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THEME : Formative Research - Glossary

DOCENT : Alan Daniel Lazo de la Vega Ramos
DELIVERY DATE : June 27th, 2022
YEAR OF STUDY : First year
STUDENTS : Aguilar Chipana, Jhoselin Alexandra
Catalan Ccapa, Katherine Fiorella
Cerpa Quicaña, Sharon Nicool
Macedo Rodríguez, Fernanda Mía
Sipaucar Kuiro, Yanira Milagros

2022 - I
1. Alloy: Homogeneous mixture of two or more elements, at least one of which
is a metal.

(+) The bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.
(-) The bronze isn’t an alloy of copper and tin.
(?) Is bronze an alloy of copper and tin?

2. Auriferous: Carries, contains or relates to gold.

(+) The auriferous region more important of Peru is Madre de Dios.
(-) The auriferous region more important of Peru isn’t Madre de Dios.
(?) Is Madre de Dios the auriferous region more important of Peru?

3. Amalgamation: It is a process applied to recover native gold and silver from

auriferous or argentiferous materials, for which they are capable of alloying
with mercury. Such alloys are known as amalgams.

(+) The mercury is essential in the amalgamation process.
(-) The mercury isn’t essential in the amalgamation process.
(?) Is the mercury essential in the amalgamation process?

4. Activating reagent: Increases the buoyancy of certain minerals in the

metallurgical flotation process.

(+) The copper sulfate is an activating reagent.
(-) The copper sulfate isn't an activating reagent.
(?) Is the copper sulfate an activating reagent?
5. Briquetting: It consists of a simple pressing of the minerals at room
temperature with or without the addition of binders.

(+) The briquetting is homogeneous in size and shape.
(-) The briquetting isn´t homogeneous in size and shape.
(?) Is the briquetting homogeneous in size and shape?

6. Bronze: It is any alloy of copper and tin, may include other metals.

(+) The bronze after casting is pinkish in color.
(-) The bronze after casting isn’t pinkish in color.
(?) Is the bronze after casting pinkish in color?

7. Bayer Process: Process used to obtain aluminum in its metallic state.

(+) The Bayer process was patented by Carl Bayer.
(-) The Bayer process wasn’t patented by Carl Bayer.
(?) Was the Bayer process patented by Carl Bayer?

8. Bessemerization: Related to the Bessemer process that eliminates iron

impurities through an air oxidation process, obtaining a more resistant steel
much faster.

(+) The bessemerization is important to remove iron impurities.
(-) The bessemerization isn’t important to remove iron impurities.
(?) Is the bessemerization important to remove iron impurities?
9. Cyanidation: It is a thermochemical treatment given to steels when a hard
and wear resistant surface is desired.

(+) The sodium cyanide is used in the cyanidation process.
(-) The sodium cyanide isn't used in the cyanidation process.
(?) Is the sodium cyanide used in the cyanidation process?

10. Concentration: In most cases, ores are not chemically pure substances. The
first thing to do is to concentrate the ores, the metal content of the ore must
be high in order to separate the gangue.

(+) The concentration is the first phase in the process of obtaining metals.
(-) The concentration isn’t the first phase in the process of obtaining metals.
(?) Is the concentration the first phase in the process of obtaining metals?

11. Crushing equipment: It is a machine that processes a metal in a way that

reduces its original size.

(+) Crushing equipment can reduce the size of a metal from one meter to one
(-) Crushing equipment can’t reduce the size of a metal from one meter to
one centimeter.
(?) Can crushing equipment reduce the size of a metal from one meter to one

12. Concentrates: It is the product rich in metals, obtained by several processes.

(+) The concentrates are named after the main metal they contain.
(-) The concentrates aren’t named after the main metal they contain.
(?) Are the concentrates named after the main metal they contain?
13. Distillation: It consists in the separation of a liquid mixture by a partial
vaporization of the mixture and recovering separately vapor and residues.

(+) The distillation can separate low boiling point metals.
(-) The distillation can’t separate low boiling point metals.
(?) Can the distillation separate low boiling point metals?

14. Desorption: It is a phenomenon by which a gas leaves a surface when it

reaches a certain temperature.

(+) The desorption is very important in the gold recovery process.
(-) The desorption isn’t very important in the gold recovery process.
(?) Is desorption very important in the gold recovery process?

15. Dispersants: They are polymers that modify the surface characteristics of the
clay particles, which prevents their flotation with the valuable minerals that are

(+) The dispersants are used in the flotation of copper ores.
(-) The dispersants aren’t used in the flotation of copper ores.
(?) Are the dispersants used in the flotation of copper ores?

16. Deoxidizers: They are used in metallurgy to reduce the oxygen content of

(+) The aluminum metal is a deoxidizer in the metallurgical industry.
(-) The aluminum metal isn’t a deoxidizer in the metallurgical industry.
(?) Is the aluminum metal a deoxidizer in the metallurgical industry?
17. Electrolysis: Chemical process by which a substance or a body immersed in
a solution is decomposed by the action of a continuous electric current.

(+) The electrolysis is used in the purification of metals.
(-) The electrolysis isn’t used in the purification of metals.
(?) Is electrolysis used in the purification of metals?

18. Electrodeposition: It is a process by which a metallic coating is applied to a

surface by means of an electric current, generally continuous.

(+) The electrolyte is a major component of electrodeposition.
(-) The electrolyte isn’t a major component of electrodeposition.
(?) Is the electrolyte a major component of electrodeposition?

19. Extractive Metallurgy: It is a set of processes carried out to selectively

separate metals of interest from those of no value.

(+) The hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy and electrometallurgy are part of
extractive metallurgy.
(-) The hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy and electrometallurgy aren’t part of
extractive metallurgy.
(?) Are hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy and electrometallurgy part of
extractive metallurgy?

20. Electrometallurgy: This is the extraction and refining of metals through the
use of electric current.
(+) Electrometallurgy is applied in the production of copper.
(-) Electrometallurgy isn’t applied in the production of copper.
(?) Is electrometallurgy applied in the production of copper?
21. Facets: Flat geometric faces of a carved stone.

(+) The prismatic crystal has many facets.
(-) The prismatic crystal does not have many facets.
(?) Does the prismatic crystal have many facets?

22. Ferrous: Mineral containing iron. Oxidation oxidation state of iron in which it
possesses two positive charges.

(+) Nickel is a ferrous metal.
(-) Nickel is not a ferrous metal.
(?) Is nickel a ferrous metal?

23. Filtration: Separation of solid particles from a fluid by passing the mixture
through a filter medium in which the solids are retained.

(+) Jimena is using the filtration method to separate two mixtures.
(-) Jimena is not using the filtration method to separate two mixtures.
(?) Is Jimena using the filtration method to separate two mixtures?

24. Flotation: Concentration process by which the particles of a mineral are

induced to adhere to bubbles created by a foaming agent present in the slurry,
which causes them to float.

(+) Flotation is a three-stage process.
(-) Flotation is not a three-stage process.
(?) Is flotation a three-stage process?
25. Gas:Term used to refer to impure air, especially with explosive combinations.

(+) The engineers smelled the toxic gas.
(-) The engineers did not smell the toxic gas.
(?) Did the engineers smell the toxic gas?

26. Guide: A subway gallery that follows the course of the ore body (vein, lode,
vein, vein, mantle, mantle or layer).

(+) The guides have a direct exit to the surface.
(-) The guides do not have a direct exit to the surface.
(?) Do guides have a direct exit to the surface?

27. Grade: A measure representing the difference in temperature in a single

division on a scale.

(+) Scientists measured the degree of temperature to chemical solution.
(-) Scientists did not measure the degree of temperature to the chemical
(?) Did scientists measure the degree of temperature in the chemical

28. Gem: They are mostly mineral substances and some of organic origin that
must have the following properties: beauty, durability and rarity.

(+) The engineer found a gem in the excavation.
(-) The engineer did not find a gem in the excavation.
(?) Did the engineer find a gem in the excavation?
29. Hydrogels: Type of explosives. They are compounds that in their constitution
do not carry any product that is explosive in itself, but react explosively at the
moment they are initiated with the detonator.

(+) The engineers are placing a network of hydrogels.
(-) The engineers are not placing a hydrogel network..
(?) Are the engineers laying a hydrogel network?

30. Horizon: It is an interface indicative of a particular position in the stratigraphic


(+) Jin saw a person appear on the horizon.
(-) Jin did not see a person appear on the horizon.
(?) Did Jin see a person appear on the horizon?

31. Halo: A diffusion halo formed by trace minerals or trace elements around a
mineral deposit.

(+) Light bulbs have a halo.
(-) Light bulbs do not have a halo.
(?) Do light bulbs have a halo?

32. Hectare: Unit of measurement of surface area equivalent to 10,000 square


(+) A hectare of agricultural land costs thirty times more in the Netherlands
than in Poland.
(-) A hectare of agricultural land does not cost thirty times more in the
Netherlands than in Poland.
(?) Does a hectare of agricultural land cost thirty times more in the
Netherlands than in Poland?

33. Illumination: Refers to the means used to keep the different work fronts and
main roads in a subway operation illuminated.

(+) Jesse looked at the illumination that filled the entire room.
(-) Jesse did not look at the illumination that filled the entire room.
(?) Did Jesse look at the illumination that filled the entire room?

34. Inflation: A measure of the increase in the general price level of an economy
and, therefore, of the change in the purchasing power of its inhabitants.

(+) Edgar reported an inflation in input prices.
(-) Edgar did not report an inflation in input prices.
(?) Did Edgar report an inflation in input prices?

35. Information: The action and effect of acquiring knowledge or training through
learning and understanding.

(+) Carlos shared private information in the group
(-) Carlos didn't share private information in the group
(?) Did Carlos share private information in the group?

36. Interest: Compensation to be given to an economic subject for his willingness

to part with money, which is formalized through credit or loan operations.
(+) The bank charged him a very high interest rate.
(-) The bank did not charge you a very high interest rate.
(?) Did the bank charge you a very high interest rate?
37. Jet: A component of a suction dredge, in which water is pumped or injected
and suction originates through the suction hose.

(+) The workers used the jet to suck up the water.
(-) The workers did not use the jet to suck up the water.
(?) Did the workers use the jet to suck up the water?

38. Jig: A type of mechanical gravity concentrator used to separate ores (or coal)
from waste material, using the difference in specific gravities of each of the
mixed materials.

(+) Charlie used the jig as a coal concentrator.
(-) Charlie did not use the jig as a concentrator for coal.
(?) Did Charlie use the jig as a concentrator for coal?

39. Julio: Unit of measurement used to express energy value and work.

(+) A julio is equivalent to the energy consumed.
(-) A julio does not equal energy consumed.
(?) Does a julio equal energy consumed?

40. Jargoon: Smoky or colorless zircon with intense fire.

(+) Patricia found jargoon on top of the mountain.
(-) Patricia did not find jargoon on top of the mountain.
(?) Did Patricia find jargoon on the top of the mountain?
41. Karat: Quality, value or goodness of a non-material thing.

(+) Jimin bought Amy a 24-karat necklace.
(-) Jimin did not buy Amy a 24-karat necklace.
(?) Did Jimin buy Amy a 24-karat necklace?

42. Key: A tool made of steel, brass or aluminum, for opening and closing a lock
consisting of a piece of metal.

(+) Agust took the key to his mother.
(-) Agust did not take the key to his mother.
(?) Did Agust take the key to his mother?

43. Keenly: Liquid penetrant inspection is a type of non-destructive testing used

to detect and identify discontinuities present on the surface of the materials
being examined, which may lead to future material failure.

(+) Jin let the liquid keenly drip from the lab.
(-) Jin did not let the keenly liquid drip from the laboratory.
(?) Did Jin let the keenly liquid drip out of the laboratory?

44. Keynote: Teamwork facilitates the fulfillment of objectives, increases

motivation and creativity, and favors the social skills of each one.

(+) The responsibility of each worker is keynote.
(-) The responsibility of each worker is not keynote.
(?) Is the responsibility of each worker keynote?
45. Knife: The blade material is always steel, often stainless steel, AISI 440 with
1% carbon and 17% chromium is the most used.

(+) The engineer succeeds in making a good alloy for the knife.
(-) The engineer does not succeed in making a good alloy for the knife.
(?) Does the engineer succeed in making a good alloy for the knife?

46. Laboratory: Laboratory analysis and materials testing consists of determining
the properties, structure and composition of a wide variety of materials (iron
castings, all types of steel, bronzes, aluminum, among others).

(+) Ian goes to the laboratory to perform the test.
(-) Ian does not go to the laboratory to perform the test.
(?) Does Ian go to the laboratory to perform the test?

47. Leader: A leader is the one who sets the direction, transmits the mission,
guides and seeks to achieve individual goals, being balanced the main source
that drives success within the members of a team.

(+) Nam is the best leader in his job.
(-) Nam is not the best leader for his job.
(?) Is Nam the best leader in his job?

48. Light: Light metals are those whose relative density is less than 4.5. Among
them the most technically important are the alloys of Aluminum, Magnesium,
Titanium and Beryllium, although due to their commercial importance we are
going to develop in greater depth the alloys of Al and Mg.

(+) Hose helps in the research of light materials.
(-) Hose does not help in the research of light materials.
(?) Does Hose help the research of light materials?

49. Leakage: The process of deterioration of metallic materials (including both

pure metals and their alloys) by chemical and electrochemical reactions.

(+) The firefighters stopped the flammable gas leakage.
(-) The firefighters did not stop the flammable gas leakage.
(?) Did the firefighters stop the flammable gas leakage?

50. Lethal: Metals are obtained from minerals that are part of the rocks that after
several lethal processes that are performed on them reach their pure form.

(+) The weapon he used was too lethal.
(-) The weapon he used was not too lethal.
(?) Was the weapon he used lethal?

51. Magnetic: Nickel, iron, cobalt and their alloys are some of the materials that
exhibit easily observable magnetic properties and are commonly called

(+) Tae's ring was magnetic and dragged the pins.
(-) Tae's ring was not magnetic and dragged the pins.
(?) Did Tae's magnetic ring drag the pins?

52. Material: Hazardous material is any substance (liquid, solid or gaseous)

capable of causing harm to human health, public safety or the environment.

(+) Jeykey took the material to the laboratory to be analyzed.
(-) Jeykey did not take the material to the laboratory to be analyzed.
(?) Did Jeykey take the material to the laboratory for analysis?

53. Machine: The importance of the machines in the production is indisputable

and immense, because they increase and accelerate the procedures, they
perfect the works, they make things cheaper, they save painful efforts, they
make the man owner of the production, they facilitate the commerce, they
extend the consumption, they satisfy many necessities.

(+) The engineer assists in the placement of the new machine.
(-) The engineer does not assist in the placement of the new machine
(?) Does the engineer assist in the placement of the new machine?

54. Maintenance: Maintenance management helps improve the operating

efficiency of plant facilities and mining processes, which contributes to
revenue by lowering operating costs and improving the quality of
manufactured products.

(+) Jin explains to workers the importance of maintenance on the job.
(-) Jin does not explain to workers the importance of maintenance on the job.
(?) Does Jin explain to the workers the importance of maintenance at work?

55. Mercury: Mercury is a chemical element with the symbol Hg and atomic
number 80. In ancient literature it was commonly referred to as liquid silver
and also as quicksilver or hydrargyrum.

(+) Yuna did an experiment with mercury for her evaluation.
(-) Yuna did not do an experiment with mercury for her evaluation.
(?) Did Yuna make an experiment with mercury for her evaluation?
56. Native: Native elements are considered to be those minerals constituted by
atoms of a single element found in nature in its native state, that is to say, in a
state of zero oxidation, including mercury and some natural metallic alloys.

(+) The geologist went on a trip in order to carry out his study of the native
(-) The geologist did not go on a trip in order to carry out his study of the
native elements.
(?) Did the geologist go on a trip in order to carry out his study of native

57. Newsletter: The newsletter, as one of the most recurrent communication

tools in organizations, has the basic objective of informing about the
organizational culture, in the perspective of dynamizing the organization's
information flows.

(+) Raul brought his newsletter in order to register it.
(-) Raul did not bring his newsletter to register it.
(?) Did Raul bring his newsletter to be able to register it?

58. Neat: Neat is of the utmost importance when performing any metalworking
activity, whether starting or finishing it.

(+) The cabin was neat.
(-) The cabin was not neat.
(?) Was the cabin neat?

59. Nibble: It is one of the most critical stages of mineral processing, the
objective of this stage is to reduce the size of the mineral until the liberation of
the mineral to be collected.
(+) Miriam nibbles her mother's ivory stone.
(-) Miriam did not nibble her mother's ivory stone.
(?) Did Miriam nibble her mother's ivory stone?

60. Needs: In the work the most important to give due attention to the needs of
workers who perform their work activities with a lot of responsibility.

(+) Omar wanted to supply the needs of the population.
(-) Omar did not want to supply the needs of the population.
(?) Did Omar want to supply the needs of the population?

61. Odor: Some minerals have characteristic odors when scratched, scratched,
tapped or heated. Some examples are: Clayey: clay-like and/or kaolin-like

(+) The odor was so strong that people left the neighborhood.
(-) The odor was not so strong but people left the neighborhood.
(?) Was the odor so strong that people left the neighborhood?

62. Operation: In the course of the work that is done in the area there are several
operations all equally important in the treatment of minerals.

(+) Amy performed well with the chemical operation of the gold.
(-) Amy did not perform well with the chemical gold operations
(?) Did Amy perform well with the chemical operation of gold?
63. Origin: The origin of many minerals is in molten rock (magma) found in the

earth's interior at temperatures between 650-1250 ℃. These liquid masses

can in some cases rise to the surface which causes them to cool as they

(+) Miranda made her report without knowing the origin of the platinum.
(-) Miranda did not make her report without knowing the origin of the platinum.
(?) Did Miranda make her report without knowing the origin of the platinum?

64. Outcome: The outcome of the metallurgical processes are fundamental to

complete the operation, since with the final outcome it is possible to locate if
there was any failure in the process.

(+) Reyna looked up the outcome of the admission exam on the official web
(-) Reyna looked up the outcome of the admission test on the official web
(?) Did Reyna look up the outcome of the admission test on the official

65. Plasticity: The ability of a metal to deform nonelastic without rupture.

(+) Plasticity is the mechanical property that some metals have.
(-) Plasticity isn't the mechanical property that some metals have.
(?) Is plasticity the mechanical property that some metals have?
66. Polishing: Smooth metal surfaces using abrasive materials.

(+) The surface of the stone was as smooth as a mirror polish.
(-) The surface of the stone was not as smooth as a mirror polish.
(?) Was the surface of the stone as smooth as a mirror polish?

67. Porosity: Fine holes or pores within a metal.

(+) Porosity is a property of rocks.
(-) Porosity isn't a property of rocks.
(?) Is porosity a property of rocks?

68. Preheating: Heating prior to several future thermal or mechanical treatments.

(+) Some ferrous alloys need to be preheated at high temperatures for a long
(-) Some ferrous alloys should not be preheated at high temperatures for a
long time.
(?) Some ferrous alloys need to be preheated at high temperatures for a long

69. Pyrometer: An apparatus for measuring temperatures above the range of

liquid thermometers.

(+) The pyrometer is an instrument for measuring very high temperatures.
(-) The pyrometer isn't an instrument to measure very high temperatures.
(?) Is the pyrometer an instrument to measure very high temperatures?
70. Quality: Quality is an inherent property of anything that allows it to be valued
with respect to any other of the same kind.

(+) The quality of the product has dropped over the years.
(-) The quality of the product has not diminished over the years.
(?) Has the quality of the product decreased over the years?

71. Quantity: Aspect or characteristic of things by virtue of which they are

countable or measurable.

(+) The unknown quantity “x” is a number like any other.
(-) The unknown quantity “x” is not a number like any other.
(?) Is the unknown quantity “x” a number like any other?

72. Quench Annealing: Annealing of a ferrous austenitic alloy with solution heat

(+) Quench Annealing tempering is a heat treatment by which the treated
material is intended to lose hardness.
(-) Quench Annealing is not a heat treatment by which the treated material is
intended to lose hardness.
(?) Is quench annealing a heat treatment by which the treated material is
intended to lose hardness?

73. Radioactive Element: An element, which has at least one isotope that
undergoes spontaneous nuclear decay that emits positive alpha particles,
negative beta particles, or gamma rays.
(+) Radium, cesium, uranium, thorium, plutonium, and radon are naturally
occurring radioactive elements.
(-) Radium, cesium, uranium, thorium, plutonium, and radon are not naturally
occurring radioactive elements.
(?) Are radium, cesium, uranium, thorium, plutonium, and radon naturally
occurring radioactive elements?

74. Radioactivity: Spontaneous nuclear disintegration with emission of

corpuscular or electromagnetic radiation.

(+) Radioactivity can be natural or artificial.
(-) Radioactivity cannot be natural or artificial.
(?) Can radioactivity be natural or artificial?

75. Refining: Purify crude or impure metals.

(+) Propylene is obtained during the refining of gasoline.
(-) Propylene is not obtained during the refining of gasoline.
(?) Is propylene obtained during the refining of gasoline?

76. Rust: A corrosion product consisting of hydrated oxides of iron. Applies only
to ferrous alloys.

(+) Cars with catalytic converters reduce nitrogen oxide emissions.
(-) Cars with catalytic converters do not reduce the emission of nitrogen oxide.
(?) Do cars with catalytic converters reduce nitrogen oxide emissions?

77. Seam: On the surface of a metal, an unwelded bend that appears as a crack
commonly results from a casting or rolling defect.
(+) In northern Europe it is common to find cracks in the road pavement.
(-) In northern Europe it is not usual to find cracks in the road pavement.
(?) In northern Europe, is it common to find cracks in the road pavement?

78. Shear: The type of force that causes or tends to cause two adjoining parts of
a body to slide past each other in a direction parallel to their plane of contact.

(+) A diamond blade or saw is needed to make a shear to a mineral
(-) No need for a diamond blade or saw to shear through ore
(?) Is a diamond blade or saw needed to shear a mineral?

79. Sheet: A flat rolled metal product of a certain maximum thickness and
minimum width depending arbitrarily on the type of metal.

(+) Copper sheets are reddish in color and have a metallic sheen.
(-) Copper sheets are not reddish in color and have a metallic luster.
(?) Are copper sheets reddish in color and have a metallic sheen?

80. Smelting: Thermal process in which chemical reactions take place producing
liquid metal from a beneficiated ore.

(+) The copper smelting process consists of bringing the copper concentrate
to a state of high purity.
(-) The copper smelting process does not consist of bringing the copper
concentrate to a state of high purity.
(?)Does the copper smelting process consist of bringing the copper
concentrate to a state of high purity?
81. Tarnish: Eliminates shine, especially artificial silks. Remove transparency
from glass or crystal by rubbing it with emery or by other means.

(+) In a chemical reaction we must tarnish the silver with warm water, baking
soda and aluminum foil.
(-) In a chemical reaction we must not tarnish silver with warm water, baking
soda and aluminum foil.
(?) In a chemical reaction, must we tarnish silver with warm water, baking
soda and aluminum foil?

82. Toughness: It is the physical property that materials have to absorb

mechanical energy during its deformation before it achieves or does not break
or break.

(+) Iron is a very toughness material.
(-) Iron is not a very toughness material.
(?) Is iron a very toughness material?

83. Transition Metal: Transition metals are those chemical elements that are
located in the central part of the periodic system, in the “d” block, whose main
characteristic is the inclusion in their electronic configuration of the “d” orbital,
partially filled with electrons.

(+) Transition metals manage to form good homogeneous and heterogeneous
(-) Transition metals do not manage to form good homogeneous and
heterogeneous catalysts.
(?)Do transition metals manage to form good homogeneous and
heterogeneous catalysts?
84. Transverse: That is or extends across from one side to another.

(+) Daniel made a transverse section of the mineral Agate.
(-) Daniel did not make a transverse section of the mineral Agate.
(?) Did Daniel make a transverse section of the mineral Agate?

85. Unakite: Rock similar to granite, composed of a mixture of pink feldspar and
green epidote, some quartz and cinnabar in very small amounts.

(+) The engineer found a rock called unakite.
(-) The engineer doesn’t find a rock called unakite.
(?) Does the engineer find a rock called unakite?

86. Union: Topological superposition of two spatial data sets of polygons that
preserve elements falling within the common spatial extent.

(+) The engineer requested the union of the extension elements.
(-) The engineer doesn’t request the union of the extension elements.
(?) Does the engineer request the union of the extension elements?

87. Uranium: It’s a silvery-grayish metallic chemical element of the actinide

series, its chemical symbol is U and its atomic number is 92.

(+) Uranium is an element known to everyone.
(-) Uranium isn’t an element known to everyone.
(?) Is uranium an element known to everyone?

88. Underground hard-rock mining: Refers to various underground mining

techniques used to excavate "hard" minerals, usually those containing metals,
such as ore containing gold, silver, iron, copper, zinc, nickel, tin, and lead.
(+) Sofia knows the meaning of underground hard-rock mining because she
studies metallurgical engineering.
(-) Sofia doesn’t know the meaning of underground hard-rock mining because
she studies metallurgical engineering.
(?) Why does Sofia know the meaning of underground hard-rock mining?

89. Vega: A narrow and discontinuous strip of alluvial sedimentation bordering the
minor bed of a stream.

(+) Sebastian saw a vega when he was walking along a stream.
(-) Sebastian didn't see a vega when he was walking along a stream.
(?) Did Sebastian see a vega when he was walking along the stream?

90. Ventilation: Operation in charge of bringing fresh and clean air to the and
pure air to the exploitation fronts and evacuating air from them, by means of
defined routes in the different defined routes in the different sections of the

(+) The mine has a modern ventilation system.
(-) The mine doesn't have a modern ventilation system.
(?) Does the mine have a modern ventilation system?

91. Vitrinite: Lithotype consisting of bands or lenses of very bright black carbon,
a few millimeters thick. It is composed mainly of vitrinite and clarite.

(+) The engineer has some vitrinite on the table.
(-) The engineer doesn't have some vitrinite on the table.
(?) Has the engineer some vitrinite on the table?
92. Vibration: Physical phenomenon whose characteristics are repeated more or
less regularly over time. Vibrations due to mining operations are produced by
the energy released in the execution of blasting or by the operation of

(+) The tremor caused strong vibrations in the city.
(-) The tremor doesn’t cause strong vibrations in the city.
(?) Does the tremor cause strong vibrations in the city?

93. Wash: It’s a coating applied to the face of a mold prior to casting.

(+) In the metallurgical process the engineer washes a mold.
(-) In the metallurgical process the engineer washes a mold.
(?) Does the engineer in the metallurgical process wash a mold?

94. Wagon: Small vehicle that runs on narrow-gauge rails to transport minerals
and tailings from a mine, by means of a locomotive to which it is hitched.
locomotive to which it is hitched.

(+) The wagon that transports the minerals is very slow.
(-) The wagon that transports the minerals isn’t very slow.
(?) Is the wagon that transports minerals very slow?

95. Welding.- Bringing together one or more pieces of material to apply heat,
pressure or both, with or without filler material, to produce a localized fusion

(+) The engineer is good at welding.
(-) The engineer isn’t good at welding.
(?) Is the engineer good at welding?

96. Welding Metal.- The portion of a part that is welded, which melts during

(+) My father has welding metal.
(-) My father doesn't have a welding metal.
(?) Does my father have a welding metal?

97. Xylopal.- It is a fossilized wood of about 200-250 million years old, belonging
to the Triassic period. It was formed by trees that were buried underground in
the sediments that accumulated.

(+) The history teacher tells us about the xylopal.
(-) The history teacher doesn’t tell us about the xylopal.
(?) Does the history teacher tell us about the xylopal?

98. Xonotlite.- It’s a mineral of the inosilicate class, and within this of the
so-called "xonotlite group". It was discovered in 1866 in Tetela de Xonotla, in
the state of Puebla, being named after this locality.

(+) In the search for minerals the engineer found a lot of xonotlite.
(-) In the search for minerals the engineer doesn’t find a lot of xonotlite.
(?) Does the engineer in the search for minerals find a lot of xonotlite?
99. Yenite.- Ilvaite is a mineral of the sorosilicate class. It was discovered on the
island of Elba, being named after the ancient name of the island which is

(+) I want to go to the island of Elba to know the Ilvaite.
(-) I don’t want to go to the island of Elba to know the Ilvaite.
(?) Do you want to go to know the ilvaite?

100. Zinc cyanide.- It’s the inorganic compound with the formula Zn (CN)₂. It is
a white solid that is mainly used for galvanizing zinc, but also has more
specialized applications for the synthesis of organic compounds.

(+) In the chemistry laboratory the teacher teaches us zinc cyanide.
(-) In the chemistry laboratory the teacher doesn’t teach us zinc cyanide.
(?) Does the teacher in the chemistry laboratory teach us zinc cyanide?

1. Diccionario Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico. (s.f). Diccionario Técnico.

Editorial Grupo Universitario. Academia.edu. Retrieved from:

2. Diccionario de metalurgia español-inglés.Descripción:términos metalúrgicos

inglés-español Anon.s.f.«pdf-diccionario-de-metalurgia-español-inglés

3. Galina, Daiga, y Anda Valdovska. 2017. «Effect of probiotics and herbals on

health and shedding of resistant Escherichia coli in piglets». Research for
Rural Development 1:251-58. doi: 10.22616/rrd.23.2017.037.

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