My Vision For India's G 20 Presidency.

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India has a very glorious past. It is the oldest civilisation in the world.

It is a land of
birth of great saints, thinkers, philosophers and writers. they all gave the message of
peace and brotherhood. Then came the age of darkness and slavery. But we again
got independence on august 15,1947 . even inspite of freedom, there is no glow of
joy on our faces. Poverty, starvation and unemployment are visible everywhere. Our
vision of India – a great nation without exploitation in equalities , poverty,
unemployment and social evils. No society can be called just unless it secures for
each of its member the uncurtailed proceeds of his labour. In 1999 india achieved a
distinction of joining g 20 forum to discuss global economic and financial issues.
Earlier it was announced as premier forum for international economic cooperation,
but now it has expanded its agenda to inter-alia including trade, sustainable
development ,health, agriculture ,energy, environment, climate change and anti -
corruption. As our country has be crowned with g20 presidency this year, it is the
right time for retrospection of our performance and for chalking out an agenda for the
coming century. India will hold the G20 Presidency from 1 December 2022 to 30
November 2023 and host the 18th G20 Summit on9-10 September 2023. This
Presidency is a key opportunity for India to showcase its leadership and to make
efforts to strengthen multilateral cooperation at a time when the world is increasingly
witnessing challenges like debt crisis, looming recession, slowing down of the
agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, conflict in Europe and intensifying great
power competition. India too is crippled with unlimited problems and this presidency
will sort all the problems in my opinion.

The profit of agriculture belongs to the labour for it is his work that create surplus
value. Society where slavery of this form exist must change this requires the
evolution of private enterprise this will greatly change the workers candid of living
who has been subjected to an in human mood of existence. The rural society is in
disarray. All the feudalism is dead feudal lord still dominate the rural seen most of the
villagers are landless labourers. Agriculture is the only means of Survival for the
majority of villagers The landlords who won more land than they need are in a
minority the minority flourishes on the labour of the majority this is an unjust social
order to change the social order the right to property must be abolished. As long as
private property exist in equality will continue the state should be the sole owner of
land cooperative should be given land for telling and profit should be shared by all
the working members of the corporates a sum should be given to the state for
spending on development works decentralized economic order should emerge
where labour should be the only criteria for earning the decentralization of economic
power should be a complete by decentralization of political power consultation of
power in the hands of a few leads to dictatorship industrial and agriculture
cooperative should be made as much autonomous as possible political organisation
should exist from the grassroot level every small different stages of elimination . The
majority of Indians are poor. The affluents are in minority. When the trivial minority
meets at weekend function it presented test table sight of hypocrisy. Reality is to tell
a must in every Indian Elite gathering. These people may desperate bits to emulate
be a western count of parts. With extinction if this money is allowed to thrite. We and
We said a society without the elite, who present a distorted picture of the Indian
society. When who man who cannot identify one cell with the real India has no right
to be called an Indian. Society of equal which preserve the Indian culture is the kind
of order that we demand. every naturalist wants to see his country as a land of
surplus. In order to achieve this program should be implemented including the
Caesar of all private wealth. The right by birth is no right at all, once labour is the
only definite measure of one's greatness. The owner of property creates in equality
and as long as in equality. India about in natural resources not scarcity of resources
but faulty methods of utilising the. India has tremendous water wealth. Then half of
the country is revised by floods affected by drought. Conditions can be changed if
me the irrigation projects undertaken I dream of an India with sufficient water for
irrigation for every hector of land. This is not a difficult proposition and system can
solve the problem. Electricity programs can power sorted force stop whenever I draw
a mental picture of India I always Indian heart. unemployment must be solved. 40
education is the main reason for unemployment. Education make hundreds of
misfits. We should adopted job oriented policy which gives proper weight is to
practical training. And education system which does not create an employed is the
dream of every Indian. IT distribution of wealth will also create many more jobs
especially in the villages. Will you under and under systems for the monoid class. At
least half of the country is bad from a building to courts due to lack of resources. We
have people talk of an independent you dictionary. Does the simply granting rights to
half the country to exploit the other half? Even today has no need to go to courts he
cannot engaged lawyer and pay exorbitant code fees because problem are built with
honestly full stops will end the Indian industry is in the hand of few excellent families.
The continue to increase their wealth. Industries should be under the complete
control of the state which function for the welfare of the masses which I vision of
India reality. The test of our progress is not weather we add more to the abundance
of those who have much it is weather we provide in a for those who have two little. In
the coming millennium our am should be of Sarvodaya that is development of all.
This can be achieved by making our politics participatory, are Grass root democracy
strong, business decentralized administration efficient and proactive economic
development sustainable the society just an empowered, culture liberal and forward
looking. We have to keep struggling the spite obstacles until we realise a more
beautiful, better developed prosperous and Happy India of the 21st century. India as I
dream commercial show the way to the world full stop India will again become a
heaven on earth but this will be possible only if we solve our economic and social
problem especially through d 20 presidency. There will be no place for social
crimination. There will be no untouchability. Every person will enjoy equality in the
social sphere. Cascism communalism and regionalism will vanish. India as a national
will be the first consideration. Nationalism will be the breath of our life. India shell
become self sufficient in every field India will become a greenery of the word it will
again be a land of honey and milk every person will be provided with food shelter
and clothing. India of my dreams will be industrially more advance. It will achieve
more progress in the field of science and technology. Agriculture will be fully
mechanised. The word will listen to the voice of India. This position will be achieved
to the language of truth and reason and the message of brotherhood. India of my
dreams and India of my visions through its G20 presidency will be an ideal place to
live in. India is well placed to drill deeper on matters relating to vaccine production
and distribution, and be an advocate for bridging inequalities in access and
availability of vaccines. India’s International Solar Alliance (ISA) initiativealong with
France at the Paris COP 21, its steep POL taxes, and by virtue of its status as a
major developing country, the Indian Chair is well positioned to turn a traditionally
defensive developing country agenda into an offensive one by bringing the North and
South closer on the issue of Climate Change and going beyond the grand bargains
of the Copenhagen and Paris Accords. India, under Prime Minister Modi, played a
major role at Paris in giving a huge fillip to renewable energy by establishing the
International Solar Alliance in collaboration with France. Innovations will determine
future growth, but they will also create new growth drivers. Innovation is critical for
propelling India’s economic development, which has not hit the 7% level in recent
years. The g 20 presidency of india cannot make denial from the fact quoted by apj
ARE TODAY.” And this quote give us a clear verdict that india through its presidency
will surely earn laurels worldwide.

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