Omen Ork: "People Are Getting Hired"

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hen I was
asked to
write a story
about one of
my clients,
I thought,
Oh, that should be easy. But as I
started to think about it, I realized this
is not about one person getting a job,
there are many people who succeeded
their goal of landing a job by using
our services.
I initially
wanted to write
about Jim as he
was our latest
success story, but
then I thought
about Beth and
Renee. Oh boy,
I thought, what
about Jenny who
after meeting with
our career counselor Mayra, felt the
confdence to consider a career transi-
tion? Jenny is now working at City
of Hope and giving back to Women
At Work. What about Rosemary
who followed one of our leads and
landed the job immediately? Guyane
attended Job Club just about every
week since January. One day she
tells me she has an interview, we talk
about it and two weeks later I noticed
she had not attended Job Club. Her
cousin informed me that she landed
the job! Alice who said I am a teach-
er- I know how to follow instruction.
All these individuals are now in a
position where they can pass on job
leads to Women At Work. Those are
the leads that I will be sharing at Job
Club. What a wonderful circle!
LAPD called us and visited our
center because they want to part-
ner with us. They will be attending
our Employer Forum in September.
Mary Kay does free make-overs the
last Monday of the month to assist
our clients with treatments that will
boost their self-
esteem while in
job search. Vons
comes to Job Club
the second Monday
of every month to
speak to our Job
Club attendees on
Dos and Donts
for Job Seekers.
Dress for Suc-
cess, a non-proft,
fully clothes our clients who are in
interview mode and will give them
a full weeks wardrobe FREE after
landing the job. We are going for the
full package.
There is so much going on with
Job Development. Dress for success
has asked us to participate as part of
their team to run the LA Marathon
in March 2012, with free training.
I would love it if Women At Work
becomes a part of that; that event is
international! We already have one
Job Club member who is interested
in participating. I am sure Women
At Work will fully support her if
32 Years of Commitment
September-December 2011
Women At Work is a career and job resource center with a mission to help clients
reach their full employment and earnings potential in a supportive environment.
ere look
for job search
If youve got a great
success story, wed love to hear from
Servicios en Espaol...Pagina 3
NEW Drop-in Resume Critique Service..Page 5
WAW and YWCA Partnership...Page 7
People are getting hired
Women At Work Job Development Succeeds Despite the Down Economy
I initially wanted
to write about Jim.
He was our latest
success story. But
then I thought about
Beth and Renee.
by Perla Bernal, the Job Developer
she decided to run. I am very proud to be a part of
Women At Work and all the wonderful things that
happen here.
Visit our website at
explore the Job Club Tab to see pictures, stories, the
latest news and upcoming workshops -
stay in the loop.
Word 1, 2, & 3 - Beginning
Word skills, formatting complex
reports, creating a resume and
working with tables, graphics,
autotext, and mail merge.
Excel 1, 2, 3 & 4
Creating a worksheet, formulas,
functions, formatting and queries, and
analyzing, charting, and working with
large worksheets.
Outlook -
Covers e-mail, calendaring and
contact management.
Access - Creating and using a
basic database.
PowerPoint - Captivating multi-
media presentations for meetings,
lectures, or the web.
All classes meet Tuesday and Thursdays
10 a.m. -11:30 a.m.
(90 minute classes)
Career Resources Room
Open Monday through Thursday
Search thousands of current job openings from entry-level to
professional level.
Unlimited computer use (Wi-Fi Included)
Job Search Related Offce Services: Includes copies, fax, and
printing for a nominal fee.
Typing tutorials to brush up on your typing (Mavis Beacon)
$2 per visit
$5 for 5-day unlimited use (no expiration)
$20 for 2-months unlimited use
$30 for 6-month unlimited use
$60 for 1-year unlimited use
Drop-In Services
FREE 1-Hour Orientation
Learn about our services!
Find out how we can help you reach your career and
job search goals!
Come in for a FREE 1-Hour Orientation
Every Monday 11:00 a.m. 12:00 noon
Get to know Women At Work services
Job Club $2
Mondays at 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Meet other Women At Work clients, gain new
insight into the local job market and receive a
list of current hot jobs and an update on current employment
Drop-in Individual Resume Critique Service $20
Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Includes a 15-minute session with a career counselor for feedback
and recommendations on your resume content and format.
Registration is on a frst-come, frst-served basis at the front desk
Computer Users Assistance FREE
Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Technical assistance will be available in the computer lab.
While clients may use the lab for the entire hour, personal assistance
may be limited to 15 minutes per person.
Job Seekers Assistance Group FREE
(For All Job Seekers)
Wednesdays at 12 Noon SHARP - 1 p.m.
Latina Orientacin GRATIS
Mircoles a las 11:00 EN PUNTO - 12:00 p.m.
Vengan al grupo para hablar sobre los servicios ofrecidos que le
ayudaran en su bsqueda de trabajo.
SEPT 2011
Class Date
Word 1 Thurs 8
Word 2 Tues 13
Word 3 Thurs 15
Excel 1 Tues 20
Excel 2 Thurs 22
Excel 3 Tues 27
Excel 4 Thurs 29
OCT 2011
Class Date
Word 1 Tues 4
Word 2 Thurs 6
Word 3 Tues 11
Excel 1 Thurs 13
Excel 2 Tues 18
Excel 3 Thurs 20
Excel 4 Tues 25
PowerPoint Thurs 27
NOV 2011
Class Date
Word 1 Tues 1
Word 2 Thurs 3
Word 3 Tues 8
Excel 1 Thurs 10
Excel 2 Tues 15
Excel 3 Thurs 17
DEC 2011
Class Date
Word 1 Thurs 1
Word 2 Tues 6
Word 3 Thurs 8
Powerpoint Tues 13
Access Thurs 15
You can enroll online
or at the front desk.
Prepayment guarantees a space.
$30 for each class
$75 for three
$140 for six (prepaid)
WAW 2 September - December 2011
Women At Work

Services by Appointment
Individual Career Counseling:
Meet with a Career Counselor to explore potential
careers, job search techniques, or prepare/practice for
60 minute session $75
*Sliding scale available with documentation & counselors approval.
Individual Resume Counseling:
Expert guidance for improving or developing your
targeted resume
30 minute session - $30
60 minute session - $60
Occupational Testing/Career Assessment: $190
Take the Strong Interest Inventory and the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator. By appointment. Two sessions for testing
and interpretation, 90 minutes each.
Computer Classes
WAW 3 September - December 2011
Workshops continued next page
Women at Work sigue ofreciendo varios servicios de bajo costo
que benefcian a las/los que estn buscando trabajo.
El programa ayuda a mejorar las posibilidades de empleo para
Latinas de bajos recursos que tienen barreras culturales y/o
lingsticas. Servicios incluyen el asesoramiento en espaol, ayuda
con la bsqueda de trabajo, y clases de computacin en espaol.
Durante las consultas individuales con la consejera, los clientes
podrn compartir su frustracin, encontrar motivacin y aprender
las estrategias para encontrar trabajo.
Para recibir ms informacin acerca de nuestros servicios valiosos
y los descuentos ofrecidos a travs del Programa de Latinas, les
recomendamos que vengan a una Orientacin del Programa
de Latinas ofrecida cada mircoles. En las orientaciones se
informarn sobre los requisitos necesarios para recibir una tarifa
Orientacin del Programa de Latinas ofrecida cada mircoles.
10:30 a.m. (en punto)- 11:30 a.m.
No es necesario registrarse con anticipacion
En las orientaciones se informarn sobre los requisitos necesarios
para recibir una tarifa reducida.
Servicios en La Pintoresca
Women At Work tambin proporciona servicios de empleo en
espaol en la biblioteca La Pintoresca el ltimo martes de cada
mes. Consultas duran 15 minutos y son gratuitas. Una cita es
necesaria para poder hablar con una consejera que le ayudar
con su bsqueda de trabajo. Pueden llamar directamente a la
biblioteca al (626) 744-7268 para reservar su cita. La biblioteca
La Pintoresca esta situada en 1355 North Raymond Avene,
Registrese Para Una Clase de Computacion
Las clases de computacin se renen el ltimo mircoles de
cada mes y cuestan $10 por clase. Clases empiezan a la
1:00 p.m. (en punto) y duran dos horas. Pedimos que se registren
con anticipacin. Se pueden matricular llamando a su consejera o
inscribindose en el escritorio de recepcin. Se necesita un mnimo
de 5 personas registradas para ensear la clase.
Horario de las clases de computacin:
Elementos Bsicos de Computacin y Introduccin al Internet
Mircoles, 28 de septiembre
1:00 p.m. (en punto) 3:00 p.m. $5
Para la persona que nunca ha usado una computadora. Esta clase
es una introduccin a la computacin. Tambin aprender lo bsico
para empezar a usar el Internet (la red) en su bsqueda de empleo
y/o para obtener informacin.
Introduccin a Word
Mircoles, 26 de Octubre
1:00 p.m. (en punto) 3:00 p.m. $5
Instruccin en como usar el procesador de textos Microsoft Word.
Aprenda a crear un resumen de trabajo, cartas, anuncios, y otros
documentos usando este programa. Requisito: Necesita conocer el
teclado y lo bsico de computacin.
Correo Electrnico
Mircoles, 30 de noviembre
1:00 p.m. (en punto) 3:00 p.m. $5
Aprenda lo bsico para crear y usar su propio correo electrnico
para comunicarse con otros, incluyendo empleadores.
Buscando Empleo en el Internet
Mircoles, 14 de diciembre
1:00 p.m. (en punto) 3:00 p.m. $5
Aprenda como y donde buscar trabajos y anunciar su negocio/
servicios usando la red. Requisito: Necesita saber usar la red/
Internet y lo bsico de computacin.
El Programa de Latinas
Enrolling for computer classes is fast, easy, and can be done any
time of day or night. You can book as well as cancel
your computer classes.
Take advantage of packaged pricing deals when
purchasing online. At the time of registration you can
purchase the following:
One class for $30
Three classes for $75
Six classes for $140.
When you purchase one class, the payment is directly applied to the class for
which you are registering. When your purchase a three or six-class-package, one
credit is apply to the class you selected, and and the remaining class credits are
saved in your account to be used to register for more classes at any time, until your
credits are used up.
From the Women At Work website, click the Computer Classes button, then
select Computer Class Schedule to register.
If you prefer to enroll in person, please visit our offce front desk. Staff is always
happy to help, or answer questions about what levels to enroll in to match ones
Did you know? Women At Work now offers a sliding scale and is available for
some individual workshops and most computer classes. The sliding scale is available
with documentation and a counselors approval. Please see the front desk for more
Its easy for you to enroll online
Women At Work is always looking for ways
to improve our facility to better serve our clients.
We are currently in the process of updating
our Resource Room; eliminating the clutter and
outdated information for a more up-to-date,
spacious and streamlined appearance.
We hope that the modifcations offer clients
an inviting and comfortable environment for their
job search needs. As always, we welcome our
clients feedback and have added a Suggestion
Box located in entrance/waiting area. If you
have any ideas on how we can improve our
Resource Room or if youd like to share how
Women At Work has helped you, please feel free
to drop us a note. We hope to see you soon!
Modifcations intended to offer an inviting and
comfortable environment for your job search
Resource Room
Gets an Update
WAW 4 September - December 2011
nTechnology Workshops
nIntroduction to Computers
Wednesday, September 14
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. $5
For those who have never used a computer or who need to become
more comfortable with basic tasks Learn: the main components, to use
a mouse, to open/print/save documents, and use external devices.

Saturday, September 9
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $45 by September 4, $50 after
The most popular online accounting system, taught by an expert and
user. If you need to do accounting, this hands-on class will help you
navigate the program. Minimum of 3 for class.
Networking Mixer
Wednesday, September 14
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Donation Requested
In need of a job, looking for others to connect with? Bring your
business cards.
Our Most Popular EventEmployer Forum
Wednesday, September 21
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. $5 donation requested
Come meet employers! Employers will be onsite to describe job
opportunities and current openings. Visit the Women At Work website
for names of confrmed employers.
Connecting With Others to Explore A New Career
Wednesday, September 28
10 a.m. to Noon $25 by September 26, $30 after
Get the answers you need to plan your education and career.
What is Informational Interviewing?
Learn how to make contact with others to get inside information.

45+ and Seeking Work
Monday, October 3
3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. $25 by September 29, $30 after
Learn strategies for overcoming concerns about your age and meeting
marketplace needs as a mature worker.
nIntroduction to Computers
Wednesday, October 5
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. $5
For those who have never used a computer or who need to become
more comfortable with basic tasks Learn: the main components, to use
a mouse, to open/print/save documents, and use external devices.
nBookkeeping for Small Business
Tuesdays, October 4, 11, 18, 25 (4 sessions)
4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. $99 by September 28, $109 after
Introduction to bookkeeping basics for business. Course objective is
to introduce the accounting structure and double entry bookkeeping
in order to make the crossover into computerized accounting using
nIntro to LinkedIn
Saturday, October 8
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $25 by October 3, $30 after
Learn the basics of the LinkedIn social share website for professionals.
Prerequisite: Attendees shoud register for a linkedIn account befoe they
come to the workshop . Visit and click join today
to start your own linkedIn account.
Becoming Your Own Boss Program:*
Workshop 1: What Would You Offer?
(For beginning entrepreneurs)
Mondays, October 10, 17 and 24
4 p.m. to 6 p.m. $45 by October 6, $55 after
Have you contemplated self-employment, but youre not sure what that
might look like? Survey your desires and abilities and identify your
product and/or service idea and your target market. Create new
options with group support and feedback.
Networking Mixer
Wednesday, October 12
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Donation Requested
In need of a job, looking for others to connect with?
Bring your business cards.

Job Loss: A Financial Survival Guide

Monday, October 17
1:30 p.m. immediately following Job Club $10
Presented by Christina Fuentes CFP and John Thompson, Financial
Planning Association SGV chapter members, this workshop presents
valuable insights on navigating ones fnancial future following a job
loss. The FPA members provide key actions and direction along with
answering your questions and giving advice. Check out their website
for valuable resources full of fnancial tools and information.
nIntro to Social Media
Wednesday, October 19
5:30 pm. to 7:00 p.m. $20 by October 12, $25 after
Feeling a little lost with Twitter, Facebook, Linked In? If youre new to
social media, this workshop is for you!
Wednesday, October 26
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. $45 by October 26, $50 after
The most popular online accounting system, taught by an expert and
user. If you need to do accounting, this hands-on class will help you
navigate the program. Minimum of 3 for class.
Interviews that Win Jobs
Thursday, October 20
10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. $25 by October 13, $30 after
Learn and practice successful interviewing techniques.
See Package
Offer Below
WAW 5 September - December 2011
nIntroduction to Computers
Wednesday, November 2
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. $5
For those who have never used a computer or who need to become
more comfortable with basic tasks Learn: the main components, to use
a mouse, to open/print/save documents, and use external devices.
nJob Searching on the Internet
Thursday, November 3
3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. $25 by October 31, $30 after
Learn how to fnd job openings online.
Get tips on how to search effectively.
Learn what types of websites are available to job seekers.
This class will not cover how to apply for jobs online. For help with
online applications, consider enrolling in Demystifying the Online
Job Application Process.
Becoming Your Own Boss Program*
Workshop 2: Could It Work For You?
(For those who already have a business idea)
November 7, 14 and 21
4 p.m. to 6 p.m. $45 by November 3, $55 after
You already have a concept of your product/service and target
market in mind. But, you need to determine if self-employment could ft
into your life, despite your obstacles.
nAdvanced Linked In
Wednesday, November 9
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $25 by November 3, $30 after
After youve got the basics down, learn how to get the most out of
Pre-requisite: Must know how to use the Internet; Must already
have a working Linked In account.
Networking Mixer
Wednesday, November 9
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Donation requested
In need of a job, looking for others to connect with?
Bring your business cards.
nTweeting your way to work
Wednesday, November 16
5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. $20 by November 10, $25 after
Learn how to use Twitter and strategies on how tweeting can improve
your job search, expand your network and provide a unique insight to
the job market.
nDemystifying the Online Job Application Process
Thursday, November 17
3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. $25 by November 14, $30 after
Get tips on how to present yourself professionally.
Learn how to upload your resume and submit information
Practice flling out a sample online application.
Interviews that Win Jobs
Thursday, December 1
10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. $25 by November 28, $30 after
Learn and practice successful interviewing techniques

nIntroduction to Computers
Wednesday, December 7
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. $5
For those who have never used a computer or who need to become
more comfortable with basic tasks Learn: the main components, to use
a mouse, to open/print/save documents, and use external devices.
45+ and Seeking Work
Wednesday, December 7
3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. $25 by December 5, $30 after
Learn strategies for overcoming concerns about your age and meeting
marketplace needs as a mature worker.
Networking Mixer
Wednesday, December 7
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Donation requested
In need of a job, looking for others to connect with?
Bring your business cards.
Purchase both Becoming Your Own Boss Workshops 1
and 2 and SAVE $15
$75 for the package by October 6, $80 by October 10
See Package
Offer Below
Brand New!
Drop-in Resume Critique Services
ue to an increasing demand
for individual resume
counseling sessions, we
have decided to replace our
weekly Resume Critique Group
with private 15 minute, Resume Critique
sessions offered on a drop-in basis, two
days a week! As an addition to our
existing hour and 1 hour Individual
Resume Counseling options, clients can
now meet with a Women At Work Career
Counselor for a quick review of their resume during brief, one-on-
one appointments. 15 minute sessions will be offered for $20 on
Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. Clients
should come prepared to receive honest, objective advice on how
they can make improvements to either their resume or cover letter.
Please sign up at the front desk for a 15 minute time slot.
Availability will be on a frst come, frst serve basis and registrations
will only be taken the same day. We anticipate spaces flling
quickly; therefore we suggest you arrive at least 30 minutes before
1:30 p.m. to
reserve a spot.
Clients can now
meet with a
Women At Work
Career Counselor
for a quick
review of their
resume during
brief, one-on-one
What: Drop-In Resume Critique
(Individual, 15 minute sessions with a
Women At Work Career Counselor)
When: Mondays and Wednesdays
between 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Fees: $20 per 15 minute session
WAW 6 September - December 2011
Our annual event was held at the KPCC
Crawford Family Forum on June 16,
2011. Why Women Succeed featured
a guest panel of local women business owners,
including a former client of Women At Work and the
Early Bird Business workshop, Paula Gallemore.
Women At Work brings together
local entrepreneurial women
From left to right: Cynthis Kurtz, Moderator; Hilary Lentini, Lentini Design; Paula
Gallemore-Atherton, Fine Design Line; Bonnie Henderson, Bonnie Bs Smokin;
Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire, Berkhemer Clayton, Inc.; Diane Schultz, Cyber-Rain
YWCA of San Gabriel Valley
Los Angeles Urban League Worksource Center
Mary Kay
Day One of Pasadena
Career Marketplace Search
County for Nonproft Management
Los Angeles Police Department
Mothers Club
to our Community Partners
ts heartening to see the supportive interactions
between clients in our workshops and drop-in
groups. These forums provide a refuge from the
challenges faced by so many in todays world of
Often the person
who attends has lost
their livelihood of many
years. Some have
never experienced
searching for jobs
online, much less
completing an online
job application! And
the thought of participating on social media is a
foreign land.
Group encounters are a refreshing place to fnd
mutual support and reassurance, by relating to
others in similar circumstances. Clients become
acquainted with each others goals and share their
relevant contacts, websites and other resources.
Most of all, they share their rich experience in
a related industry or company, including hiring
practices. Some have been HR reps or hiring
managers, so theyre really able to provide the
inside scoop.

Self-confdence is built through workshop activities,
such as group discussion about the strengths of
mature workers, brainstorming to help someone
identify their business niche, practicing in pairs for
job interviews, and learning how to use LinkedIn
together. Through this process, mentors and
buddies are found, who offer ongoing support
with one anothers work search. The feedback
from such relationships helps clients plan their own
strategy and activities.
Groups provide a place to discover theyre not
alone in their fears and challenges. They offer the
knowledge, skills, and especially, the attitudes for
navigating this path, which sometimes feels like an
overwhelming obstacle course.
Ease the Stress of Hard Times
Group encounters are
a refreshing place to
fnd mutual support
and reassurance, by
relating to others in
similar circumstances
his fall, Women At Work is set to
embark on a new partnership with the
YWCA of San Gabriel Valley. Starting
in September, Women At Work will be
providing services to clients enrolled in
the YWCAs
domestic violence
program, Wings,
as well as to mature
workers participating
in their Interval Senior
Services. After meeting
and coordinating with staff
at the YWCA, Women At
Work will focus on delivering group and one-on-
one services, teaching job
search techniques to both
English and monolingual
Spanish speakers. Women
At Work hopes to empower
and motivate participants
and augment their
skills through an array of tailored workshops and
individual career counseling sessions. Signature
groups and informative sessions, such as the Women
At Work 101 orientation and Job Club, will also be
available to their clients both at Women At Works
central location and on site at YWCAs main offce.
Wings Take Flight
at Women At Work
Services to clients enrolled in the
YWCAs domestic violence program
Stay connected
with Women At Work
Feel free to follow us or reach out to us through any of these
Social Media tools. We love hearing about your successes!
Tell a friend:
Like us on Facebook: womenatworkpasadena
Follow us on Twitter: @WAWpasadena
Join our LinkedIn group:
Write a review on Yelp at:
Women At Work-Career
& Job Resource Center
Can You Help Us Help Others?
As of August 31, Women At Work has put 52 people back to work.
Each week at Job Club and Women At Work 101 more and more clients talk
about their need to fnd help in getting employed. We reach out to them with
our career counseling, our resume critiques, our job databank and more. Women
At Work is their place to come.
We need your help. Your donation will ft our many
clients. Please return the donation coupon today.
We appreciate your support.
Robin McCarthy
Executive Director, Women At Work
Yes, I want to help Women At Work
help others fnd employment
Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation of
___ $100
___ $75
___ $50
___ $25
Name ________________________________________
Phone ________________________________________
Email _________________________________________
Donation Coupon
INSIDE 626-796-6870
A Career and Job Resource Center
3871 East Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday 9:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
2nd Saturday of each month 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Job Club Monday, 12:30 p.m.
La Pintoresca Branch Library
1355 No. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103
626-744-7268 Se habla Espaol
Fresh Start Tuesday every last Tuesday of the month
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. by appointment
Job Club every last Wednesday of the month
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. by appointment
Non-Proft Org.
U.S. Postage
Pasadena, CA
Permit No. 567
32 Years of Commitment
September-December Classes & Workshops
How Job Support Groups Can Help
Latina Servicios and Clases en Espanol
Women At Work
3871 East Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Women At Work is a career and job resource center with a mission
to help clients reach their full employment and earnings potential in a
supportive environment.
Pixie Boyden
Director of Information
USC Rossier School
of Education
Vice President
Marsha V. Rood
Urban Reinventions
Louellen Tschopp
Community Volunteer
Carolyn Barber, CFA, CIPM
Principal Compliance Officer
Clifford Swan Investments

Veronica Dolleschel
City Managers Office
City of Irvine
Sam Gennawey
Community Volunteer
Debbie Heap, AIF, CFP
Community Volunteer
Julie Jaross
Vice President
Inter Valley Escrow
Lynn Kormann, CPA
CFO Dilbeck Realty
Marge Leighton
Community Volunteer
Ellen Ligons
Retired Dean
Pasadena City College
Ellie MacMullin
Human Resources
Verdugo Workforce Board
Bridget Marshall
City of Hope
Barbara Martinoff
Retired, Long Range
Angie OBrien
Community Volunteer
Uma Shrivastava
Senior Vice-President,
Private Client Manager
U.S. Trust/Bank of America
Vera Teller, Ph.D.
Lecture/Associate Professor
California State University
Dominguez Hills
College of Business
Louise Wannier
TRUU Designs
Wendy Welch-Keller
Vice President
Community Bank

Executive Director
Robin J. McCarthy
Advi sor
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torchbe Are r
promot e r
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chAi rp e rson
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Saturday, October 15, 2011
Pasadena Senior Center.
An evening
of magical
What can
you say
about a
great woman...
weve got plenty
Tickets & Information

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