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Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and esteemed members of our vibrant community,

Today, we gather with immense honor and exhilaration to mark a momentous milestone in our lives. In
unity, we celebrate this extraordinary occasion, graced by the presence of our esteemed guests. Joining
us is the ever-dynamic Dr. Norman Ongco, an exemplar from the Department of Education, whose
unwavering passion fuels our educational pursuits. We are also privileged to welcome the spirited
Captain Nelson Melancolico, leading the way as the head of our Barangay Council. The unwavering pillar
of support and nurturing presence, the esteemed PSDS of District 10, Mrs. Vivien S. Taneo, who
embodies the essence of motherly care and guidance. And of course, our heartfelt appreciation goes to
our beloved School Head, Mr. Roel Versales, whose guidance and support have been invaluable
throughout our educational journey.

Henry Peter Brougham once said “Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive: easy to
govern, but impossible to enslave.”

To our dedicated and exceptional teaching force at Sabang Elementary School, we stand before you as
living proof of your profound impact. Today, we come together to reflect on the remarkable voyage we
embarked upon seven years ago when we first stepped foot into elementary school. The sheer joy
radiating from the faces of our parents resonates deeply within us, for this moment symbolizes the
realization of our aspirations. Some parents have taken a day off from their commitments to be with us,
while others have traversed great distances, crossing borders, to share in this triumphant juncture.
Today, we have the opportunity to fill our mothers and fathers with immeasurable pride, as we stand
united in their honor.

Esteemed teachers of Sabang Elementary School, we stand as living testaments to your unwavering
dedication and tireless efforts. Your countless days and sleepless nights devoted to shaping our minds
and nourishing our spirits have not gone unnoticed. On behalf of all the students gathered here today, I
extend my heartfelt congratulations and express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering commitment
to our growth.

This convocation serves as an exultant celebration of our collective accomplishments. With great
enthusiasm, I extend a warm and sincere welcome to each and every one of you, as we assemble to
commemorate the 59th Commencement Exercise of Sabang Elementary School and the Graduation
Ceremony of the exceptional Class of 2023.

Thank you, and may this morning be filled with unbridled joy and abundant promise for the
extraordinary journey that lies ahead. Good morning!

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