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The Truth

By: I.C.L. Arendain

One day, at a small village in the nation
Terarria there is a teenage boy that is curious about the
truth about the world, existence and where it came
from. He decided to ask her grandmother about it,
“grandma do you know anything about the world and
how it is made?” he asked, his grandmother replied
with “oh boy I also thought the same thing when I was
a kid”, “grandma how will I find the answer to my
question?” he asked to her grandmother. “You need to
find the legendary sorcerer at the peaks of the Mt.
Sabaody located in the nation of Kuri, but boy it is not
easy as you thought you will face challenges” her
grandmother replied. And the teenage boy decided to
pack his things and leave to travel to the peaks of Mt.

At the first day of his adventure he
encountered his first challenge his first challenge is he
had to cross a wide chasm and he is confused what to
do to cross the wide chasm. He decided to ask the
nearby residents on how to cross the wide chasm.
“Hello, how will I cross this wide chasm?” he asked.
“You need to get a floating lily pad in the nearby
enchanted lake” they replied. He decided to do what
the residents told him. He walked to the nearby
enchanted lake and got a floating lily pad, and then he
walked back to the residents. “What will I do with this
floating lily pad?” he asked. “You need to ride that
floating lily pad and you can cross the wide chasm”
they replied. He finally crossed the wide chasm safe
and sound. And after that another challenge comes one
after another.

Chapter 3: ARRIVAL
After many challenges he finally arrived at the
gate of the nation Kuri. He approached the gate guard
and asked the guard if he can enter. The guard inspects
him and after that he entered the nation. He wondered
around the whole nation and find many new things. He
had a lot of fun and go to an inn and rent a room for
him to rest in. He decided to have a dinner first in a
restaurant and after he ate he got back to the inn and
decided to sleep. Morning comes and he got up from
bed and changed his clothes. He goes outside to gather
informations about the Mt. Sabaody. He goes around
the city and asked residents questions and informations.
The day ends and he had many information about the
mountain like how to go there where to start, it’s
address and so on and so forth.

Chapter 4: VENTURE
He started his adventure by taking his
first step in the mountain. At his first steps he
find it easy climbing the mountain but it is not.
After he took many steps he noticed every step
he takes it gets hard and it is time taking. He
decided to take some rest and sat on a rock. It
took him so long to reach the peaks of the
mountain he climed for days days turns to weeks
weeks turns to months and months turns into a
whole year. After a year he was so happy and
felt relieved as he finally reached the peaks of
the mountain. He found an old man sitting a bit
far away from him and decided to approach it.
Setting: Nation of Terraria and Kuri
Protagonist - Roronoa Zoro
Confidant - Zoro’s Grandmother
Foil - The legendary sorcerer
Character - The gate guard, residents
Point of View – Third person
Theme: Adventure, fantasy

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