Critical Review of Teaching English in Remote Area

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Critical Review of Teaching English in Remote Area

Teaching English in a particular area might be faced different challenges. For
instance, an article entitled Socio-Cultural Challenges of English Teaching in Remote Areas
of Indonesia revealed that teaching English could be hindered by several aspects. This article
was conducted by three people: Dwi Poedjiastutiea, Velmi Mayaputrib, and Yudhi Arifanic
in 2021. Identifying social culture that impedes English Teaching was the aim of the article.
The research was conducted on a remote area namely Pemana Island located in East Nusa
Tenggara. It was considered a remote area due to its huge and diverse geographical aspect.
The majority of its inhabitants worked as fishers and many families were trapped in poverty.
In daily conversation, all of the people intensively used their local language namely “Buton”.
In fact, communicating by using Bahasa Indonesia was associated with an arrogant person.
Another aspect that influence the impede of English teachings is their society’s beliefs and
people’s perspectives. The challenges appear from many aspects and they are interconnected.
Therefore, the participants involved were students, teachers, and parents that accessible.

In the introduction article, the researcher started the first sentences straight to the
relationship between social culture and the development of English language learning.
Pardede (2012) stated that the starting point must be straightened and attracted the interest of
the audience which is the readers. It completely elucidates the background of the research
such as the information of social-cultural aspects from previous research and the challenges
that hindered Teaching English. Moreover, the aims and objectives of the study were
explicitly stated. Ming (2006) explained that an introduction should describe the background
briefly and must be related to the topic. It contained several previous studies that have been
documented. It elucidates completely including the author, the problems, the objectives of the
study, the participants, and the results briefly. In methodology, the authors started with the
approach which is ethnography, and include its explanations as well. The techniques and
method of collecting and analyzing the data was understandable and in detail. However, the
participants who were involved in this research was less information. The author only stated
the number or participants and without specific information. For instance, the student’s
school, ages, grades, and parents’ background such us occupation were not clearly explained.
Even though the author stated the majority of people were fishermen, it would be better stated
clearly to avoid the uncertainty of the readers. In finding and discussion there are three
challenge were found, they are the challenge of economic situation, the challenge of
administering national curriculum, the challenge of society’s beliefs about English and
teaching implication. The first challenge assumes as the main problems. Majority of families
tr trap in poverty. Child labor became a norm in Pemana Island. One of the parents state that,
graduated from senior high school was enough and children have to help their parents to
work as soon after they graduated. The next challenge related to the obstacle of applying
student center approach. Students are difficult to understand, therefore, teachers must
explained the lesson. The limitation of book sources and facilities impede learning process.
Students spend many hours to take a note material rather than practicing. The third challenge
was from parent’s and student’s beliefs and motivations. Parents prefer to encourage their
children to learn Arabic. They explained that it’s needed for reading and learning Koran.
Students explained that The author presents the result by restating certain interview
statements. It was proved that the analysis was describing the challenge or problems based on
the reality that occurred.Unfortunately, it only stated by shorts statements. In conclusion, the
author sum up the article including the result of the research and suggestion for the further

This article proved that the challenges of teaching English were complex and

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