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A Patriarchal blessing given by Joseph Smith, Patriarch, father of Joseph Smith, Jr., the
Prophet, upon the head of John Wickersham Woolley.

Brother John, in the name of the Lord Jesus and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood, we lay
our hands upon your head and seal the blessings of the father upon thee. And his
blessings shall extend to the latest ages of thy posterity if thou will walk in the
covenants of thy God, and harken to the counsel of thy father. The blessings and power
of the everlasting Priesthood shall be sealed upon thee to be the lasting blessing to thy
mind and the source of thy greatest happiness through time and throughout eternity.

Remember while in the days of thy youth to treasure up knowledge and seek after
wisdom which is the greatest gift of God to man. Thou will be called to fill missions and
responsible stations that will require every faculty of thy mind and of thy heart and of
thy soul, but, through obedience and faith, all things will be accomplished for thy good;
the gifts of the Gospel will rest upon thy mind and the law of the Lord will be written
upon thy heart and through the blessings of thy new name thou will obtain blessings,
glory and honor, for by it thou will receive keys, worlds of knowledge and of power,
and thou will be called the Lord's annointed, and thy life and health will be held sacred
for the blessings; for thou must be called to pass trials. It will be for thy best good. By
experience to opposite thou will understand more perfect the will of God, how to prize
and how to enjoy them.

It is a blessing to have the blood of Ephraim. Thou will yet travel among the mountains
of the west and across the briny ocean to gather the sons of Ephraim and to bring them
to the lands of their inheritance. Remember the soul of thy father and prepare thy heart
for the missions before thee, that thy garments may be made clear to receive the crown
of reward in the mansions of thy Father; and we seal upon thee by promise, through
faithfulness, and obedience, a seal in the Kingdom of God. Amen.

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