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Technological Advancements and Economic Transformation in the

Turkish Engineering Sector

The Turkish engineering sector has experienced rapid technological developments and economic
transformation in recent years. This transformation has taken place with the impact of factors such as
Turkey's investments in national defense projects, electrification efforts in the automotive sector,
renewable energy projects and industry 4.0 applications. These developments increased the strength
of the Turkish engineering sector and enabled the country to become technologically competitive.

One of the most remarkable achievements of the Turkish engineering sector in recent years has been
the breakthroughs in the defense industry. Turkey has aimed to increase its independence in the
defense industry by making large investments in national defense projects. The contributions and
skills of Turkish engineers have come to the fore in projects such as national tanks, warplanes and
unmanned aerial vehicles. These projects have enabled Turkish engineers to develop their
technological and engineering skills and become a strong actor in the country's defense industry.

Likewise, the electrification trend in the automotive industry plays an important role in the
transformation of the Turkish engineering industry. The Turkish automotive industry gained
momentum with investments in electric and hybrid vehicles. Both domestic automobile
manufacturers and international companies established facilities for electric vehicle production in
Turkey and encouraged engineers to specialize in electric vehicle technologies. This situation
increased the ability of Turkish engineers to produce innovative solutions and enabled them to
become an important player in international competition in the automotive industry.

In addition, Turkey's investments in renewable energy projects have also triggered the development
of the engineering sector. Turkey has undertaken major projects in order to utilize the potential of
renewable energy sources such as wind energy, solar energy and hydroelectric energy. The engineers
involved in these projects specialize in power generation, distribution and efficiency. Turkish
engineering companies play an active role in renewable energy projects both in Turkey and abroad.
This situation both increased the demand for sustainable energy sources and offered new job
opportunities to the engineering sector.

On the other hand, to unlock the full potential of technology transfer and innovation, countries must
adopt a balanced approach. While technology acquisition is essential, it is equally important to focus
on building the capacity to generate and sell technology. This approach becomes particularly critical
for countries facing energy resource scarcity or heavy import reliance. Investing in research
infrastructure, supporting R&D activities, and nurturing a vibrant startup ecosystem are key steps
towards fostering innovation. By leveraging their unique strengths, countries can create a virtuous
cycle of technology transfer, innovation, and economic growth. This not only enhances national
development but also contributes to global technological advancements and collaborations.
Table=Gross domestic expenditures on R&D by performing sector
Index 2007 = 100 (constant USD PPPs)

Technological developments in the Turkish engineering sector have contributed to its economic
transformation and increased global competitiveness. The growth of the sector has led to job
creation, increased exports and an improvement in the trade balance. Turkish engineering companies
have expanded their presence in international markets by participating in large-scale infrastructure
projects and establishing strategic partnerships with their global counterparts. This not only increased
the turnover of the sector, but also strengthened Turkey's economic position on the world stage.

The economic transformation of the Turkish engineering sector has been supported by various
government initiatives and policies. The Turkish government has prioritized research and
development (R&D) investments, providing incentives and financing opportunities for engineering
companies to develop and innovate advanced technologies. In addition, the establishment of
technology parks and innovation centers has created an ecosystem that fosters collaboration
between academia, industry and entrepreneurs.

Indicator: GERD as a percentage of GDP , Unit:Percentage (of GDP)

(Türkiye is the between Croatia and Lithuania)

Turkey shows a significant automation potential, estimated at 50%. This potential is particularly
notable due to the country's significant concentration in manufacturing, agriculture and trade
sectors, and a significant portion of these sectors are characterized by predictable business activity.
Turkey, where these sectors are highly concentrated, could benefit from the application of
automation technologies that can streamline and optimize processes, increase productivity and
accelerate economic growth. The automation potential of 50% represents a wide scope for
integrating advanced technologies and robotic systems into these sectors, allowing Turkey to increase
productivity, reduce labor-intensive tasks and reap the benefits of automation in its economy.
REFERENCES : OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators /

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