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Valentina Moreno Moreno

The social communication career is a space to learn how to create content and reflect on
what happens in the world. At Javeriana University, this career is divided into two,
basic cycle: where communicative skills and theories of communication are studied, and
professional cycle: where each student chooses an emphasis or two; audiovisual,
editorial, journalism, radio, organizational and / or advertising.
I chose to study social communication because since I was very young, I have been
interested in creating content from speech, research and what happens in the different
realities of the world. When I went to study at Javeriana, I found that the way I loved to
tell stories was through the camera, so I focused on the audiovisual.
In this time studying social communication in the Javeriana, I found a very important
space for personal growth.

Javeriana University is a beautiful space, which has an incredible architecture and

resources for learning. It is a university that allows you to build your own road,
according to your needs and interests. However, it is important to know that social
communication is a career that is not in public universities in Bogota, so accessing them
is expensive. Another of the universities where you can study is the Externado
University, which although a little cheaper than the Javeriana, it is still a privilege to be
able to study there. Studying at the Externado University is different than studying at
the Javeriana University because it has a more focus on political studies and journalism,
A similar case if we compare it with a university in the world like Christ University in
India, although it is important to know that the three universities have a great interest in
learning digital tools and network content. It is also important to know the study time of
the three universities, which is 4 or 5 years depending on the study decisions of each

In conclusion, the social communication career is an opportunity to know the reality of

the world from research. As a social communication student in Colombia, I think it is a
great responsibility to be an objective professional and a believer in the truth. I believe
that this country needs better social communicators because information and
communication is so important for building peace and reconciliation processes and this
country that has been at war and in poor communication for so many years needs to
know the truth and learn to listen.

Javeriana, P. U. (s.f.). Obtenido de Facultad de comunicación y lenguaje:
Externado U. C. (s.f.). Obtenido de Comunicación Social - Periodismo:
University, C. (s.f.). Obtenido de Bachelor of Arts (Media and Journalism/Honours/Honours
with Research):

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