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Student name: Inquiry question:

Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E

Extensive Thorough Sound Basic Limited
10 - 9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0

Knowledge and Student demonstrates an extensive knowledge and Student demonstrates thorough knowledge and Student demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding Student demonstrates basic knowledge and Student demonstrates limited knowledge
Understanding understanding of scientific concepts, including understanding of scientific concepts, including complex of scientific concepts understanding of scientific concepts and understanding of scientific concepts
complex and abstract ideas and abstract ideas

Presentation extensively addresses and Presentation thoroughly addresses and contains Presentation soundly addresses and contains MOST Presentation provided is basic and contains Presentation provided is limited and
contains ALL of the components in the ‘task MAJORITY of the components in the ‘task of the components in the ‘task description’. SEVERAL of the components in the ‘task contains FEW of the components in
description’. description’. description’. the ‘task description’.
Soundly addresses the inquiry question:
○ Identifies the location and ecosystem ○ Identifies the location and ecosystem ○ Identifies the location and ecosystem Basic attempt made to address aspects of the
○ Describes the abiotic and biotic factors of the inquiry question:
ecosystem ○ Describes the abiotic and biotic factors of the ○ Identifies the abiotic and biotic factors of the ○ Identifies the location and ecosystem
○ Uses examples to describe the ecosystem ecosystem ○ Identifies some abiotic and biotic factors of
interrelationships that exist within the ○ Uses examples to describe the ○ Describes the interrelationships that exist within the ecosystem
ecosystem interrelationships that exist within the ecosystem the ecosystem, limited examples provided ○ Identifies some interrelationships that exist
o Describes the interests of different o Describes the interests of a stakeholder within o Identifies the interests of a stakeholder within the within the ecosystem, no examples provided
stakeholders within the ecosystem the ecosystem ecosystem o Briefly identifies the interests of a
o Describes an endangered species found in o Describes an endangered species found in the o Identifies an endangered species found in the stakeholder within the ecosystem
the ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem o Identifies an endangered species found in the
o Describes research that has occurred to o Describes research that has occurred to o Identifies research that has occurred to examine ecosystem
examine the impact of human activity on the examine the impact of human activity on the the impact of human activity on the ecosystem o Briefly identifies research that has occurred
ecosystem (include sampling techniques used ecosystem (Does not include: sampling (Does not include: sampling techniques used to to examine the impact of human activity on the
to measure distribution and abundance of the techniques used to measure distribution and measure distribution and abundance of the ecosystem (Does not include: sampling
endangered species) abundance of the endangered species) endangered species) techniques used to measure distribution and
o Explains the role of active management o Explains the role of active management o Describes the role of active management abundance of the endangered species)
strategies in conservation of the named strategies in conservation in general terms strategies in conservation in general terms o Identifies the role of active management
endangered species from the ecosystem strategies in conservation in general terms

When questioned demonstrates extensive When questioned demonstrates thorough When questioned demonstrates sound When questioned demonstrates a basic When questioned uncertain of, or no
knowledge and ability to elaborate with ease knowledge and ability to elaborate with ease in most understanding of the topic presented understanding, providing vague answers. answers provided.

Questioning and Student designs solutions to scientific problems, Student designs solutions to scientific problems, Student identifies scientific problems, questions, or Student responds to scientific problems, questions, or Student provides simple descriptions of
predicting questions, or hypotheses using selected accurate, questions, or hypotheses using selected accurate, reliable hypotheses and applies processes, and formats to primary hypotheses (2 Marks) scientific phenomena (1 Mark)
BIO11-1 reliable, valid and relevant primary and secondary data, and valid primary and secondary data, and scientific or secondary data (3 Marks)
and scientific evidence, by applying process, modelling evidence, by applying process, and formats (4 Marks)
and formats (5 Marks)

Mark out of 5 Designs an inquiry question that: Designs an inquiry question that: Designs an inquiry question that: Basic inquiry question developed but lacks depth Relevant title with no specific inquiry
● is highly relevant and written in a concise ● is relevant and written in a verbose and ● is informed by secondary sources to be investigated scientifically. question provided.
and unambiguous manner unambiguous manner ● can be investigated scientifically.
● strongly informed by relevant secondary ● informed by relevant secondary sources
sources ● can be investigated scientifically to develop an
● can be investigated using scientific argument.
knowledge to develop a persuasive
● focused on scientific research linked to
future management of the ecosystem.

Processing and selects, processes, and interprets accurate, reliable, selects, processes, and interprets accurate, reliable, valid, processes and interprets primary and secondary data, and processes primary or secondary data, and represents it partially outlines investigations to obtain
analysing data and valid, and relevant qualitative and quantitative, primary and relevant qualitative and quantitative, primary or represents it using a range of scientific formats using scientific formats data and information
or secondary data, and represents it using a range of secondary data, and represents it using a range of
Information scientific formats to derive trends, show patterns and scientific formats to derive trends, show patterns and
BIO11-4,BIO11-5 relationships, explain phenomena, and make relationships

Images, diagrams, & discussion Images, diagrams, & discussion Images, diagrams, & discussion Images, diagrams, & discussion Images, diagrams, & discussion

In all cases: In most cases: In some cases: Attempts made to: Limited attempts to:
● selects reliable, valid, and relevant ● selects reliable, valid, and relevant qualitative ● selects qualitative and quantitative data and ● selects qualitative and quantitative data and ● select qualitative and
qualitative and quantitative data and and quantitative data and information and information and represent them using a range of information and represent them using a range quantitative data and information
information and represents them using a represent them using a range of formats formats of formats and represent them using a
range of formats (graphs/tables) (graphs/tables) range of formats
● analyses trends, patterns and relationships ● analyses trends, patterns or relationships in ● describes trends, patterns or relationships in data ● identifies trends, patterns or relationships in ● no attempt made to address
in data and information. data and information. and information. data and information. trends, patterns or relationships
in data and information.
Evaluates data and information: Attempts to evaluate data and information:
o Evaluates the arguments proposed by o Attempts made to evaluate the arguments Describes data and information: Recalls basic scientific knowledge and Elementary links to inquiry question
different stakeholders on the chosen proposed by different stakeholders on the o Describes the arguments proposed by different information: with some relevant information.
ecosystem chosen ecosystem stakeholders on the chosen ecosystem o Identifies the arguments proposed by different
o Evaluates the effect one species can have on o Attempts made to evaluate the effect one o Describes the effect one species can have on the stakeholders on the chosen ecosystem
the other species in a community species can have on the other species in a other species in a communit o Identifies the effect one species can have on
o Evaluates how human activity can impact an community o Describes how human activity can impact an the other species in a community
ecosystem o Attempts made to evaluate how human activity ecosystem o Identifies how human activity can impact an
● Provides +ve and –ve can impact an ecosystem ● May provide +ve and/or –ve ecosystem
● Provides POV ● May provide +ve and/or –ve ● no POV ● May provide +ve and/or –ve
● no POV ● no POV

Provides a highly persuasive argument for Provides an argument for proposed future focus of Provides information relevant to future focus of No explicit link between data and information No attempts made.
proposed future focus of scientific research scientific research related to the inquiry question scientific research related to the inquiry question with provided and inquiry question with limited
related to the inquiry question with diagrams and with diagrams and images acknowledged in the text. limited diagrams and images acknowledged in the diagrams and images acknowledged in the text.
images acknowledged in the text. text.

Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion

Conclusion There is a conclusion that provides a meaningful There is a conclusion that provides an answer to the There is a conclusion that links to the inquiry There is a conclusion attempted.
An insightful conclusion that provides a answer to the inquiry question, distilling key inquiry question, making sound reference to question.
meaningful answer to the inquiry question, information from prior sections. information from prior sections.
distilling key information from prior sections.

Communicating communicates scientific understanding communicates scientific understanding, communicates scientific understanding effectively communicates scientific understanding using communicates scientific
BIO11-7 succinctly, logically, and consistently using logically, and effectively using correct scientific using scientific terms and application of basic scientific terms and application of understanding using limited
Note: Referencing can correct and precise scientific terms and terms and application of nomenclature in a nomenclature nomenclature scientific terms
be assessed for application of nomenclature in a variety of variety of formats and wide range of contexts
BIO11-3 formats and wide range of contexts

Mode (/5) Uses outstanding themed visual aids that Visual aids support the content message and Visual aids support the content message and engage Visual aids lack detail with little thought as to No attempt using visual aids, or
the medium of enhance the content message and engage the engage the audience: the audience: design and content visual aids are not relevant.
communication audience: In most cases: At times: Lacks:
spoken or written and ● Themed and consistent content ● Themed and consistent content ● Themed and consistent content ● Themed and consistent content.
use of ICT. ● Appropriately large and consistent font ● Appropriately large and consistent font ● Appropriately large and consistent font ● Relevant images.
● Images are highly relevant, vivid, clear and ● Images are relevant, vivid, clear and appropriate ● Images are relevant, however do not enhance the ● use of scientific vocabulary
appropriate to the audience and occasion to the audience and occasion content message
● Extensive use of scientific vocabulary ● Thorough use of scientific vocabulary ● Sound use of scientific vocabulary

Extensive reference list with all sources: Thorough reference list with most sources: Sound reference list with some sources: Basic reference list provided in acceptable Limited reference list provided with
● valid and relevant ● valid and relevant ● valid and relevant referencing style with some sources: in-text citation not attempted.
● acknowledged using Harvard referencing ● acknowledged using Harvard referencing with ● acknowledged using Harvard referencing with ● valid and relevant
● correct in-text citation. in-text citation attempted. in-text citation attempted. ● limited in-text citation attempted.

Presents to time (10 minutes with +/- 1 min). Present to time (10 minutes with +/- 2 min). Presents over or under time (10 minutes with +/- Significantly over or under time. Significantly over or under time.

Tenor (/5) Exceptional delivery of content: Strong (thorough) delivery of content: Sound delivery of content: Basic delivery of content: Limited delivery of content:
the relationship ● Metalanguage strongly enhances ● Metalanguage enhances comprehension of ● Mix of correct metalanguage and colloquial speech ● Language is sometimes ambiguous or unclear ● Language is unclear or
between the comprehension of presentation presentation ● Voice control/language is clear in most cases ● Variable voice control that is difficult to hear at inappropriate
speaker/writer and the ● Voice control/language clear and vivid ● Voice control/language is clear ● Acceptable posture, movement and eye contact times ● Limited voice control that is
audience/reader. ● Posture, movement and eye contact engages Posture, movement and eye contact engages that show attempts to engage audience ● Variable control of posture, movement and eye difficult to hear
audience audience ● Some confidence and enthusiasm for the topic contact that does not engage the audience ● Limited control of posture,
● Physically refers to, and discusses images ● Refers to, and discusses images and diagrams ● Relies on palm cards/screen ● Little confidence, or enthusiasm for the topic. movement and eye contact that
and diagrams ● Demonstrates confidence and enthusiasm for the ● Relies heavily on palm cards/screen. does not engage of the audience
● Demonstrates confidence and genuine topic ● Limited confidence or enthusiasm
enthusiasm for the topic ● Limited use of palm cards/screen for the topic
● Dispenses with palm cards/screen ● Reads entirely from palm

Hosts and asks multiple highly relevant Hosts and asks relevant questions that clarify Asks questions that repeat content covered in Listens respectfully but does not ask questions. Distracted and/or reminded to listen
questions that extend audience understanding audience understanding presentation to presenters.
Concord High School
Year 11 Biology
Title: Depth Study
Weighting: 30% of final yearly grade (5% Knowledge and Understanding; 25% Working Scientifically)

The following table provides details of student’s final mark for the assessment task:

Final weighted
Component Raw mark

Knowledge and
BIO11-11 Ecosystem dynamics /10 /10 /5

BIO11-1 Questioning and predicting /5

BIO11-4 Processing Data and Information

Working Scientifically BIO11-5 Analysing Data and Information /35 /25
BIO11-7 Communicating Mode /5

BIO11-7 Communicating Tenor /5

Comments TOTAL

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