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Recycled Water Irrigation

in Australia

Balaji Seshadri, Nanthi S. Bolan,

Anitha Kunhikrishnan, Saikat Chowdhury,
Ramya Thangarajan, and Thammared Chuasavathi

Access to water has been identified as one of the most limiting factors to
economic growth in Australia’s horticultural sector. Water reclaimed from
wastewater (sewage) is being increasingly recognised as an important
resource, and the agricultural sector is currently the largest consumer of
this resource. An overview of the Australian experience of using reclaimed
wastewater to grow horticultural crops is presented in this chapter. The
wastewater treatment process and governing regulations are discussed in
relation to risk minimisation practices which ensure that this resource is
used in a sustainable manner without impacting adversely on human
health or the environment. A case study covering the socio-economic and
environmental implications of recycled water irrigation is also presented.

Wastewater • Agriculture • Irrigation • Water recycling • Water treatment •
Nutrients • Contaminants • Sodicity • Salinity • Best practice

B. Seshadri • N.S. Bolan (*) • R. Thangarajan

Centre for Environmental Risk Assessment and
Remediation (CERAR), University of South
Australia, Adelaide, SA 5095, Australia
Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination
Assessment and Remediation of the Environment S. Chowdhury
(CRC CARE), University of South Australia, Department of Soil Science, Sher-e-Bangla
Adelaide, SA 5095, Australia Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
T. Chuasavathi
A. Kunhikrishnan Division of Land Resources and Environment
Chemical Safety Division, Department of Agro-Food Section, Department of Plant Sciences and
Safety, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Agricultural Resources, Faculty of Agriculture,
Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do 565-851, Republic of Korea KhonKaen University, KhonKaen, Thailand

P. Thangavel and G. Sridevi (eds.), Environmental Sustainability, 39

DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2056-5_2, © Springer India 2015
40 B. Seshadri et al.

water consumption throughout the country over

1 Introduction the period of the drought (from 24,909 GL in
2000–2001 to 14,101 GL in 2008–2009), irri-
In Australia, the agricultural sector occupies gators are still challenged with ongoing reduc-
approximately 54 % of the land and is the largest tions in water allocations (ABS 2010b). In the
consumer of water. In 2008–2009, the total water face of these shortages, water reclaimed from
use by the agricultural sector was 6,696 GL, wastewater is being increasingly recognised as
47 % of the total for Australia. In the northern an important resource which provides benefits
regions where rainfall is more reliable, the pre- for the community and the environment by
dominant enterprises are beef cattle grazing, increasing available water resources, returning
sugar and tropical fruit farming. In the south critical environmental flows to failing water-
where summers are generally dry, dry land cereal ways and decreasing nutrient and contaminant
farming, sheep grazing and dairy farming (in loads to surface and coastal waters.
areas of higher rainfall) predominate (ABS “Treated” sewage water (commonly known as
2010a). Whilst the gross value of irrigated agri- wastewater, recycled water or reclaimed water)
cultural production in 2006–2007 was 34 % of has been underutilised in Australia, although
the total gross value of agricultural production, increases in its reuse have been seen since the
irrigated farmland represents only 1 % of the mid-1990s (Anderson and Davis 2006). There
total land used for agriculture; most of this land is has been a steady increase in the volume of water
within the confines of the Murray-Darling Basin reuse in agriculture, and currently around 11.5 %
(ABS 2010a). of total wastewater generated is reused (ABS
Policy changes to return environmental 2010b). Although agriculture uses the largest
flows to the rivers, coupled with 8–10 years of amount of recycled water (103 GL/year), this
drought, have seen water allocations decline, represents only 1 % of the total volume of water
placing increasing pressure on irrigators. used by the agricultural sector (ABS 2010b).
Despite water conservation steps across several Figure 1 shows both the distribution of reuse
states which have seen a 43 % reduction in water consumption throughout the agricultural

Volume of reuse water(GL) Volume of reuse water as a percentage of total water use
25 50
Volume of Reuse Water(GL)

Resue water as a percentage

20 40
of total water consumption


15 30
10 20
5 10
0 0
Nursery Mushroom Fruit and Sheep, Other crop Dairy Poultry Deer Other
and and tree nut beef cattle growing cattle farming farming livestock
floriculture vegetable growing and grain farming farming
growing farming

Fig. 1 Reuse water consumption within the Australian agricultural sector and as a percentage of total water consump-
tion (From ABS 2010b)
Recycled Water Irrigation in Australia 41

sector and the reuse water consumption as a Sedimentation also removes a proportion of the
percentage of total water use for each enterprise heavy metal(loid)s which, being mainly cations,
type. Whilst beef, sheep and grain production use bind to negatively charged organic matter and
the largest volume of reuse water, it amounts to clay particles. In secondary processes, bacteria
only 1 % of this industries’ total water use (ABS remove soluble and colloidal wastes by assimilat-
2010b). Horticulture and floriculture use the ing organic matter to form new microbial biomass
greatest amount as a proportion of total water use and by producing gas through the use of organic
(10 %), followed by vegetable and mushroom matter for endogenous respiration. Tertiary pro-
production (4 %). This may be a reflection of the cesses such as nutrient removal, filtration and dis-
relative proximity of these industries to major infection are employed as an additional step to
wastewater treatment plants which supply the achieve sufficient removal of coliforms, parasites,
majority of reuse water and are located in prox- salts, trace organics and heavy metal(loid)s to
imity to densely populated urban areas. make the water suitable for unrestricted irrigation
of food crops. These steps can be carried out con-
comitantly with earlier processes and include
2 Wastewater Treatment nutrient removal through precipitation (as in the
and Public Health case of phosphorus-P) and gaseous emission (as
in the case of nitrogen-N though denitrification),
2.1 Wastewater Treatment and disinfection by UV light, chlorine or ozone
reduces the number of pathogens present in the
Untreated wastewater originates from domestic waste stream by inactivation.
households, commercial premises and industrial
activities. It does not include storm water which is
the rainfall run-off from sealed surfaces including 2.2 Governance and Quality
roofs and roads. It typically consists of 99.9 % Requirements of Reclaimed
water and 0.1 % impurities which include: Water Use
dissolved and suspended organics, pathogens,
nutrients, trace elements, salts, refractory organ- Regulations governing the use of reclaimed water
ics, priority pollutants and heavy metal(loid)s. are not uniform throughout Australia; each state
Varying degrees of treatment can be applied to and territory has responsibility for managing nat-
remove or reduce these contaminants in wastewa- ural resources and public health in their jurisdic-
ter. The aim of wastewater treatment is to produce tion. Legislation for wastewater reuse is covered
water which is fit for purpose, i.e. when used as by acts relating to food safety, public health and/
intended will not threaten human health or or environmental protection. As such the state
degrade the receiving environment. The extent of Public Health Authority and/or Environmental
treatment required is usually regulated by Public Protection Agency have responsibility for polic-
Health or Environmental Protection Authorities. ing reclaimed water reuse.
Wastewater reclamation processes are tradi- Many states require enterprises which irrigate
tionally grouped into preliminary, primary, sec- with reclaimed wastewater or supply reclaimed
ondary and tertiary treatment processes though it wastewater for the purpose of irrigation to pro-
is possible to find significant overlap at wastewa- duce and adhere to environmental (irrigation)
ter treatment plants. At the preliminary stage, management plans and/or user agreements. The
large debris and finer abrasive material are plans should include a study of the irrigation site
removed to prevent damage to downstream equip- characteristics and justify how the wastewater
ment. In the primary processes, sedimentation is will be applied so that its use will not threaten
used to remove approximately 65 % of the solid human health or adversely impact on the receiv-
content of raw sewage and approximately 35 % of ing environment. The need for user agreements to
the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). ensure wastewater is being utilised in the
42 B. Seshadri et al.

Table 1 Water quality standards and applications for water classes A–D in South Australia
Class Applications Microbiological criteria Chemical/physical criteria
A Primary contact recreation <10 Escherichia coli/100 mL Turbidity ≤2 NTU
Residential non-potable Specific removal of viruses, BOD <20 mg/L
Unrestricted crop irrigation protozoa and Helminths may be Chemical content to match use
Dust suppression with required
unrestricted access
Municipal use with
public access
B Secondary Contact recreation <100 Escherichia coli/100 mL BOD <20 mg/L
Restricted crop irrigation Specific removal of viruses, Suspended Solids <30 mg/L
Irrigation of pasture and fodder protozoa and Helminths may be Chemical content to match use
for grazing animals required
Dust suppression with
restricted access
Municipal use with restricted
C Passive recreation <1000 Escherichia coli/100 mL BOD <20 mg/L
Municipal use with restricted Specific removal of viruses, protozoa Suspended Solids <30 mg/L
access and Helminths may be required
Restricted crop irrigation Chemical content to match use
Irrigation of pasture and
fodder for grazing animals
D Restricted crop irrigation <10000 Escherichia coli/100 mL Chemical content to match use
Irrigation for turf production Helminths may need to be
Silviculture considered for pasture and fodder
Source: DOH and EPA (1999); NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units

approved manner varies across the jurisdictions based around matching defined classes of water
as do the requirements for ongoing monitoring, (based largely on their pathogen burden, bio-
audits and reviews. The extent of the relevant chemical oxygen demand and turbidity) with
authorities’ ongoing involvement in a scheme preapproved uses (Table 1). The highest qual-
depends on its size, the risk associated with reuse ity A+ recycled water could be used in residen-
and sensitivity of the receiving area. tial dual reticulation systems, and the lowest
Currently each state authority holds the classes, C or D, could only be used for irriga-
responsibility for defining the quality of water tion of nonfood crops, e.g. instant turf, wood-
that can be used to irrigate fruits/vegetables; lots and flowers.
guidelines for reclaimed water use exist in each In 2006, in the face of increasing pressure on
state and territory (Power 2010). Recycled water freshwater resources, the National Water Quality
guidelines set targets for removal of pathogens, Management Strategy Australian Guidelines for
nutrients, toxicants and salts. Health-based tar- Water Recycling: Managing Health and
gets receive the greatest emphasis, and microbial Environmental Risks (AGWR) was released
contaminants present the greatest risk to human (NRMMCEP and HCAHMC 2006). The AGWR
health; studies have shown that in achieving tar- was produced in an effort to establish consistent
gets for pathogen removal, the chemical hazards standards for reclaimed water schemes across the
which threaten human health are also reduced to country and to introduce the risk management
acceptable levels. framework promoted by the World Health
Both the National and State guidelines for Organization’s Guidelines for Drinking-water
recycled water use were until recent times Quality (WHO 2008).
Recycled Water Irrigation in Australia 43

The AGWR does away with the class-based ment so the concentration of these major nutri-
system and advocates a risk assessment-based ents still remains higher in treated sewage than in
approach. Each scheme is individually irrigation water from other sources (Kelly et al.
assessed; water quality targets, treatment pro- 2006).
cesses and additional preventative measures are Whilst the use of treated wastewater can ben-
tailored to produce a safety level consistent with efit crop nutrient management, application in
the proposed end use of the reclaimed water. The excess can be detrimental to both crops and the
emphasis is no longer on end of line testing but on local environment. The nutrient load supplied to
developing a multi-barrier approach to reduce risk a crop is determined by the nutrient concentra-
to an acceptable level known as the “tolerable tion of the reclaimed water and the irrigation
risk”. The risk assessment is carried out largely in depth (Kelly et al. 2006). Table 2 outlines the
relation to hazards to human health, and in this macronutrient uptake of a range of vegetables
regard microbial pathogens are the greatest threat and the nutrient load supplied by an irrigation
(NRMMCEP and HCAHMC 2006). The AGWR depth of 1,000 mm from wastewater which is
national guidelines are not mandatory, and several treated to a tertiary level; the data demonstrates
states have elected not to adopt the new approach that at this level of irrigation, some nutrients
at this point in time (Power 2010). would be supplied in excess of requirements,
thereby likely to result in the loss of nutrients
through leaching and surface run-off.
3 Key Environmental Hazards Nitrate is the most mobile form in soil and can
be subject to leaching if nitrate and water are
The contaminants in reclaimed water that present applied in excess of the plants’ needs, this is a
the greatest risk to the receiving environment particular risk in colder, wetter seasons where
include boron (B), cadmium (Cd), chlorine (Cl) plant growth is slow (Kelly et al. 2006). Nitrate
and disinfection residuals, N, P, Sodium (Na) and can reach surface waters through run-off, con-
Chloride. taminate groundwater and impact on public
health if the water is used as a potable resource
and potentially cause eutrophication of
3.1 Nutrients groundwater-dependent ecosystems.
Australia has some of the oldest and least fer-
Human and domestic wastes contribute large tile soils in the world; therefore, the P in waste
amounts of N and P to sewage. Only 50 % of the water is generally of great benefit to crops in
N and 60 % of the P are removed during treat- Australia. Reclaimed wastewater typically con-

Table 2 Crop macronutrient uptake and supply in reclaimed water (kg/ha)

Nutrient contents (kg/ha)
Crop Typical yield (t/ha) N P K Ca Mg
Cabbage 50 147 24 147 36 13
Capsicum 20 41 4 69 52 7
Carrot 44 210 19 270 175 10
Cauliflower 50 181 28 225 127 18
Celery 190 308 97 700 290 38
Cucumber 18 66 12 120 34 8
Lettuce 50 100 18 180 10 3
Potato 40 264 23 310 66 21
Tomato 194 572 133 856 348 87
Reclaimed watera 1,000 mm 82 11.5 468 399 308
Source: Kelly et al. (2006)
Nutrients applied in 1,000 mm from the Virginia Pipeline Scheme, South Australia
44 B. Seshadri et al.

tains less than 3 mg/L of soluble P, which rapidly Cadmium presents the highest health risk of
becomes adsorbed to soil particles after irrigation all the heavy metal(loid)s in reclaimed water; it is
(Kelly et al. 2006). When plant demand is low, P loosely bound to soil and will cause phytotoxic-
accumulation and immobilisation in the soil is ity at relatively low levels; it is a particular threat
more likely than leaching or over-fertilisation; to humans and animals because toxicity occurs at
the exception is in sandy soils where there is a lower threshold than for plants. Consequently,
some risk of leaching (Kelly et al. 2006). The there are national and international schemes to
main concerns associated with P are its potential monitor the Cd concentration in foods (Unkovich
toxicity to Australian natives which has evolved et al. 2006).
on our low P soils and run-off or accidental
discharges to water bodies leading to eutrophica-
tion (NRMMCEP and HCAHMC 2006). 3.3 Organic Contaminants

Three main groups of organic contaminants are

3.2 Heavy Metal(loid)s found in reclaimed wastewater (GuangGuo 2006;
Müller et al. 2007) that include (1) natural organic
Most heavy metal(loid)s are very effectively matter (NOM) which consists of refractory mole-
removed from wastewater in the treatment pro- cules like fulvic and humic acids; (2) disinfection
cess so that their levels are very low in reclaimed by-products which are formed during chlorination
water. Boron and Cd are the only two heavy and (3) synthetic organic compounds including
metal(loid)s included in the list of key environ- pesticides, organohalothanes, phthalates, aro-
mental hazards in the current Australian matic hydrocarbons, surfactants, endocrine dis-
Guidelines for Water Recycling – they are not rupting chemicals (EDCs), pharmaceuticals and
as readily separated from reclaimed water dur- personal care products.
ing standard treatment (NRMMCEP and Although NOM can induce putrefaction in
HCAHMC 2006). stored reclaimed water by depleting oxygen, there
Metal(loid)s partition to the biosolids formed is little concern with discharging NOM onto
during sedimentation processes because their agricultural land because it should eventually be
ionic nature causes them to sorb strongly to broken down by the natural microbial populations
charged organic matter and clays (Unkovich et al. (GuangGuo 2006). Disinfection by-products
2006). At low levels some heavy metal(loid)s are (DBP) can be formed by the reaction of chlorine
considered as micronutrients, but above plant with NOM (Singer 1999). Trihalomethanes are the
requirements foliar application can produce phy- most well known of the DBPs which are consid-
totoxicity (Bolan et al. 2011). By virtue of their ered carcinogenic, mutagenic and clastogenic
persistent nature, they can also accumulate in the (Kim and Clevenger 2007). Synthetic organic
soil, thereby resulting in soil biota toxicity, phy- compounds represent a wide range of chemicals.
totoxicity through root uptake and entry into the Some are susceptible to wastewater treatment
food chain leading to negative impacts on food processes whilst others fall into the group of stable
quality and human health. organics which may remain in very small amounts
Boron is not retained in biosolids because it in reclaimed water. Many have been implicated as
exists as an uncharged species within the normal EDCs which interfere with normal hormone com-
pH range of wastewater and thus remains in the munication systems; they impact adversely on
reclaimed water. Boron is a micronutrient at very growth, reproduction and development. There is
low levels; it has a narrow safety margin and, if limited data on their presence in wastewater, and
leaching fractions are insufficient, it can accumu- due to their potential to cause adverse environ-
late in the soil profile and cause a reduction in mental and human health impacts, further moni-
yield and also phytotoxicity in sensitive species toring and research are warranted (Holmes et al.
(Unkovich et al. 2006). 2010).
Recycled Water Irrigation in Australia 45

3.4 Salinity and Sodicity mechanism remain in the soil whilst the other
free salts are leached downwards (Sumner and
Irrigating with reclaimed water carries a risk of Naidu 1998; Rengasamy 2006). In situations
inducing soil salinity and/or sodicity because where the other free salts remain, the soil is
reclaimed water often contains high levels of known as saline-sodic and the soil structure
salts, in particular Na (Rengasamy 2006). Soil remains intact.
salinity is seen when an elevated concentration of The extent to which Na+ ions bind to the cat-
soluble salts in the soil-water solution induces ion exchange sites on a clay particle is deter-
osmotic stress in vegetation. Sodicity is an mined by the ratio of Na+ ions to Ca2+ and Mg2+
increase in proportion of Na relative to the diva- ions in the soil solution. This can be expressed
lent cations and adversely affects soil structure. either as the percentage of Na which occupies the
Managing soil salinity has been identified as cation exchange capacity of a clay, the exchange-
one of the largest threats to developing a sustain- able sodium percentage (ESP), or the ratio of Na+
able recycled water scheme (Sumner and Naidu ions to Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in the soil solution, the
1998; Stevens et al. 2003). The salts which con- sodium adsorption ratio (SAR).
tribute to salinity include Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl−, Sodic soils have poor physical characteristics
Mg2+, SO4 2− and HCO3−, but Na+ and Cl− ions because the high levels of Na+ interfere with the
exert the greatest environmental impact because structural integrity of clay particles when the soil
their solubility in water renders them more avail- is wetted (Laurenson et al. 2010). As a conse-
able for interactions in the soil (NRMMCEP and quence, sodic soils display the typical character-
HCAHMC 2006). istics and problems that include (Rengasamy
Reclaimed water can induce soil salinity when 2006) reduced porosity and permeability, reduced
salts become concentrated in the soil through infiltration and hydraulic connectivity, surface
evaporation, the principle signs of which relate to crust formation which impedes infiltration and
osmotic stress. Salinity reduces plant growth promotes run-off and erosion, difficult to culti-
because the increased osmolarity makes it diffi- vate, provide an impediment to the development
cult for plants to absorb water and nutrients. In of a root network and expose plant roots to anoxic
response to reduced water uptake, plants produce or waterlogged conditions and slow plant growth.
the hormone abscisic acid which signals stomata Reduced drainage can also lead to further
to close, reducing transpiration water losses. accumulation of salts through poor downward
Consequently, carbon dioxide absorption is movement of irrigation water and evaporative
reduced and photosynthesis slows leading to concentration. Clays with low hydraulic conduc-
lower plant growth (Hartung et al. 1999). tivity are more prone to developing sodicity
To prevent salt accumulation, a leaching because they have a low leaching fraction
fraction must be incorporated into the crops (Rengasamy 2006), and these soils retain water
irrigation requirements to drive salts below the in their profile which is subjected to evaporation,
root zone. However, given climatic variations in leaving salts behind.
rainfall and evaporation throughout the year,
supplying the correct leaching volume can be
difficult. Maintaining soil structure so that the 4 Management Practices
leaching fraction can permeate the soil layers is
also critical and this is complicated further by 4.1 Irrigation Methods
sodicity. and Management
Reclaimed waters frequently have higher lev-
els of Na+ ions compared to the other cations and When reclaimed water is used as an irrigation
can induce sodicity or saline sodicity (Bond source, the crop irrigation requirement must be
1998). Sodicity develops when free Na+ ions bind carefully calculated to avoid the effects of
to the cation exchange sites on clays and by this hydraulic loading which include waterlogging,
46 B. Seshadri et al.

poor crop growth and health, mobilisation of reclaimed water should be tailored to optimise
salts and contaminants, rising water tables and the economic returns to the grower whilst also
run-off (NRMMCEP and HCAHMC 2006). The minimising the impact on the receiving environ-
irrigation requirement is essentially the differ- ment. This can best be achieved by undertaking a
ence between the crop water requirements and comprehensive risk assessment of the whole
the rainfall but also must take into account the scheme and designing an irrigation management
seasonal changes in rainfall, homogeneity of plan to minimise the risk of adverse outcomes.
water infiltration and the leaching requirement The risk assessment should be based on the
(Christen et al. 2006). Whilst leaching is often potential health impacts and soil, site and waste-
necessary to drive salts below the root zone, it is water characteristics as follows:
important that it is not conducted at the expense • The soil properties examined should include
of a rising water table. A balance must be reached soil texture, topsoil depth, depth to drainage or
between the total water requirements of the crop root impeding layers, infiltration rates, soil-
and preserving the normal hydrologic function. water holding capacity and soil chemistry.
Regional and local groundwater levels should be • Site characterisation must make assessment of
monitored so that any changes can be detected topography, slope, soil homogeneity, history
and managed appropriately. of waste storage or disposal on site, depth to
The pathogen content of reclaimed water is groundwater and seasonal or permanent water
often the limiting factor with regards to irrigation tables, areas of drainage hazard and separation
method; for example, class A water can be distances from sensitive areas.
applied to crops which are eaten raw by any irri- • Wastewater analysis should describe the
gation method, water consistent with class B can reclaimed water with reference to total solids,
only be used to irrigate these crops by furrow or suspended and volatile solids, total P, inor-
dripper irrigation and class C must be applied by ganic P, total N, NH4+-N, K, SO42−, BOD, pH,
subsurface drippers. Furrow or flood irrigation electrical conductivity, SAR, Ca, Mg, organic
has the advantage of being relatively inexpensive C, Na and Zn.
and low in manpower requirements, but unless it • Potential health impacts must be addressed
is well designed and managed, infiltration can with the relevant state health authority.
vary greatly throughout the irrigation space.
Because sprinklers commonly apply water
directly on foliage, their use on produce con- 5 Case Study: Northern
sumed raw is limited to class A water. Even with Adelaide Plains Irrigation
class A water, direct ion toxicities (with saline Scheme
reclaimed water) and an increased propensity to
develop fungal disease can be a concern where The Northern Adelaide Plains Reclaimed Water
foliar application of water occurs (Christen et al. Scheme (or Virginia Pipeline Scheme), South
2006). The most efficient system with the least Australia, provides irrigation for over 20 differ-
environmental and human risk is generally con- ent types of crops within an area of approxi-
sidered to be drip irrigation (Christen et al. 2006). mately 200 km2 (Laurenson et al. 2010). It was
the first scheme of its type in Australia and
remains as one of the largest reclaimed water
4.2 Best Practice Management schemes in the southern hemisphere. It supplies
approximately 180 GL of tertiary treated, class A
Best practice irrigation with reclaimed water can- wastewater from the Bolivar Wastewater
not be achieved by a one-solution-fits-all Treatment Plant (WWTP) to horticultural grow-
approach because there are a multitude of vari- ers on the Northern Adelaide Plains through
ables which must be considered, and each enter- more than 100 km of pipelines (Laurenson et al.
prise is unique. Irrigation schemes using 2010). In 2008, the scheme encompassed 400
Recycled Water Irrigation in Australia 47

connections with the capability to supply up to programme (PJ009828) with Dr Won-Il Kim at the
National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural
105 ML/day during the peak seasons; it delivers
Development Administration, Republic of Korea, sup-
nearly half the water required by growers at ported Dr Kunhikrishnan’s contribution.
Virginia. The water is used to irrigate a wide
range of fruit and vegetables which supply local
and interstate markets including beans, broccoli,
cabbage, capsicum, carrots, cucumber, eggplants,
lettuce, melons, onions, parsnips, pears, potatoes, ABS (2010a) Australian Bureau of Statistics, Year Book
pumpkins, tomatoes, zucchini, nuts, olives and Australia, 2009–10, Commonwealth of Australia,
wine grapes (Marks and Boon 2005). Canberra, Australia. Catalogue No. 1301.1
The scheme is a joint venture between the ABS (2010b) Australian Bureau of Statistics, Water
Account Australia 2008–09, Commonwealth of
Virginia Irrigators Association (representing the Australia, Canberra, Australia. Catalogue No. 4610.0
growers), Water SA (the state water authority Anderson J, Davis C (2006) Reclaimed water use in
responsible for wastewater treatment) and a pri- Australia: an overview of Australia and reclaimed
vate company, Water Infrastructure Group, Tyco. water. In: Stevens D, Kelly J, McLaughlin M,
Unkovich M (eds) Growing crops with reclaimed
The establishment of this scheme in 1999 was wastewater. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, pp 1–5
largely driven by local growers facing a shortage Bolan NS, Naidu R, Budianta D (2011) Bioavailability of
of irrigation water. minor elements in soils. In: Hunag M (ed) Handbook
The Virginia Pipeline Scheme has provided a of soil science. Academic, New York, pp 11–19
Bond W (1998) Effluent irrigation and environmental
secure water resource during a period which has challenge for soil science. Aust J Soil Res
been one of the driest on record. In some cases, 35:739–752
the reclaimed water has replaced groundwater Christen E, Ayars J, Hornbuckle J, Biswas T (2006)
resources and in others provided a water source Design and management of reclaimed water irriga-
tion systems. In: Stevens D, Kelly J, McLaughlin M,
where farmers were unable to receive a ground- Unkovich M (eds) Growing crops with reclaimed
water allocation. The scheme has ensured the wastewater. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood,
long-term economic sustainability of Adelaide’s pp 107–123
food bowl. The recycled water is sold at a reduced DOH, EPA (1999) South Australian reclaimed water
guidelines (treated effluent). Department of Health
rate compared to mains water. About $50 million and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
worth of the produce grown in the area each year Government of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
uses the reclaimed water. The Water Infrastructure GuangGuo Y (2006) Organic compounds in reclaimed
Group translates this to a $1 billion benefit to the water and their potential risks to the environment and
human health. In: Stevens D, Kelly J, McLaughlin M,
district over the first 10 years of the project. Unkovich M (eds) Growing crops with reclaimed
Environmentally, the scheme results in 35 % wastewater. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood,
of water being recycled at Bolivar WWTP, pp 159–170
reduces the discharge of harmful nutrients into Hartung W, Peuke A, Davies W (1999) Abscisic acid – a
hormonal long-distance stress signal in plants under
the marine environment, reduces demand for
drought and salt stress. In: Pessarakli M (ed) Handbook
groundwater extractions and contributes to reduc- of plant and crop stress. Marcel Dekker, New York,
ing South Australia’s dependence on pressured pp 731–747
surface water systems. As one proponent elo- Holmes M, Kumar A, Shareef A, Doan H, Stuetz R,
Kookana R (2010) Fate of indicator endocrine disrupt-
quently summed it up, “The scheme has operated
ing chemicals in sewage during treatment and polish-
for 10 years with no human health issues and no ing for non-potable reuse. Water Sci Technol
detrimental environmental impacts, proving that 62:1416–1424
recycled water can provide a safe and sustainable Kelly J, Unkovich M, Stevens D (2006) Crop nutrition
considerations in reclaimed water irrigation systems.
water resource.”
In: Stevens D, Kelly J, McLaughlin M, Unkovich M
(eds) Growing crops with reclaimed wastewater.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank CRC CARE CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, pp 91–105
for providing funding (No 2-3-09-07/08) to undertake Kim J, Clevenger TE (2007) Prediction of
research on landfill site remediation; part of the review N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation as a dis-
was derived from this project. The postdoctoral fellowship infection by-product. J Hazard Mater 145:270–276
48 B. Seshadri et al.

Laurenson S, Kunhikrishnan A, Bolan NS, Naidu R, national approach. Waterlines Report Series no. 26,
McKay J, Keremane G (2010) Management of recy- National Water Commission, Canberra, Australia
cled water for sustainable production and environmen- Rengasamy P (2006) Soil salinity and sodicity. In: Stevens
tal protection: a case study with Northern Adelaide D, Kelly J, McLaughlin M, Unkovich M (eds)
Plains recycling scheme. Int J Environ Sci Dev Growing crops with reclaimed wastewater. CSIRO
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