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Savannah Cash

Professor Kuterbach

Psychology 207

9, June 2023

Magazine/Newspaper/ Website Assignment #1

In the article I read it discusses that children with attention and behavioral problems will have a harder
adult life. The article discussed how an experiment was done and the participants of the experiment
were followed from infantry to age 26 and throughout that time their behaviors and attention spans
were monitored. When monitoring the people, it was concluded that the attention span issues showed
less educational involvement and the behavior issues showed more criminal behavior. The article
researched/ experimented with three different groups of people.

I enjoyed the article it gave me insight on to when I become a teacher what to look out for and how to
help my students not end up with bad behaviors and redirect their attention to what we are doing in
class. I also agree that children that have behavior issues due end up later in life having a criminal
history. I, however, believe that you should always believe in your students and help them succeed in
everything they do. I do certainly like the hindsight this article gave me and how it made me want to be
able to help the children that maybe struggling.

Name of Article: Children with attention, behavior problems earn less money, have less education,
poorer health as adults.


Date created June 5 2023

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