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Términos de la unidad (25)

True or False- Native Americans sided with the British more often than the Americans, because
Americans lived nearby and often took their land
False- He led a number of brutal attacks in southwestern New York and northern Pennsylvania
True or False- Mohawk war chief Joseph Brant was one of the few Native Americans who sided with
the Patriots
True or False- Patriot leader Lieutenant Colonel George Rogers Clark led Patriot forces to capture both
Kaskaskia and Vincennes.
The British navy used a blockade during the American Revolution by keeping ship from entering or
leaving American harbors.
Describe how the British navy used a blockade during the American Revolution.
A privateer is a privately owned ship outfitted with weapons, and they were important to the American
war at sea so that they could capture enemy merchant ships and cargo.
What is a privateer and why were privateers important to the American war at sea?
The outcome of the naval battle between the Bonhomme Richard and the Serapis was the Serapis was
the one to surrender.
What was the outcome of the naval battle between the Bonhomme Richard and the Serapis?
Where- Savannah, Georgia When- late 1778 Winning side- British
When and where did the British forces under General Clinton move from New York to take the city
and occupy it and most of the state and who won?
Where- Charles Town, South Carolina When- May, 1780 British
When and where did Clinton take thousands of prisoners after Patriot forces surrender, marking the
worst American defeat of the war and who won?
General Charles Cornwallis could not control the area he had conquered and he and his troops faced a
new kind of warfare, and the British won.
What happened in Camden, South Carolina in August 1780 and who won?
Francis Marion was a successful Patriot leader that used the hit and run technique, and the Patriots
What happened in Eastern South Carolina 1780 and who won?
Where- Kings Mountain Carolina When- September 1780 Winning Side- Patriots
When and where after being warned to stop fighting and join the British, did American militia forces
kill or capture all British and Loyalist troops and who won?
Where- Guilford Courthouse When- March 1781 Winning Side- British
When and where did Nathanael Green's forces retreat, but British troops led by General Cornwallis
suffer great losses in the fight and who won?
Bernardo de Galvez, the Governor of Louisiana helped the Patriot cause by shipping tons of supplies
and ammunition up the Mississippi River to American troops in the Northwest Territory (he was
fighting British along the east coast).
How did Bernardo de Galvez, the Governor of Louisiana help the Patriot cause?
1) warships
2) Rhode Island
3) Rochambeau
4) Washington
5) Clinton
6) Lafayette
7) strategy
8) secret
9) New York
10) Cornwallis
11) YorkTown
12) peninsula
13) Chesapeake Bay
14) siege
15) surrendered
In 1780, event took place that changed the direction of the American Revolution. In July, French
___1___ arrived. They appeared off of the city of Newport in _____2____. They were led by the
French commander Comte de _____3_____. They met up with the leader of the Continental Army,
General ___4___, north of New York City. They awaited the arrival of another fleet of French ships.
When these reinforcements came, the two commanders planned to attack a British army base, which
was under the command of General ___5____. In 1781, General Washington sent Anthony Wayne and
Marquis de ____6____ down to help in the Southern fight. Soon, Washington learned that the second
French fleet would arrive much farther south than planned. He decided to change his plan of attack, or
___7___. He kept this plan a ___8___ in order to surprise the enemy. Washington and Rochambeau
marched out of the state of ___9___ south toward Virginia. Lafayette and Wane had British general
___10___ trapped there in the city of __11__. The British leader could not escape because the city was
on a ___12___, a piece of land surrounded on three sides by water. His escape by ocean was stopped
by the second French fleet, which was stationed in ______13______. The British were trapped. The
Americans and French began blocking the movement of people and goods which is known as
___14___. Soon after, they began an attack on Yorktown. Cornwallis could see his position was
hopeless, and soon___15____.
1) They fought on their own land
2) Knew the land better than the British
3) Got help from other countries
4) They were fighting for freedom making it a people's movement
5) Better leadership then the British
List the reasons why America won the war.
Before the Treaty of Paris was signed, a letter that said that the army should use force against the
Congress for not paying them threatened the new nation's safety.
What threatened the safety of the new nation before the Treaty of Paris was signed?
British agreed to:
1) recognize the United States as an independent nation
2) withdraw all their troops from American territory
3) give Americans fishing rights in the waters off the of coast of nearby Canada

United Sates agreed to:

1) pay British merchants what they owed
2) advise the new states to return property taken from Loyalists
Name the provisions of the Treaty of Paris
The principles of the American Revolution affected other people in other parts of the world by
inspiring them. For example, French rebels in 1789 fought a revolution in defense of "Liberty,
Equality, and Fraternity." The French upheld these principles: "Men are born and remain free and equal
in rights." Also Haiti became the second nation in the Americas to achieve independence from colonial
rule. It also inspired Toussaint L'Ouerture, a former slave, to leade a rebellion in Saint Domingue,
present-day Haiti, in 1791.
How did the principles of the American Revolution affect other people in other parts of the world?
"Hair buyer" because he paid Native Americans for settler's scalps.
What was British Commander Henry Hamilton's nickname ,and how was he given that nickname?
"The Swamp Fox"
What was Francis Marion's nickname?
an attack in which the attacker hides and surprises the enemy.
to approve officially
an attempt to force surrender by blocking the movement of people or goods into or out of a place.
measure that keeps ships from entering or leaving a harbor.
privately owned ship outfitted with weapons.

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