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Andragogy Assumptions

 To discuss andragogy as the science of how

Reminiscing the Past adults learn, five assumptions by Knowles
must be considered:
Introduction to Andragogy 1. Self-concept
 The term ‘ANDRAGOGY' was first 2. Experience
authored by Alexander Kapp (1833), a 3. Readiness to learn
German high school teacher (Henschke, 4. Orientation to learn
2011.) 5. Motivation to learn
 Rosenstock-Huessy (1925) resurrected the  To these five assumptions, it is pertinent to
term as he developed a method for teaching add another assumption that depicts one of
the German people. the current trends in post-secondary
 Lindeman (1926) explained the term as a education:
key method for teaching adults. 6. Time management
 Savicevic provided a critical consideration
of andragogical concepts in ten European
 Individuals evaluate their needs and
Countries. The critical element in European
andragogy is that adults should assist one
another to become more refined and
Primary Needs – the need to know:
 To acquire skills that may not have been
 Malcolm Knowles acquired the term in 1966
fully learned
from Savicevic and imprinted on it his
 To improve already acquired skills
extensive experience in adult education.
 The defining attributes of his theory include:
Primary Motivations:
 Learners are self-directed and autonomous
 To become an active learner by taking
 Teachers are seen as facilitators of learning
advantage of new learning opportunities –
rather than presenter of content.
hands-on learning
 Knowles tested and refined this theory and
 To remain competitive in today’s global
design on a broad spectrum in numerous
settings: corporate, workplace, business,
industry, healthcare, government, higher
 Needs become a priority and force
education, professions, religious education,
individuals to realize the importance of
and elementary, secondary, and remedial
being a self-directed human being
education (Henschke, J. A. 2011.)
(Henschke, 2011).
 Expertise is gained as individuals grow –
 A science of how adults learn
resource for learning
 A model with five assumptions
o Separates adult from children/young
 A system of concepts
 A theory of adult education, adult learning, o Wisdom as a source of knowledge
theory of technology of adult education,
that occurs in late life personality
method of adult education, technique of
development (Smith, 2009).
adult education, [or] a set of assumptions
 Prior experiences are used as a tool to
(Merriam, 2001).
improve critical thinking skills and to avoid
faulty reasoning
 Adults look at the practicality of things – o Individuals understand the existence
applicability of what is learned now and of a need – self-motivated
what has been learned in the past o “I do it because I want to; not
because you want me to do it.”
Readiness to Learn  Studies show that the majority of all normal
 “As a person matures, his/her readiness to adults are motivated to keep learning,
learn becomes oriented to the developmental growing and developing
tasks of his/her social roles” (Ozuah, p. 86,
2005). Time Management
o Impact of new learning experiences  As a person matures, his/her time for
on those around the adult learner learning is constrained by other social roles.
 As an adult learner: His/her geographical location also may limit
o Are you ready and willing to learn? the opportunity to learn and lead to another
o Is it important to learn? time constraint” (Ozuah, 2005).
o Do you know how to maximize your  These days adult-learners are encouraged to
learning success? take control of their time, to create a
 There is a need to know and a motivation to workable schedule, and to organize their day
learn; however… by establishing priorities
o Adults must believe that the need-to- o Time management is the starting line
know is the passport to achieving an for academic/career success
ultimate goal o College orientation classes are
offered to returning adult students
Orientation to Learn o Many college courses are designed
 Time is seen as a valuable resource; to satisfy the needs of working adults
therefore, individuals’ “time perspective – online classes
changes from one of postponed application
of knowledge to immediacy of application” Applications and Implementations
(Ozuah, p. 86, 2005).
 Adults become more problem-centered than Taking into consideration the five basic
subject-centered assumptions of andragogy, educators can help adult
o What is learned needs to be applied learners:
to real life experiences  To take an active approach and use different
o What is learned needs to be levels of thinking – analyze, evaluate, create
meaningful  To connect their life experiences to the
 New information is critically evaluated learning process
o All sides of a problem are analyzed  To see learning as a “process of facilitation
when formulating solutions to daily- rather than direct instruction” (Yoshimoto,
life situations 2007).
 To be open and willing to take on new
Motivation to Learn challenges that could benefit an entire
 Individuals are competitive in nature society rather than a small group of
o Goal oriented individuals – service-learning projects /
o Eager to make positive changes to community outreach
their lives  To explore different problem-solving
alternatives before reaching a conclusion
 Desire to learn and need to learn are not a
result of external factors
 To better understand that each individual Cognitive Theory: acquisition of usable knowledge
plays an important and unique role in and problem-solving know-how. In this approach,
society  the instructor assesses the learners’ skills and
provides guidance and examples for the learner
Critiques of Andragogy: Limitations (Ozuah, 2005).
 Help students establish connections with
Learners’ Levels of Motivation and/or Interest: knowledge that has been acquired before
One of the assumptions of Andragogy is that
individuals have internal (self) motivation; Constructivist Learning Theory: achievement of
however, what happens when individuals’ levels of a shared understanding and the development of the
motivation are not high enough due to the presence process of knowledge acquisition.
of external factors?  The instructor develops the objectives
 Lack of self-confidence – what if I fail? along with the learners and grounds the
What if I make mistakes? learning in practical experiences (Ozuah,
 Fear of change – technology can represent a 2005).
barrier for many adult learners
 Social anxiety – as an adult, how am I going Developmental Theory: has as its goal the
to be perceived by youngsters in a classroom achievement by each learner of his or her maximum
setting? potential. The instructor determines the learner’s
 Information overload – Andragogy may not stage and responds appropriately while emphasizing
work in science and math because of heavy the discovery of principles (Ozuah, 2005).
content material  Allowing students to conduct research
on topics that relate to a particular
Learners’ Control and Sense of Direction: chapter but are not suggested by
“Andragogy’s meaning, in the purest Knowlesian instructor
sense, advocates learner control (at the very least,
substantial input) over not only the objectives but Humanistic Learning Theory: there is a natural
also the learning strategies as well as evaluation tendency for people to learn and that adult learning
procedures. Yet in several of these investigations, will flourish, if nourishing and encouraging
instructor control is near absolute, and learner environments are provided
control is negligible” (Rachal, p. 213, 2002).  The learners develop the learning
 Learners do not understand what direction is objectives, and the instructor reacts to
given the regulation of resources – the learners’ needs and incorporates the
knowledge/information learners’ experiences into the learning
exercise (Ozuah, 2005).
Andragogy and Learning Theories  “Share with me what you
know, and we will see how
your experience/situation fits
Behavioral Theory: the goal of learning is a into the program.”
change in observable behavior. In this paradigm, the
instructor writes the learning objectives, provides
the stimulus, asks for responses and provides
reinforcements to the learners (Ozuah, 2005).
 Allowing students to show work in progress
rather than final products
 Provide students with feedback to polish
work in progress

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