observe people will help me as a criminologist to be

able to know the next cause of action to take and when it is right to take that step or make that

action or move.

In most cases involving young people especially secondary school student, it is important that

those action to profound solutions are taken immediately and immediate effect. This is to prevent

either pressure from friends take full charge or control over the life and activity of the young

person involved.

Also, in carrying out you duties as a criminologist, you can sometimes go out of your will and

what you intend doing, this might even at times cost. All of this sometimes is to provide lasting

solution to the person who needs all the help he or she can get.
Furthermore, the place of making the client comfortable cannot be overemphasis especially if

there is high intention of getting the truth from the client or there is intent to finding a lasting

solution to what the client is currently passing through. When a client who someone is

interviewing is comfortable, getting either the truth from the person or finding a lasting solution

to what the client is passing through will not be difficult as the client in person will want to help

by providing every possible answer to the questions being asked to him or her which will birth

possible solutions to make such that every of her case is settled and he/she is back to his or her

normal life.

Also, quick action that will make the case a thing of the past should be done regardless of what it

will cost. The aim of all of these is to try as much as possible to bring out any possible client

from position that can make them vulnerable of becoming re-victimized or criminals themselves.

Case 5

A major lesson here is the ability to observe even things that are of less importance. Mrs. Nancy

was observant enough to see young people playing whot cards and also to notice when they

passed the whot cards and she was able to know who the major deviance that passed the whot

cards and to whom the whot card was passed to.

Another specific thing I learnt that amazes me was Mrs. Nancy’s ability to use the different tools

of correction available to her and using it well to her advantage. Through the proper use of these

tools all she wanted form the students was gotten. This could be seen in her ability to use the

cane as of when due, to use threat as of when necessary and the fear of some unknown that will

be the outcome of the students silence if they do not open up and tell the truth. I use to belong to
the school of thought that only male teacher uses cane well that birth fear and honor to the sight

of the students, but I was proved wrong, as Mrs. Nancy understand the use of cane, and how to

use it well as of when needed.

Mrs. Nancy at different point was patient with the students waiting for them to tell her what

really happened, when she already saw what happened. She was patient enough to hear from the

students and when at some point it was not yielding, as it looks like the students do not want to

speak up and have resulted into telling lies, she decided to use other means of getting the

students talk and as well speak the truth. Mrs. Nanny’s patients brought to my awareness how

that some people or individual who engage in deviance act, crime or criminal activities might be

quiet and not speak the truth at the initial point of the questioning or the interrogation, but with

patience from the interrogator or interviewer, one will be able to get the truth from the said

individual, suspect, criminal or deviants students.

Another interesting criminal investigation tool Mrs. Nancy used was the separation of deviants

both major deviants (the ones that were playing the whot cards) and the minor deviance (the ones

that the whot cards were passed to and tried to conceal the truth from her). While the questioning

and interrogation was going on Mrs. Nancy separated the students from each other and made

sure that they did not have physical contact as so allow they communicate with each other. Mrs.

Nancy did this while she was talking and interrogating with the students one after the other.

When she was asked why she employed this method of interrogation and questioning, she told

me specifically that this method of questioning was to allow or prevent contamination of

evidence or contamination of speech, as if the students were allowed to talk each other while she

is interrogating or questioning another they will be able to come a consensus of what to say and
how to say it. This will prevent other people who were either listen to the oral statement of the

deviant from knowing the truth and making them unable to identify what is true from what is not,

what is a fallacy from what is not. Through, Mrs. Nancy knows what the truth in this situation is

but she cannot impose her take or her opinion on other teachers and staff present there. As they

will directly or indirectly need evidence to know what their individual stand will be.

Mrs. Nancy after the students has come out plane gave each student punishment that was not

more than the offence they committed. The major deviance after they came out plane were

flogged and then told to sweep the staff room for a day, those who were the minor deviants were

only flogged and counseled on the disadvantages of telling lies in bid to cover up an offence as

the repercussion of that offence might be of grave consequences and they will be severally

punished if the offence committed was more than this or in a formal setting. Mrs. Nanny was of

the opinion that this set of individuals she was dealing with were children, and because they were

young people, they should understand why they are being punished for an act and the

punishment that should be given to them should not be more than the offence they commit. This

according to her is to prevent unnecessary hatred in the part of the students, or even between

students and herself. She believes that if the punishment is more than the offence they commit,

they as students will know and might develop hatred towards each other especially between the

major and minor deviance and it will not end there, they might want to include her in the hatred

game as they will count her as unnecessarily becoming wicked and harsh and that look and

imagery in the minds of young people like this will make her teaching and counseling work quite

difficult as they will not want to walk up to her in case of other situation that might come up and

they might be in grave need of her help.


Redeemer’s international high school has brought to my light the practical aspect of many of the

theoretical concept and framework discussed in class under the discipline of criminology and

security studies. It’s has sharpen my imagination and likewise my knowledge on young people

and things to do in their midst and things not do when I am in the midst of young people. The

awareness this internship program has brought to me is that that has widen my visibility and

knowledge of what and how I see young delinquency children, their different criminal

tendencies and how they tend to explore their different criminal tendencies if not well curbed or

tanned especially during the primary formation period of a young person, when the young

individual or child is between the primary school or secondary school stage of learning and


This period of internship also brought to me the major significant of primary and secondary

schools all over the world, but Nigeria to start with. To be equipped with the presence of

effective, outstanding, sensitive and efficient teachers, helpers and counselors in the school.

Teachers who very sensitive to the happens around them in regards and relation to the young

individual and students around them, teachers who will know when there is a decline or

reduction in the performance of students in there various classes to start with and by extension to

every student in that said school as a whole. The need of counselors in schools cannot be over

emphasized, as truly some students tend to have favorite teachers that they always speak with

each time they are faced with different challenges and different issues, but in some cases an

individual who is a professional in the field of counseling and knows how and when to relate

with young people and children, who some either by the virtue of experience or study understand

the youthful exorbitant, understand deeply the concept of crime and delinquency and knows
fully well when a child is portraying tendencies of being a criminals either directly or indirectly

and such counselor is always willing and knows how and when to come into the scene without

making the young people feel uncomfortable in some cases and make them understand why the

young person or deviance in this case needs to undergo this particular type of training and

exposure to prevent lots of faulty formation from individual background that will lead to the

child growing up to become a criminal which is the major thing in this case the school as an

institute is trying to prevent through different grounded structures and activities the school

institute has put in place. these in the long run will help the society, as the number of children

who are well trained and formed by other factors of socialization, the school being a part have

done a great work in forming the young mind, and such mind will not end up being such to cause

unnecessary harm or cause injury to the society or community by pertaining in criminal activities

when he/she comes of age.

Few of the major concepts I could relate with that surfaced in the course of my internship

program at Redeemer’s international high school in relation to the dealings of young people in

regards to their training, formation, crime, delinquencies and deviance include:

Differential Association theory

Differential association theory was formulated by Edwin Sutherland. In 1939, he published an

important book named “Principles of Criminology” in which he described the theory. In a

nutshell, the theory of differential association says that offenders commit crime because they

have learned it from other people in intimate, personal groups.

Just like the definition of this concept of crime state. Lots of students in school learn to be

deviant just by interacting with the major deviants or those who are found of violating a

particular school norm, rules or regulation.

Labeling theory

It mainly states that people tend to behave according to the labels put on them by society. Thus,

labeling a person as deviant significantly influences them and causes crimes.

This particular conceptual theory was so visible and relatable in my stay during the cause of my

internship at redeemer’s international high school. Many students due to the label placed on them

either by fellow students, class mates, teachers etc. tend to be deviance and commit the so called act

that in most cases they don’t have any idea of what it is or how to commit the act, but because they are

already used to being labeled that they end up committing that act or action when in the initial stage,

they do not or are not used to committing the act.

Pre crime management theory

This is a theory of crime I got to discover at my place of internship. It is a theory of crime that

dictates that the occurrence of a crime can be anticipated before it happens. The term was coined

by science fiction author Philip K. Dick, and is increasingly used in academic literature to

describe and criticize the tendency in criminal justice systems to focus on crimes not yet


At RIHS, this was a major chronological concept that came into play as some behavior truly are

not crime in itself, but can be crime and criminal if they are not well corrected and cubed as of

when it is ben displayed by the young individual or person.


1. Figure 8.1“Gender and Worry about Being Sexually Assaulted (Percentage

Saying They Worry “Frequently” or “Occasionally”)”

2. Source: Data from Maguire, K. (Ed.). (2011). Sourcebook of criminal justice


3. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-

CIO). (2010). Death on the job: The toll of neglect. Washington, DC: Author.

4. Barkan, S. E. (2012). Criminology: A sociological understanding (5th ed.). Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
5. Blumstein, A., & Wallman, J. (Eds.). (2006). The crime drop in America (2nd
ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2011). Crime in the United States, 2010.

Washington, DC: Federal Author.

7. Fox, J. A., Levin, J., & Quinet, K. (2012). The will to kill: Making sense of
senseless murder. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Figure 1.1.1 Gender and Worry about Being Sexually Assaulted (Percentage Saying They Worry

“Frequently” or “Occasionally”)

Source: Data from Maguire, K. (Ed.). (2011). Sourcebook of criminal justice statistics. Retrieved

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