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A.\'.S‘|·i 'ER ALL Q1 ’ES TIONS /100 A14





Yon are required to answer all questions. Each
correct answer earries 1 Mark.

There are 100 Alu/tipls Choice Questions. Answer
all. Provide your answer by eireling
one option letter ol“’a", "b”, or “d",

l. Which ofthc following is not a Business


a. Word Processing

b. Spreadsheet

ei Presentation

d. Personal Finance

24 All these are benefits of Computer

Literacy except:

increased employability

b. greater eamings Potential

e. greater access to resources

d. All of the above

Page l oiil
J1('/lL't1/11A/Jr]//g ()\\ Zlfrll

3. Which ofthesc systems is not an example
ofa Data Processing (DP) system?

a. Automated Teller Machines (ATM)

b. Credit Sales terminal

c, Systems Software ‘

d, Airline Reservation Systems


4. The Four Stages ofData Processing Cycle


a, input, processing, storage, output ‘

h. input, processing, output, storage

c. processing, input, output, storage

d, storage, input, processing,


5. To facilitate subsequent processing, data

input may require the following preparations
a. Classification

b. Verification

c. Transmittal

d. Loading

6. An entity is defined as T___.

a. database for storing information

b. an ob_ject or thing about which information is


c. an application for storing information

d. none ofthe above

7. Characteristics ofinterest, which need to be

stored is referred to as ,

a. field

b. attribute

c. table

tl. eolumns

Page 2 ofll
L‘t‘t.1/i11”/it·i‘.t‘.‘ Dr, .t1c·/1e't1/iiptßzig (;)\l‘lI\'ll
8, A(>n) __' __ is collection
of related fields.

a. field

b. record

c. table

d. file

9. A (_n) ___ _ ____Y_> is collection ofrelated


a. table

b. row

c, file

d. column

IO. Data maintenance coinprises otiall these Y____.


a. additions

b. subtractions

e. deletions

d. updates

ll. Peripherals are devices which are attached to __,

the ___

a. Keyboard

b. Mouse

c. System Unit

d. Monitor

12. Handheld Computers are

7 _, _.

a. designed to fit in the hand

b. stylus is commonly used to input data

c. able to write on the screen with

special characters called graffiti

d, all ofthe above

Page 3 ot' ill

/J/1 (hl [mu
are employed for speeialized applications that require
I3. ___ _4 are very expensive and
calculations (number crunching).
immense amount ofmathernatical

a. Minicornputers

b, Mamframcs
c. Supercomputers

d.Tablet PCs

of computing that relies on sharing computing
I4. é ___v__ is defined as a type
personal devices to handle applications.
rather thun having local servers or

a. Grid computing

b. Cloud computing

c. Parallel computing

d. Distributed computing

Devices except _.
I5. All these are examples of Input

a. Keyboard

b. Mouse
c. Monitor
d. Bar Code Read ers

a. Printers
16.All these are examples of Output Devices

b. Monitors
except .
c. Speakers

d. Keyboard

is HQI present in a mierocomputer system unit?

I7, Which ofrhe following key components

a. Motherboard
b. Software
c. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

cl. Random Access Memory (RAM)

Page 4 of21

E.\‘rrmfi1r‘r‘x‘.‘ Dr. .-ic/1et’r/iipmig Oivrlszr

IS. The machine cycle instructions are orgzrniscrl ar: follows:

a. Fctclr, process. store. decocle

b. Fetclr, store, process, decode

c. Fctch, store, process, decode

rl. Fctch, decodc, process. store

_ __.
IO. Computer processing speeds are n'rcasurcr.I in

arr bytes

b. hertz

c. bits

d. none otithc above

20. RISC stands for?_.

Relay Instruction Set Computer

b, Retricve Instruction Set Computer

c. Relirrble Instruction Set Computer

de Rcducctl Instruction Set Computer

21, A gigabyte (GB) is approximately ___' _

I. 000, 0000 bytes.

b, l.0t_>0,000.000 bytes

c. I,000,t)0t),0O0,000 bytes

d. None ofthe above

22, All these are functions of operating systems except .

a. provide :1 user interface

b. manage programs

c. data input

d. schedule jobs

Page S otiltt

];\.11r:,r:t·r¤ ltr .—!r /”rt'rrr11_or;»rr;; On nur

23. A(n) _4 is a computer program allowing
high—level computer programs to
interact with computer hard ware device.

a. Bus

b. Device driver

C. Application software

d. System Software

24. Advantages ofcomputer network to businesses include:

a. Enables sharing und dissemination ofcompany infonnation

b. Enables sharing hardware resources such as printers, backup, and processing


c. Reduces time forinformation and transfer,

d. All of the above

25. A (n) _V_ is a private network that is accessible to selected outsiders.

a. Intranet

b. Extranet

c. L.AN


26. Which ofthe following is not a type of a communication link'?

a, Twisted pair cable

b. Coaxial cable

c. Fiber optic cable

d. Software

27. A fn) r_ is a set of niles for the exchange of data between a tenninal and a

computer or between two computers.

a, Cache

b. Protocol

c. Bus

d. Register

Page 6 ivfll
][,x‘r:1iii”11t‘i·,r; [,)/1 At/icrzziipozig ()ii‘ir.vi1
28. _ _) ___ _ is not a type of network topology.

a. Bus

b. Ring

e. Star

d. LAN

2*}. _H)_ _ _ may be defined as an illegal

activity in which the person uses special
lcnowledge of computer technology.

:1. internet crime

b. Computer crime

0. Online criine

tl. Cyber crime

30. A (_n) ___ V_ is a program designed

by a computer programmer tmalicious
hacker) to
do a certain unwanted function.

a. \\i'orm

b. Virus

c. ”l”ro_jan Hoise

d. Rootkit

3} . _
V V__ is end user software that is used to accomplish a variety

a. Operating System

b. System Software

c. Utility Program

d. Application software

32. A Y,
g is a program that organize, analyse, and graph numeric

a. Word Processor

b. Database Management System

e. Spreadsheet

tl. Presentation software

Page 7 of2]
[.\’t1/7/.iise= ~" [Jr i:‘/1t‘i1/upwrg t )n urz!
33.The difference between non—volatile
memory and storage is that the memory „
is_}__ and storage is____.

a. tenrporary, permanent
b. permanent. tcmporary

c. slow, fast

d. none ofthe above

34. A computer

a central processing unit

b. a memory

c. input and output units

d. all the above

35. Which ofthe following is not example of

an Operating System'?


b. MS Windows

C. Android

d. Photoshop

36. The process of sending information

from your computer into a server on the
Internet is
known as __ _ _.

a. downloading

ltr. prtlling

c. transferring

d. uploading

37. With __, each department has

its own set of files.

a. Database

b. File processing system

c. Transaction processing system

d. rtploading

Page S ofil
E.xr7111i/zr·m‘ Dr
35. .·\ __ __ is a collection ofindrvidual programs available togethcras
a unit.

a. Software suite

b. Personal information nranager

c, Shareware

d. Freeware

39. The V______ interprets each instnrction issued by rr

program and then initiates
the appropriate action to cany out the instruction.

a. arrthrnetic logic unit (ALU)

b. control rrnit

c. system rrnit

d. memory

40. In database nranagernent system. A _ _V_* contains data about each file in the
database und each field in those files.

a. Data nranipulation language

b. Darrr dictionary

c. Data definition language

d. Data management systcrn

4l. __ } automatically confignres new devices as you install thern

a. Driver

b. Plug and play


e. Configure

cl. Console

42. Which ofthe following holds the ROM. CPU, RAM

und expansion cards?

a. llard disk

h. Floppy disk

c. Motherboard

d. None of the above

43. The language that the computer can understand and

execute is called _

a. Machine language

b. Application software

Page 9 offl
Exmrrrrrr/‘~ D1'. .·lr'/l(’rlllI]l«VlI‘l] «Ji.‘rr.vr.r
c. System program

d. None ofthe above

44. The actual exeeution of instructions in a computer takes place in

a. ALU

b. (Yontrol Unit

c. Storage unit

ti. None ofthe above

45. Which ofthe following does not represerrt an l/O device'?

a. Speaker which beeps

b. .loystick

c. Plotter

d. ALU

46. The communication line between the CPU, memory and peripherals is called a

a. Bus

b. Line

c. Media

d. None ofthcse

47. One thonsand bytes represent a _ _ _

a. Megabyte

b. Gigabyte

c. Kilobyte

d. Terabyte

48. A computer can be defined as an electronic device that can (choose the most


a. carry out aritlrrnetreal operation

b. carry out logical function

Page lll; of2l

c. accept and process data using a set of stored instntetions

d. present information on a \/DU

49. ASCII code is a/an bit code.


11. l

lv. 2

c. 7

d. S

50. The digital system usually operated on system.


a. binary

b. decimal

c. oetal

d. hexadeeimal

51. What is true about supereomputers 7 A

a. they can fit on a single small chip

lv. they are found at tliousands ofplaccs around the world

they cost only few thousand cedis

d. they can process billions ofoperations in a second

52. The linking ofconiputers with a communication system is called __


a, networking

lv. pairing

c. interfaeing

d. assembling

53. All these are communications devices except

zi. Modem

b. Wireless Access Point (WAP)

c Router

länge ll
d. Keyboard

54. How many byte(s) are/is in the word Ölnformation

systemÖ Excludc the quotation markil

8. lb

b. 17

c. IS

tl. 19

55.) V__V_V is a service that earries voice, data, video, and

multimedia at extremely high

a. T-Carrier


c. Aflvl

cl. ISDN

56. I\/lemories in which any location can be reached in

a fixed (and short) amount oftime
after specifying its address is called ___ _

a. sequentialarccess memory

b, random~acccss memory

c. secondary memory

d. mass storage

57. I\rl0dcm computers do not work with decimal numbers,

Instead„ they process binary
numbers i.e,, groups of Os and ls because

a. electronic devices are rriost reliable when designed fortwo

state (binary) operation

b, memory is only possible for binary


c. with decimal numbers, the cireuits are complex and costly

d. with dccimal numbers, processing speed is slow

58. Stored instructions and data in digital computers consist

of) ___

a. alphabets

b. numeruls

Page I2 ot'2I
l11,x’r11rrr‘rrcr‘.~" .·lr /rvtrrzr/,i«>rrg t)n‘r1.~rr
c, characters

d. bits

59. The basic operation

performcd by a computer is __ _w_

a. arithmetic operations

b. logical operations

c. storage and retrieval


d. all the above

60. The analog computer deals

directly with __ _

a. number or codes

b. measured values oticontinuous

physical magnitadc

c. signals in the form ot‘0 or


d. signals in discretc values From

0 to 9

6l. Ifyou want to improve the

performance of your PC, you need to
upgrade the ______
a. CPU

b. Monitor

e. Keyboard

d. Printer

62. I\Iemory stores


a, the operating

b. application programs

c. the data being processed by

the application programs

d, all ofthe above

63. The Internet was originated as

A RPANET in September 1909,
what is the full meaning of

a. Advanced Research Project

ot‘American Network

b, Advanced Really
Project Agency Network

Page F3 ot'3!
Üu mir
c. Advanced Research Project
Agency Network

d, Advanced
Revolution Project Agency Network

(r4.Which ofthe following is part of

the system unit']

a. l\/lonitor

b. Motherboard

c. Keyboard

d. None ofthe above

65.VVhat unit ofstorage is used

lo represent 10*9 bytes'?

ll, Kilobyte

b, Tcrabytc

e. Megabyte

d. Gigabyte

66. The processor's _) __'

controls thc timing of all
the computer operations,

a. system clock

b. rcgistcr

c. machine cycle

d. arithmetie logic unit (ALU)

67. How many bytes are in

the tenn "I like computing"
exelude the quotation marks.

a. 23

b. 24

c. 16

d. 26

68. You must instmct the V___

_ to start the application

a. utility program

b. memory

c. operating system

/;vr.rrrr„·'rrt·r·.«· Ur Page 14 ofll

Ai /rtrtrrrr/wr;} Uwrmi
d. processor

69. The jargon fornavigating on the lntcmet is called _ )__

a. clicking

b. selecting

c, surfing

d. analysing

70, The process ota computer receiving in

tiorniation iiroin a server on the Internet is known
as }

a. downloading

b. pulling

c. translieiring

d. uploading

71. HTML stands for


a. I—lyperText Make up Language

b. HyperTemuria1 Markup Language

c. I—lyperText Markup Language

tl. I-IigherText Markup Language

72. A letter, digit, or special character is reprcscnted by

a codc in a _*____Y

a. bit

b. byte

c. kilobyte

d. megabyte

73. A(n) __ is a number that uniquely

identifics each computer or device
connected to the Internet

a. DNS Server

b. IP address

Page 150172*1
E.ri11z1[1zr*r1r.‘ Dr. .~1c./1«'r11z1p01·1gOirzzsn
c. Domain Name

d. Top Level Domain Name

74. Which ofthe following computers is not a mobile computer?

a. Notebook computers

b. Laptop computers

e. Tablet PCs

d. None ofthe above

75. Which ofthe following is not an E-commerce model?

a. BZI3

b. B2C

0. C2C

d. None ofthe above

76. Several other services run on the Internet aside the world wide web (www). Which ofthc

following is not an Internet Service?

a. Email

b. Mailing list

c. Instant nicssaging

d. Computer Software

77. Which ofthe fcllowing is an example ofvolatile memory?


b. Registers


d. ROM

78. All these are criteria for ex aluating a Web SiteÖs content except _

a. Content

b. Affiliution

Page I6 ofil
/‘.s‘ —li
/;.\'t717IJ/Ii' /71: /[ltr?]/IA/Ft'!/lg i)n u.sw
e. Currency

d. Subjectivity

79. _ is the amount oli time it takes the processor to read Front memory

a. Access time

b. Clock tune

c, Cycle time

d. Cycle per second

SO. A(n) _V is L1 socket on a desktop or server mothcrboard

that can hold an adapter card

a. Expansion slot

b. Bus

c, Adaptereard

rl. Power supply

Sl. Which ofthe following is not an example ol volatlle inemory'?

a. Cache memot}

b. Registers

c. RAM

d. ROM

82. __________ is the process ot converting data

that is readable by huinans into encoded
characters to prevent unauthorized access.

L1. Algorithm

b. Cipher Text

c, Encryption

d. Deciyption

83. Web publishing is the development and maintenance of Vtlcb

pages. The process of
showing your website to the world is termed as __)W_ _.

a, Planning the website

Page l7o1ӣ$
D11 ,·lt‘/Juri/izpti/wg
b. Creating the website

e. Deploying the website

d. Maintaining the website

84.The backup technique where all

data is backup whenever a change is
made is known as

a. Full backup

b. lncremental backup

c. Differential backup

d. Continuous data protection (CDP)

85. _ __+_ mode saves any open documents

running programs or apps to memory,
turns off all unneeded functions,
and then places the computer in a
low—power state.

a. Sleep

b. Hibematc

c. Restart

d. Booting

86. __i_____is a portion

ofa storage medium functioning
as additional Random-
Access Memory (RAM)

a. Flash memory

b. Registers

c, Cache memory

cl. Virtual memory

87. All these are eonununieations

devices except

a. Modem

b. VVireless Access Point (VVAP)

c. Router

d. Keyboard

A(n) ___‘_Y is a single chip with two

or more separate processor cores.

Page IS of2l
E.\’(ll7lllllt,“l'.S.’ D/1 ,·lC'/lt’tI/JUJOIIÄQ ()u‘r1.vr¢
a. Multitasking processor

b. Multicorc processor

e. l\t'lultiuscr processor

d. Multiprocessor core

S9. The use of computer workstations to send and receive messages is known as

a. electronic funtls transfer

h. electronic message swileliing

c. electronic mail

d. electronic publishing

90. Which ofthe following functions of a computer is wrong?

a. it obtairts data from an input dex tee

b. it processes the tlataand delivers the final results to an output device

c. it stores the program and data in memoiy

d. lt gcnerates the program on its own *

9l. Atn) _' _?_ __Vallows a user to perform maintenance—type tasks usually related to

managing a computer. ils devices, or its [)l'OgI'3tHS.

a. Plug and play

b. Utility program

c. Operating system

d. Systems program

92. Mass produced, eopyrighted software that meets the needs of a variety of users is called:

a. Custom software

b. Packaged software

c. Freeware

d. Shareware

Page Y9 Il
Extmzuut rx; Dr. lr /1.·.11/;pm:_;; f)tt11at/
93, The type of education
in which students learn by using und
completing cxercises with
instructional software is called:

a. Computer based training (CBT)

b. Distance learning

c, Web based training (WBT)

d. Computer aided graphics

94. Protocolsr

a. define techniques for encoding and

dccoding data

b. can define mechanism for detecting

and rccovering from transmission errors

c. are set of nilcs defining format ofdata

for communication

d. All of the above

95. With _, standard telephone

ir line is used to connect to the Intemet.


b. Dial—up access


d. Cable television Internet services

96. In order to view pages on a web site,

the user needs to enter the site address called:

a. Uniform resource locator

b. Email address

c. Postal address

d, MAC address

97. How many bits is a kilobyte'7

a. 1000

b. 1024

c. 8192

d. 8124

D/‘ Page 20 ofli

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