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SCSPE Exam 1

1. Consider a 120-minute test, where you want to simulate 1,000 logins per hour. If
each virtual user takes 15 minutes to do one complete cycle of transactions, how many
virtual users are required to run a steady state workload test?
none of the above

2. For a particular script, each user sends 200 KBytes of data to the server and receives
600 Kbytes from the server. In an hour long test, approximately 500 of these users will
visit the server. What is the average bandwidth for this test?
14 Mbps
.9 Mbps
.14 Mbps
5 Mbps
4 Mbps

3. Verifications can be added to your script _____________________________

by using the features within the True Log Explorer
by setting options to place them during recording
All of the Above
none of the above

4. What SilkPerformer feature allows the user to quickly step through the Load-testing
True Log Explorer
The standard toolbar
The main menu bar
Performance Explorer
The Workflow bar

5. Which of the following is NOT a component of SilkPerformer?

True Log Explorer
Results Repository
Performance Explorer

6. Which file is NOT generated by SilkPerformer during the load testing process?
Output File (.wrt)
Project Settings (.xml)
Recommendations File (.rdf)
Baseline Report (.brp)
True Log File (.xlg)

7. In the profile settings dialog, settings that do not correlate to playback or recording
Grayed out
The same for both
Linked together
None of the above

8. Virtual users belong to ____________

User teams
User names
User groups
User leads
None of the above

9. What identifies all of the possible logical paths that a user can navigate within an
A treasure map
A map
A trail map
A plan
Functional breakout

10. After a user group is defined, it can be broken into actions sets which may be
put together in a single transaction
placed in separate transactions
separated by timers within a single transaction
turned into functions
All of the above
11. Which of the following reduces caching on backend servers?
Deleting cookies
Set Smooth Transaction Rate
Choose Transactions Randomly
None of the above

12. What is the purpose of the Recorder?

To capture internet traffic
To create measures
To separate transactions
To generate scripts
All of the above

13. What must be defined to launch an application from within the Recorder?
Application profile
Internet Explorer 5
Agent pool
Netscape 6
Server profile

14. Timers may be put into the script _______________

only before recording
only during recording
only after recording
during and after recording
None of the above

15. What recording level should be used when recording pages with dynamic content?
A. Page-based browser level API
B. Browser-level API
C. TCP/IP level
D. A and C
E. None of the above

16. Browser-level API recording level is recommended for:

Maximizing the number of Vusers with the minimum amount of hardware
For navigation by the URL only
Resolving some client-side scripting issues
All of the Above
None of the above

17. For web testing and before recording, it is good practice to have the browser:
Open and ready to go
None of the above

18. The recorder can perform all of the following functions except
Add a comment to the script
Edit Application Profile Settings
Edit Recorder Settings
Try the script
Add a new timer

19. The animated mode launches the:

True Log Explorer
Repository Manager
Performance Explorer
Results repository

20. The _________________ is an html file that contains statistics such as number of
transactions, amount of data received, and response times.
Virtual User Output File
Virtual User Report File
Virtual User Log File
All of the Above
None of the above

21. How many virtual users and user groups are run when trying a script?
All user groups with one virtual user per group.
Multiple user groups with multiple virtual users.
One user group with multiple users.
Multiple user groups with one virtual user.
One user group with one virtual user.

22. Which of the following is NOT a setting changed in the profile?

Number of Users
Document Cache
Network Bandwidth (Connection Speed)
Browser Type
Stress Test

23. A(n) __________ is equivalent to running a load test with no think times.
Queuing Test
Increasing Workload Test
Steady State Test
None of the above

24. What files are generated through write and writeln statements?
Virtual User Error files
Virtual User Script files
Virtual User Output files
Virtual User Report files
Virtual User Log files

25. Which is not a BDL data type?


26. While executing a test, persistent and non-persistant cookies are stored:
On the hard drive
In RAM memory
In the virtual cookie database
On the server
None of the above

27. ______________ is a function that allows access to a single column of data.

28. When parsing information manually, the WebPageUrl (U), the Parsing function (P),
and optional Writeln statement (W) should follow this order:
P, U, W
W, P, U
U, P, W
P, W, U
U, W, P

29. What function is used to write text to the output window?


30. A function within in a script may NOT ________________

contain a timer
contain actions performed by the virtual user
call another function
return a value
call a transaction

31. If a WebSetBrowser function is removed from the Tinit, then the browser to be
emulated is dictated by the _____________.
User Group
Workload Configuration

32. Find Baseline executes:

A single execution of only one user type
Five minutes of execution for all user types defined in the baseline
Multiple executions for all possible combinations of user groups and profiles
One script with maximum load
A single execution of every user type defined in the baseline

33. Defining additional profiles allow the tester to create new _____________
User Types
Data Files

34. After viewing the ____________________, you can accept it and then set the
response time thresholds
Log File
True Log File
Baseline Report
Virtual User Report File
None of the above

35. The General graph shows:

A. Active users
B. Transactions per second
C. Errors per seconds
D. All of the above
E. A and B only

36. Which of the following can be generated by RndStr(aabcdeef,4..7)

None of the above

37. The available computers running the agent software are referred to as:
The agent pool
The test plan
The results repository
The data explorers
The controller

38. In what type of test are transactions scheduled following a SilkPerformer prescribed
arrival rate?
Dynamic Workload
All Day
Queuing Workload
Steady State Workload
Increasing Workload
39. In a ______________ test, each user type starts and stops based on preset intervals
determined by the tester prior to starting the test.
Increasing Workload
All Day
Steady State Workload
Dynamic Workload
Queuing Workload

40. In what type of test is the same number of virtual users used throughout the test?
Queuing Workload
Dynamic Workload
Increasing Workload
Steady State Workload
All Day

41. In what type of test are virtual users added after a specified time until reaching the
maximum number of users?
All Day
Increasing Workload
Steady State Workload
Dynamic Workload
Queuing Workload

42. During the load test, the health control of each participating agent is assessed by:
A. The controller
B. Each agent in the agent pool
C. The results repository
D. The server
E. A and C only

43. The test results are undependable if processor utilization is

Greater than 70%
Less than 90%
Between 70% - 90%
Less than 70%
Greater than 90 %

44. The ________________ button on the Performance Explorer's workflow bar will
use a selected tsd file to create a new graph having the exact same measures as the
current graph.
General Graph
Compare Graph
New Graph
Overview Report
Select Graph

45. The True Log on Error Option enables the True Log
for all of the transactions
only for those transactions that contain errors
for those users with the true log enabled in their profile
only for those users with the prefix TrueLog_
None of the Above

46. A(n) ______________ test attempts to determine whether a system will remain
stable over a long period of time.
None of the above

47. The adjust workload step allows the tester to do all of the following except:
add an agent
determine average bandwidth
determine sessions per hour given a set number of users
pick a workload model
determine number of users given a set sessions per hour

48. The test results are undependable if memory is:

Less than 100 %
Less than 90%
Greater than 100%
Greater than 150%
None of the above

49. When you save the overview report as a template, future tests will ______________
not use this report. It is only for the current test.
use this new overview report including any customized graphs.
only use report if it is from the exact same workload configuration
prompt you upon opening Performance Explorer to choose a template.
contain errors

50. To successfully execute a load test with multiple agents, any referenced files must
Added to the Project
Manually copied to the agents
Located in the Samples Folder
Have the extension .rnd
Located in the root directory

ATTENTION! This concludes this test. If you click finish you will not be able to review
your test. For any questions please contact your instructor


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