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MODERATOR: Good morning, ladies, and gentlemen. This debate will come to order. I am pleased to welcome you all to
the 2023 English Festival’s Parley Match.
The issue to be discussed today, “That English Speaking Campaign be implemented for Students Inside the School”.

Seated on my right, representing the Affirmative Side. Seated on my left, will speak for the Opposition Side.

I am _____________________, your Moderator.

For the first round, the first speaker of each group will introduce the team and point out the reason of being pro/contra
to the topic given.
For the second round, the speaker from each group will deliver the speech to express their opinion about the topic, and
the other group can give the arguments. Finally, the last speaker from each group will conclude their opinion.
The third round will be question and answer session. Each group will ask a question to the other group and the other
group has to answer the question.
Lastly, moderator will give a conclusion from those arguments given by the two teams.

Moderator: Now, let the first speaker from the affirmative team explain the topic. The time is yours.

Pro 1: Thank you. Let me introduce my team. My name is ________, the first speaker. I’ll deliver our reason for being
pro with this topic.
My friend, ____________, as the second speaker will deliver the arguments for our side.
On the other hand, ________________, as the third member of our team will conclude our opinion.

We say YES to the Implementation of English-Speaking Campaign inside the school. First, let me define what English-
Speaking Campaign is. This campaign encourages students to speak in English whenever and wherever in school. There
are various benefits that we, students might get from the implementation of this campaign. Utilizing English language in
everyday encounter at school can be a good start in developing and improving one’s communicative competence.
Batangas City Integrated High School has been known for different recognitions when it comes to different programs,
projects, and interventions involving its stakeholders. This campaign can be one of the best practices that our institution
could have.

Moderator: We heard the opinion of the Affirmative team. Now, it’s time for the first speaker of the opposing team to
give their opinion. The floor is yours.

Contra 1: Thank you. First, let me introduce my team. I am ________________, the first speaker who will deliver the
reason why we oppose with this topic. _____________, my friend as the second speaker will deliver the arguments for
our side. Lastly, _______________________ as the third member of our team will conclude our opinion.

Implementing the English Speaking Campaign inside the school is a NO for us. It should not be implemented. There are
courses and subjects which medium of instruction are in English where students are obliged to speak the language and
that already make sense. The utilization of the language is being practiced and already employed inside the four corners
of the classroom. Moreover, the fact that not all students can speak the language fluently; instead of encouragement,
students might be much discouraged to speak and communicate.

Moderator: We heard the opinion of the opposing team.


Moderator: We will now move on to the second round. This time it’s the second speaker’s turn to give the argument
from the affirmative group. You may begin.

Pro 2: English as a Universal language is undeniably vital. This language connects people around the world having
different languages, races, cultures, and traditions, and even beliefs. English binds them as one. So much that it can bind
the students of Batangas City Integrated High School eyeing a goal to develop and improve one’s language proficiency.

Moderator: Thank you. At this point, it’s the second speaker’s turn from the opposing team to lay their argument.
Contra 2: Improving one’s language proficiency through the implementation of the English-Speaking Campaign is not
suitable for all the learners. BCHIS offers inclusive education which caters different group of individuals including the
Tagalogs, Bisayas and even the Indigent- Badjaos to mention a few. Most of them are comfortable to converse in their
Mother Tongue. The campaign will give them a hard time expressing themselves whenever they communicate to others.

Pro 2: The mentioned campaign is a good starting point for students who have fear in speaking the language. It is a good
learning experience that will help the learners reach the optimum level of their communicative ability. According to
Sherry Lyn C. Suelto in her blog entitled “Pursuing English Language Proficiency Among Filipino Students”, learning
English aims at helping students use the language effectively for real life purposes. They are using English to ask for
things they need, state something, clarify something all within the context of their real lives.

Contra 2: By obliging students to speak in English not only inside the classroom but as well wherever and whenever in
the school may cause feeling of resentment and frustration. At this point, conflict arises which might create
psychological or social problems which utmost can greatly affect one’s life.

Pro 2: In the Philippines, English proficiency is found out to be declining. A recent language test result showed that the
Philippines is no longer the top one English-speaking country in Asia. This brought up an alarming impact towards job-
providing industries in and out of the country and is currently driving the Department of Education to intensify the effort
of providing an educational system that will improve student’s mastery in English. Students need to use English to
become functional in professional, academic, and social settings.

Contra 2: To be academically functional students need to be involved in the class not merely sitting there and passively
taking in what is happening in front of them because they can no longer grasp and comprehend.

Moderator: Time is up! All arguments have been given. Now, please provide your conclusion. Speaker from the
affirmative team, the time is yours.

Pro 3: English Speaking Campaign is one way to encourage students to speak the language regularly especially within the
school premises. Development always starts within oneself; thus, students are encouraged to do self-study and practice
to improve their skills. With the proper guidance and support of the teachers and the institution we’ll pave the way in
pursuing English language proficiency.

Moderator: Thank you. What about the conclusion of the opposing team? Let the speaker provide the conclusion. The
floor is yours.

Contra 3: English Speaking campaign removes any sense of fun in the classroom and can be a real roadblock in the
learning process and in the general mood of the class. It makes relationship authoritative since it is bound by rules and
regulations. It creates conflict for the students in terms of their own identity and culture. This campaign sounds fine in
theory, but once in the real scenario, it becomes problematic to maintain.
Moderator: Well done. We are now down to the question and answer session. The first question will be coming from
the affirmative team.

Pro 1: To the speakers from the negative side, if you do not agree with the implementation of the English Speaking
Campaign in BCHIS, will you be able to experience real life challenge when it comes to communication skill?

Moderator: Opposition side, please respond to the question.

Contra 1: Of course, we can. Everyday is a challenge inside an English classroom. Having conversation with your English
teacher is as well a challenging one. Discussion of lessons and presentation of tasks relative to speaking always make us
shiver. I bet, you too.

Moderator: Hold up! Time for the negative team to ask question for the affirmative side. The time is yours.

Contra 3: To the speakers from the affirmative team, if this campaign will push through, how do you think everyone
especially our Badjao brothers and sisters will get rid of their doubts, apprehensions and frustrations just to keep moving
with the rest of the students?

Moderator: Thank you. Affirmative team what’s your response?

Pro 3: Badjaos seem to be identified as weak. Their native language appears to be barrier to communication. However,
not all of them stay alike when it comes to communicative ability. Actually, one of our Badjao students here is capable of
conversing using the language, free from any fear and discrimination. Inspiring, isn’t it? In addition, we believe that
BCHIS will not let anyone left behind. Inspiration and support are the answers. With these, negativity cannot grow and

Moderator: Well, question and answer portion has been completed.

From this debate, we can conclude that actually the English Speaking Campaign has a lot to offer for our students if it
will materialize. On the other hand, it can contribute in making or breaking an individual’s holistic development.

A lot of gratitude for the two teams who shared their knowledge and honest opinions regarding this issue. Both teams
showcased their strength in public speaking, maintain the value of respect and remain cordial until the end of the match.

We also give thanks to everyone who is present today and lent their ears in this meaningful discussion. The debate is
now ended but the challenge is to be left.

ALL: Implementation of the English-Speaking Campaign in BCHIS? BANAHISTAS, is it a YES or a NO?

Gratitude is the memory of the heart. Great afternoon everyone!

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