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American universities and technical

advance in industry j-

Nathan Rosenberg *J and Richard R. Nelson b

a Department of Economics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
h School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA

Final version received September 1993

Over the past decade there has been an intensification of 1. Introduction

interest in how universities can play a more effective role in
promoting technical advance in American industry. However,
very little of the current discussion is solidly based on an Over the last decade, debate over the role of
informed analysis of the roles that universities actually play American universities in fostering technical ad-
today or the historical circumstances that caused universities
vance has intensified. On the one side are those
to assume these roles.
This paper offers an analysis, both historical and contem- who argue that universities can and should play a
porary, that identifies the distinctive strengths, as well as larger and more direct role in assisting industry.
limitations, of university research. Regarding the strengths, Such enterprises as Stanford’s Center for Inte-
most of university research is basic research in the sense that grated Systems, and hundreds of centers like it
it aims to understand phenomena at a relatively fundamental
around the country, show a cluster of firms and a
level. However, this does not mean that such research is
uninfluenced by the pull of important technological problems university attempting to make their connections
and objectives. The lion’s share of university research is in the more intimate and more effective [13]. The per-
engineering disciplines and applied sciences such as computer centage of academic research funded by industry
science and oncology which, by their nature, are oriented was estimated to be about 6.9% in 1990, up
toward problem-solving. Despite its obvious usefulness, indus-
considerably from 3.9% a decade earlier [28]. In a
try does very little of such basic research because the payoffs
are of a long-run nature as well as difficult to appropriate. recent study Cohen, Florida and Goe [8] estimate
The vast bulk of industry R&D is focused directly on shorter that 19% of university research is now carried out
term problem-solving, design and development. Universities in programs that involve linkages with industry in
are not particularly good at this sort of work. Industry is more a fundamental way. The federal government,
effective in dealing with problems that are located close to the
through such programs as the Engineering Re-
market place.
This paper argues that new policies will need to respect search Centers sponsored by the National Sci-
this division of labor. ence Foundation, and a large number of state
supported programs, have strongly supported
these developments. Much of the discrepancy be-
tween 6.9% and 19% in the figures reported
* Corresponding author.
’ The authors wish to acknowledge the able assistance of above is accounted for by governmental support
Scott Stern. Very helpful comments and suggestions on an of these programs.
earlier draft were provided by L.E. Birdzell, Jr., Harvey On the other side, many academics and others
Brooks, Michael Crow, Stephen Kline, Walter Vincenti and see these developments as a threat to the in-
Robert White.
tegrity of academic research. They despair that
Research Policy 23 (1994) 323-348 greater involvement with industry and commerce
North-Holland will corrupt academic research and teaching, di-

0048-7333/94/$07.00 0 1994 - Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0048-7333(93)00754-H
324 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson / American unk~ersities and technical aduance in industry

vert attention away from fundamental research, of university research today is in fields that, by
and potentially destroy the openness of cornmuni- their nature, are oriented toward facilitating
cation among university scientists that is such an practical problem-solving in health, agriculture,
essential component of academic research. defense, and various areas of civil industrial tech-
It is striking, however, that the present discus- nology. On the other hand, the large fraction of
sion focuses so closely on the here and now; there university research that is classified as basic does
is very little examination of the roles traditionally indicate a certain distancing of much of university
played by American universities or of how these research from immediate, ‘hands-on’ practical
roles have evolved. Nor is there even much prob- problem-solving.
ing into the nature of the academic research In this and the following section we will argue
enterprise as we know it today, or of the differ- that this distancing is a relatively recent phe-
ences between academic and industrial R&D, or nomenon, although it developed in stages. Sev-
of the connections between universities and in- eral recent historical studies have documented
dustry that are in place. Thus, the current debate that, until the 1920s or so, for better or for worse,
is proceeding with surprisingly little grounding in a large share of American university research was
what actually is going on now, and why and how very much ‘hands-on’ problem-solving [4,121.
we arrived at our present predicament. This is not a new understanding. Over 160
A principal purpose of this paper, therefore, is years ago Alexis de Tocqueville commented, not
to lay out the history of involvement of American specifically on this, but on the broader issue of
universities in research that has been germane to the role of science and the attitudes toward sci-
industry, and the different kinds of connections ence, in the young republic that he visited in the
that have existed between university and industry. 1830s:
Section 2 undertakes an historical discussion of
In America the purely practical part of science
these connections through World War II. A very
is admirably understood and careful attention
important development that occurred during that
is paid to the theoretical portion, which is
period was the rise of engineering disciplines and
immediately requisite to application. On this
certain other ‘applied sciences’ as fields of aca-
head, the Americans always display a clear,
demic research and teaching. This is the topic of
free, original, and inventive power of mind.
section 3. World War II was a watershed for
But hardly any one in the United States de-
American universities. Before that time the fed-
votes himself to the essentially theoretical and
eral government provided little research funding.
abstract portion of human knowledge . . . ev-
After the war the federal government became the
ery new method which leads by a shorter road
universities’ principal source of research funding.
to wealth, every machine which spares labor,
Section 4 discusses this development and its ef-
every instrument which diminishes the cost of
fect on the research efforts of universities and the
production, every discovery which facilitates
connections between university research and
pleasure or augments them, seems [to such
technological advance. Section 5 considers the
people] to be the grandest effort of the human
division of labor between industrial researchers
intellect. It is chiefly from these motives that a
and academics as it exists today, and the conclud-
democratic people addicts itself to scientific
ing section addresses the current debate.
pursuits . . . In a community thus organized, it
may easily be conceived that the human mind
may be led insensibly to the neglect of theory;
2. An historical perspective
and that it is urged, on the contrary, with
unparalleled energy, to the applications of sci-
Today, approximately two-thirds of the re-
ence, or at least to that portion of theoretical
search done at American universities is labelled
science which is necessary to those who make
as ‘basic research’ (Table 4). We shall argue in
such applications [39].
section 4 that this does not mean what many
people think it does, i.e. that the bulk of univer- This general orientation to science clearly
sity research today proceeds with no ties to non- molded what went on in American universities.
academic objectives. In fact, the preponderance Thus, Ezra Cornell, founder of Cornell Univer-
N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American unicersities and technical advance in industry 325

Table 1 to vanquish a large, untamed geographic frontier.

Average years of formal educational experience of the popu- But there was much more to it than that.
lation aged 15-64
One important additional factor was that the
Country Year Total Higher American university system has always been de-
France 1913 6.18 0.10 centralized. There has never been centralized
1950 8.18 0.18 control, as developed in France after Napoleon.
1973 9.58 0.47 Nor, until quite recently, did ‘scholars’ come to
1984 10.79 0.90
dominate the universities, as they did in many
Germany 1913 6.94 0.09
1950 8.51 0.14 European countries. While some ‘finishing’ and
1973 9.31 0.20 religious preparatory schools such as Harvard and
1984 9.48 0.31 Yale were clearly modelled after European insti-
Netherlands 1913 6.05 0.11 tutions, a very large number of schools chose
1950 7.41 0.24
their missions, styles, and focus based on the
1973 8.88 0.39
1984 9.92 0.58 idiosyncratic needs of the provincial environment.
UK 1913 7.28 0.08 The consequence of this approach was that the
1950 9.40 0.13 funding and enrollment of these schools became
1973 10.24 0.25 heavily dependent on the mores and needs of the
1984 10.92 0.42
local community. And, as de Tocqueville indi-
us 1913 6.93 0.20
1950 9.46 0.45 cated, these mores tended strongly to the practi-
1973 11.31 0.89 cal. Further, American higher education has been
1984 12.52 1.62 noticeably more accessible to a wider portion of
Source: Reprinted from [23]. the population when compared with more class-
rigid Europe (see Table 1). 2 Where the aristoc-
racy in Europe expressed disdain for ‘commercial
affairs’ (and this was reflected in their university
sity, stated as his intention: “I would found an curricula), American universities were perceived
institution where any person can find instruction as a path to commercial as well as personal
in any study.” The quotation still appears on the success, and university research and teaching were
official seal of his distinguished university. ’ focused more clearly on these goals.
British visitors long sneered at what they per- The passage of the Morrill Act in 1862 re-
ceived as the ‘vocationalism’ of the nineteenth flected and supported American views about the
and early twentieth-century American higher ed- appropriate roles of university research and
ucational system. These educational institutions teaching. The purpose of the Act was eminently
assumed responsibility for teaching and research practical; i.e. it was dedicated to the support of
in fields such as agriculture and mining, commer- agriculture and the mechanic arts. Moreover,
cial subjects such as accounting, finance, market- control of universities was left to the states. The
ing and management, and an ever-widening swath long-term prosperity and success of these state
of engineering subjects, civil, mechanical, electri- institutions was generally understood to depend
cal, chemical, aeronautical, and so on, long be- upon their responsiveness to the demands of the
fore their British counterparts and, in most cases, local community. Thus, the leadership of state
long before their other European counterparts as
There were a number of reasons for this more
‘practical’ orientation. American universities, it * Of course, offsetting the high American enrollment figures
in higher education has been the often inferior quality of
has been often observed, emerged in a new coun-
teaching in its secondary schools. A distinguished French
try with a culture strongly influenced by the need biologist who visited the United States in 1916 observed,
“Secondary teaching seems to me to be the weakest point of
the American system of education. The student who comes
out of the high school at eighteen has not a sufficient
’ Cornell’s founder and benefactor also expected students at intellectual training. A good part of his university studies
his university to perform manual labor, including janitorial consists in finishing his secondary studies” [7]. To which one
labor, while undergraduates. can only add: Plus ca change, plus c’est la m&me chose.
326 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American unir~er~sities
and technical advance in industw

universities were heavily beholden to the needs of sity research programs aimed to meet the needs
local industries and to the priorities established of local industry often took on a life of their own,
by state legislatures. This responsiveness was par- and became institutionalized. We have already
ticularly apparent in the contributions to the mentioned rubber research at the University of
needs of agriculture that were provided by the Akron. The University of Oklahoma has long
land-grant colleges and, somewhat later, by the distinguished itself for its research in the field of
agricultural experiment stations. In general, intel- petroleum, and the universities of Kentucky and
lectual innovations were likely to be quickly seized North Carolina have worked extensively on devel-
upon and introduced into university curricula, oping technologies that have been employed in
especially at those universities that were publicly the post-harvest processing of tobacco. For many
supported, as soon as their practical utility was years the Universities of Illinois and Purdue did
established. work on railroad technologies, ranging from the
Thus a primary activity of early American uni- design of locomotive boilers to their maintenance
versities was the provision of vocational skills for and repair. To this day the Purdue football team
a wide range of professions important to local is called the ‘boilermakers’.
economies. In many cases the training activities The tradition of universities doing generic in-
and research concerned with the problems of dustrial research continues to the present. In the
local industry went together. Not only did the early 1980s for example, there were no fewer
University of Akron supply skilled personnel for than 37 universities in the United States that
the local rubber industry, but it in fact became were performing research for local and regional
well-known for its research in the processing of forest products industries. In 1982 they spent
rubber. (Later on it achieved distinction in the approximately $12 million on such research, fi-
field of polymer chemistry.) The land-grant col- nanced primarily by state governments. “The
leges (and later the agricultural experiment sta- main focal points of research were wood moisture
tions) are rightly praised for fostering the high relations, wood chemistry including pulp and pa-
productivity of the American farm through the per, mechanical properties, reconstituted prod-
teaching of food production skills. And along ucts, and wood anatomy/ microscopy” [421.
with the training went research aimed to meet On occasions, university research on problems
the needs of the local agricultural community. of industry involved large-scale, long-run commit-
The Babcock test, developed by an agricultural ments to the solution of a particular problem.
research chemist at the University of Wisconsin One of the most important such projects was
and introduced in 1890, provided a cheap and conducted at the University of Minnesota’s Mines
simple method for measuring the butterfat con- Experiment Station over the course of many years,
tent of milk, and thus an easy way to determine ranging from just before World War I until tech-
the adulteration of milk, a matter of no small nical success was achieved in the early 1960s. The
consequence in a state of dairy farms. problem arose in connection with the gradual
State universities, in general, were likely to exhaustion of the high-yielding iron ores in the
have programs addressing a diverse range of Mesabi Range. As the supply of these ores de-
needs. After World War I, a college of engineer- clined, attention focused increasingly upon ores
ing might offer undergraduate degrees in a bewil- of lower iron content, specifically the taconite
dering array of specialized engineering subjects. ores containing impurities to the amount of 50 to
In the case of the University of Illinois, this 70%, but available in gigantic quantities. Al-
included architectural engineering, ceramic engi- though no new scientific knowledge was required,
neering, mining engineering, municipal and sani- the solution to innumerable engineering and pro-
tary engineering, railway civil engineering, railway cessing problems turned out to require decades
electrical engineering, and railway mechanical of tedious experimentation. The financing of this
engineering. An observer has noted, “Nearly ev- experimentation was provided primarily by the
ery industry and government agency in Illinois Minnesota State Government and channeled
had its own department at the state university in through the university to its Mines Experiment
Urbana-Champaign” [20]. Station, which operated its own blast furnace in
While usually connected with training, univer- these experiments [9l.
N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American unil,ersities and technical advance in industry 327

3. The institutionalization of engineering and ap- Stevens Institute of Technology (1871) as well as
plied sciences the introduction of engineering courses into older
universities. Here again, the American experi-
In the nature of the case, much of research to ence in higher education was distinctly different
help local industry is highly specific. Also, until from that of the European scene. Whereas in
the late nineteenth century, there was little in the Great Britain, France and Germany, engineering
way of a systematic disciplinary basis for such subjects tended to be taught at separate institu-
research and training that tied together intellec- tions, in the United States such subjects were
tually the individuals and universities engaged in introduced at an early date into the elite institu-
such activities. One of the major accomplish- tions. Yale introduced courses in mechanical en-
ments of the American universities during the gineering in 1863, and Columbia University
first half of the twentieth century was to effect opened its School of Mines in 1864 [15].
the institutionalization of the new engineering The introduction of highly varied engineering
and applied science disciplines. Thus, in the years subjects highlights certain broad regularities in
after the turn of the century, fields like chemical the focus of American universities. Not only did
engineering, electrical engineering, and aeronau- they tend to be intensely practical, and intensely
tical engineering, became established in Ameri- specific to the needs of emerging American in-
can universities. In each of these fields, programs dustries, but American engineering institutions
of graduate studies with certified professional fostered this practical approach in the very foun-
credentials grew up, along with professional orga- dations of the teaching methodology.
nizations and associated journals. These new dis-
ciplines and professions both reflected and solidi- Electrical engineering
fied new kinds of close connections between
American universities and a variety of American The emergence of electrical engineering
industries. The rise of these new disciplines and marked a distinct development among the engi-
training programs in American universities was neering disciplines. It represented a discipline
induced by and made possible the growing use of that was based entirely upon recent experimental
university-trained engineers and scientists in in- and theoretical breakthroughs in science. Not
dustry, and in particular the rise of the industrial surprisingly, physicists dominated the intellectual
research laboratory in the chemical industry and leadership in this new field [25].
the new electrical equipment industries, and later The response of the American higher educa-
throughout industry (see [l&26,30,32]). tion system to the emerging electricity-based in-
Engineering education hardly existed in the dustries was swift. It is common among historians
United States before the Civil War. Obviously, to date the beginning of the electrical industries
many schools offered vocational education, but in 1882, the year in which Edison’s Pearl Street
the systematic training of professional engineers Station, in New York City, went into operation.
was nearly unknown until the latter part of the In fact, by that year crude versions of the tele-
century. Although Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- phone and electric light were already in exis-
tute was founded in 1824, the first engineering tence, and the demand for well-trained electrical
school was in fact the U.S. Military Academy at engineers was beginning to grow rapidly. Electric-
West Point founded in 1802. The civil engineer- ity-based firms such as General Electric and
ing skills of graduates of West Point made a Westinghouse were trying, with only limited suc-
major contribution to the vast construction enter- cess, to train their own employees in this new and
prises associated with the building of an exten- burgeoning field.
sive, ultimately transcontinental, railroad system The response of the universities was essentially
beginning in the 1830s. The needs of the railroad, instantaneous. In the same year as the Pearl
the telegraph and, later, an expanding succession Street Station opened, 1882, MIT introduced its
of new products and industries, brought a multi- first course in electrical engineering (courses in
plication in the demand for engineers with spe- electrical engineering at MIT were taught in the
cific skills. The response involved the establish- Physics Department for 20 years, 1882-1902).
ment of new schools, such as MIT (1865) and Cornell introduced a course in electrical engi-
328 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American unicersities and technical adlsance in industrv

neering in 1883 and awarded the first doctorate response to a national need, the emerging elec-
in the subject as early as 1885. By the 1890s tricity-based industries, rather than the more

. . . schools like MIT had become the chief sup- provincial needs that motivated other research
pliers of electrical engineers” [41]. referred to earlier. Training electrical engineers
Throughout the twentieth century the Ameri- became the province of universities, and the in-
can schools of engineering have provided the terface between universities and technical ad-
leadership in engineering and applied science vance was fostered through the adoption of this
research upon which the electrical industries have role. Further, university research was influential
been based. Problems requiring research in such in technical change, often through consulting re-
areas as high voltage, network analysis or insulat- lationships with industry and occasionally through
ing properties were routinely undertaken at these the establishment of firms that were headed by
schools. Equipment for the generation and trans- academics.
mission of electricity was designed by professors
of electrical engineering, working within univer- Chemical engineering
sity labs. 3 The qualitative difference between
this research and research conducted earlier was The critical economic role of university re-
that the emergence of the discipline of electrical search in engineering may be further observed in
engineering defined a community of technically the emergence of the discipline of chemical engi-
trained professionals with connections across uni- neering in the United States in the early years of
versities, as well as between universities and in- the twentieth century. This discipline was associ-
dustry. The relationships were systematic and cu- ated, to a striking degree, with a single institu-
mulative, rather than ad hoc and sporadic. tion: MIT (see the excellent article by John W.
Although the establishment of new companies Servos [351X
by university professors, intent upon commercial- The discipline of chemical engineering
izing their research findings, has been regarded emerged precisely because the knowledge gener-
as a peculiar development of the post World War ated by major scientific breakthroughs frequently
II years, the practice has ample earlier precedent. terminates far from the kinds of knowledge nec-
The Federal Company, of Palo Alto, California, essary to produce a new product on a commercial
was founded by Stanford University faculty and scale. This is particularly true in the chemical
became an important supplier of radio equipment sector. Perkin’s accidental synthesis of mauveine,
during World War I [5]. The klystron, a thermionic the first of the synthetic aniline dyes, in 1856, was
tube for generating and amplifying microwave the initial, critical step in the creation of a syn-
signals for high-frequency communication sys- thetic dyestuffs industry, in addition to exercising
tems, was the product of an agreement, in 1937, a powerful impact upon research in organic
between Hal and Sigurd Varian and the Stanford chemistry. At the same time, however, the break-
Physics Department. Stanford University pro- throughs at the scientific bench did not disclose
vided the Varians with access to laboratory space how the new product might be produced on a
and faculty, and a $100 annual allowance for commercial scale, nor was it possible to deduce
materials. In exchange, Stanford was to receive a such information from the scientific knowledge
one-half interest in any resulting patents. This itself. It proved necessary to invent the discipline
proved to be an excellent investment for Stan- of chemical engineering around the turn of the
ford. 4 twentieth century in order to devise process tech-
Thus, the development of electrical engineer- nologies for producing new chemical products on
ing as a discipline, and also as a profession, a commercial basis.
clearly has its roots in American higher educa- The essential point to understand here is that
tion. The development of this discipline was in chemical engineering is not applied chemistry. It
cannot be adequately characterized as the indus-
trial application of scientific knowledge gener-
3 For a detailed description of the contributions of MIT, see
ated in the chemical laboratory. Rather, it in-
Wildes and Lindgren [41].
4 See [19]. Over the years Stanford University received the volves a merger of chemistry and mechanical en-
equivalent of $10 million 1978 US dollars. gineering, i.e. the application of mechanical engi-
N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical adcance in industry 329

neering to the large-scale production of chemical of future practitioners. It was, in other words, a
products (see [ll]). Chemical engineers acquire form of generic knowledge that could be taught
an idiosyncratic methodology for decision-making at universities.
that allows them to become efficient at what In Arthur D. Little’s words:
might seem, at first blush, to be a quite straight-
Any chemical process, on whatever scale con-
forward calculus, translating laboratory results
ducted, may be resolved into a coordinated
into commercially viable chemical processing
series of what may be termed ‘unit actions,’ as
plants. However, process plants are not merely
pulverizing, mixing, heating, roasting, absorb-
scaled-up versions of the laboratory glass tubes
ing, condensing, lixiviating, precipitating, crys-
and retorts in which discoveries were initially
tallizing, filtering, dissolving, electrolyzing and
made. Chemical engineering is not properly un-
so on. The number of these basic unit opera-
derstood as merely a scaling-up process, i.e. doing
tions is not very large and relatively few of
something on a very large scale that had origi-
them are involved in any particular process.
nally been done on a small scale in the labora-
Chemical engineering research . . . is directed
tory. That kind of enlargement is not economi-
toward the improvement, control and better
cally feasible and often not even technically possi-
coordination of these unit operations and the
ble. Typically, entirely different processes have to
selection or development of the equipment in
be invented, and then put through exhaustive
which they are carried out. It is obviously
tests at the pilot plant stage, a stage that reduces
concerned with the testing and the provision of
the uncertainties in the designing of a large-scale,
materials of construction which shall function
highly expensive commercial plant.
safely, resist corrosion, and withstand the indi-
Thus, the design and construction of plants
cated conditions of temperature and pressure.
devoted to large-scale chemical processing activi-
ties involves an entirely different set of activities
and capabilities than those that generated the
Aeronautical engineering
new chemical entities. The problems of mixing,
heating and contaminant control, which can be
The contribution of American higher educa-
undertaken with great precision in the lab, are
tional institutions to the progress of aircraft de-
immensely more difficult to handle in large-scale
sign before World War II is an impressive addi-
operations, especially if a high degree of preci-
tional instance of how universities produced in-
sion and quality control are required.
formation of great economic value to the devel-
It has been true of many of the most important
opment of a new industry. It is doubly interesting,
new chemical entities that have been produced in
for present purposes, because scientific leader-
the twentieth century that a gap of several, or
ship in the realm of aerodynamics was generally
even many years, has separated their discovery
agreed to have been located in Germany, where
under laboratory conditions from the industrial
Ludwig Prandtl was undoubtedly the central in-
capability to manufacture them on a commercial
tellectual figure in providing the necessary analyt-
basis. Eventually, to manage the transition from
ical framework for understanding the fluid me-
test tubes to manufacture, where output had to
chanics that underlies the flight performance of
be measured in tons rather than ounces, an en-
aircraft. Research in aeronautical engineering in
tirely new methodology, totally distinct from the
the United States, at California Institute of Tech-
science of chemistry, had to be devised. This new
nology, Stanford and MIT, all drew heavily upon
methodology involved exploiting the central con-
Prandtl’s fundamental researches. ’ Research in
cept of ‘unit operations.’ This term, coined by
aeronautical engineering, at a number of Ameri-
Arthur D. Little at MIT in 1915, provided the
can universities, but primarily at the three men-
essential basis for a rigorous, quantitative ap-
tioned, was of decisive importance to technical
proach to large-scale chemical manufacturing, and
thus may be taken to mark the emergence of
chemical engineering as a unique discipline. It ’ See Vincenti [40] for a penetrating analysis of the produc-
was a methodology that could also provide the tion and utilization of engineering knowledge in the case of
basis for the systematic, quantitative instruction aircraft. See also Hanle [17].
330 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical adcance in industry

progress in aircraft design in the United States in to think about the use of propeller data in
the interwar years. airplane design. This development of ways of
An excellent illustration of university engineer- thinking is evident throughout the Stanford
ing research that yielded valuable design data, work; for example, in the improvement of data
and also knowledge of how to acquire new knowl- presentation to facilitate the work of the de-
edge, was the propeller tests conducted at Stan- signer and in the discussion of the solution of
ford University by W.F. Durand and E.P. Lesley design problems. Though less tangible than
from 1916 to 1926 [40, ch. 1 and p. 1371. Exten- design data, such understanding of how to
sive experimental testing was necessary because think about a problem also constitutes engi-
of the absence of a body of scientific knowledge neering knowledge. This knowledge was com-
that would permit a more direct determination of municated both explicitly and implicitly by the
the optimal design of a propeller, given the fact Durand-Lesley reports. 7
that “The propeller operates in combination with
The greater degree of sophistication in aero-
both engine and airframe . . . and it must be
nautical research methods that resulted from the
compatible with the power-output characteristics
Stanford experiments made an important contri-
of the former and the flight requirements of the
bution to the maturing of the American aircraft
latter” 140, p. 1411. Thus, designing a propeller is
industry in the 1930s a maturity crowned by the
not independent of the design of the entire air-
emergence of the DC-3 in the second half of that
plane, and the ten-year research project not only
decade. But the success of the DC-3, the most
expanded the understanding of airplane design
popular commercial transport plane ever built,
but also increased confidence in the reliability of
owed an enormous debt to another educational
certain techniques utilized in aircraft design. An
institution, the California Institute of Technol-
important consequence of the experiments, which
ogy. Cal Tech’s Guggenheim Aeronautical Labo-
relied heavily upon wind tunnel testing, was not
ratory, funded by the Guggenheim Foundation,
so much the ability to improve the design of
performed research that was decisive to the suc-
propellers as to improve the ability of the de-
cess of Douglas Aircraft, located in nearby Santa
signer to achieve an appropriate match between
Monica. Both technical features such as durabil-
the propeller, the engine and the airframe. 6
ity and reliability of components, and economi-
As was eventually appreciated, what was es-
cally important features such as passenger carry-
sential to the successful design of aircraft was not
ing capacity, were IargeIy the product of the Cal
just the experimental equipment or the requisite
Tech research program, highlighted by their use
scientific knowledge. Indeed, the central point
of multicellular construction, and the exhaustive
with respect to aircraft is precisely the complexity
wind tunnel testing of the DC-1 and DC-2. ’
of the process of aircraft design because of the
One final point of general significance to aero-
absence of such a body of scientific knowledge.
nautical engineering research is worth noting. As
The method of experimental parameter variation
Vincenti points out, what the Stanford experi-
was necessary because a useful quantitative the-
ments eventually accomplished was something
ory did not exist. The Stanford experiments led to
more than just data collection and, at the same
a better understanding of how to approach the
time, something other than science. It repre-
whole problem of aircraft design. In this sense, a
critical output of these experiments was a form of
generic knowledge that lies at the heart of the ’ [40, p. 1581. Durand himself eventually prepared a six-
volume aeronautical encyclopedia with the encouragement
modern disciphne of aeronautica engineering. As
of the Guggenheim Fund, which had financed much of the
Vincenti has astutely observed: Stanford research [lo].
s “Cal Tech ran more than three hundred wind tunnel tests
In formulating the concept of propulsive effi-
on the airplane before test pilot Carl Cover, on December
ciency, Durand and Lesley were learning how 17, 1935, the thirty-second anniversary of the Wright broth-
ers flight, completed the first flight of the DST. The DST,
’ Durand and Lesley actually began their experiments by later designated DC-3, first went into service with American
designing and constructing the necessary wind tunnel equip- Airlines on June 7, 1936” [161. Details of Cal Tech’s contri-
ment, since American capabilities with respect to wind bution to the aircraft industry and to aeronautical develop-
tunnels were well behind European capabilities at the time. ment appear in Appendix I of this book.
N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical advance in industry 331

sented, rather, the development of a specialized search at other American universities, particu-
methodology that could not he directly deduced larly to research at electrical engineering depart-
from scientific principles, although it was obvi- ments, or research on the part of people who had
ously not inconsistent with those principles. One very close ties to engineering departments. Of
cannot therefore adequately characterize these special importance was work by John Atanasoff, a
experiments as applied science. mathematician and physicist, at Iowa State, and
Vannevar Bush, an electrical engineer at MIT.
. . . (T)o say that work like that of Durand and John Mauchly, who was to play a critical role
Lesley goes beyond empirical data gathering in the development of the ENIAC at the Univer-
does not mean that it should be subsumed sity of Pennsylvania, visited Atanasoff in Ames in
under applied science . . . (I>t includes ele- 1941, a visit that was to figure prominently in a
ments peculiarly important in engineering, and later lawsuit challenging the validity of the
it produces knowledge of a peculiarly engi- ENIAC patent (Honeywell vs. Sperry Rand).
neering character and intent. Some of the ele- Atanasoff’s device was designed for a single, spe-
ments of the methodology appear in scientific cific purpose, the solution of systems of linear
activity, but the methodology as a whole does equations, although he appears to have given a
not. [40, p 1661 good deal of thought to the possibility of a gen-
eral purpose electronic digital computer. How-
Computer science and engineering ever, Atanasoff’s machine never became opera-
tional and existed only in crude prototype form
Computers have been probably the most re- (see [38]).
markable contribution of American universities Another important predecessor of the ENIAC
to the last half of the twentieth century. Impor- was the differential analyzer that had been devel-
tant work on computers had of course been per- oped at MIT by Vannevar Bush and his associ-
formed elsewhere (one thinks of Alan Turing in ates during the interwar years. The differential
Great Britain and Konrad Zuse in Germany) but, analyzer was especially important for the practi-
for reasons closely connected with the impact of cal reason that the Moore School’s visibility in
World War II, the emergence of a practical, the field of computation had been considerably
electronic, digital computer was largely the prod- enhanced by its construction, in 1939, of a differ-
uct of research and development activities con- ential analyzer that was directly modelled after
ducted at American universities. More precisely, the MIT device. In fact, the Moore School’s
this research was overwhelmingly concentrated in analyzer was really a more powerful version of
schools of engineering. Further, these schools that analyzer [38, pp. 9-101. Bush’s work grew out
were decisive in transforming a logical possibility of problems arising in electric power transmis-
into a technical reality. In the process, a new sion, especially problems associated with tran-
discipline emerged, computer science, that was sient stability as electric power systems became
strongly influenced by the historical development increasingly interconnected. His device was used
of disciplines such as electrical engineering and for solving differential equations that could not
physics, yet has nurtured its own particular re- readily be solved in other ways. “Though others
search methodology. had attempted such machines before, the MIT
The first fully operational electronic digital differential analyzer was the first practical and
computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator useful computational machine; though an analog
and Computer (ENIAC) was built at the Moore (not digital) machine, it marked the beginning of
School of Electrical Engineering at the University the ‘Second Industrial Revolution,’ the Informa-
of Pennsylvania over the period 1943-1946 (How- tion Revolution” [41].
ard Aiken, working at Harvard in conjunction As a result of the construction of a differential
with IBM, completed his Mark I in 1944; but his analyzer at the Moore School, based on Bush’s
device, which had powerful computational capa- work at MIT, the University of Pennsylvania de-
bilities, was still electromechanical, not elec- veloped a close relationship with the Ballistics
tronic). The work conducted at the University of Research Laboratory, belonging to the Army
Pennsylvania owed a great deal to earlier re- Ordnance Department, at the Aberdeen Proving
332 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical advance in industry

Ground in Aberdeen, Maryland. The construc- The applied and engineering sciences more gener-
tion of the ENIAC was financed by an Army ally
contract over the years 1943-46 as part of the
Army’s determination to accelerate the speed Indeed, the same may be said of the other
with which it could calculate solutions to ballistics engineering disciplines. Designing is precisely
problems. 9 As it happened, by the time the what the domain of the engineer is primarily
ENIAC was ready for testing, in the fall of 1945, about. Sciences of the artificial, a subset of which
the war had just ended, and the need for firing have been outlined above, consist of purposive,
tables was vastly diminished. As a result of the goal-directed activities. Their explicit design ori-
intercession of John Von Neumann, the ENIAC’s entation seems to exclude them from the usual
first major task consisted of extensive calculations definition of basic research. Basic research in-
to establish the feasibility of a hydrogen bomb volves the quest for fundamental understanding
[38, p. 621. From these rather apocalyptic begin- and, in the traditional natural sciences, such a
nings, the computer has become an ubiquitous quest has often been identified with research that
feature of modern life, and computer science has was significantly distanced from any immediate
come to be respected as one of the most impor- concerns with practical applications. However, a
tant and energetic fields in academia today. widely accepted definition of basic research has
How should the university research that led to come to focus on the absence of a concern with
the postwar emergence of the digital electronic practical applications rather than the search for a
computer be categorized? What of the discipline fundamental understanding of natural phenom-
of Computer Science today? What of Artificial ena. This is unfortunate, indeed bizarre. In the
Intelligence? The early participants were trained applied sciences, and in engineering, some of the
in engineering, mathematics and physics. Mauchly research is in fact quite basic in the sense of a
and Bush taught and performed their research in search for understanding at a very fundamental
schools of engineering. Atanasoff taught physics level. Most of the research in the medical sci-
and mathematics at Iowa State. Howard Aiken ences is undertaken with specific practical appli-
was a mathematician who had, earlier, worked in cations in view. Medical studies of carcinogenic
engineering. But it is the peculiarity of the object processes necessarily involve research into funda-
of their research that it is difficult to categorize in mental aspects of cell biology.
the conventional R&D boxes of ‘basic research,’ The definition of basic research should not be
‘applied research’ and ‘development.’ Although made to turn upon the absence of a useful goal in
the term ‘computer science’ is common enough in the motivation of the individuals performing the
university curricula today, the discipline, if it is research. By such a construction, research ori-
indeed a science, is a distinctly different kind of ented toward the design and improved perfor-
science. It is certainly not a natural science. Nor mance of computers, airplanes, or plants, involv-
does it qualify as basic research if one employs ing such activities as massive parallel processing
the NSF definition as research that has as its or extensive parametric variation, would have to
objective ‘a fuller knowledge or understanding of be excluded from the category of basic research.
the subject under study, rather than a practical However, research directed toward such prac-
application thereof.’ It may, however, be appro- tical goals has made important contributions to
priately regarded, in Herbert Simon’s apt phrase, areas that are unhesitatingly categorized as basic.
as a ‘science of the artificial.’ Research activities Consider computer science, which has emerged
in computer science, however classified, are di- as an interdisciplinary subject lying between engi-
rected towards the design and construction of an neering and mathematics. In an effort to develop
artifact, or machine. organizing principles for computer architecture,
computer science had to branch out to explore
deep questions of logic, linguistics, perception,
“The ENIAC was to be designed with a special application cognition and, ultimately, intelligence itself. Simi-
in view. That is, it would be designed expressly for the
larly, aeronautical and chemical engineers have
solution of ballistics problems and for the printing of range
tables, though, as originally envisioned by Mauchly, the posed important questions for their colleagues in
device could have had wider applicability” [38, p. 151. physics, materials science and chemistry, while
N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical advance in industry 333

focusing on the development of practical design agriculture. It would include statistics, certainly
tools. In some cases, the questions have been one of the most useful of disciplines. And statis-
pursued by members of the engineering disci- tics, it should be noted, achieved curricular and
plines; in other cases, the questions have been department status in the United States long be-
passed along to other members of the academic fore such developments occurred in Europe. to
research community. In aircraft design early in By the start of World War II the applied
the century, a standard problem involved calcula- sciences and engineering disciplines, that is, the
tions of the flow over wings. In solving these sciences of the artificial, had established firm
problems, Ludwig Prandtl devised what has come places in the American university system. A few
to be essentially a new branch of mathematics, of the old ivy institutions, like Harvard and Yale,
now known as asymptotic perturbation theory. tended to resist or to isolate them, but they were
That theory, in turn, eventually found applica- strong at most of the land-grant universities,
tions in radar design, the study of combustion which, after all, accounted for a very large share
processes, astronomy, meteorology, biology and of American university research. The presence of
pharmaceuticals. More recently, the field of tur- the engineering disciplines and the applied sci-
bulence research, which involves some quite fun- ences came on top of, and significantly molded,
damental issues, is being studied by researchers but did not replace, the longer standing tradition
trained in aeronautical engineering, physics and in American universities of research in the ser-
mathematics. vice of local industry and agriculture, and the
If we review the history of the development of training of people to go out into industry.
a number of important engineering disciplines, it Of course, American academic research
seems apparent that engineering education in the strength was not solely in the engineering disci-
US has consistently attempted to provide refer- plines and applied sciences. During the interwar
ence points for inquiry into the details of very period, American universities came into their own
practical problems. At the same time, university in astronomy, as well as in certain areas of funda-
research has been instrumental in providing an mental physics and chemistry. This was the out-
appropriate intellectual framework for training come of a long struggle by American academic
efficient professional decision-makers. Once scientists against what they regarded as an exces-
again, Herbert Simon reminds us of an often sively practical orientation to American university
insufficiently recognized aspect of modern uni- research and teaching, and a weakness in the
versity education: fundamental sciences, as compared with the
United Kingdom and, particularly, Germany.
The intellectual activity that produces material
Ben-David, Geiger and Bruce tell this story well.
artifacts is no different fundamentally from the
Nevertheless, prior to World War II, as LB. Co-
one that prescribes remedies for a sick patient
hen has stressed, the bulk of the frontier research
or the one that devises a new sales plan for a
in theoretical physics and chemistry was being
company or a social welfare policy for a state.
carried out in Europe. American students who
Design, so construed, is the core of all profes-
wanted advanced training continued to get it on
sional training; it is the principal mark that
the other side of the Atlantic, if they could ar-
distinguishes the professions from the sciences.
range to do so.
Schools of engineering, as well as schools of
architecture, business, education, law, and
medicine, are all centrally concerned with the
process of design . . . [37]

There are a large number of academic disci- lo Nor is it an accident that the pioneering roles in the
plines that, like engineering, are consciously and introduction of techniques of statistical analysis were car-
deliberately oriented toward specific useful goals. ried out far from the elite universities, at places such as
This would include research directed toward im- Iowa State University and the University of North Car-
olina. Both of these universities had strong agricultural
proving human nutrition through the enlarge-
experiment stations where sophisticated statistical tech-
ment of the food supply, an explicit goal of the niques were indispensable in evaluating the results of agri-
life sciences as they are utilized in schools of cultural field research [2].
334 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical adcance in industry

4. The post-world War II era and the emergence port work on computers, electronics more gener-
of the federal funding commitment ally, materials, and the applied sciences and engi-
neering disciplines that were relevant to military
World War II was a watershed in the history of technologies.
American science and technology and, in particu- The second part of the proposal was for signif-
lar, led to a dramatic change in the roles played icant public support of medical R&D. Here the
by American universities in scientific and techni- universities from the beginning have been the
cal enterprises. During the war the lion’s share of largest recipient of government funding, with the
the country’s scientific and technical capabilities National Institutes of Health the principal fun-
was mobilized to work on projects aimed at has- der.
tening the successful termination of the war. The The third part of the post-war strategy articu-
nation’s university scientists and engineers played lated in Science, The Endless Frontier, was for the
a central role in these endeavors. Academic re- federal government to assume responsibility for
searchers, often working closely with scientists supporting basic research at the universities, in a
and engineers from industry, achieved advances broader sense. After several false starts, this re-
in electronics which greatly advanced the allied sponsibili~ became manifest in the establish-
defensive and offensive causes, in military ment, in 1950, of the National Science Founda-
medicine which made possible the saving of thou- tion.
sands of lives, and in many other areas [l]. Of Federal funding of academic research, which
course the ~anhatt~ Project, which successfully probably amounted to about a quarter of total
developed the atomic bomb, was the most dra- academic research support in the mid-1930s in-
matic of these research endeavors, and the one creased enormously, and by 1960 was accounting
that most caught the imagination of the Ameri- for over 60% of the total. The total academic
can people. research enterprise increased more than tenfold
As a result of all this, the prestige of American in nominal terms between 1935 and 1960, and
academic science was lifted enormously among more than doubled again by 1965 (see Table 2).
those in government, and among the American Over this same period the Consumer Price Index
electorate. White large-scale public support of (CPI) increased more than twofold from 1935 to
university research was unthinkable prior to 1960 (from 41.1 in 1935 to 88.7 in 1960, where
World War II, the war-time successes completely prices in 1967 = 100) and more than 6% between
changed that picture. Vannevar Bush, whom we 1960 and 1965. While the CPI is not fully ade-
have met in another context, was the director of quate as a research expense deflator, it is quite
the war-time Office of Scientific Research and plausible that by 1965 real resources going into
Development, which was responsible for mobiliz- academic research were more than twelve times
ing much of this effort. Bush wrote an influential
document, Science, The Endless Frontier, which
put forth the case for large-scale post-war sup- Table 2
port by the federal government of the American Support for academic R&D, by sector: 1960-91 (millions of
scientific enterprise [6]. There were three major current dollars)
parts to the Bush proposal. Year Total academic Federally Federal
First, the US government should not let the R&D ($1 supported percentage
capability for military R&D, assembled during R&D ($) of total
the war, atrophy, but rather should continue to 1935 a 50 12 24
sustain a level and mix of funding adequate to 1960 b 646 40.5 63
preserve those capabilities, With the rise of the 1965 1474 1073 73
1970 2335 1647 71
Cold War in the late 1940s and early 1950s this 2288 67
1975 3409
policy became manifest in large-scaIe funding of 1980 6077 4104 68
military R&D. While the bulk of that funding 1985 9686 6056 63
went to support work on military systems and 1990 (est.) 16000 9250 58
components carried out in industry, a sizeable a Data for 1935: [UI
amount of money flowed to universities to sup- b Data for 1960 and after: f28l.
N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson / American unicersities and technical adL>ancein industry 335

what they were in the mid-1930s. Rapid growth of federal support for university research over the
continued from 1965 until 1980 or so. It is esti- post-war period. The Department of Defense and
mated that real academic research funding grew two other government agencies that are allied
at a rate of about 3% a year over this period. with Defense in many ways, NASA and the De-
With the vast expansion of resources employed partment of Energy (earlier the Atomic Energy
in the university enterprise, and the very great Commission), have accounted for much more,
expansion in the funding role of the federal gov- roughly one-third in total (see Table 3). This
ernment, there came about an equally dramatic share has remained virtually constant since 1960,
transformation in the character of university re- but is likely to fall significantly in the coming
search. years. In the years through 1960 the National
We shall argue shortly that solutions to practi- Institutes of Health provided roughly comparable
cal problems continue to dominate the articu- funds, about a third of the federal total. After
lated rationale for most university research, How- 1960 NIH funding of university research in-
ever, there was a major shift in the nature of creased greatly, and the NIH presently is by far
university research towards the basic end of the the largest federal supporter of academic re-
spectrum. In contrast with the pre-World War II search, now accounting for almost half of total
era when proponents of basic research had to federal support.
fight hard against a dominant applications orien- The mission orientation of the biggest funders
tation, in the environment after World War II of academic research, and their particular fields
‘basic research’ became not only respectable, but of interest, is reflected in the distribution of re-
widely perceived as what the universities ought to search funding by field. Funded research in the
be doing. By the mid-1960s the American system engineering disciplines exceeds funded research
was clearly providing world leadership in most in the physical sciences (see Table 5). The inter-
fields of science. Statistics of Nobel Prizes tell ests and money of the DOD and kindred organi-
part of the story, but the best indicator is the flow zations thus show through very clearly. We should
of students from Europe to the United States for note, however, that research in academic engi-
their graduate training, a reversal of the situation neering now tends to be quite basic, as suggested
prior to the war. by the frequency with which the term ‘engineer-
But while American universities became the ing sciences’ has been employed in recent years.
pre-eminent centers of basic research and gradu- The interests of NIH (and to a lesser extent
ate education, the dominant rationale for most of the Department of Agriculture) can be seen in
the research funding continued to be the expecta- the fact that more than one-half of academic
tion that the research would yield practical bene- research is in the life sciences, and most of that is
fits. The National Science Foundation is indeed in the medical and agricultural science areas.
committed to the support of basic research for its While it is officially called ‘basic research,’ the
own sake, with the broad rationale that the re- research is motivated by practical problems, the
search sooner or later will yield social benefits, helplessness of doctors and hospitals in dealing
but the NSF has accounted for less than one-fifth with various kinds of cancers, or AIDS, and is

Table 3
Agency funding of academic research a

Percent of federal research funds originating within particular agencies


1971 36.7 16.2 12.8 8.2 5.7 4.4 16.0

1976 46.4 17.1 9.4 4.7 5.7 4.7 12.0
1981 44.4 15.7 12.8 3.8 6.7 5.4 11.0
1986 46.4 15.1 16.7 3.9 5.3 4.2 8.4
1991 47.2 16.1 11.6 5.8 4.7 4.0 10.7

a Source: 128, p. 3601.

336 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical advance in industry

Table 4
Expenditures for academic basic research, applied research, and development: 1960-90 a (millions of current dollars)

Year Total Basic % Applied % Devel- %

academic research research opment
R&D($1 ($1 ($I ($1
1960 646 433 67 179 28 34 5
1965 1474 1138 77 279 19 57 4
1970 2335 1796 77 427 18 112 5
1975 3409 2410 71 851 25 148 4
1980 6077 4041 67 1698 28 338 6
1985 9686 6559 68 2673 28 454 5
1990 (est.) 16000 10350 65 4845 30 805 5

a Sotlrce: [ZS. p. 3471.

aimed at providing a better understanding and The changing composition of funding sources
framework for arriving at solutions to these very is additionalIy reflected in the changing output of
real problems and priorities. university research. In view of the fact that more
This orientation is of course consistent with than half of the university research funding since
the intentions of the funders of the research, and the 1960s has come from DOD, DOE, NASA and
it is further reflected in the research funding the NIH, one would expect that this would be
mechanisms. Thus, proposals sent to the National reflected in an increase in the role played by
Institutes of Health are rated in terms both of university research in defense and space technol-
their intrinsic scientific merit and their possible ogy and in health and medicine. Indeed, the role
contribution to dealing with various health prob- of universities in these areas has been very sub-
lems. Similarly, the Departments of Defense and stantial since 1945.
Energy choose the academic projects that they In fact, a large part of university defense-re-
finance with a strong sense of their own practical, lated research funding in the postwar years buih
mission-oriented priorities. Put another way, directly upon an earlier military research pro-
while the fact that a research project is called gram that has already received brief attention:
‘basic’ indicates a certain distance from immedi-
ate particular practical applications, it should not Table 5
be interpreted to mean that the research projects Federal and non-federal R&D expenditures at universities
have been selected without an explicit concern and colleges, by field and source of funds, 1989 a
for eventual usefulness. ‘i Indeed, in the applied Field Thousands of dollars Percent
sciences and engineering disciplines research sel-
Total science & engineering 14 987 279 100.0
dom proceeds without some attention to poten-
tial practical payoffs. Total sciences 12599686 84.1
Life sciences 8079851 53.9
It should also be noted that, even when basic
Physical sciences 1643 377 11.0
research is defined this broadly, except for the Environmenta sciences 982 937 6.6
period between the mid-1960s and the mid-19’70s Social sciences 636 372 4.2
over 30% of university research has been on Computer sciences 467 729 3.1
projects that are explicitly labelled as ‘applied Psychology 237 945 1.6
Mathematical sciences 214248 1.4
research’ or even ‘development’ (see TabIe 41.
Other sciences 337 227 2.3
Here the Department of Defense and related
agencies would appear to be the principal clients. Total engineering 2387593 15.9
Electrical/electronic 600016 4.0
Mechanical 340 280 2.3
11 Civil 249552 1.7
It would be interesting to know what percentage of federal
Chemical 185087 1.2
funds in support of basic research are awarded solely on
Aero/astronautical 146548 1.0
the basis of peer review, and with no consideration of
Other 866 110 5.8
potential usefulness. We suspect that, outside of the NSF,
that percentage is very small. * Sources: [29]; and unpublished tabulations.
N. Rosenberg and R.R. NeIsm / American universities and technical advance in industry 337

the development of the electronic digital com- the advances in the field of solid state technolo-
puter. MIT, which had done important earlier gies favoured the widespread development of
work on techniques of electronic computation in commercial applications of numerical control. i3
the late 1930s (work with which Vannevar Bush In the era of microcomputers, the basic technol-
had been closely associated), played an even more ogy is being joined to improvements in robotics,
prominent role in the postwar years. MIT’s re- automated handling and transfer systems, into
search in this field had been supported by the what are called flexible manufacturing systems.
Rockefeller Foundation and then, on a substan- The link between federal research priorities
tially larger scale, as part of Project Whirlwind. and university research’s contribution to technical
Project Whirlwind, supported by the Office of advance is further strengthened by an examina-
Naval Research for the development of general- tion of the biotechnolo~ revolution. Since World
purpose computer programming capabilities, had War II, the federal government has devoted sub-
achieved some important successes. These in- stantial resources toward medical research and
cluded Jay Forrester’s invention of a magnetic the life sciences. The genetic engineering revolu-
storage system in 1949. After the Soviets deto- tion that began in the mid-1970s represents a
nated an atomic bomb in August 1949, the Air clear payoff from this investment. However, over
Force proposed that Whirlwind be incorporated 20 years passed before university researchers were
in a highly ambitious national air defense system, able to synthesize the first human genes, a syn-
called SAGE ~Semi-Automatic Ground Environ- thesis based upon the identification of the double
ment). The first portion of the SAGE system helix structure of the DNA molecule in the early
went into operation in June 19.58 (see [41, Ch. 1950s. Research at Stanford, UCSF, and Harvard
171). was critical in the development of the methods
MIT, whose postwar prominence owed a great for this pathbreaking innovation. In fact, a share
deal to DOD research support, also served as the of the revenue from the primary patent for the
location for another military-supported project genetic cloning process, the Cohen-Boyer patent,
that led to a major improvement in machining is currently received by Stanford University. The
capability. One of the most important advances in scientific research that went into the creation of
machine techniques for shaping metal originated biotechnology products, such as human insulin or
with an Air Force contract for MIT to design and human growth hormone, required close links be-
build a numerically controlled milling machine. tween university research and industrial develop-
This resulted in the emergence of numerically ment. For example, Herbert Boyer, a university
controlled machines that were capable of per- researcher, was a founding partner in Genentech,
forming highly complex machining operations of the first private biotechnology firm. Other early
a kind that were critical to the manufacture of firms, such as Cetus, were (and are) heavily re-
aircraft components, especially wings. The tech- liant on access to university research results and
nology essentially consisted of attaching a digital have developed intimate consulting relationships
computer to the machine tool. The computer was with prominent molecular biologists.
capable of being programmed to ‘instruct’ the However, numerous ‘start-up’ firms with close
machine tool to conduct a sequence of complex connections to universities have operated on the
operations with a minimum of human interven- assumption that the performance of good science
tion. was a sufficient condition for the achievement of
MIT provided the first demonstration of the financial success. Biogen, whose CEO in the early
numerical control of machine tools in 1952. While 1980s was a Harvard Nobel Prize-winning biolo-
the technology successfully met the needs of the
military sponsor, its complexity and cost ham-
pered the diffusion of numerical control for about I3 During that later period though, America’s historical emi-
two decades. l2 It was only in the early 1970s that nence in the machine tool industry declined drastically, as
Japan, Germany and other countries emerged as leading
producers. The coordination of development efforts and a
closer interaction between producers and users seem to be
I2 See David Noble [31] for a critical treatment of MIT’s role most implant among the reasons for such a shift in the
in the development of this technology. comparative advantage in the industry.
338 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical adlaance in industry

gist, is symptomatic of biotech firms that concen- became a relatively very small part of total uni-
trated on good science with little financial disci- versity research funding.
pline or attention to ‘downstream’ product devel- The rise of concerns about the competitiveness
opment. It survived after its stock fell from $23 in of American industry that marked the 1980s
1983, when it first went public, to around $5 by rekindled notions that a major explicit objective
the end of 1984, only as a result of drastic man- of American universities ought to be to service
agerial reorganization. As will be explored fur- civilian industry. The end of the Cold War and
ther below, biotechnology represents an impor- the erosion of the credibility of national security
tant industrial sector with a strong contemporary as a rationale for public support of universities
reliance on university research. Not surprisingly, has also led to a rethinking of old missions.
the links between university research and indus- Before offering our commentary, however, it is
try are closer in this industry than in many others. important to look more directly at the roles
As a result of the changes we have been de- American universities are currently playing in
scribing, research aimed at helping local civilian technical advance.
industry and agriculture, which was the hallmark
of the American university research enterprise
prior to World War II, became a much smaller 5. The contributions of university research to
part of the total picture in the postwar era. Amer- technical advance in industry
ican university research that was aimed at solving
practical problems for local economic needs In the preceding sections we have followed the
dwindled (at least relatively) because defense and American university research enterprise over the
health-related problems became the dominant past century and a half, and called attention to
foci and the rationale for university research two major structural transitions that have oc-
funding. Large parts of the earlier traditional curred. The first, which began to occur toward
enterprise were, as we have noted, very much the end of the nineteenth century, was the rise
hands-on, dirt-under-the-nails work, and the post and institutionalization of the engineering disci-
World War II notion that the proper role for plines and applied sciences as accepted areas of
academic research was to make scientific and academic teaching and research. This develop-
technical breakthroughs militated against this ment regularized and brought into the main line
kind of work. academic structure the programs of research and
Deborah Shapiey and Rustum Roy comment training for industry which earlier had been pro-
critically on this change in orientation of univer- ceeding on a more or less ad hoc basis with each
sity research and also on the low prestige of university being a special case. The second major
engineering relative to pure natural science that change occurred after World War II which saw
they saw prevalent in academia [36]. But we be- massive increases in federa funding of academic
lieve that they overstate their case. As we noted, research. One consequence was a shifting of em-
whatever its standing in terms of prestige, engi- phasis of university research from the needs of
neering is receiving more resources than physical local civilian industry to problems associated with
science. Research at medical schools receives far health and defense. Another result was a shift of
more resources than research in Arts and Sci- academic research toward the basic end of the
ences biology departments. spectrum, and the development of a strong belief,
And while the relative share of university re- at least in academia, that basic research is the
search directly aimed to help civilian industry has proper role of the university.
declined greatly from what it was before World Over the last half century there has developed
War II, many universities did remain in the role a relatively clear division of labor between aca-
of helping local industry. Engineering schools like demic and industrial research. R&D to improve
RPI and Georgia Tech continued to serve local existing products and processes became almost
industry, even if MIT and, even more so, Cal exclusively the province of industry, in fields
Tech drew away from that function. Federal and where firms had strong R&D capabilities. So too
state funding for agricultural research actually the work directly aimed at bringing into practice
increased over the postwar period, even if it and commercial use the next generation of prod-
N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson / American uniuersities and technical adL>ancein industry 339

Table 6
Percent of patents by universities by patent classes ranked by university share of total ’

Class title Rank Class Univ. Total 1990 share

pats. pats.
Genetic engineering, recombinant DNA 1 935 58 321 18.1
Chem.: natural resins; peptides or proteins 2 530 91 583 15.6
Chemistry: molecular biol. and microbial. 3 435 171 1417 12.1
Surgery 4 600 12 105 11.4
Organic compounds 5 536 66 615 10.7
Superconductor technology 6 505 25 233 10.7
Drug, bio-affecting and body treating comp’n 7 424 147 1490 9.9
Chem.: analytical and immunological testing 8 436 67 688 9.7
Prosthesis (artificial body parts) 9 623 25 399 6.3
Drug, bio-affecting and body treating comp’n 10 514 181 3003 6.0
Coherent light generators 11 372 27 531 5.1
Robots 12 901 12 251 4.8
Surgery 13 128 90 2149 4.2
Plant patents 14 PLT 13 317 4.1
Organic compounds 15 556 13 326 4.0
Compositions: ceramics 16 501 18 462 3.9
X-ray/gamma ray systems/devices 17 378 13 343 3.8
Optics: measuring & testing 18 356 36 1012 3.6
Organic compounds 19 549 26 715 3.6
Chemistry, inorganic 20 423 33 965 3.4
Chemistry: electrical & wave energy 21 204 41 1263 3.2
Electricity: measuring and testing 22 324 40 1259 3.2
Organic compounds 23 558 14 433 3.2
Surgery 24 604 38 1223 3.1
Organic compounds 25 540 16 518 3.1
Radiant energy 26 250 60 1987 3.0
Organic compounds 27 548 34 1141 3.0
Semiconductor device manufacturing 28 437 23 755 3.0
Surgery 29 606 18 621 2.9
Organic compounds 30 544 27 1037 2.6
Organic compounds 31 546 28 1128 2.5
Coating processes 32 427 43 1801 2.4
Process disinfecting, deodorizing, preserving 33 422 23 953 2.4
Organic compounds 34 564 13 546 2.4
Synthetic resins or natural rubbers 35 528 28 1230 2.3
Organic compounds 36 560 15 640 2.3
Measuring and testing 37 73 46 2056 2.2
Active solid state devices (e.g. transistors) 38 357 34 1535 2.2
Metal treatment 39 148 17 765 2.2
Liquid purification or separation 40 210 28 1499 1.9
Catalyst, solid sorbent or support 41 502 13 699 1.9
Organic compounds 42 568 12 628 1.9
Optics: systems and elements 43 350 41 2280 1.8
Food or edible materials 44 426 18 1008 1.8
Plastic/nonmetallic article shaping/treating 45 264 32 1946 1.6
Synthetic resins 46 525 22 1495 1.5
Adhesive bonding & miscellaneous them. mfgr. 47 156 28 1982 1.4
Compositions, miscellaneous 48 252 26 1844 1.4
Stock material or miscellaneous articles 49 428 40 3196 1.3
Gas separation 50 55 14 1606 0.9
Electrical transmission/interconnection 51 307 11 1288 0.9
Electrical computers and data processing 52 364 53 6474 0.8
Electric heating 53 219 10 1268 0.8
Communications, electrical 54 340 14 2026 0.7
a Data gathered by Jonathan Putnam and Richard Nelson (unpublished data).
340 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical advance in industry

ucts and processes. Industrial R&D is almost in certain special DOD projects) academic institu-
totally concentrated on this kind of work. In a tions are not motivated by or likely to be good at
few industries, some industrial firms may engage D.
in longer run research more broadly oriented Usually, moreover, most of the science em-
toward advancing understanding. But basic re- ployed in achieving the objective of a marketable
search in industry, although it accounts for more new technology is rather old science [33]. This is
than one-fifth of all US basic research, consti- not the kind of work that naturally excites aca-
tutes only 5% of industrial R&D. demics, and its successful completion generally
Basic research became increasingly viewed as does not lead to publication and tenure. More-
the task of universities. The policies of the DOD over, the understandings that are most important
and the NIH, as well as the NSF, supported this in guiding the R&D efforts are often those asso-
view of the universities’ appropriate roles. Today, ciated with detailed familiarity with prevailing
except for those fields where, in effect, university technology, and of user needs, rather than famil-
work is substituting for industrial R&D, as in iarity with the most recent research findings. Uni-
forest products, university research is ‘basic’ re- versities are not set up to do this kind of work.
search. The exceptions are where university projects or
However, by this we do not mean that such laboratories have been established to perform an
research is not guided by practical concerns. As industry service function, as in the case of the
our discussion in the preceding section showed, it University of Minnesota’s Mines Experiment Sta-
is a gross misconception to think that if research tion, and in a number of the university-affiliated
is ‘basic’ this means the work is not motivated by agricultural experiment stations, and in places
or funded because of its promise to deal with a like Georgia Tech and RPI which have set up
class of practical problems. Nor does it mean that industry-servicing engineering facilities.
university scientists and engineers are not build- As we described in the previous section, over
ing and working with prototypes of applicable the post-World War II period the Department of
industrial technology. Indeed this is a central part Defense and the National Institutes of Health
of academic research in many engineering fields. energetically built up the academic research en-
Academic medical scientists are centrally in- terprise in fields of particular interest to them.
volved in exploring the efficacy of new treat- Academics in these fields have developed many
ments. However, cases like the taconite project of prototypes of new technology which were subse-
the interwar period, and SAGE, where university quently developed in industry, and on some occa-
work brought new industrial processes and prod- sions have been involved in development work as
ucts fully to practice, are rare and so too are well. This shows up in the patent statistics, where
cases where academic medical scientists carry academics account for a significant share in sev-
their work close to the point of operational prac- eral areas of medical science and electronics (see
tice. Table 6).
What university research most often does to- Patents of course provide only a partial and
day is to stimulate and enhance the power of necessarily biased picture of the contributions of
R&D done in industry, as contrasted with pro- university research. Many of the kinds of contri-
viding a substitute for it. By far the largest share butions discussed earlier do not generally result
of the work involved in creating and bringing to in patents.
practice new industrial technology is carried out A survey of industrial R&D managers, under-
in industry, not in universities. taken in the mid-1980s by one of the authors of
One good way of seeing what it is that univer- this article and several of his colleagues at Yale,
sities do not do is to recognize that in most provides a wealth of data that make it possible to
technologies the bulk of the effort that goes into see more clearly into how university research
R&D is D, not R. If we consider total R&D contributes to the advance of industrial technol-
spending for the American economy, D has con- ogy, and into the industrial fields where this role
stituted approximately two-thirds of that total for is most important. The respondents to the ques-
many years. Except when special institutions or tionnaire were asked to rate the importance of
projects are established (as in the Ag schools, and research done at universities to technical advance
N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson / American universities and technical advance in industry 341

Table 7 number of the industries are related to agricul-

Industries rating university research as ‘important’ or ‘very ture or forestry. This clearly reflects the long
important’ a
standing ‘service’ research role of universities for
Fluid milk the industries that provide key inputs for agricul-
Dairy products except milk ture or which process agriculture or forest prod-
Canned specialties
ucts. While in the postwar era such service R&D
Logging and sawmills
Semiconductors and related devices has been dwarfed by university research funded
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills by agencies like the DOD and NIH, it is apparent
Farm machinery and equipment that for the agriculture-related industries, univer-
Grain mill products sity research efforts aimed to help them continue
Pesticides and agricultural chemicals
to be critical. This shows up, among other places,
Processed fruits and vegetables
Engineering and scientific instruments in the significant university role in such fields as
Millwork, veneer and plywood plant patents.
Synthetic rubber The presence of drugs was to be expected, in
Drugs view of the prominence of NIH funding of uni-
Animal feed
versity research. The major electronics industries
a Source: Previously unpublished data from the Yale Survey are also on the list, as well as the scientific and
on Appropriability and Technological Opportunity. For a
measurement instrument industries. In these
description of the survey, see [21].
broad areas the university contributions appar-
ently are often patentable.
in their lines of business. Table 7 lists the indus- What fields of university science are important
tries (for which there were three or more re- to these industries? Table 8 shows the number of
sponses) that rated the contributions of university industries giving various fields of university re-
research as very important or important. search a high relevance score.
There are several particularly interesting fea- It is striking what a large fraction of the fields
tures displayed by this table. First, a striking of university research rated as important by a

Table 8
The relevance of university science to industrial technology a

Science No. of industries with Selected industries in which the relevance

scores of university science was large

25 26
Biology 12 3 Animal feed, drugs, processed
Chemistry 19 3 Animal feed, meat products, drugs
Geology 0 0 None
Mathematics 5 1 Optical instruments
Physics 4 2 Optical instruments, electron tubes
Agricultural science 17 7 Pesticides, animal feed, fertilizers, food
Applied math/operations
research 16 2 Meat products, logging/sawmills
Computer science 34 10 Opt. instrmts., logging/sawmills, paper
Materials science 29 8 Synthetic rubber, nonferrous metals
Medical science 7 3 Surgical/medical instruments, drugs,
Metallurgy 21 6 Nonferrous metals, fab. metal products
Chemical engineering 19 6 Canned foods, fertilizers, malt beverages
Electrical engineering 22 2 Semiconductors, scientific instruments
Mechanical engineering 28 9 Hand tools, specialized industrial

a Source: Previously unpublished data from the Yale Survey on Appropriability and Technological Opportunity. For a description
of the survey, see [21].
342 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical advance in industry

number of industries are applied sciences or engi- advances in physics and mathematics are picked
neering disciplines. Very few of the more basic up and used in fields like chemistry, electrical
sciences are much mentioned. An exception is engineering and material science, and through
chemistry. However, those knowledgeable about these applied fields they ultimately work their
academic chemistry know that a significant frac- way into influencing industrial technology.
tion of such work is done in appreciation of Some evidence for this interpretation is pro-
practical industrial problems. In some cases, as in vided in Table 9. The responses reported in the
the research on catalysis, such work may win a Table are not to questions about the importance
Nobel Prize, as well as contributing importantly of academic research in a field, but rather simply
to the ability of chemical companies to produce about the importance of the field itself. Note that
products more effectively. That is to say, among many more respondents tended to give physics
the basic sciences on which there is extensive and mathematics a high importance rating as a
university research, chemistry appears to be clos- field of science than gave university research in
est to certain on-going needs of the industrial those fields a high importance rating. In our view
community. this is a crucial distinction which reflects two
The fact that university research in fields such things. First, the fundamental science learned by
as physics and mathematics shows up so little in industrial scientists and engineers when they at-
Table 8 should not be interpreted as indicating tended university plays a very important role in
that academic research in these fields makes little their problem-solving in industrial R&D, even
contribution to technical advance. Rather, Table though recent publications in those fields may
8 should be interpreted as attesting that it takes a find little direct use in those endeavors. Second,
long time before fundamental advances in physics, the respondents understood very well that, while
mathematics, and kindred fundamental sciences, the academic research findings that were of di-
have an impact on industrial technology. In our rect use to them were in fields like electrical
view, that impact also tends to be indirect. Thus, engineering and medical science, those disci-

Table 9
The relevance of science to industrial technology a

Science No. of industries with Selected industries in which the relevance

scores of science was large

25 t6
Biology 14 8 Drugs, pesticides, meat prods., animal
Chemistry 74 43 Pesticides, fertilizers, glass, plastics
Geology 4 3 Fertilizers, pottery, nonferrous metals
Mathematics 30 9 Optical instruments, machine tools, motor
Physics 44 18 Semiconductors, computers, guided
Agricultural science 16 9 Pesticides, animal feed, fertilizers, food
Applied math/operations 32 6 Guided missiles, aluminum smelting,
research motor vehicles
Computer science 79 35 Guided missiles, semiconductors, motor
Materials science 99 46 Primary metals, ball bearings, aircraft
Medical science 8 5 Asbestos, drugs, surgical/medical
Metallurgy 60 35 Primary metals, aircraft engines, ball

a Source: Previously unpublished data from the Yale Survey on Appropriability and Technological Opportunity. For a description
of the survey, see [21].
N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical adoance in industry 343

plines were, in turn, drawing from, and enriched the electronics companies tended to make a dis-
by, the more basic sciences such as physics and tinction between what they called ‘breakthrough
molecular biology. inventions’ and normal incremental inventions.
It is useful and valuable to compare the find- They took the position that, in the field of elec-
ings discussed above, drawn from the Yale ques- tronics, academic research is often the source of
tionnaire, with those of two other recent studies radically new designs and concepts. However, they
that have probed the connection between univer- argued that the bulk of the total inventive effort
sity research and technical advance in industry. in their field, and the bulk of the practical pay-
One of these was a series of interviews conducted offs, came from incremental advances, and that
by the Government-University-Industry-Research this was almost exclusively the domain of indus-
Roundtable, in which the present authors partici- trial research, design, problem-solving and devel-
pated. The other is a study by Edwin Mansfield. opment.
The GUIR Roundtable study was carried out Respondents discussing drugs other than those
through discussions with 17 senior industrial re- emanating from biotechnology stated that univer-
search managers, mostly from large successful sity research was almost never the direct source
industrial companies [141. A few of the companies of a new drug; in virtually all cases the key work
were heavily involved in biotechnology. There was in industry. However, they also noted that, in
was reasonable representation from the pharma- a number of cases, academic research had illumi-
ceutical and electronics industries. A number of nated the kinds of biochemical reactions the
the respondents were from companies that de- pharmaceutical companies should look for in their
signed and put together large ‘systems,’ and some search for new drugs, or permitted the companies
were from companies that produced commodities to make a more effective assessment of the possi-
like metals or household products. ble uses for drugs that they were testing. Respon-
Once one sorts through the interviews, dents from the pharmaceutical and several other
biotechnology stands out almost uniquely as an industries observed that a major function of aca-
area where corporate managers look to university demic research was to improve understanding of
research as a source of ‘inventions.’ Here the technologies, particularly new technologies, so
respondents stated that this was largely because that industry could more effectively go about
the technology was very new, and that they be- improving them.
lieved that, as the industry matured, the direct It should be noted that only one of the execu-
role played by university research in inventing tives interviewed was from a company with prod-
would diminish. We would add that the technol- ucts based in agriculture or forestry; and that
ogy itself was born in a university setting, which person did stress the important role of university
actually is quite unusual. The respondents from research to his company. The kind of local com-

Table 10
Percentage of new products and processes based on recent academic research, seven industries, United States, 1975-1985

Percentage that could not have Percentage that was developed

been developed (without with very substantial aid from
substantial delay) in the recent academic research
absence of recent academic
Industry products processes products processes
Information processing 11 11 17 16
Electronics 6 3 3 4
Chemical 4 2 4 4
Instruments 16 2 5 1
Pharmaceuticals 27 22 17 8
Metals 13 12 9 9
Petroleum 1 1 1
Average 11 9 8 6

Source: 1241.
344 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical advance in industry

parry that state universities and regional engineer- striking finding was that three of the industries in
ing schools traditionally have served was not rep- his set, electrical equipment, chemical products,
resented at all. and oil products, report that only a small percent-
Mansfield’s recent study provides still another age of their new products (6% or under) were
window into the role of university research in significantly dependent upon recent academic re-
technical advances in industry [24]. Mansfield search. This is not to say that technical advance
asked respondents in 76 large American firms the in these fields is not science based. Rather, the
percentage of new products and processes intro- implication is that the science used is not particu-
duced and commercialized by that firm over the larly new, or is not the stuff that academics are
period 1975-1985 that could not have been de- now doing.
veloped without substantial delay in the absence Let us summarize. Several recent studies pro-
of recent academic research. Then he asked about vide a broad picture of the role academic re-
the percentage whose development was substan- search is presently playing in technical advance in
tially aided by recent academic research. His find- industry. While the coverage and methodology
ings are summarized in Table 10. are different, by and large the studies provide a
Executives in the pharmaceutical industry re- coherent picture.
ported strong dependence on academic research. The old service role to local industry, and in
They stated that over one-quarter of the new particular industry tied to agriculture and forest
drugs commercialized by the companies could not products, clearly is much smaller as a part of the
have been developed, or only with substantial total than was the case before the war, and these
delay, absent academic research. Close to an- industries themselves have dwindled in impor-
other 20% were acknowledged to have had their tance. But the evidence shows a continuing de-
development substantially aided by academic re- pendency of these industries on research done at
search. The discussions reported above with the universities.
pharmaceutical executives interviewed by the The massive funding by DOD and kindred
GUIR project almost surely accurately character- agencies shows up clearly in various measures of
izes the nature of the dependence. Academic the contributions of university research to techni-
researchers are seldom directly involved in the cal advance in electronics. Similarly the funding
development of new drugs. Rather, they are pri- of the NIH in health-related fields. However, in
marily creating knowledge that enables drug com- these fields the university contribution is largely
panies to search for and develop new drugs more R, with industry doing almost all of the D.
expeditiously. And there are a large number of industries
After pharmaceuticals, the reported fraction that seem to be relatively untouched by university
of new products that were heavily dependent research. These include such basic industries as
upon academic research for their introduction steel, autos, and textiles.
drops off dramatically. The executives from the
companies producing information processing
equipment, and from those producing instru- 6. Conclusions
ments, report a 10% to 15% figure. In the infor-
mation processing field, in all likelihood, a good We began this essay by remarking on the sig-
share of university contributions are in the form nificant increase in the fraction of academic re-
of the prototype ‘radical breakthroughs’ dis- search funded by industry over the past two
cussed by the GUIR respondents. For instrumen- decades, and the rapid growth in the number and
tation, the likely mechanism was that university size of university-industry research centers. Many
scientists created new or improved old instrumen- in universities clearly see all this as just the begin-
tation for their own research uses. The respon- ning, and anticipate a significant further increase
dents from the metals industry also report that of industry funding of academic research. Many
over 10% of the new products and processes of those concerned with government policies to-
could not have been developed in the absence of wards universities also foresee this development,
recent academic research. anticipating that in the coming years industry
While Mansfield did not stress the matter, a funding will reduce the need of government funds
N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical advance in industry 345

to support the academic research enterprise. But about what university research, if suitably reori-
while at first this sounds like a harmony of consis- ented, can contribute directly to industrial inno-
tent anticipations and expectations, there are vation, are quite unrealistic, and so also beliefs
strong reasons for skepticism. about how much funding of academic research
In the first place, many of the academics hop- private industry is likely to shoulder. At the same
ing for a significant further increase in industrial time we disagree with those academics and others
funding also hope for this to occur without much who argue for a simple continuation of the status
change in what academics actualiy do or in how quo. We do think that the times call for a major
their research is oriented. Many academics clearly rethinking about what Americans ought to expect
have a firm belief in what has been called the of their university research system and in particu-
‘linear model’ of technological advance, seeing lar about how university research ought to relate
unfettered research by academics as providing to industry. We believe the issue of competitive-
the basis for technological innovations in indus- ness is a serious one. We also believe that Ameri-
try, with the process not calling for strong indus- can universities can help restore competitiveness
try influence over what the academics actually do. in those technologies that their research illumi-
The new government programs buy into some of nates. However, it is important to sort out when
this, but increasingly are insisting upon significant universities are capable of helping and where,
industry involvement in the processes by which while there may be problems, university research
research funds get allocated, and therefore influ- does not seem to be an appropriate answer.
ence over the composition and nature of aca- While much of the attention recently has been
demic research, as well as strong links to assure on the weakness of American industry in product
‘technology transfer.’ and process development, we think it a mistake
While many academics believe, as noted above, to see universities as a Iikely source of solution
that business as usual should be the order of the here. Less attention has been given to the erosion
day, other academics clearly welcome the notion of industrial research, as contrasted with design
that there should be close ties to industry, along and development, in a number of industries where
with more industry funding. They are quite eager industrial research traditionally has been very
to reorient their work to make it more commer- strong, particularly in electronics. Here university
cially relevant and rewarding. Indeed among some research can be of more help [34].
there seems to be a belief that, if they put their Actually, as we have noted, the present danger
minds to it, with financial support from industry, is that the university contribution may dechne.
academic researchers can provide indust~ with a The end of the Cold War has eroded the ratio-
cornucopia of new product and process proto- nale that has served over the past 40 years to
types and restore the lost competitiveness of provide the justification for government support
American industry. of university research in a number of fields of
The industry views drawn forth by the vital importance to American industry. The first
Roundtable interviews suggest, on the other hand, order of business, in our view, is to assure that
considerable industry skepticism over the ability government support of university research in the
of academics to contribute directly to industrial engineering disciplines and applied sciences, such
innovation, which probably reflects a drawing as materials and computer science, not be or-
back from more hopeful and less realistic beliefs phaned by sharp cutbacks in military R&D that
held earlier in the 1980s. To a considerable ex- are almost certain to occur over the coming years.
tent the industry views expressed to the One element that is essential is to articulate
Roundtable were that the academics should stick clearly that a major purpose of government fund-
with the basic research they are doing, and heed ing of university research in these fields is to
their training functions, and stop thinking of assist American industry.
themselves as the source of technology. These But we also beheve that more is needed than a
views also suggest that it is highly unlikely that mere change in rhetoric. We need to establish
industry funding of academic research is going to university research support programs that have
increase much in the coming years. that objective expressly, and that also have ahoca-
We believe that expectations held by some tion machinery that can achieve a sensible alloca-
346 N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and technical adcance in industrv

tion of funds, given that objective. This would deal. Corporate research laboratories such as Bell
require advisory committees knowledgeable about Labs, IBM Yorktown, DuPont Central Lab, and
industry needs, and decision criteria and proposal others have performed at or sometimes even
evaluation systems that are sensitive to those above the level of top universities. But the re-
needs. turns from such research are hard to make pro-
And probably more than that. As the experi- prietary and reserved for the funder. As we have
ence over the past quarter century with industrial noted, many companies have been cutting back
research clearly indicates, if such research is to on their research. While corporate research may
be fruitful there must be close communication recover from its recent slump, in many fields
and interaction between those who do research, universities will remain the dominant site of such
and those who are responsible for product and research.
process design and development. If university re- Sustained strong public support of university
search is to pick up more of the role that indus- research in fields such as electrical engineering,
trial research has been serving, this would seem computer science, and materials science, will con-
to mean that there needs to be close links be- tinue to benefit mostly the ‘high tech’ industries,
tween university researchers doing the research, whether the funding be civilian or military. Al-
and their scientific and technical colleagues in though the shifting of objectives certainly should
industry. These exist in important areas of de- be associated with changed mechanisms for set-
fense technology, and in technologies relating to ting priorities, and a changed pattern of univer-
agriculture and health. The new university-in- sity-industry interactions in these fields, it does
dustry research centers extend the range of such not seem to us that the change would involve
connections. If university research is to play a breaking new institutional ground.
more helpful role in industrial innovation, the Based on the surveys and interviews reported
connections need to be further extended and in section 5 it is evident, however, that university
strengthened. research in the engineering and applied sciences
Does this mean, as some people seem to ar- is strongly servicing only a limited range of indus-
gue, that universities should get much more into tries, specifically, those connected with electron-
the business of helping industry develop particu- ics, chemical products, health and agriculture.
lar new products and processes? As a general This ought not to come as a great surprise. By
rule, we don’t think so. There are several reasons. and large these are the fields where government
First, as we have stressed, the development agencies have been supporting the underlying
over the past century of the applied sciences and sciences for a long time. A policy of consciously
engineering disciplines has, in many fields of broadening the range of industries under which
technology at least, led to the establishment of a there is university research is quite reasonable to
fruitful division of labor between universities and contemplate. However, if that is to be a policy, it
industry. Universities have taken the responsibil- must be policy that looks to practical returns in
ity for training young professionals, most of whom the long run, not the short. It must, in brief, be a
will go on to work in industry. And they have patient policy.
performed much of the research that has led to Except under special circumstances, we think
theories, concepts, methods and data that are it ill-advised to try to get university researchers to
useful to industry in the development of new work on specific practical problems of industry,
products and processes. In some fields this has or on particular product or process development
involved developing and experimenting with pilot efforts. In general, university researchers are
versions of radically new products and processes, poorly equipped for judging what is likely to be
as well as research into fundamental scientific an acceptable solution to a problem and what is
questions relating to what is going on inside some not. University researchers are almost always in-
particular industrial technology. But by and large sufficiently versed in the particulars of specific
it has not involved putting academics in the posi- product markets to make good decisions about
tion of having to make commercial judgments. appropriate tradeoffs. Equally important, such
Industry has also undertaken some quite fun- work provides few results that are respected or
damental research, and in some fields a good rewarded in academic circles, unlike research that
N. Rosenberg and R.R. Nelson /American universities and techtlical adcance in industry 347

pushes forward conceptual knowledge in an ap- In any case, we do not think that the emphasis
plied science or engineering discipline. of university research ought to be here, or that a
What of the practical problem-solving that revamped policy of federal support of university
marked earlier days of American university re- research which places the emphasis on contribu-
search, the research on boilers or the processing tions to industrial technical advance ought to be
of ores, that used to be quite common on univer- oriented to this kind of work. It is in research, not
sity campuses? That kind of work is still there, commercial design and development, that univer-
often associated with education programs for en- sities excel. WhiIe many of the problems of
gineers who will go out into local industry, or in American industry may reside in product and
business ‘incubator’ programs at places such as process development and improvement, this is
Georgia Tech. It is there in larger scale and more the kind of work they have to do largely them-
systematic form in institutions affiliated with uni- selves, or in specialized indust~-linked institu-
versities, but not an integral part of them, where tions, which may or may not be associated with
research is undertaken to serve the needs of universities.
particular national industries (e.g., Carnegie- A shift in emphasis of university research to-
Mellon’s Center for Iron and Steelmaking Re- ward more extensive connections with the needs
search, or the Forest Products Laboratory at the of civilian industry can benefit industry and the
University of Wisconsin). universities if it is done in the right way. That
By and large, these programs have grown up in way, in our view, is to respect the division of
fields where industrial research is not strong. labor between universities and industry that has
They are a substitute for industrial R&D, or grown up with the development of the engineer-
represent a locus for it outside of industry itself. ing disciplines and applied sciences, rather than
The industries in question tend to be, although one that attempts to draw universities deeply into
not always, made up of small firms without R&D a world in which decisions need to be made with
facilities, and often the technologies in question respect to commercial criteria. There is no reason
lack a sound underlying scientific base. As our to believe that universities will function well in
earlier discussion indicated, university involve- such an environment, and good reason to believe
ment in this kind of research often has its histori- that such an environment wit1 do damage to the
cal origins, and much of its current basis, in legitimate functions of universities. On the other
training programs. Larger scale research organi- hand, binding university research closer to indus-
zations, such as the agricultural experiment sta- try, while respecting the condition that research
tions affiliated with many universities, tend not to be ‘basic’ in the sense of aiming for understand-
be central integral parts of the university, but ing rather than short-run practical payoff, can be
partially detached. Often many of the researchers to the enduring benefit of both.
are not university faculty members, although some
may teach courses. Their interactions with their
industrial clients, on the other hand, may be very References
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