Biophysics Questions

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Structure of matter
a. Elementary particles
b. Force interactions
c. Quantum effects, planck’s law
d. Wave properties of particles
e. Quantum numbers
f. Absorption of spectral analysis
g. Spectrum of hydrogen atom
h. Structure of electron shells in atoms
i. Emission, ionization and excitation; binding energy of electron
j. Mass spectroscopy
k. Atomic nucleus, binding energy in atomic nucleus
l. Potential barrier of atomic nucleus
m. Larmor frequency
n. Physical principles of NMR
o. Magnetic resonance - relaxation
p. Magnetic resonance - image formation
q. MR spectroscopy, chemical shift
r. Bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging
s. Transmission electron microscope
2. Molecular biophysics
a. Bonds among atoms
b. Phase states of matter; state equation of ideal gas; henry’s law
c. Liquid crystals
d. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
e. Kinetic theory of gases, most probable velocity of gas molecule
f. Energy equipartition theorem
g. Gibb’s phase rule, phase chart of water
h. Dispersion systems and their classification
i. Properties of colloid particles
j. Optical properties of colloids
k. Dialysis, dialyzer
l. Sedimentation
m. Electrokinetic potential (Zeta potential)
n. Principle of electrophoresis
o. Water as solvent
p. Transport phenomena
q. Bernoulli equation, equation of continuity; Dalton law
r. Law of laplace
s. Viscosity and its measurement
t. Hagen-Poiseuille law, flow resistance
u. Streamline and turbulent flow, reynold’s number
v. Diffusion, 1st law of Fick
w. Brownian motion, diffusion coefficient

x. Colligative properties of solutions
y. Osmotic pressure
z. Blood pressure measurement, Starling’s hypothesis
aa. Phase border phenomena
bb. Surfactant
3. Thermodynamics
a. Thermodynamic system, state quantities
b. Work and heat, specific heat capacity, pV diagram
c. Heat transport, latent heat
d. Planck’s law, Stefan-Boltzmann and Wien laws
e. Definitions of thermodynamic functions (U,H,S,F,G)
f. Internal energy and enthalpy
g. Entropy
h. Free energy
i. Chemical potential
j. Photosynthesis, ATP-ADP cycle
k. Thermoregulation in organism; measurement of temperature
l. Thermal losses of a body
m. Calorimetric measurements
n. Law of the thermodynamics
4. Biophysics of electric phenomena
a. Permittivity, electrical impedance
b. Sodium-potassium pump
c. Action potential and its detection and propagation
d. Measurement of electrical conductivity in solutions
e. Electric current and organism
f. Rest membrane potential; ATP-ADP cycle
g. Rest membrane potential; electrochemical potential
h. Use of electricity in diagnosis; use of electricity in therapy
i. Potential barrier of atomic nucleus
j. Intensity of electric field
k. Action potentials of heart muscle and their detection
l. Coulomb’s law, permittivity constant, electric (Kirchhoff’s) law
m. All or none law, rheobase, chronaxie, conduction of action potential
n. Cell membrane permeability, membrane potential
o. ECG -the leads
p. Electric current and organism, electrotherapy
q. Action potential and its conduction
5. Acoustics and physical principles of hearing
a. Sound (propagation, intensity)
b. Doppler’s effect
c. Weber – Fechner’s law in acoustics
d. Physical properties of acoustic waves
e. Principle of hearing, audiometry
f. Acoustic impedance
g. Ultrasound generators
h. Generation of ultrasound image
i. Physical principles and diagnostic use of ultrasound
j. Doppler pulse detection, models of ultrasound imaging
k. Piezoelectric effect
6. Optics
a. Polarization of light
b. UV-, IR, and visible light (properties, propagation)
c. Optics of human eye
d. Raman and Rayleigh scattering
e. Optical microscope
f. Diffraction of light
g. Lens equation, creation of image in optical system
h. Refractive index, total reflection, refractometry
i. Thin lens formula, optical power
j. Extinction, lambert-Beer law
k. Eye defects, correction of optical power of eye
l. Energy and intensity of light, absorption of light
m. Refraction and its use in spectroscopy
n. Inference and light reflection
o. Optical and electron microscopy
p. Laser -principle
7. X-ray physics and medical application
a. X-ray contrast
b. X-ray properties, absorption
c. Production of X-rays, energy spectra; control of the energy and intensity of X-rays
d. X-ray apparatus; X-ray absorption
e. Attenuation of X-ray radiation
f. Photoelectric effect and Compton scattering
g. Contrast of X-ray images
h. Use of X-rays for diagnostic purposes
i. X-ray therapy
j. Principle of CT
k. CT reconstruction, algorithms
l. Roentgen methods
m. CT scanners- principles, CT detectors, Hounsfield number
n. X-ray and its effect on the body
8. Radioactivity and ionizing radiation
a. Basic law of radioactive decay, types of radioactive decay
b. Alpha, beta, and gamma radiation
c. Radioactive equilibrium
d. ​Physical, biological, and effective half life
e. PET
f. Absorption of alpha and beta radiation
g. Absorption of gamma radiation; selective and integral detection of gamma radiation
i. Detection of ionizing radiation
j. Ionization chamber, Geiger-Muller tube
k. Principle of detection of ionizing radiation; detectors of ionizing radiation
l. Accelerators of particles
m. Gamma camera, units of exposition, absorbed dose and dose equivalent
n. Beta decay, electron-positron pair, annihilation
o. Leksell gamma knife

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