2023 Year 11 Mathematics Advanced Assessment Task 2

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NESA Number:

2023 Year 11 Mathematics Advanced Assessment Task 2

Investigative Task

Task number: 2 Weighting: 30% Due date: Week 9

Outcomes assessed:

MA11-2 A student uses the concepts of functions and relations to model, analyse and
solve practical problems.
MA11-3 A student uses the concepts and techniques of trigonometry in the solution of
equations and problems involving geometric shapes.

MA11-8 A student uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise, model and

interpret information in a range of contexts.

MA11-9 A student provides reasoning to support conclusions which are appropriate to the

Nature and description of the task:

This practical and investigative assignment involves the use of functions to create a new logo
for a company.

Suggested Timeline:
Week 7
● Investigative task issued to students and the notification posted on google classroom.
● Students have watched the instructional video to know how to utilise Desmos.
Week 8
● Students have replicated one of the given logos.
● Students have done a rough sketch of the logo they intend to create in Desmos.
Week 9
● Completed document to be submitted for marking.
● Students complete an In class 30 minute test on the due date.

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Task Instructions
Setting the scene
Desmos Designs is a graphic design company that utilizes their in-house graphing program
“Desmos” to draw their graphic designs. (www.desmos.com/calculator)

You are a new designer for Desmos Designs and you have been assigned as a consultant for a
company seeking a logo for you to design. The company has presented you with two sketches
for you to recreate on “Desmos” so that they may see how it appears on the program, after
which they request you create an original logo.

Here are the two sketches presented to you, and you have been asked to recreate ONE on

Sketch #1 Sketch #2

After recreating one of the two sketches here is the ‘design brief’ for the logo you need
to design for the client:

● You are required to use Desmos to draw the logo: www.desmos.com/calculator.

● The logo must have a section in all four quadrants of the Cartesian plane.
● A variety of colours may be used.
● All the lines and curves in the logo must be created in Desmos using mathematical
equations. Do not include words in the logo.
● The maximum number of different equations to be used is 12, with a minimum of 6.
● The logo must include at least one section from each of the following, or parts of
the graph from each of the following:

A Straight Line A Parabola A Cubic Curve

An Absolute Value graph A Hyperbola A circle or semi-circle

For example, it is possible to use two semicircles in two different parts of the logo, if
sections of the other five graphs are also used.

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1. Recreating the sketches

a. State which of the two sketches you are recreating:________________________

b. List out the function/relation you have recognised in the sketch, the equation used,
and the domain and range:
(Not every row has to be filled as there may be fewer equations than rows provided)

Function/Relation Equation Domain Range

- This question continues on the next -

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c. Attach TWO screenshots/print-outs of the recreated sketch showing the equations
I. Screenshot 1 shows the recreated logo WITH a grid and x-/y- axes shown.

II. Screenshot 2 showing the recreated logo WITHOUT the x- and y-axis shown.

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2. The Original Logo
a. What types of products/services do you think the client makes/sells/provides?

b. Plan a logo by sketching ideas and indicate the possible function/relation to be used
for each part/section. Mark important points of intersection where the domain of
certain functions/relations must start/stop. (Extra pages have been provided)

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c. List the equations you have used to create the logo, including the domain and range
of each. (If you used fewer than twelve functions, delete/cross-out the rows you don’t
need/haven’t used.)

# Equation Domain Range




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d. Attach TWO screenshots/print-outs of the recreated sketch showing the equations

I. Screenshot 1 shows the recreated logo WITH a grid and x-/y- axes shown.
II. Screenshot 2 showing the recreated logo WITHOUT the x-/y-axis shown.

e. State the overall domain and range of the entire logo.

Domain Range

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Marking Criteria

1. Recreating the Sketches

Question Criteria Marks

a. States the sketch to be recreated –

b. Identifies the relations/functions used /5

Identifies a domain for each relation to create part of the logo/sketch /5

Identifies a range for each relation used to create part of the /5


c. Provides screenshot(s) that meet the criteria. /2


2. The Original Logo

Question Criteria Marks

a. States the type of product/service the client makes/sells/provides –

b. Sketch/plan shows at least six different types of functions/relations /6

Indicates critical points of intersection between pairs of /5

functions/relations that determines important domains.

c. Lists at least six different equations of required functions/relations /6

Correctly identifies the domain of at least six equations /6

Correctly identifies the range of at least six equations /6

d. Provides screenshot(s) that meet the criteria. /2

e. Correctly finds the overall domain and range of the logo /2



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Extra Writing Space

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