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Did you know that... thanksgiving is like is like
Christmas for Mexicans?
I think it’s almost the same because people and
families share a celebration of Christian origin.
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on Thursday,
November 24 year after year. Since 1621 in the
United States and Canada people have been
accustomed to celebrate the harvest and other
blessings of the past year. This festivity is focused
on giving thanks to God, so you can meet with
friends or family to share food and experiences. In
addition, before offering the feast, they offer a
prayer to God. Afterward, they can enjoy
traditional dishes that includes turkey, bread
stuffing, potatoes, cranberries, and pumpkin pie.
Its important to say that the reason why this
tradition was born is even more beautiful.
According to historical data, this celebration had
its origin in Plymouth (present-day
Massachusetts). Some immigrants from England
arrived in the United States to freely profess their
religion, upon their arrival the natives of the
Wampanoag tribe, taught them the techniques of
corn cultivation, hunting and fishing. Then, in
gratitude for their hospitality and teaching, the
settlers organized a dinner with a lot of food. Since
then, this tradition has been a time for sharing and
loving others.

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