Innovative For Teaching Speaking by Using Think

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Name : Ni Putu Dina Arini Candra Saraswati

Number : 2229081016
Class :E

Innovative for Teaching Speaking by Using Think-Pair-Share Strategy

Nature of Think-Pair-Share Strategy
Speaking skill is one of the productive skills in order to produce and use the language.
However, EFL students face many obstacles and problems in mastering oral proficiency. In
order to improve speaking skills, teachers should be creative and innovative to reach goals.
The think-Pair-Share strategy is known as TPS strategy is a cooperative learning that
proposed by Lyman (1981). It is a combined learning approach that provides opportunities
for students to work together and solve a problem or answer a question about a certain topic.
TPS requires students to think independently about a subject or answer a question also share
and express their thoughts with classmates. The process of discussion with student partners
encourages involvement, focuses attention, and engages students in comprehending the
material. It allows students to communicate and work together to understand reading, and
concepts, solve a problem, brainstorm, or answer a question after they individually think.
According to (Wright, 2015), it encourages students to have a voice and they are prepared to
engage in meaningful discussions. Students who have low self-esteem often do not want to
speak up in class, however, when students are prepared and communicate with their peers
they become more confident in their answers and are more willing to share their idea.
Moreover, students learn to listen to each other points of view and respect each other ideas
and thoughts. Working in pairs also reduces stress and embarrassment. For instance, if the
students give a wrong answer, they won’t feel shy because the embarrassment is shared.

Characteristics of Think-Pair-Share Strategy

Teachers play important role in order to maximize the application of the TPS strategy.
They should be patient which is used slow down the talking and give the students an
opportunity to process their ideas before verbally responding. TPS is an active-
learning technique in which students are inspired to participate even if they have little deep-
down interest in the topic (Lyman, 1982; Marzano & Pickering, 2005). This strategy
emphasizes the students to process the topic and practice their communication including
problem-solving skills. Furthermore, it reinforces students’ communication skills. Students
take their chance to speak, discuss and participate which has many positive effects on the
whole group where students feel more confident and encourage to be more active in the class.
According to Raba (2017), peer interaction is the main element of this strategy. Learners are
encouraged to interact and listen to each other. The use of the think-pair-share strategy leads
to active engagement. Therefore, students have opportunities to think, listen, share and reflect on
their ideas and their peer’s ideas too.

Procedures of Think-Pair-Share Strategy

To apply this strategy in order to improve speaking skill, teachers must explain TPS
to students in beginning of the class briefly. There are three procedures are conducted namely
think, pair, and share (Raba, 2017). The first step is think which means students think
individually about the topic given by the teacher. Students are given enough time in order to
answer the question or find the solutions to the problem. The time that is given to students
depends on the complexity of the question or the problem. In order to explore and find the
answer, students allow to take notes or do brainstorm their ideas. The second step is a pairing
which means students are asked to work in pairs in order to discuss and share their answers
with their friends. They are given enough time to listen to each other ideas of the problem. In
this step, students allow to choose by themselves or paired by the teacher. The third step is
share which means students are asked to share their ideas with the whole class. Students are
given an opportunity to share and express their thought after what they have discussed with
their peers.

Strengths and Weakness of Think-Pair-Share Strategy

There are numerous articles and research that find the positive effect and impact of
TPS strategy to improve speaking skills. It helps students to think independently about how
to questions and encourages responsive classroom discussion. Moreover, the TPS strategy
leads students to share and express their ideas with classmates which builds language skills
too. It did not require complex or specific preparation such as tools or learning media. TPS
strategy is flexible which means it can apply in the classroom (face to face) or through online
classes too. However, the application of TPS takes a long time to see the result. Especially
introverted students are quite inactive to participate. According to Raba (2017) who
conducted the research entitled “The Influence of Think-Pair-Share (TPS) on Improving
Students’ Oral Communication Skills in EFL Classrooms” revealed students didn’t
cooperative at the beginning. The writer reported it cause by students think it was
embarrassed to work with pair. Working in pairs can lead to chaos and noise in the
classroom. Therefore, the role of the teacher as a manager who makes the classroom keep
conducive and comfortable.

Raba, Ahmed. Amin. Awad.( 2017). The Influence of Think-Pair-Share (TPS) on

Improving Students’ Oral Communication Skills in EFL Classrooms. An-Najah National
University: Palestine.

Wright, W. E. (2015). Foundations for teaching English language learners:

Research, theory, policy, and practice (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: Caslon Pub.


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