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La Salle University

Ozamiz City


The Sentence Pattern

Date and Time of Submission: March 25, 2023

Room #: SJ

Written and Prepared by:

Jan Kate V. Lambiquit

Submitted to Mrs. Chelou M. Tizon LPT, EdD

Instructor, TeAsGram

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Recall the different Sentence Patterns.

b. Determine the different Sentence Patterns.

C. Compose the basic sentence patterns

II. Subject Matter: Sentence Pattern

MELC: Sentences Pattern (S-IV and S-TV-DO)

Online References:

Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation (PPT)

III. Method: 4A’s



Good morning class!

Before we begin our class today, let us first have our opening prayer.

(Calling a student to lead the opening prayer).

How are you students?

Are there any absentees?

Are there any assignments given that are to be passed?

Classroom Rules

Class, these are the classroom rules, LPR

Kindly read it loud and clear.

L- Listen to the instruction or the lesson properly

P- Participate in the activities

R- Respect the teacher


Class, let us first recall or review the previous lesson (subject verb agreement) that we had.
For me to determine whether you really understand our previous lesson or not, and for you to
learned more about verbs today.

To test whether you grasp our previous lesson.

I have a sentence here.

The boy is playing the piano gracefully.

What is the subject?

What is the predicate?

What do we need to learn subject verb agreement?


I am glad that you learned from the previous lesson that we had, Class.



Class what makes a person a good singer? Like Lea Salonga, what makes her a famous

If the beautiful voice makes a person a good singer, verbs in order to be understood better has
also voice and that is our lesson for today.

Statement of the Aim

The topic we will discuss this morning is about the voice of the verb.

Everyone must listen attentively because at the end of the lesson, you will be able to: use the
passive and active voice meaningfully; transform active to passive voice vice versa; and,
construct sentences using verbs in the active and passive voice.

Are my objectives clear?

1. Activity

Before we start with our lesson, let us first have a short activity,

The activity is called, Identify Me!

Underline the subject ones, twice the object, and incircle the verb.

Is the instruction clear?

I will give you 3 minutes to do it.

Are there any clarifications that you want to raise? If there is none then begin.

Now that you are done answering.

Let us check your answers.

(Call individual learners to answer)

What is the subject of the sentence?

What is the object?

What is the verb?

(The same questions will be asked to the rest of the sentences).

2. Analysis

I have seen that all you have understood what is subject and verb is.

So now, let us tackle the voice of the verb.

Voice – It tells whether the subject of the sentence is the DOER or the receiver (Direct
Object) of the action.

Active Voice
In most sentences with an action verb, the subject is the DOER of the action denoted by the
verb. To simply it, a sentence is in the active voice when the subjective is the doer of the

For Example:
1. The boy tosses the Ball.
2.. The lady carries a basket full of flowers.
3. The mother bakes delicious cake for her children.

Christian, in sentence number 1, what is the subject?

Is it the one doing the action?

If that so, what is the voice of the verb?

(Call other learners to answer using the same series of questions).

All the examples given are in the active voice. Why?

Alright, because the subject is the doer of the action.

Now let us move on to the passive voice.

Passive Voice
When the direct object becomes the subject in a sentence.

Let us go the examples of active voice and we will change/transform in to a passive voice.

For example, sentence 1.

The boy tosses the ball – active

The ball is tossed by the boy – passive

What have you observed class?

What happen to the direct object?

In sentence number 2, The lady carries a basket full of flowers

who will try to change it into passive voice?

(Student answered)
The basket full of flowers was carried by the lady.
Very Good JUAN, your answer is correct!

Now, let us go to the last sentence.

Joshua, change the last sentence into passive.

(Student answered)
The delicious cake was baked by mother to her children.

Excellent! I am happy that you understand our lesson today.

Give ourselves a big round of applause.

3. Abstraction

When can we say that the verb is in the active voice?

When can we say also that the verb is in the active voice?

Yes Juan, the sentence is in the active voice when the subject is the doer of the action, while
the passive voice, the receiver of the action becomes the subject of the sentence.

So now, can someone tell why is it important to learn the voice of the verbs?

4. Application

Let us proceed with another activity.

Now, in order to apply what you have learned, I would like you to productively answer this
activity called Transformer!

Activity: Transformer!

Please be attentive and listen carefully to instruction.

Class, kindly read the mechanics.


Construct a sentence in active voice, and be able to transform it to passive voice.

(I call you one by one to give you sentence).


The teacher is making her lesson plan seriously. – Active

The lesson plan is made by the teacher seriously. – Passive

The department of education won the choir singing competition. – Active

The choir singing competition was won by the department of education. - Passive

V. Assignment

Class for your assignment tomorrow.

Directions: Write 5 sentences in the active voice and transformed them into passive voice.

Class, do not forget to pass your assignment tomorrow.

This is the end of our discussion.

Now, we will have our closing prayer

(Student name) please lead the closing prayer.

That is all for today class. Thank you, class!

See you at our next meeting.

Have a good day.

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