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Our life was divided into 2 parts, 2 totally different populations, there were those with magical powers,

beautiful abilities defined according to the color of their eyes, a village with perfect people, led by a
beautiful queen with 2 humble and liars heirs, or that they wanted to sell us, and then we, working for
them to be able to live, all brown eyes without anything to make us "special ", but for me this side of the
wall was more fun than that. We don't worry about being perfect, we are just ourselves, without any
incredible ability, and I'm happy, I have a sister who hates me and a loving adoptive mom, my father was
arrested by the super incredible and humble prince when I was only 6 years old, since then I only have a
bracelet with a strange dige that he gave me when I turned 6, a week later they took him away and I
never knew him again, although I know he's alive, I can feel him, I don't understand how, but he is.

My sister hated me because she always had to carry me everywhere, as if I were a kind of bodyguard,
before we got along well, and then from one day to the next she just treated me like she was afraid and
never wanted to talk to me, one day we went to pick up some merchandise to make the dresses of the
kingdom, my mom is the best designer of all, although she doesn't get much credit for that, and I saw
the perfect opportunity to find my father, a competition, within the kingdom, yes, I have no ability, but
after I'm inside I just have to change direction, it's not that difficult, my sister obviously wasn't going to
help me so I only had one choice... Escape, I would have todo it when everyone was asleep and so no
one would notice, I would enter the kingdom and then see how I would do to enter, but if I did, I would
have todo it, I had to find my dad.

That day at night, I managed to get out and escape to the kingdom, I borrowed one of the costumes that
my mother had designed and I arrived at the presentation, there was only one problem "demonstrating
my skill" the only thing to do is to juggle with 2 lemons... When I was about to arrive I feel a hand that
touches my shoulder, when I turned my sister was there, I begged her too much to help me, that I just
wanted to find my father, she sensed that I would do it had come prepared, a contact lenses and some
small appliances that would make it seem that electricity gushed from my hands, it would be enough,
passed the test and when I entered I realized that this would be more difficult than expected, The skills
were from moving things with the mind to hearing the sound of a pin falling, the best warriors were
here and I, I don't even peel a potato without cutting myself.

My sister seemed more trained than me, although I had never seen her fight in my life, she knew how to
defend herself and she was with me training until the moment of the competition, although I don't
know why, my plan was never to compete, we were training 5 days until the day the doors opened and
the nobles would compete with the royalty, and there it was, my dad's prison, as the king of the game,
when he saw me he was a little confused and fearful, I had never seen him in person. Only when he took
my dad, he was a blue-eyed Greek god one of the most powerful of his kind, he could control the
elements, he was a master in combat skills, the leader of a great army, no one had been able to defeat
him in any combat, he only did it for fun, the cold of his eyes was like that of his heart, a torturer par
excellence, his fame preceded him, there were only horror stories told in his name

At the moment of competing, the first tests were strength and not skill, in one of those tests the dige of
my bracelet broke, I felt a vacuum in my chest difficult to explain, my sister was afraid, he made me
leave the arena, although I had already passed the second round I had not finished the fight, he was
convincing me to leave, I did not understand was very close to get in, full of anger I got up and doing so
exploded a wave of energy that made the alarms will be activated. My sister flew out and when she
tried to get up she told me, just remove your contact lenses and let go of your wristband, I did it without
understanding and I was surprised to see myself in the mirror with grey eyes, grey eyes handle energy, a
very powerful class to be free, I thought it was just a myth, I felt the power, I could feel the energy of the
air, of objects, of people, and I understood everything.

My father didn't give me the bracelet to combine it, it was to contain me, I just wanted to hide, I didn't
remember anything from my childhood before I was 6 years old and the memories came like a bomb to
my body, leaving me dazed and unable to speak, my father was alive and I could feel his energy, I could
blow everything up in seconds, and out of nowhere they opened the door, a prince I know said great,
now I have to hide you, my sister understood well what it meant, We ran and even without
understanding followed them, we went to a strange bunker below the castle, and at the entrance was
the queen, the kind queen who used her son to carry out all the dirty tasks, making him see how the
cruelest of the soldiers, and it was always her, the queen to see us just said well, you found her you have
to kill her just like the others, there is no room for risk and just left, The guards approached me with the
same dige that my father had given me and I began to feel very weak, but to my surprise the prince
released my strength and with just a click they were all on the floor motionless.

When I opened the doors of the bunker I found him, there he was, those grey eyes that took care of me
as a baby, he turned out to be the prince's best friend, he just waited for my awakening to be able to
reappear, many more like us were hidden, ready to recover what had been taken from us, freedom,
ready to attack, in the solitude of a bunker that locked their energies, and made them undetectable.
Training and with excellent plans of attack directed by the most powerful warrior of the kingdom to end
the reign of his cruel mother who had put him as the most feared monster of the place, with his
knowledge and our strength we were indestructible, they could no longer contain us, the power was
ours, and my sister always knew it, I thought he hated me but only feared that by revealing the truth
could not control me and end all life around me, but it was not so, I just wanted to liberate the kingdom
from the monarchy and the delusion in which we had been living for so many years.

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