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Finite-Element Analysis of Felix Candela’s Chapel of Lomas

de Cuernavaca
Powell Draper1; Maria E. Moreyra Garlock2; and David P. Billington, Hon.M.ASCE3

Abstract: The structures of Felix Candela stand as elegant examples of the art of thin shell concrete structural design. However, few thin
shell structures are built today and many of the most enduring structures, such as those of Candela, have not been analyzed. This project
performed a finite-element analysis of Candela’s Cuernavaca Chapel in order to better understand its structural efficiency and gain insight
into its design. Analysis results show that Candela’s striking structure has very low stresses resulting from its own self-weight.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1076-0431共2008兲14:2共47兲
CE Database subject headings: Finite element method; Thin shell structures; Structural analysis; Hyperbolic parabolic shells.

Introduction tures in order to appreciate and understand his works.

In this project, we performed a finite-element analysis of the
Felix Candela designed and built a number of thin shell concrete Chapel of Lomas de Cuernavaca. By examining the results of our
structures in and around Mexico City during the 1950s and 1960s. analysis of the structure under its own dead load, we have at-
Nearly all of these structures still stand in good condition after tempted to model, analyze, and understand the structural behavior
50 years of continuous use often under harsh seismic loads. Can- of the shell as its designer did. We performed a study that evalu-
dela employed the form of a hyperbolic paraboloid for many of ates the stresses and deflections of the Cuernavaca shell using
these structures, the strength of which allowed for a remarkable three different models of differing complexity and precision: 共1兲 a
thinness. shell with uniform thickness and no beams on the free edge; 共2兲 a
Despite the low cost, low maintenance, and attractiveness of shell with uniform thickness and a beam on the free edge of the
Candela’s structures, few thin shell concrete structures are built low-rise side; and 共3兲 a shell with varying thicknesses and a beam
today. One of the reasons suggested for their absence is a percep- on the free edge of the low-rise side. The third model is the
tion of difficulty of their design and analysis 共Meyer and Sheer closest approximation to the built structure. Ultimately we seek to
2005兲. However, a few detailed structural analyses have been per- confront the issue of the difficulty of design and analysis of thin
formed on the successful designs of the past. For example, an shell concrete structures in order to determine methods to better
evaluation of Candela’s Chapel of Lomas de Cuernavaca 共shown understand them.
in Fig. 1兲 was published in the Mexican architectural journal Bi-
tacora Arquitectura in 2001 共Otero 2001兲. The article included
images of the results of an analysis done using the finite-element Chapel of Lomas de Cuernavaca
program ANSYS. However, neither the images nor the article
mentions units or specific load cases used in the analysis and it The Chapel of Lomas de Cuernavaca, or Cuernavaca Chapel 共Fig.
did not include a detailed description of its behavior or design. 1兲 is located on a plateau overlooking the town of Cuernavaca,
Alternately, engineers could study Candela’s own calculations Morelos Mexico. For its design, Candela, collaborating with the
in an attempt to understand his methods and their mechanics, as architects Guillermo Rosell and Manuel Larrosa, employed a dra-
has been done with the work of Anton Tedesko, another master matically modified saddle shape hyperbolic paraboloid. The taller
builder in the medium of thin shell structures 共Saliklis et al. free edge at the front soars to a height of 21.9 m 共72 ft兲. At its
2007兲. Unfortunately, though, few of Candela’s calculations sur- widest point, the shell spans 31 m 共102 ft兲 共Fig. 2兲. To account for
vive. We therefore instead modeled and analyzed one of his struc- the asymmetry, Candela added an edge beam to the opposite back
side of the shell. The shell’s thickness is primarily 4 cm 共1.6 in.兲
Graduate Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, throughout, but it is thickened along the sides. Specific details of
Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ 08544 共corresponding author兲. E-mail: these thickened regions have not been found, other than first-hand observations of the structure by the first writer. For example, at
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the base of the taller opening, the shell was measured to be 52 cm
Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ 08544.
wide 共20 in.兲.
Gordon Y.S. Wu Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engi- There has been some reference made to the partial failure of
neering, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ 08544. the Cuernavaca Chapel during construction. The 2001 article in
Note. Discussion open until November 1, 2008. Separate discussions
Bitacora Arquitectura refers to “Los análisis demostraron que el
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing fallo al descimbrar se debió a un problema constructivo y no de
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- cálculo” 共Otero 2001兲, or “The analyses demonstrate that the col-
sible publication on March 2, 2007; approved on August 17, 2007. This lapse during decentering was due to a problem related to a con-
paper is part of the Journal of Architectural Engineering, Vol. 14, No. struction problem, not design.” This somewhat cryptic reference
2, June 1, 2008. ©ASCE, ISSN 1076-0431/2008/2-47–52/$25.00. apparently refers to a partial collapse of the taller free edge of the


Fig. 3. Hyperbolic paraboloid

his engineering knowledge and expertise as a builder to select

Fig. 1. Chapel of Lomas de Cuernavaca, by Felix Candela, 1958– those forms that were rational structural solutions.
1959 共with permission from Princeton Maillart Archives兲 For Candela, the doubly curved hyperbolic paraboloid 共Fig. 3兲
had two primary attributes that made it an ideal shape for a thin
shell concrete structure. The first was its ease of construction.
shell during construction. Whether Candela was experimenting Designed properly, thin shell concrete structures have proven du-
with the form during construction is unclear. However, the current rable, lasting, and economical over long periods of time. How-
structure is still in good condition and displays no threat of fail- ever, their initial construction costs can appear prohibitive if they
ure, so this partial collapse during construction does not affect our require extensive specialized formwork. Candela realized that one
assessment of the structure. of the unique properties of the geometry of the doubly curved
hyperbolic paraboloid is that it can be generated from straight
lines 共as shown in Fig. 3兲 and hence constructed from straight
Hyperbolic Paraboloid formwork, eliminating extra expense from customized, curving
formwork 共Fig. 4兲.
As a designer of shell structures, Candela did not arbitrarily pick The other benefit of the hyperbolic paraboloid is that in Can-
forms that seemed attractive or adventurous. Rather, Candela used dela’s parlance it is a proper shell form 共Candela 1958兲. By this

Fig. 2. Dimensions of Cuernavaca Chapel 共in ms兲; letters represent reference locations in Table 2


Fig. 4. Straight formwork of Cuernavaca Chapel 共with permission
from Princeton Maillart archives兲

he meant the form could distribute stresses without excessive

bending arising in the shell. Bending is anathema to thin shells.
When large moments arise in a shell structure, greater thickness is
required to assume and distribute the load without excessive de-
formation, cracking, or failure. Other shell designers have often
employed large ridge or edge beams in their shell structures to
counteract bending moments that arise. But this increase in thick-
ness has been seen by some designers as contrary to the very
nature of a thin shell structure. Also, ribs or edge beams obscure
a structure’s display of its thinness, which Candela valued. Can-
dela therefore instead designed forms that through their very
shape would minimize the bending in the shell. These he referred
to as proper shells.
The general equation of the hyperbolic paraboloid 共Fig. 5兲 is Fig. 6. Finite-element model of Cuernavaca Chapel
given by
y 2 x2
z= − 共1兲 values of h1 and h2, and therefore the equation and surface of the
h2 h1 shell 共Draper 2006兲. For this project, the modeling program Rhi-
where noceros 共Robert McNeel & Associates 1993兲 was used to ascribe
the hyperbolic paraboloid surface to the model of the Cuernavaca
a2 Chapel based on its bounding parabolas.
h1 = 共2兲
Structural Model
h2 = 共3兲
c2 The finite-element model of the Cuernavaca Chapel is shown in
Fig. 6. This project employed the computer program SAP2000
If we have a set of points 共x , y , z兲 describing a hyperbolic parabo- 共Computers and Structures 2004兲 for finite-element analysis.
loid, we can apply multiple linear regression to determine the Element size on the finite-element model was reduced until
displacements converged. The model uses primarily quadrilateral
thin shell elements 共which neglect transverse shear deformations兲
with a minimum of triangular elements in transition zones or
regions of unique geometry. An analysis of the same model with
thick shell elements 共which include the effects of transverse shear
deformations兲 produces nearly identical results.
The model was analyzed under the effects of dead load only.
The model did not account for the steel reinforcement in the shell,
in actuality, a “doble parrilla,” or double grillage, throughout. It is
assumed that any representation of the reinforcement by, for ex-
ample, a transformed section, would call for adding more thick-
ness to the model. Thus, not including the reinforcement in the
model is considered more conservative for this analysis. Further-
more, the master builders of thin shell structures, such as Candela,
Anton Tedesko, Pier Luigi Nervi, and Heinz Isler, have tradition-
ally designed their reinforced concrete shells by assuming that the
load is resisted by the concrete alone. Thus, analyzing the Cuer-
navaca Chapel without its reinforcing steel adheres more closely
Fig. 5. Hyperbolic paraboloid bounded by parabolas to the original design methodology.


shown in Fig. 8. The forces are in tension at the top of the shell
and compression towards the sides, as statics would predict. From
these forces we could calculate the bending moment at the section
The results from the finite-element analysis show a moment
along the section cut of 713 kN m 共526 K ft兲. This corresponds to
a 1% difference from the hand calculation of 707 kN m
共521 K ft兲, thus verifying the finite-element model. Calculating
the entire area of the structure 共839.5 m2, or 9,036 ft2兲 and its
corresponding weight, we arrive at a total dead load of 792 kN
共178 K兲, which equals the sum of the base reactions from the
finite-element analysis. We therefore consider the results of this
finite-element analysis of the Cuernavaca Chapel valid.
Fig. 7. Section cut on model of Cuernavaca Chapel

Finite-Element Analysis Results

Validation of Finite-Element Model

The accuracy of the finite-element model of this structure was The force and stress results of the finite-element analysis rein-
first verified through a simplified analysis. The structure was ini- force Candela’s selection of a structurally efficient form. Using
tially modeled with a uniform 4 cm 共1.6 in.兲 thickness. A vertical the uniform shell thickness model, principal shell stresses reach a
section cut was taken from the fixed supports at the base nearest maximum of 4,488 kPa 共651 psi兲 in compression and 1,131 kPa
the taller edge 共Fig. 7兲. The area of the unsupported section 共in 共164 psi兲 in tension. Compressive stress values are well under
front of the supports兲 was determined from the Rhinoceros model what we can assume to be a minimum compressive strength of
of the geometry. Rhinoceros also computed the centroid of this concrete used. Tension is kept low enough so that it can suitably
section. With this information and the thickness of the structure be assumed by the reinforcement in the shell. Maximum defor-
共in the model兲, it is possible to compute the bending moment mation in the model was 0.5 cm 共0.2 in.兲. No significant cracking
created by the self-weight of the unsupported section 共or “over- was observed in the actual structure so we may conclude defor-
hang”兲 at the vertical section cut. mations are kept within reasonable limits.
The area of the shell extending in front of the supports was The highest stresses are found in the structure along the lines
calculated 共from Rhinoceros兲 as 267.7 m2 共2,881.5 ft2兲. The cen- of supports and the back edge of the structure. First hand obser-
troid of this section was calculated at 2.8 m 共9.2 ft兲 from the vation revealed that at these regions, Candela thickened the struc-
section cut. Assuming a concrete density of 2,400 kg/ m3 ture to accommodate the higher stresses 共Figs. 9 and 10兲. The
共150 lb/ ft3兲, the bending moment at the section cut was calcu- model thus serves to provide us with a clearer understanding of
lated to be 707 kN m 共521 K ft兲. The results of the finite-element Candela’s design by demonstrating its efficient distribution of
analysis therefore had to be in agreement with this value. forces and resulting stresses.
The finite-element model of the structure was analyzed under To further investigate the structural response of the Cuerna-
the effect of its own dead load. The results of the analysis of the vaca Chapel, we next altered the finite-element model by first
finite-element model gave joint forces acting at the nodes of each adding the thick edge beam at the shorter lip of the structure and
element. The distribution of joint forces at the section cut is then varying the thickness of the shell. Again, no specific dimen-

Fig. 8. Distribution of joint forces along section cut, plan view 共uniform thickness兲


loid would distribute stresses effectively throughout the shell and
would allow for remarkable thinness, even at the free edge.


Felix Candela’s Chapel of Lomas de Cuernavaca proves an excel-

lent example with which to study the formulation, design, and
construction of thin shell concrete structures. By looking at vari-
ous aspects of Candela and his structure, we can demonstrate the
benefits of thin shell concrete structures.
A structural analysis of Candela’s Cuernavaca Chapel reveals
Fig. 9. High minimum principal stresses 共compression兲 in front edge the genius behind this form. The shape of the hyperbolic parabo-
of Cuernavaca Chapel model and corresponding actual increase in loid minimizes bending in the shell and precludes the need for
thickness ribs or a masking of the thinness. Despite the large size of this
structure, stresses are kept low enough to allow for a remarkable
thinness and free edge.
sions of these details have been found, so approximations were Comparison of three finite-element models of varying com-
made based on measurements observed on the actual structure. A plexity and precision shows that the simplest model, which rep-
comparison of the results may be seen in Tables 1 and 2. The resents the shell with uniform thickness and no edge beams,
model with varying thickness, as the actual structure has, shows a yields conservative stress results. Yet these results indicate that
general reduction of stress from the models with uniform thick- the stresses are well within the strength limits.
ness and a more gradual distribution of stress throughout the The structural analysis also allows for an interpretation of
shell. Candela’s design methodology. The basic form of the hyperbolic
For the model with uniform thickness and an edge beam, prin- paraboloid need not bind the designer into a predetermined ge-
cipal stresses reach a maximum in compression of 4,695 kPa ometry. Within the discipline of the hyperbolic paraboloid, Can-
共681 psi兲 and a maximum of 1,586 kPa 共230 psi兲 in tension. For dela found room for creative design, by maximizing the effect of
the model with varying thickness, principal stresses reach a the free edge with a strikingly tall opening. Candela also under-
maxima of 2,523 kPa 共366 psi兲 in compression and 1,503 kPa stood that the function follows the form, and by stretching the
共218 psi兲 in tension. Thus, in each case, we see that stresses are height he also opened the structure to an increase in dead load and
kept low, verifying the efficiency of Candela’s choice of form. wind load. This he countered by adeptly thickening the edges and
Computational analysis of structures such as the Cuernavaca back of the structure. The result is a structure that adheres to an
Chapel serves to verify what Candela seemed to know at the advantageous geometrical form while allowing the designer to
outset of design: that employed properly, the hyperbolic parabo- manipulate it into a singular work of structural art.
The current dearth of thin shell concrete structures continues
to confound those who are aware of how effectively they provide
an attractive, efficient structural solution. This study has sought to
demonstrate how the medium of thin shell structures was mas-
tered by one structural artist through a thorough investigation of
one of the master works of his oeuvre. Through careful attention
to the design and construction of structurally efficient forms,
Felix Candela was able to demonstrate the strength and durability
of a remarkably thin structure.


The writers gratefully acknowledge Mrs. Dorothy Candela’s do-

nation of photographs of Felix Candela’s works to the Princeton
Fig. 10. High maximum principal stresses 共tension兲 in back edge of Maillart Archives. Some of those photographs were included as
Cuernavaca Chapel model and corresponding actual increase in thick- figures in this paper.

Table 1. Comparison of Finite-Element Model Results 共Uniform Thickness, Uniform Thickness with Edge Beam, and Variable Thickness with Edge
Uniform Uniform thickness with Varying thickness with
thickness edge beam edge beam
Max displ. 关cm 共in.兲兴 −0.5 共−0.2兲 −0.5 共−0.2兲 −0.3 共−0.1兲
Min principal stress 关kPa 共psi兲兴 −4,492 共−651兲 −4693 共−681兲 −2525 共−366兲
Max principal stress 关kPa 共psi兲兴 1,134 共164兲 1,586 共230兲 1,505 共218兲
Note: Negative values in compression; positive values intension.


Table 2. Comparison of Finite-Element Model Results 共Uniform Thickness, Uniform Thickness with Edge Beam, and Variable Thickness with Edge
Beam兲 at Identical Locations
Uniform 4 cm Uniform 4 cm thickness with Varying thickness with
thickness edge beam edge beam
共a兲 Location A
SMAX 关kPa 共psi兲兴 21 共3兲 21 共3兲 21 共3兲
SMIN 关kPa 共psi兲兴 −234 共−34兲 −228 共−33兲 −228 共−33兲
共b兲 Location B
SMAX 关kPa 共psi兲兴 −76 共−11兲 −69 共−10兲 234 共34兲
SMIN 关kPa 共psi兲兴 −3261 共−473兲 −3234 共−469兲 −924 共−134兲
共c兲 Location C
SMAX 关kPa 共psi兲兴 41 共6兲 76 共11兲 14 共2兲
SMIN 关kPa 共psi兲兴 −207 共−30兲 −159 共−23兲 −228 共−33兲
共d兲 Location D
SMAX 关kPa 共psi兲兴 28 共4兲 462 共67兲 476 共69兲
SMIN 关kPa 共psi兲兴 −193 共−28兲 −448 共−65兲 −427 共−62兲
共e兲 Location E
SMAX 关kPa 共psi兲兴 97 共14兲 359 共52兲 −14 共−2兲
SMIN 关kPa 共psi兲兴 −517 共−75兲 −393 共−57兲 −352 共−51兲
Note: SMAX= maximum principal stress; SMIN= minimum principal stress; negative values in compression; positive values in tension. Locations as
shown in Fig. 2.

References Meyer, C., and Sheer, M. H. 共2005兲. “Do concrete shells deserve another
look?” Concr. Int., 27共10兲, 43–50.
Candela, F. 共1958兲. “Understanding the hyperbolic paraboloid.” Architec- Otero, A. B. 共2001兲. “Félix Candela y el borde libre.” Bitacora Arquitec-
tural Record, 123共7兲, 191–195. tura, 5, 38–47, 71.
Computers and Structures, Inc. 共2004兲. CSI analysis reference manual for Robert McNeel & Associates. 共1993兲. Rhinoceros user’s guide, Seattle.
SAP2000, Berkeley, Calif. Saliklis, E. P., Billington, D. P., and Carmalt, A. W. 共2007兲. “Tedesko’s
Draper, P. 共2006兲. “Felix Candela and the chapel of Lomas de Cuerna- Philadelphia skating club: Refinement of an idea.” J. Archit. Eng.,
vaca.” Master of Science in Engineering thesis, Princeton Univ., 13共2兲, 72–77.
Princeton, N.J.


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