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Troll – Black, Gray, Fire, Rock, Stone, Phaze

Black Gray Fire Rock Stone Phaze

Climate/Terrain: Any Any Any volcanic Elem Earth, Mountains/ Any land/
(typically Abyss) subterranean land remote mtn Prime subterranean subterranean
Frequency: Uncommon (Abyss), Very Rare Very Rare Rare, Very Rare Very Rare
Very Rare (elsewhere) Very Rare (Prime)
Organization: Group Solitary/tribe Tribe Group Group Tribe
Activity Cycle: Any Night Any Any Any Night
Diet: Carnivore Carnivore Carnivore Carnivore/ Carnivore/ Carnivore
Petrivore Petrivore
Intelligence: Average (8-10) Low (5-7) Ave to Ver (9-12) Low (5-7) Low (5-7) Ave to High (8-14)
Treasure: E Q (D) P, Q (F or G) Q Q (E) Q (D)
Alignment: CE CE CE CE CE CE
No. Appearing: 1d8 1 2d4 1d12 2d4 1d3
Armor Class: 2 2 3 2 0 3
Movement: 12 12 12, Sw 12 9 10 12
Hit Dice: 7+10 8+1 12+4 9 10+2 5+8
THAC0: 13 12 9 12 10 14
No. of Attacks: 3 3 3 3 3 3
Damage/Attack: 1d8+6 x2 (claws) 1d4+5 x2 (claws) 2d4+6 x2 (claws) 1d6+7 x2 (claws) 1d6+6 x2 (claws) 1d4+2 x2 (claws)
2d6+3 (bite) 1d8+5 (bite) 2d6+6 (bite) 3d4+7 (bite) 2d4+6 (bite) 1d6+2 (bite)
Special Attacks: Hurl rocks, See below See below Automatic bite, See below See below
spell use surprise
Special Defenses: Regenerate, Regenerate, Regenerate, Regenerate, Regenerate, Regenerate
see below see below see below alert, deflection see below
Save as: F11/W11 F9 F14 F9 F11/T11 F8/W8
Magic Resistance: 60% Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Size: L (13'+ tall) L (9' tall) L (12'+ tall) L (11' tall) L (11'+ tall) M (5' tall)
Morale: Champion (16) Champion (16) Fanatic (18) 14 Fanatic (18) Champion (16)
XP Value: 5,000 6,000 7,000 4,200 7,000 975
9,000 (shaman) 9,000 (shaman) 2,000 (psionic)
Black Troll: Among the larger of trolls, black trolls have black skin, gleaming green eyes, and red horns. Unlike most
trolls, they are smooth skinned and oddly humanlike in physical appearance.

Fire Troll: A fire troll is a tall, thick-limbed humanoid with smooth, blood-red
skin. Within its sunken sockets, its eyes glow a fierce yellow, and its hair is a
tangled mass of vibrant oranges and yellows. Its claws and teeth are long, razor
sharp, and as dark as fire-blackened steel. A fire troll runs in a stoop, but can keep
pace with most other bipeds.

Gray Troll: Gray trolls are tall and gangly, and look much like normal trolls. Their
gray or gray-brown skin is dry and flaky, like old parchment. The unruly mass of
hair on the gray troll's head is gray or white. Deep in the sunken pits that are its
eye sockets dance cold blue pinpoints of light. Gray trolls possess excellent
infravision, out to 150'. They are also able climbers (75% climbing chance).

Phaze Troll: Phaze trolls appear as normal trolls in most regards. However, they
are only slightly more than half as tall as a true troll and their frames are thick with
corded muscle. Unlike their bigger cousins, phaze trolls always stand upright and
have high foreheads, similar to the more intelligent races. The skin of a phaze troll
is stiff and leathery, and is covered in tough, knobby lumps. The skin ranges from
deep blue to violet to black in color, while the troll's mass of unkempt hair is blue or purple.
Rock Troll: Though larger than regular trolls, rock trolls are similar in appearance to their cousins. A rock troll's skin
coloration will change to correspond with that of nearby rock types, shifting from light brown to dark gray.

Stone Troll: Stone trolls are horrendous creatures, towering over most of their kin. They have sunken eye sockets,
massive claws, a fang-filled mouth, and a nasty disposition. Stone trolls are completely hairless. Their skin is hard, rocky,
and is colored to provide camouflage in their natural habitat.

Black Troll: Black trolls have 18/00 strength and can, in addition to their claw/claw/bite attacks, hurl rocks up to 180' for
1d10 damage each. Black trolls are not as effective with their bite and cannot fully make use of all their strength when
biting. The most powerful attack a black troll has is a bolt of chained lightning (usable three times daily, doing 6d6
damage) that can ultimately injure every member of a party. A black troll can produce such a bolt at will, measuring 2 1/2
feet wide and up to 70 feet long indoors (8 feet wide and 120 feet long outdoors); black trolls sometimes use this attack
during hand-to-hand combat because of their natural immunity to electrical attacks. (The “chain” effect is not as per chain
lightning, but instead, any person within 10 feet of the bolt, but not directly in the bolt effect itself, will suffer an “arc”
from the bolt and take 3d6 damage (4d6 if they have a large metal weapon or are in metal armor, in metal or not save vs
spell for half damage). Because of the nature of this erratic bolt of energy, it will not rebound off hard or polished surfaces
like a normal lightning bolt will.
Black trolls take only half damage from cold and poison-gas attacks. Like other trolls, they regenerate 3 HP per round
and can reattach all severed limbs.

Fire Troll: Fire trolls are amazingly agile and strike with a lightning fast claw/claw/bite routine that they can direct at up
to three different opponents (their initiative modifier is -1, and their attacks all come in their first initiative). In fact, they
are so agile that despite their bulk, fire trolls can contort their bodies to pass through openings as small as 2' in diameter in
one round if no other action is taken. Fire trolls never use weapons, much preferring to kill foes with their bare hands and
sharp fangs. The one exception is that fire trolls who are in or near a
magma pool sometimes throw magma globs at nearby opponents. A fire
troll can throw two magma globs per round up to 20 yards away. Each glob
does 1d2 points of impact damage and 2d10 points of fire damage. All
items worn by a character hit by a glob must immediately save vs. normal
fire or be set alight by the molten rock.
Fire trolls are more intelligent than most of their kin, and have become
experts at setting ambushes and traps. One of their favorite methods of
ambush is to submerge themselves in a magma pool, then leap out as their
target approaches. Not only do victims have a -4 penalty to their surprise
check (-40%), but any characters within 20' must save vs. paralyzation at
+2 or be hit by 1d3 magma globs as described above.
Fire trolls normally regenerate three hit points per round starting three
rounds after being wounded. If a fire troll is in an area of high heat, but not
immersed in flame or another hot substance, it regenerates five hit points
per round starting on the second round after being wounded. If a fire troll is
immersed in magma or a similar exceptionally hot liquid or is struck by a
fire attack (red dragon's breath, fireball, flame strike, etc.) that engulfs at
least half its body, it regenerates 10 hit points in that round and for as many
rounds as it is so immersed or engulfed. In all cases, the troll only uses one
rate of regeneration per round; either 3, 5, or 10 hit points. Fire- and acid-
based attacks have no harmful effects upon fire trolls. Electrical damage,
however, cannot be regenerated.
Cold damage is a special case. Fire trolls take double damage from cold-based attacks, but can regenerate the damage. If a
troll is brought to zero or fewer hit points by cold attacks, it falls stiffly to the ground, apparently lifeless. In fact, it will
“thaw” in 3d4 rounds and begin to regenerate. If struck for 20 points of physical damage or 10 points of electrical damage
before it thaws, the troll's body will shatter, leaving the beast forever dead.
A fire trolls thick limbs are not easily severed by edged weapons. If chopped off by vorpal or sharpness weapons, the
limbs will fight until the end of combat and then attempt to reattach to the body. Severed pieces will die in two hours if
they cannot reach the largest remaining portion of the troll.
The mauve blood of these humanoids is extremely corrosive to metal, but has no effect on wood, flesh, or stone. Any
metal weapon that draws blood from a fire troll must save vs. acid at -1 or simply melt away. Fire trolls, though always
hungry, are never deterred by food dropped in their path by fleeing prey.

Gray Troll: Gray trolls are ferocious in battle, ripping into anything near them with their claw/claw/bite routine. Gray
trolls are able to direct these attacks against up to three opponents. The gray troll's saliva is highly toxic, and is delivered
every time it successfully bites an opponent. The poison has an onset time of 20 minutes. The victim must then save vs.
poison. If successful, there is no further effect. If failed, the victim slips into a coma, and will not awaken unless the
poison is neutralized. After 36 hours, the victim must save again, but this time at a -2 penalty. If successful, the victim
suffers 2d6 points of damage and then wakes from the coma. If unsuccessful, the victim dies. Gray trolls prefer their
natural attacks above all others, never using weapons or missiles.
Thrice per week, a gray troll may assume a modified gaseous form for no more
than six rounds per use. It takes one full round to assume or exit gaseous form.
This time does not count against the duration of the power. While changing, the
troll can't defend itself, but once in gaseous form, it is immune to all but magical
weapons and spells (in this modified version magical weapons can harm the
troll). While in gaseous form, the troll must remain within 5' of the ground and
can move at twice its normal speed.
Gray trolls are extraordinary regenerators, regaining six hit points per round,
beginning on the fourth round after being wounded. Gray trolls also are totally
immune to damage by acid, cold, and electrical attacks. However, fire damage
cannot be regenerated, and because of its dry, paper-like skin, a gray troll takes
double damage from fire attacks. They hate fire so much they will attack anyone
bearing it, in hopes of extinguishing it as quickly as possible.
Thanks to its lanky, emaciated form, a gray trolls limbs are easily severed (on a
natural attack roll of 18 to 20) by edged weapons. Severed limbs will fight for up
to five rounds after being cut off. If the battle ends before five rounds elapse, the
limbs will rejoin the body. If not, the severed limb crumbles to dust.
Sunlight, like fire, is deadly to a gray troll. A gray troll will never willingly
enter sunlight, but, if forced, will desperately try to flee and find a dark shelter,
attacking anything in its way. While in sunlight, a gray troll fights as if blinded (-
4 penalty on attacks, saves, and AC), and is “burned” by the sunlight for five hit points of damage (which cannot be
regenerated) every round. If brought to zero hit points while in sunlight, a gray trolls body shrivels and crumbles into
black and gray ashes, forever dead. Light other than sunlight has no effect on gray trolls.
Gray trolls are always ravenous and are distracted from pursuit by food dropped in their path 75% of the time.

Phaze Troll: Though not very tall, phaze trolls are exceptionally strong and possess sharp claws and teeth. Phaze trolls
strike with their clawed hands and fang-filled mouth. They are agile enough to direct each attack at a different opponent.
Knowing that their natural attacks aren't as devastating as those of true trolls, phaze
trolls often use weapons, preferring pole arms and other two-handed weapons. When
a phaze troll uses a weapon, it gets a +4 bonus to damage. It cannot use any of its
natural attacks when wielding a weapon.
Phaze trolls possess some unusual powers that are often helpful in the midst of
battle. First, a phaze troll is able to dimensionally shift itself, much like the
dimension door spell. Unlike the spell, however, the phaze troll is never disoriented
after transport. The troll is also able to cause mirror images of itself to appear as if it
had cast the spell of the same name. Both of these powers are innate and may be used
at will, one at a time, once per round (in addition to its' normal attacks). Each power
may be used a maximum of four times a day at the 6th level of ability.
Like all trolls, phaze trolls enjoy the ability of regeneration. They regenerate three
hit points per round, starting three rounds after being wounded, but are unable to
regenerate fire or acid damage. Because of their stockier build, phaze troll limbs
aren't easily severed. If cut off by vorpal swords or swords of sharpness, however, the
limbs will continue to fight and then rejoin the body after combat, if possible.
Rock Troll: Rock trolls attack first with their two claws, then with a gnashing bite. If both claw attacks successfully strike
a medium or small-size opponent, the victim has been grabbed and is automatically hit with a bite at +2 to damage.
Following the first bite, the victim may break free from the rock
trolls grip with a successful bend bars/lift gates roll (with a +10%
modifier to the chance, this effort takes a round to do). If the
victim fails, he is hit with two bite attacks the next round (with
the same modification to damage). If the rock troll suffers 8 hp or
more damage in one attack, it drops its opponent. A rock troll will
prefer to bite at things it is holding, rather than other targets
The rock troll regenerates 2 hp per round beginning three
rounds after initial damage is sustained. A transmute rock to mud
or passwall spell destroys any rock troll within the spell's area of
effect unless a saving throw vs. death magic is made at a -5
penalty. When in rocky surroundings, rock trolls surprise their
opponents on 1-3 on 1d6 and are themselves surprised only on a 1
on 1d8 (or they incur a 40% or -4 penalty to others, and are
surprised only 13%). Their senses of smell are acute, and their
infravision has a range of 50'. Rock trolls have strengths of 19
(hill giant strength) and add +7 to all damage done as a result.
Rangers, dwarves, and gnomes receive the same attack and
defense bonuses against rock trolls as they receive against normal
trolls or giant-size monsters. Rock trolls are able to bat away
missiles such as arrows, bolts, darts, and bullets 25% of the time,
but they must use one claw attack to do so (they can bat away as
many as they want in the round but only lose one attack). Missiles
such as spears, javelins, hand axes, and so on can be deflected
10% of the time, and giant boulders can be caught 15% of the time. However, machine-hurled missiles (from catapults or
ballistas) cannot be deflected, and rock trolls will sustain damage from them if they try to catch them (which many will do
until they learn better).

Stone Troll: Stone trolls rip apart their opponents by attacking with their devastating claws and fangs. They aren't as agile
as other trolls, though, and can only spread their three attacks between two opponents. They never use hand-held weapons,
seeing them as weak alternatives to their own armament.
On the other hand, they thoroughly enjoy pulverizing enemies with thrown boulders. A stone troll can throw two stones
per round up to 35 yards away for 2d8 damage each.
Its highly mineral nature makes a stone troll a slow regenerator, but it is also very difficult to hurt. They regenerate one
hit point per round beginning on the second round after being wounded. Due to their rocky skin, they suffer half damage
from all edged weapons and their limbs aren't easily severed. If cut off with a vorpal blade or sword of sharpness, the limb
dies immediately, but the body will continue to fight, even headless, as long as it has one attack. If the head and both arms
are lost, the torso attempts to flee. Stone trolls are immune to all rock-affecting spells and take half damage from fire/heat,
cold, and electrical attacks and may regenerate all such damage. Wounds from acid-based attacks cannot be regenerated. If
a stone troll is struck by both fire/heat and cold attacks in a single round, it takes double normal damage (no save) from
the second attack and must make a save vs. paralyzation at -3. If it fails, its rocky body shatters due to the extreme
temperature shifts, forever dead. Even if it does save and survives, the damage from the two attacks cannot be
Like all trolls, stone trolls are always hungry, and stone trolls are easily distracted (60% chance to stop to eat food
dropped by fleeing prey).

Black Troll: Black trolls dwell on some of the 666 layers of the Abyss and are believed to be descendants of normal trolls
who were changed by demonic forces. Black trolls can also perform the following spell-like abilities at will: darkness 10'
radius, pyrotechnics, telekinesis (5,000gp weight), dispel magic, and teleport without error. Black trolls can also gate,
with a random chance to gate in 1-2 normal trolls (1-40), 2-5 dretch demons (41-60), or another 1-2 black trolls (61-100)
with a 50% chance of success.
Black trolls are also known as demon trolls. Rangers, dwarves, and gnomes receive the same attack and defense bonuses
against black trolls as they receive against normal trolls or giant-sized monsters.
Black trolls have a great deal of sturdiness which is exemplified by their high constitution (14+1d6) gaining a HP bonus
for higher constitution for each HD as if they were fighters.

Fire Troll: As they spend much of their time wading in magma, fire trolls are very good swimmers. They are very good at
climbing the walls of their volcanic caverns, with a 90% chance to climb any surface. Because of their extremely hot
habitat, fire trolls do not possess infravision. Their eyes are very sensitive, though. As long as there is any illumination, a
fire troll can see 300'.
Fire trolls live in volcanically active regions, rarely choosing to enter the colder, civilized lands. They are often found in
volcanic areas in the Underdark, preying on the races of the Deepearth.
They form into small familial tribes, and these often fight amongst themselves, though almost never to the death thanks
to their ability to regenerate. Males are the dominant gender, though there are no visible differences between the sexes in
size, strength, or intelligence. Males are simply more cruel and hateful. Males establish leadership by combat. The
chieftain leads hunts, devises tactics, traps, and ambushes, and gets first pick of food, loot, and mates. Only females,
however, can wield magic, and as such command a position only slightly lower than the chieftain. There is rarely more
than one shaman in a group of fire trolls, and she is usually advisor and mate to the chieftain. Shamans can cast spells up
to 12th level from the following spheres: All, Chaos, Combat, Divination, Elemental (fire, earth), Necromantic and Sun.
Five percent of shamans are actually witch doctors who can reach 8th/4th level mage/priest.
Fire troll females give birth to a single troll every eight years or so. Young have half normal hit dice and mature in eight
to ten years. Fire trolls can live for up to 600 years.

Gray Troll: After a troll goes through the transformation into a gray troll, they become solitary wanderers of the
Underdark, full of hate and hunger, recklessly attacking any creatures they meet. Occasionally, they will find their old
tribe or a new troll tribe, and gain leadership of it.

Phaze Troll: Phaze trolls seem made for the night and the Underdark, possessing superior infravision (120'). Due to their
short stature, they only have a 35% chance to successfully scale any surface.
Phaze trolls are aberrations, mutants born of normal trolls who spent much time in areas of raw magical energy or strong
Underdark radiations. These radiations are known to be the reasons for a phaze troll's powers and enhanced intellect.
Sages are puzzled, though, as to why only dimension door and mirror image powers manifested.
Because of their rarity, phaze trolls don't gather as a race, instead remaining part of the troll tribe into which they were
born. Due to their powers and intelligence, they often lead their tribes. Usually, it is an uneasy partnership between the
phaze troll and the largest female troll shaman. Phaze trolls are at a disadvantage in such pairings, as they are incapable of
magic. Some, however, can use psionics as a psionicist of up to 3 rd level. Such psionicist phaze trolls usually have powers
from the disciplines of Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, and Telepathy.
Phaze troll genders are equal in size, strength, and intelligence. Eighty percent of phaze trolls are sterile and cannot
reproduce. This is good, for when phaze trolls successfully mate, they breed true. Phaze trolls reach maturity very quickly,
and can live for up to 150 years.

Rock Troll: Rock trolls usually dwell on the elemental plane of Earth but have been known to dwell in dungeons, caves,
and remote mountains on the Prime Material plane. Rock trolls detest Stone Trolls.
Rock trolls are able to consume minerals for sustenance, but it is not common fare
unless hunting is very poor.

Stone Troll: Stone trolls gain this coloration by ingesting rocks and stones common
to their territory, assimilating the minerals into their skin. Because of this coloration,
they have a 75% chance of remaining unseen by casual observation when against a
rocky background, and can attack by surprise with a -3 penalty to the victim's surprise
Due to their rock-hard claws, they are able to successfully scale any stone or earth
surface. Because metal blunts their claws and wood splinters beneath their claws,
stone trolls have only a 35% chance of climbing such surfaces. Stone trolls possess
infravision out to 30'.
Stone trolls prefer living in caves, in the mountains, or on rocky plateaus. Their
“lairs” are often right out in the open as sunlight doesn't bother them. They often curl
up in a boulder-like shape whenever tired, sleeping wherever they might be.
They gather into tribes led by the most powerful male. Stone troll males are the larger, stronger gender, but only females
have the skills to become shamans. Such shamans may reach 7th level with the following spheres: Charm, Combat,
Divination, Elemental (earth only), Sun, and Weather. The chieftain is often advised by, and mated to, the strongest
Stone trolls aren't very prolific, the females giving birth to a single whelp every ten years. The young mature in about
twenty years. Stone trolls can live in excess of 500 years.
Because of their rocky nature, stone trolls can subsist by eating stones, gems, and other minerals. Though not
appetizing, it is nourishing and helps them develop their concealing coloration. They prefer live prey, though any meat is
fair game.
Stone trolls consider all other beings prey, and never ally themselves with other groups for power. They attack most
creatures for hunger and sport, but attack rock trolls (see Dragon #141) out of sheer hatred. They consider rock trolls to be
perversions of their race, while rock trolls see stone trolls as inferior, ugly versions of themselves. Their hatred is so great
that the two species will never join forces, even if attacked by a common enemy.

Fire Troll: Fire trolls are the top predators of their sparsely inhabited environment, and can go for months without food.
Fire trolls often prey on giant striders and fire newts, and some enjoy feasting on the occasional fire giant. Fire trolls who
live in the Underdark consider svirfneblin and drow flesh to be delicacies well worth the chase through the colder tunnels.
The blood of fire trolls is useful in fire and acid magics and is also prized by thieves' guilds for its metal-eating

Gray Troll: Gray trolls are normal trolls that reached their present state by being totally level drained, usually by some
form of undead. By processes not fully understood, the rush of negative energy from the attacker reacts strangely with the
troll's natural regenerative ability. Less than 5% of trolls so drained of life energy react in this odd way; the rest simply
die. Once drained, the troll lapses into a coma for 24 hours, during which time it isn't adversely affected by sunlight.
When it awakens, it has become a gray troll, and all commensurate abilities and weaknesses are gained at that moment. It
is not undead, however. As a gray troll, the beast has gained a strange link to the Negative Material plane. Due to this
connection, a gray troll is rendered sterile and loses any spell-casting powers that it may have possessed. It lives for 25 to
75 years before it crumbles to dust.

Phaze Troll: Phaze trolls are always hungry, and will eat whatever meat presents itself. Phaze trolls are a scourge
wherever they exist, depleting the local area of wildlife and threatening the good races with daring raids’ on the outposts
of civilization.
Their blood is valuable in the making of healing and mind-affecting magics, while their bones are helpful in fashioning
magical items dealing with dimensional travel and illusions.

Rock Troll: Similar to normal trolls.

Stone Troll: Stone trolls are the top predator in their territories and eat anything they can catch. Eventually, their unending
hunger depletes the wildlife of their rocky home, and they are forced to raid the civilized lands for a few months if they
desire fresh meat. Luckily, these raids are as rare as the stone trolls themselves.

(1e – Dragon 141, Black, Rock p16/19)

(2e – Dragon 199, Fire, Gray, Stone, Phaze p25-28)
Troll – Filth Eater, Crystalline, Cave, Mountain, Gargantua
Filth Eater Crytalline Cave Mountain Gargantua
Climate/Terrain: City sewers Temperate mtns Underground Mtn tops Secluded lands
Frequency: Rare Rare Rare Very rare Very rare
Organization: Gang Clan Solitary Group Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any Night Any Day Night
Diet: Omnivore Special Carnivore Carnivore Omnivore
Intelligence: Low (5-7) Low to Ave (5-8) Semi to Low (4-6) Low (5-7) Low (5-7)
Treasure: (D) Qx5 (D, Qx5) X (D) C Dx4 (% x2)
Alignment: CE CN CE CE (10% NE) CE
No. Appearing: 1d8 1d8+1 1 or 1d4 1d4+1 1
Armor Class: 6 (4) 1 1 (0 to -2) 0 4
Movement: 15, sw 12 12 12 16 24
Hit Dice: 9+6 12+2 10 (d10) 16+8 54
THAC0: 11 9 11 6 -1
No. of Attacks: 3 3 2 3 3
Damage/Attack: 1d10+6 x2 (claws) 1d8+4 x2 (claws) 4d4+9 x2 (punches) 3d8+8 x2 (claws) 4d6+12 x2 (claws)
1d6+3 (bite) 1d6+4 (bite) or wpn +9 & punch 3d10+8 (bite) 4d10+12 (bite)
Special Attacks: Rend, disease Nil Anti-parry Surprise, kick Swallow
Special Defenses: Immunities, See below Regenerate Camouflage, Regenerate
Resistances Sunlight vul. Regen., track
Save as: F11 F13 F10 F19/T19 F54
Magic Resistance: Nil 10% Nil Nil Nil
Size: L (9' to 10' tall) L (11' tall) L (8'-10' tall) (15'-17' tall) (18'-20' tall)
Morale: Elite (13) Elite (13) Champion (15) Champion (16) Fearless (19)
XP Value: 6,000 8,000 5,600 14,000 37,000
Cave Troll: A hulking bodied troll of similar height to normal trolls.

Crystalline Troll: This big, bipedal creature is about twice as tall as a human. It has long, ungainly arms and legs. Its hide glimmers
faintly, reflecting and refracting light.

Filth Eater Troll: A thick, green-skinned creature, at least 9 feet tall. The troll seems to flail with elongated arms tipped with filth-
encrusted claws, as it walks. With yellow fangs in a snarl, a blast of foul air from its ma w is constant.

Mountain Troll: This hulking creature has thick, gray skin and the rough features of a troll. Its hunched, apelike posture emphasizes
its massive bulk and hints at the power of its huge fists

Cave Troll: Cave trolls are malicious monsters, who love
to torture any creature they capture before eating it. They
are always on the offensive and sometimes piece together
captured armor of different races (preferring plated) to
create a makeshift armored coat (granting them an
additional 1 to 3 points of AC). Cave trolls who wield
weapons, may also punch with the other hand, and can
strike with the weapon so assuredly as to bypass defenses
of many creatures. This equates to anyone who attempts to
parry/block etc (even with specialized skills) only receiving
one quarter the value of the benefit from such attempts.
Cave trolls do not utilize their claws like normal trolls, but
rather, punch their victims.
Cave trolls subject to direct sunlight must save vs petrification or be turned to
stone. If a cave troll has armor or some kind of similar covering, they will gain a +1
to +3 to save against this exposure (corresponding to how much the AC their armor
offers). If they remain in the sunlight, they must save every round.
Crystalline Troll: Like an ordinary troll, a crystalline troll has no fear of death and joins
combat with vigor and pleasure. It attacks the nearest opponent. Even when being hurt with
magical force attacks (magic missile, shatter etc.) or sound attacks (shout, thunderstaff etc),
the troll will continue its assault. Much like other trolls, severed limbs may continue to
attack, and a severed limb can be reattached to the stump merely by holding it to the stump.
Any limbs not recovered will regrow rapidly (3d6 turns). A crystalline troll regenerates 2HP
per round and can also gain extra nourishment from eating gems (instantly heals 1HP / 50gp
value). The eating of gems to regain HP is in addition to its normal 2HP/rd. It can also gain
nourishment to heal itself, from mineral deposits at the rate of 4HP/rd (replacing its natural
2HP/rd regeneration).
Any ray attack directed at them has a 45% chance of being deflected (if deflected it has a
15% chance to reflect back at the user!), not requiring a saving throw even if the ray
describes an effect “upon hitting” (even if the deflection does not occur, the troll would still
gain a normal save if allowed). Their body makeup makes them resistant to acid of any kind,
but they are more susceptible to sonic-like attacks (-3 to save and suffer 1d2 more points of
damage per dice).

Filth Eater: When they detect a potential living meal, they typically attack in a raging horde,
seeking to tear their prey limb from limb. They
seldom retreat unless faced with acid or with fire
attacks that can manage to penetrate their saturated hides. In battle, they always tear at
their opponents and with such a long reach they can circumvent a shield with their second
claw attack. If both claws hit, they tear at their opponent for extra rending damage
Though it is not done consciously, this mad-rush style of attack also spreads filth fever
with maximum effectiveness. The few beings that survive the claws and teeth of a filth-
eater troll-gang often end up weakened and sick not long afterward, at the mercy of the
hazards of the Underdark. This disease (save vs poison to avoid) takes 1d3 days to
manifest making the victim suffer a loss of 1d3 CON and 1d2 DEX every 3 days
afterward until 12 of each CON/DEX (or scores drop as low as 3) is lost, then the victim
falls to unconsciousness. The disease then goes on for a number of days it took to go this
low, and then unconsciousness persists until death.
These trolls tend to be more alert than their cousins, due to being constantly harassed by
drow. They are only surprised 1 in 10 (10%). These trolls have built a resistance from
constantly being in contact with the filth of the sewage-ways, the many foul experiments
dumped in and magical concoctions gone bad, in drow societies. This give the trolls a +2
to save vs all magical effects. Since they spend so much time submerged, their saturated
hides resist the first 8+2d8 points of
fire/acid damage. They are also often
draped in muck, garbage, weeds, refuse and sewage which steams away while
subjected to fire, as pustules on their backs also pop. Though a drawback to their skin
being in constant contact with the wetness is that their skin softens (AC 6). If the troll
spends a week out of its environment its skin will toughen (AC 5, 2nd week AC 4).

Gargantua Troll: Because of their incredible size, gargantuas are noisy while moving,
and cannot surprise any thing. They also suffer a -4 penalty to their attack rolls when
attacking man-size or smaller opponents. (Gargantua trolls are as strong as storm
giants and their damage reflects this.)
Gargantua trolls fear little and are capable of regenerating up to 12HP per round.

Mountain Troll: Mountain trolls have no concept of fear or caution. When they see
something they want (typically something that they want to eat), they take it. If
anything or anyone gets in their way, they smash it. Any creature struck by a mountain
troll by 5 or more must save vs petrification or be knocked prone. Mountain trolls
themselves are quite stable and gain a +4 to resist being knocked over or tripped.
When faced with large opponents the troll will attack as normal with claw/claw/bite,
though if faced by medium-sized beings or smaller, it can resort to claw/claw/kick
(kick damage is the same as a claw). They are as strong as stone giants (hurling stones
up to 140 yards for 2d8 damage).
The mountain troll is capable of blending in with its surroundings offering an 80%
hide in shadows (which it uses to ambush prey, who suffer -2 to surprise checks, -
Cave Troll: Although cave trolls are aggressive they can be outsmarted if one plays on their insatiable desire for gold, because they
are very gullible when it comes to gold. Cave trolls are massive, hulking figures, and they are incredibly strong for their size. A cave
troll has a strength score of 21, and can sometimes be found wielding a giant-sized 1H weapon (war club-mace 2d10, axe 2d10, sword
2d10, plus strength). A cave troll weighs 2,600 pounds on average. Cave trolls are extremely hardy and use d10 to generate hit points.

Crystalline Troll: A crystalline troll is only slightly less feral than its cousins. A crystalline troll’s skin is made of a glass-like material,
making the creature look like a troll covered in rock crystal. Crystalline trolls stand more upright than ordinary trolls. An adult is 11
feet tall and weighs 1,200 pounds. The crystalline troll has a significant willpower (minimum WIS 15) that makes it have a +3 vs all
mind affecting spells and illusions and allows it to learn from previous errors (further include any bonus from high wisdom if
Crystalline trolls have excellent vision and are able to utilize ultravison up to 40 feet in the dark, and infravision out to 140 feet.
By being able to sense small noises through their bodies, they are slightly more aware of their surroundings (surprised only 1in8,
13%). If beings take precautions (move silently, silence 15' radius etc) then their surprise is only 2in10 (20%).

Filth Eater: Living in the most squalid of conditions outside drow enclaves, troll filth-eaters are vicious carriers of foul disease. Due
to its constant contact in the sewage-ways it has formed an immunity to all diseases and poisons and regenerates more significantly
than normal trolls (5HP/round on the round after taking damage, this includes it's initial contact with fire even if the fire damage is
resisted). The filth eater can hold its breath for up to 20 minutes +1 round per remaining 8HP.

Gargantua Troll: This unnatural creature is the spawn of magic from very powerful wizards. It takes no less than an archmage to
create a gargantua, and trolls are often chosen for their brute-like nature.

Mountain: They dwell near mountain peaks and stir from their lairs only to gather food. Like other trolls, mountain trolls have
voracious appetites.
Mountain trolls are rarely encountered alone. Brutes and bullies, they casually push around smaller giants, ogres, and smaller trolls.
Although giants and ogres make reluctant minions at best, the slow-thinking mountain trolls simply eat any creatures that fail to
follow their simplistic commands. Some mountain trolls fall victim to mountain giants who team up to contest mountain ranges, or
choice cave-homes. On occasion they will live in close quarters with giant trolls. A typical mountain troll stands 16 feet tall and
weighs 5,500 pounds.
Mountain trolls regenerate at a fast sporadic rate of 1d6HP per round. They can also track prey by scent with a 35% success chance.

Cave Troll: Almost always they make their homes underground, or rarely, in dark heavily-wooded regions. Venturing out in the day is
never considered, as they will turn to stone if touched by direct sunlight. This may be the reason why cave trolls seek to cover
themselves with armor as it reduces some exposure to the harmful light. They are sometimes found with large groups of humanoids.
They will also sometimes serve beings from the lower planes.
Sometimes cave trolls will group up for collective benefit when the region has creatures that could otherwise vanquish them alone.
Other times a female cave troll will be found with up to 3 offspring that she will mother for up to 2 years before leaving them.

Crystalline Troll: These trolls stay closer to temperate climates and will likely be close to a mineral deposit where they can fall back
to. This species of troll is quite wise and able to become priests (up to Level 10).

Filth Eater: Other than living and feeding from sewage, they are similar to normal trolls for mating habits and reproduction.

Mountain Troll: Mountain trolls spend most of their times, sleeping, eating or searching for food. They procreate at about ¼ the rate
normal trolls do. The massive mountain trolls are the largest, natural, members of the troll family (since gargantua are magically
made). They are the offspring of giant trolls with mountain giants (so tend to be quite rare), or a giant troll with mountain trolls and on
extremely rare occasions where mountain trolls court gargantua trolls (50% chance either will come about from mating).

(As per Rules Cyclopedia, Chapter 14 “Gargantua”)

The statistics for any gargantuan monster are calculated as follows:
• Height: 2 times normal
• Hit Dice: 8 times normal, counting each "plus" as one Hit Die added
• Movement rate: 2 times normal
• Damage: 4 times normal (this can be adjusted based on relative size and strength considerations)
• Number Appearing: 1
• Save As: Fighter of level equal to its Hit Dice; half level if unintelligent
• Morale: 11 (19)
• Treasure Type: 4 times normal size, at 2 times normal percentages
Armor class, alignment, number and type of attacks, and normal and magical abilities are unchanged, except for regeneration (4 times normal rate).
Terrain: Same as the original species. Load: Eight times normal.

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