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CORTIGEN- (pl. cortigenese); these children are the offspring of a human or demi human race, and an
elemental being. Each elemental child grows ‘closer’ to their parent element, giving them abilities with
that element the stronger they become. Upon birth, each Cortigen is automatically immune to damage
from their parent element. So an earth child cannot be harmed by being hit with rocks. An air child
cannot be suffocated /drowned from lack of air, etc. Each Cortigen learns to manipulate their parent
element at 1 cubic foot per level. They may shape this element however they wish, as though it were
“stone shape” spell for each element, but with refined detail possible. Any elemental manipulation that
involves another person; such as an air child pulling the air from another being’s lungs, or a water child
causing someone to drown, requires a FOR/PETRIFICATION save. If the victim saves, then the resulting
backlash to the child strips them of all their abilities for 24 hours.
(+2 to CON; Earth, DEX; Water, STR; Air, CHA; Fire)

VORTIA (Bellini/Maleck) - Vortians are the offspring of a human or demi human, and a planar being;
angelic, demonic, etc. All Vortians have a basic 15% magic resistance, and immunity to life/level/stat
drains, and require magical weapons or abilities to damage them. Both races can manifest wings based
on their heritage; feathered wings for angelic, bat wings for demonic. This is as well as having the
standard levitation ability from eating the herbs in food.
“Light” Vortians, or Bellini, regenerate 5 hit points per hour and can regrow limbs with sufficient
time. “Divinity”; this 10 foot glowing aura around the Vortian allows them to turn undead as though a
priest of the same level. Demonic creatures of lesser level than the Vortian can also be turned as though
undead, but in this case, the effect will be fear in the demonic being. A result of “D” on the table will
cause the Vortian to actually banish the demonic creature back to wherever it came from. Vortians of
this type may also communicate with each other instantly. This communication can be person specific
(“talking”) or to all Vortians (“yelling”) that share this nature. Note: Maleck, being half human, cannot be
“Dark” Vortians, or Maleck, have a +3 hit point bonus per level, (in addition to normal CON
bonus if any), with a limited form of invulnerability. Dense musculature helps protect them against any
damage, so 1/3 of their STR is subtracted from any physical damage done. If this reduces the damage to
0 or less, then no damage is inflicted upon the Vortian. “Immolation aura”; this ability allows the Vortian
to surround his body with flames. These are not elemental flames in the ordinary sense, but fel energy
from the demonic pits that act and behave as though it were fire. The damage done per round someone
remains within the 3 foot aura is equal to 1/3 rd of the Vortian’s CON (round down).
(All Vortians have bonus +2 to any base stat, but they must take the -2 to the opposing stat. +STR/-INT,
+CON/-WIS, +DEX/-CHA. The opposite applies for a player that takes a +2 bonus to INT; they must take
the -2 to STR).

LORKEN- (pl. Lorkii) these beings are sentient animals of one form or another. Some have minimal
“changing” ability so they may talk or walk upright, or alter their paws into “hands”. They are not shape
changers, nor are they lycanthropes. Lorken are just like any other forest or farm animal, and can be any
animal; domestic or wild. But they have one extra feature that those animals do not; they can think.
Lorken become aware of this difference as a kit/pup at a young age. They mature rapidly due to natural
animal aging. Where humans might live for 100 years, Lorken might live for 30 years. As they get older,
and stronger, they begin to develop other abilities; the ability to change their normal paws into “hands”,
or change their spine to walk upright on their hind legs, and even more important, they learn to talk.
They can understand nearly any language even that of animals, which is more scent and behavior based.
However, they do not possess the humanoid vocal chords that allow them to form words. As Lorken get
stronger, every 3 levels gives them another ability to become more “humanoid”. First level always starts
with hands, but by third level, they can speak humanoid tongues. By 6 th level, they can walk upright on
their hind legs. DMs are free to switch these abilities around based on the “home life” of the individual
Lorken, (i.e. if they are taught to speak first, and then form hands…)
(Overall, Lorken have incredibly acute senses; heightened hearing, sight, or smell, well beyond the
humanoid ranges. They can tell if something is poisoned or “bad”, or recognize someone by their unique
body odor. They can only be surprised by a 1 on a d10. However, any saves based on these senses; such
as flash or a sonic boom, are at a -2.
Lorken also have +2 to a base stat; Ursine-STR, Feline- AGIL, Canine- CON, as well as one other
“utilitarian” ability to be determined by Player and DM; such as deer/stag allowing running NWP, or
increased running speed, or for a fox Lorken a tracking NWP or ability, a feline Lorken could have a
“leap” ability that allows 2x the lorken’s body length in jumps up, 3x across, etc.
Lorken know they are looked down upon by most of Cortensk society (i.e. Cortigenese) as barely more
than animals. However, they willingly work with Tramani and Forkestir because the Lorken know, as bad
as their lot is; the Tramani and Forkestir’s are even worse. There is an unspoken bond between these
races that goes beyond simple acquaintances.
Perhaps because they feel a kinship with their parent race, or maybe because they are animals at heart
themselves, the Lorken raise and take care of herd animals and domesticated beasts to be used as food
by themselves and the rest of Cortigenese society. There is no chance of a Lorken accidentally being
mixed in with the culling herds because of scent. A Lorken smells entirely different than an animal of the
same parent racial stock.
Cortigenese standards require the Lorken send their best and healthiest culling animals to them, which
goes against Lorken instincts. To them, the weakest and oldest should be culled to increase the health of
the entire herd. But the Cortigenese will not accept shipments of animals that are ‘below marketplace

TRAMANI (humans) / FORKESTIR (demi humans)- these are the humans and demi races that still
remain on these islands, trapped for whatever reason, and have forgotten their parentage. Often
repeated tales of the “world below” have been altered and improvised so much for so long, that none of
the humans or demi races remember that’s where they came from. All they know is what they have in
front of them. Dwarves and Gnomes have no ores to mine. Halflings have no pastures or hills to farm.
While there are forests and trees aplenty on the various islands for the elves, few are the races that
would hire them. Tramani (humans) are the only ones that can adapt to every environment, and seem
good at anything they want to do.
As bad as Cortigenese society views the Lorken as being “one step up from dumb animals”, the Lorken
know that the Tramani and Forkestir situation is even worse. The Lorken cannot explain the bond they
share with some Tramani and Forkestir, but they know it is there. They attempt to employ as many of
these races as they can. The Cortigenese view the Tramani /Forkestir slums as a blight on their society.
Most of the Cortigen simply ignore the problem and hope it goes away on its own. There are many of
the slums that are half dwarf/gnome, half elf, even half dwarf/human. The population of the slums
makes no distinction on race or parentage. There are few pure bloods of any race here anymore as 80%
of the populations are all half-bloods.
The only economic advantage Tramani and Forkestir have is slave labor. They work cheap for hours on
end. And Cortigenese society takes full advantage of this, because they know they have little choice.
Purkesh was originally given to the Tramani in order to separate them from Cortigenese society but the
Tramani and Forkestir worked together and actually built something on Purkesh, which has since
become a major industrial island. Food supplies are imported from Thrush and Sippensen, which are
prepared for most of the island by the halflings. There is a most ancient of sayings here, “Al tante bisorri,
candria” (to each saint, their candle) which means each race and each person performs whatever task
they are best at to help out. This is the guiding principle for the entire island. There is a “busy” season
for Purkesh, in which they import massive help from the Tramani and Forkestir to meet the demands of
producing cloth, leather, etc for Cortensk stores. It is a sad when the season is over, as the tramani and
forkestir have to return to the slums. They return perhaps a bit richer, but not enough to get them out
of the slums permanently.
The Sarumpshar have discovered the dwarven propensity for forge craft, and the gnomish predilection
for mechanics and jewel crafting. So these Forkestir are highly valued by them. Sarumpshar, while being
incredibly strong and damage resistant, high intense heat causes them a great deal of discomfort.
Working in forges is not possible for them without “breaking down”. The dwarves work the Sarumpshar
forges and farms in which the metal grows and are quite happy about it.

TELLINI; these are a race of winged humanoid foxes. Their origins are unknown. It is assumed that their
ancestors were part of one of the ships in the spaceport, from an unknown world. They know all about
Spell Jamming and flying between the stars and crystal spheres. Their own history says that their race
was born in the Phlogiston (“the flow”), and is the reason they possess unique abilities that are
essentially useless on planetary surfaces.
The Tellini see what is going on, know that the Cortigenese have slowly taken control of Skylandia
through government and control of the resources available. However, while they are entirely unsure of
why the most powerful of mages and clerics left Skylandia ages ago, they do know of gods and spell
magic, (even the ones alive today). However, they keep this to themselves, along with most of their
abilities. They even know all about the “world below” (lanston). This is where they go for supplies they
need. They do not trade with any of the races or factions in Skylandia beyond the basic necessities such
as food and clothing. They know the more involved they get with the other races and factions, the more
likely someone will find out just exactly what their race can do, and what they know. Recently, there is a
faction of Tellini that have broken away from the main body of thought, and have engaged in ‘dew
farming’ with a coalition of Cortigenese water children. Of all the races to engage business with, the
water children are the most dangerous to deal with. They can be moody, unpredictable, and pernicious
at the best of times. If one of them should find out what their race really is; and that they’ve been in
contact with the ‘world below’, there would more than likely be the stirrings of war. Like the
Sarumpshar, the Tellini attempt to help the Tramani and Forkestir, as they know where these races
came from, and have seen true spell magic and clerical magic in action, and know those races capable of
so much more than the Cortigenese allow them. The Tellini bargain their own farmed products, and
Sarumpshar metals and goods in the world of Lanston down below, for basic rock and stone for the
Sarumpshar to eat. Without it, they would starve, and things would get…unsettling. So they provide a
necessary service to the Sarumpshar, and try to help boost the Tramani and Forkestir sense of self-
worth. They too, have told the Cortigenese government to back off from Purkesh. While they do not
have the political and economic clout the Sarumpshar have, they have enough with the produce they
farm to make things difficult for the Cortigenese were it to slow down or stop.
Tellini have an innate sense of crystal spheres and navigation in space. They can ‘feel’ all the stellar
bodies in a crystal sphere and can navigate where they want to go. This “feeling” does not tell them
what the stellar body might be; whether a planet, sun, or asteroid, but they can feel its physical
presence. Tellini can also literally expand themselves to become a portal in a crystal sphere, to exit into
or out from the Phlogiston. Afterwards, they coalesce back into a physical form at any point within a 10
mile range of the portal. This is also how they learned to teleport on a planetary surface. They can
expand themselves out far enough, and collect themselves back into a physical form at any point on the
planetary surface. Doing this does not affect the phlogiston itself as they are nowhere near the edge of
space to do so.
Once upon a time, Tellini were highly coveted as navigators and ship mates. But now, nobody even
knows of them, even those on the world below.
Tellini can teleport without error within a ten mile range, beyond that, there is a 1% chance of teleport
error per mile on a planetary body. So they know to make several short jumps instead of one long one.
Tellini on Skylandia can feel the planet below them, so they know where to land when they teleport.
They have designated spots on Lanston with their quarry contractors whom they pay gold for to supply a
hefty amount of rock and stone to them. Even though the Tellini nominally “farm” Sirrepsen, it is
actually the Tramani and Forkestir that do all the work. They do not pay them as they would normally,
but give them food, shelter, clothing, etc instead; basic necessities, and are treated very well. This is so
the Tellini can employ more of them than they could otherwise. They know that spreading too much
money around, even as bargained goods, would make many Cortigenese suspicious. Many Tramani may
grumble about the condition of not getting paid, but most also know the reason, and are happy to
remain out of the Cortensk slums.
Tellini have a +2 WIS (max 20), NWP; Space Navigation, and an innate ability to teleport without error
within 10 miles on a planetary body. There is a 1% chance of teleport error per mile beyond the first 10.
At the edge of normal space, facing the crystal sphere, a Tellini can literally “open themselves up” and
become a living portal into and out of the phlogiston. Because of this portal ability, this carries over to
them being able to teleport 300 lbs. per level for their teleports since they must allow for ship, crew,
and cargo weight during portal transitions.

SARUMPSHAR; are a race of organic-metallic beings. Like the Tellini, it can only be assumed that their
ancestors somehow got stranded on Skylandia. A considerable time ago, there was a small group of
Sarumpshar left behind on Skylandia when things went wrong. Sarumpshar live long lives; around 1500
years, but even the stories left behind about the time of the empire seem confused. They have no idea
why the spaceport shut down. As far as they know, “All the magically powerful people just up and left”.
The Sarumpshar are aware of spell magic and gods, having seen them in action before; even though
none of the current Sarumpshar have. They do not understand why the Tramani and Forkestri do not
know of this. The Sarumpshar are biomechanical beings with a special ability; they can produce True
Earth. It’s what they are made of, and how they create “children”. It’s also how they create the metal
farms on Purkesh. In truth, this is a birthing crèche. But when True Earth is taken to the forge and
worked, the high heat kills the ability of the metal to hold a living being’s spirit and renders it infertile for
any Sarumpshar to be born from it. It still “grows” and can format to another growing organic body
(even another Sarumpshar), but the ability of a living spirit to inhabit that body is no longer there. One
of the greatest additions the Sarumpshar have created, are cyber mantic units. These are various limbs
or extraneous mechanical equipment made from True Earth. When they are attached to a living body
(usually young), the True Earth bonds to them, and grows and/or heals as they do. The most notable
export are the mechanical wings made by the Forkestir Gnomes. While all citizens of Skylandia can
levitate and never need fear falling anywhere, they can only hover in place. And without a way to propel
themselves back to land, they can only hang in the air until rescue arrives. However, the Sarumpshar
found a way to create “wings” that can attach to a living body, and allow the citizens to actually propel
themselves forward and fly around. Sarumpshar love watching Gnomes work while making the wings.
Many Sarumpshar will stop by the shop to watch their nimble, stubby fingers containing amazing
dexterity and strength weave the cables and thread the bolts to make unique wings each time. The
Forkestir Dwarves forge the parts the Gnomes need to put them all together. This symbiotic relationship
is a happy one for the Forkestir of Purkesh. But this is not the only bio-mechanical equipment they
make. If an organic being suffers the loss of an arm or a leg, they can be replaced with a True Earth
duplicate. It functions in all respects like a normal leg or arm. Sarumpshar know the limbs can be
enchanted with magic and spells, but have no feel nor aptitude for that kind of magic. And they know
the art of doing so has long since been lost by both Tramani and Forkestir alike. The Sarumpshar have
attempted to “waken” the Tramani and Forkestir curiosity of their birth world in recent years, but
without much luck.
Because of the Sarumpshar presence on Purkesh, they have blocked and warned the Cortigenese
government on numerous occasions to back off and leave Purkesh alone, lest metal become even
scarcer than it already is. Hard feelings from certain Cortigenese factions have given them an insulting
and derogatory name because of their compassion for the Tramani and Forkestir; “metal heads”.
Sarumpshar gain +4 to STR, +4 CON, (max stat; 22) and a 12 point armor with a natural AC of 5. This
armor absorbs all damage; magical and physical. If the armor reduces damage to 0, then no harm is
inflicted. However, as the Sarumpshar ages and grows more powerful, the less agile they become due to
the mass of their bodies growing denser. This means that every 3 levels gained, their armor increases by
1 pt, and their DEX is reduced by 1 pt. Sarumpshar are effectively living electricity, that’s what inhabits
their metal bodies and causes them to animate. Any intense heat inhibits this electricity and causes
them twice the normal damage it would cause to a living being. This is why they cannot work forges. It
would cause them to “break down” and suffer health problems. One thing to note; Sarumpshar do not
ingest plant life or meats, so they have NO levitation or flying ability without their own wings! They will
plummet if they step off an island edge. Most Sarumpshar wings resemble that of modern “jet” planes,
with an ability to retract when not in use. Sarumpshar must consume normal rock and stone in order to
convert it into True Earth for their bodies to grow. They work with the Tellini for it. They do not know
how the Tellini come by the stone and bedrock as there is no actual rock for them to consume in
Skylandia. However, as long as they are provided what they need, they do not care where it comes from.
KLOROFEN; are a race of sentient plant folk from a world that bears no other species, or so they claim.
Since they are plants, and constantly ‘growing’, Klorofen can perform a mild form of shape change with
a bit of blood from a creature or being. It takes 1 round to absorb the blood, which gives the Klorofen
the blue prints to “grow” into that form until they desire to return to their humanoid form, or change to
another form. “Growing” into the new form takes 3 rounds. So in a pinch, they may change into a horse
form for quick movement, and then a wolf form to get through dense animal trails, and finally hitting a
city, resume their humanoid form. However, they are still a sentient plant, and look like it. No matter
what their form is, they are still green. “Hair” on any form assumed are going to either be leaves, or
dendrils (small hair-like ‘triggers’ on some plants to cause a reaction, such as venus fly traps).
Klorofen are also natural chemists, with an ability to change their biochemistry. Klorofen can produce an
anti-toxin to any poison that does not kill within two rounds. This is how long it takes for their body to
neutralize it but must first themselves be affected by it. When they do, their blood/sap becomes an
antidote for that poison.
Klorofen can emit pheromones similar to that of the aroma of some flowers. These pheromones can
accomplish several things; stun, sleep, damage (2pts per level), charming/suggestive, weakness (½ STR
for 6 rounds), or hallucinatory. Pheromone effects only take 1 round to produce.
The problem with this is that the pheromones affect everyone around them, including their own party
members. With a bit of blood from the species fought, Klorofen can create a targeted toxin specific to
the race/creature/being they are fighting, giving them a -4 on all saves to Klorofen toxins. This takes 5
rounds for them to produce. The only ones that are completely immune to Klorofen abilities are
Sarumpshar. They do not “breathe” in the literal sense, and do not ingest plants or animal matter. So the
Klorofen have taken to creating “bulbs” on their body with the necessary chemicals. This is the same as
trees bearing fruit. Creating “bulb” effects take 3 rounds to produce as they must concentrate the
chemicals in their body to a specific region, before plucking them from their bodies like hair. They can
throw these bulbs as grenades, causing them to explode on impact and spread the chemicals as a gas
when mixed with oxygen. They have a 5 foot area of effect from point of impact and are neutralized 2
rounds after contact with air. Klorofen can hurl these bulbs up to 30 feet with accuracy. However, a
gnomish inventor on Purkesh has caused the Klorofen to sit up and take notice of the Forkestir and
Tramani. He used the springs and cables from a wing frame, and created a “crossbow” that allows the
Klorofen to hurl these bulbs up to 150 feet with only a -2 discrepancy to accuracy. It takes one full round
to re-cock and load the crossbow. More and more Klorofen are asking for these “crossbows” and are
paying heavily for them.
Another more well-known ability, and what most Klorofen are employed for, is their ability to create
cellular regenerative elixirs, (i.e. healing). These elixirs heal the Klorofen’s CON in hit points immediately
to a wounded body (within the first round of application; the sap seals wounds), with a slow healing of
the twice the Klorofen’s level in hit points over 8 hours. This healing continues even if the body it is
applied to dies, bringing them back to life. However, if the body dies with insufficient healing to bring
them back to the positive total by the time the duration expires, then the body remains dead.
Like the Sarumpshar, Klorofen cannot levitate like all the other citizens of Skylandia. Since they do not
“eat” the plants and meats that the other races do, they do not possess this ability. Neither do they care
for the “wings” made by the Sarumpshar, as when they change forms; the metal does not change with
them. Grow, yes. Alter its form with their bodies, no. Since they are intelligent plants, Klorofen respond
best to sunlight and water. This is how the Cortigenese control them. Water, while not lacking in
Skylandia, is a commodity in enough quantities the Klorofen need, that they can be controlled through
it. The Klorofen require greater amounts than a normal organic being such as Tramani or the Forkestir.
So long as the Klorofen do as the water children dictate, they are provided enough water to survive and
do what they need to. Sunlight affects them in an extremely beneficial manner. Spells such as Sunburst
or Continual Light spells, cause them to renew the number of effects they can produce each day with
their bodies (i.e. growth spurt). With a sufficient quantity of water, it can also cause them to regenerate
1 hp per round. If Klorofen remain without sunlight, or light of any kind, it will kill them in CON in hours,
as they grow progressively weaker and weaker.
Klorofen do not particularly like the Cortigense, but they cannot do anything about it. They are not privy
to the other races doings. Most of the races consider the Klorofen the Cortigenese “lap dogs”, doing
what they say. What most do not know, is that many Klorofen spend a lot of time among the Tramani
and Forkestir slums, trying to alleviate the suffering there. But in many cases, disease is rampant there,
which they can do nothing about. Klorofen cannot heal diseases. They are immune to humanoid disease
themselves, but have their own that affect them just as badly. Klorofen go among the terminally ill, and
produce the sleep pheromones, to allow the humanoids to pass with some dignity and without feeling
the pain. Many Tramani and Forkestir donate their meagre water rations to the Klorofen for doing this.
Klorofen gain a +1 bonus to CON and WIS, but -2 to DEX. They may ‘shapechange’ into other
forms with even a drop of blood from the creature they wish to turn into. They may also produce several
chemical effects with their bodies;
Neutralize poison; this takes two rounds for them to create, but must be affected by the poison
first themselves.
Stun; with a failed save versus poison/fort, the affected being will stand helpless for 4 rounds,
unable to act, think, or take any action.
Sleep; with a failed save versus poison/fort will cause the affected being to fall asleep. They can
be awoken easily by loud noises such as combat, or damage.
Damage; with a failed save versus poison/fort, the chemical will cause 2 x the Klorofen’s level in
damage within 1 one round. There are no other lingering effects.
Charming/Suggestive; with a failed save versus poison/fort, this chemical puts the affected being
in to a highly suggestive state, leaving them open to friendly overtures. Damage caused will make the
being produce adrenaline and wipe the chemical from their system due to self-preservation.
Weakness; with a failed save versus poison/fort, this chemical retards the fuel their body gives
to their muscles, leaving them weaker than a day old kitten. This causes their STR to drop to ½ (round
down) of previous level for 6 rounds. Damage is affected.
Hallucinatory; with a failed poison/fort save, this chemical allows the Klorofen to give the
affected being a short verbal scenario in which their brain then interprets however it wishes, such as
“stuck in mud”. Klorofen cannot see what the affected being is imagining.
They can produce as many of these effects per day, as they have levels. If they wander into bright
sunlight, or the range of sunburst or continual light spell, it will refresh this ability to full again. Creating
pheromone effects take 1 round to produce, but affects all those around the Klorofen that breathe it.
Bulb effects takes 3 rounds to create, but has a 5 foot diameter area of effect. All chemicals are
neutralized two rounds after contacting air.
With some blood from the targeted creature, the Klorofen can create a specific toxin that gives the
creature fought a -4 on all Klorofen created toxins.
Healing elixirs that cause the Klorofen’s CON in healing the first round applied, and 2x the Klorofen’s
level in regenerative healing over 8 hours.

TORMELLOK- the tormellok would be called ‘dragon born’ on the world below. Tormellok were not
‘stranded’ on Prime as the other humanoid races were. Dragons ‘settled’ on Prime shortly after the
islands were created. It is boasted that Prime was created specifically for them, though no one can
support such a theory. The problem with the Tormellok is that, when the mages and priests left
Skylandia, so did the parent dragons. Their children, already centuries old, were confused and left
wondering what happened. There are no answers, just many questions. All the standard color dragon
races are represented here; black, gold, white, blue, red, silver, even brass, bronze, etc. In their normal
forms, Tormellok appear as a humanoid dragon around 10-15 feet tall. However, all Tormellok have a
slight shape change ability in that they may reduce their size and change their appearance to that of any
humanoid race they know of, (i.e. elf, human, dwarf, gnome, even Tellini, Klorofen, or Sarumpshar, but
NOT Lorken). Only 10% of the Tormellok population have wings, and as wings are a sign of true dragon
parentage only those with wings gain any leadership positions. The rather peculiar thing is; even though
a Tormellok may be born without wings, it IS possible for them to gain wings. In some cases, when the
tormellok undergoes puberty, two large lumps on their back begin to grow. After several weeks, their
wings burst forth like a butterfly from a chrysalis. In other cases, a moment of extreme trauma or
emotional distress will cause the Tormellok to change to their natural form (if not already), and have the
wings burst forth during the change.
Not all Tormellok have the same levitation ability as other Skylandia humanoids. Many of the greens
have become adept at farming with druid like efficiency. But not all Tormellok make vegetables part of
their diet. Many reds will only eat meat, and mostly fresh meat at that. So most reds cannot levitate.
Tormellok know about the world below (lanston). Some winged Tormellok have even dared to venture
there. However, these brave ones have never returned so any news of them, or what goes on below
their feet, is a complete mystery to them. Any winged Tormellok that ventures to the world of Lanston
below them, merely needs to step off any of the ledges of Prime and use their wings to guide
themselves to a landing spot down below. Tormellok, however, are not full dragons. Their wings can
support them for a short time over unspecified distances, but most certainly not against distance and
the full force of gravity weighing against them. Any Tormellok that drops to the world of lanston below,
will find out that they cannot fly back up.
Tormellok have an increased muscle density giving them a +4 to initial STR score. Tormellok retain this
STR no matter which form they change to. They also have the innate breath weapon of their parents as
well. However, the damage is only equal to their CON, and they can only breathe 1/day for every 3 pts of
CON. Tormellok that have wings can fly, and can keep this activity up for CON in minutes before making
a FOR/petrification save. If successful, the Tormellok may continue flying for another CON in minutes
before making another check. Move rate for flying for most Tormellok is 18”, (12” ascending, 24”
diving). Tormellok stand 10-15 feet tall in their natural forms, but can change their form to resemble
that of any humanoid race they know, including Tellini, Klorofen, and even sarumpshar. This does not
give them any of the race’s benefits however, including the Sarumpshar’s metal body.
Tormellok are a draconic race, yes. But they are not standard dragons. Tormellok are born in humanoid
form, and as they age, they ‘evolve’ into a more draconic form; in their teen years, Tormellok face
extends into an actual snout, and an extension from their dorsal spine begins growing (i.e. -a tail). In
their adult years, Tormellok spines begin curving, forcing them to walk on four feet instead. Also in their
adult stage, Tormellok find that their breath weapons are far more destructive and potent than they
were before, (breath weapon damage becomes standard dragon damage). Also, if a Tormellok is going
to achieve ‘winged’ status, it will be no later than adult stage.

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