Larch Arabinogalactan For Dry Eye Protection and Treatment of Corneal Lesions: Investigation in Rabbits

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Volume 23, Number 6, 2007

© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/jop.2007.0048

Larch Arabinogalactan for Dry Eye Protection and

Treatment of Corneal Lesions: Investigation in Rabbits




Purpose: The aim of the present study was to investigate the corneal protective and heal-
ing properties of arabinogalactan (AG), a natural polysaccharide present in conifers of the
genus Larix (Larch). AG was tested in comparison with other two polysaccharides possess-
ing well-established properties in the treatment of dry eye: tamarind seed polysaccharide and
hyaluronic acid.
Methods: The AG formulation was subjected to the following investigations: rheologic mea-
surements; evaluation of mucoadhesive properties by rheologic interaction with mucin; fer-
ning test; and in vivo evaluation on rabbits, including treatment of an experimental dry eye;
evaluation of the preocular retention; and evaluation of healing rate of experimental corneal
Results: AG dispersions showed a newtonian nonviscous behavior,   1.6 mPa  s for 10%
w/w solution; it possessed good mucoadhesive properties useful for retention on the eye sur-
face. In fact, a prolonged time of residence in rabbit eyes was ascertained using fluorescein-
labeled AG. Five percent (5.0%) w/w AG exerted a good protective effect against the appear-
ance of corneal dry spots. It also reduced significantly the healing time of an experimental
corneal lesion since 27 h after the first treatment.
Conclusions: These findings suggest that AG may be a potential therapeutic product for dry
eye protection and for the treatment of corneal wounds.

INTRODUCTION source of corneal abrasions: since approximately

100 million people wear contact lenses world-
wide and this number is rapidly increasing,2,3
scratching, or abrading the thin, protective,
clear coat of the exposed anterior portion of the
their risk should not be underestimated. One of
the first events in tissue repair is cell attachment
ocular epithelium. These injuries cause pain, tear- and adhesion to specific substrates of the extra-
ing, photophobia, foreign body sensation, and a cellular matrix, through recognition of specific
gritty feeling.1 Abrasions may be caused by many membrane receptors called integrins. We sug-
factors, both toxic and mechanical, and by altered gested in a previous paper that, since integrin
physiologic functions. Contact lenses, both rigid recognition can be affected by natural or synthetic
and soft, are a very specific and not uncommon polysaccharides, both polysaccharides and gly-

1Department of Bioorganic Chemistry and Biopharmaceutics, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.

2Opocrin SpA, Corlo di Formigine (MO), Italy.


cosaminoglycans may positively influence cell rated water and heating for 30 min at 80°C. TSP
adhesion and the wound-healing process.4 and HA dispersions were prepared by gentle stir-
The continuous search for compounds favor- ring at room temperature.
ing cell adhesion and promoting ocular wound
healing prompted us to investigate a natural Formulations for in vivo tests. A 5.0% AG dis-
polysaccharide, arabinogalactan (AG), which is persion (AG-Sol) was made isotonic by adding
particularly abundant in plants of the Larix genus, 4.4% w/w mannitol, whereas 0.5% TSP commer-
primarily Larix occidentalis (Western Larch). Larch cial eyedrops, containing tamarind seed polysac-
AG is approved by the Food and Drug Adminis- charide and mannitol for isotonicity, were used
tration (FDA) as a source of dietary fiber, but has as such or diluted with mannitol isotonic solution
also therapeutic benefits as an immune-stimulat- to 0.04% w/w. The 0.2% or 0.00144% w/w HA
ing agent.5 formulations contained 5.0% w/w mannitol for
The aim of the present preliminary study, car- isotonicity. All formulations were sterilized by fil-
ried out on rabbits, was to test the eye tolerance tration (0.22 m, Minisart; Sartorius SpA, Flo-
of AG and its protective action against experi- rence, Italy) and did not contain preservatives,
mentally induced dry eye conditions and corneal since they were used immediately after opening
abrasions. the vials.
The properties of the formulations are listed in
Table 1.

Products Rheologic measurements

AG (FiberAid®AG) was purchased from These tests were performed at 25°C on

LAREX Inc., (St. Paul, MN); mannitol from Carlo 0.2%–10% w/w AG dispersions using a Rheostress
Erba (Milan, Italy); tamarind seed polysaccharide RS 150 apparatus (Haake, Paramus, NJ) equipped
(TSP; TSP® eyedrops) were from Farmigea S.p.A. with coaxial cylinders (Z40 and Z41) at shear rates
(Pisa, Italy); hyaluronic acid, (HA) was from ranging from 0 to 500 sec1.
Chemofin (Milan, Italy); gastric mucin from hog
stomach (HGM), was from (TCI) Tokyo Kasei, Ferning test
Ltd., (Tokyo, Japan); atropine sulfate solution
This test was performed by mixing 10.0 L of
(AS; atropine 1% monodose) was from Farmigea
a 2.5% w/w AG dispersion with 2.0 L of artifi-
S.p.A., (Pisa, Italy); and fluorescein, isothio-
cial lachrymal fluid. The mixture was smeared on
cyanatofluorescein, dibutyltin dilaurate, and 1-
a clean microscope slide and allowed to dry at
heptanol were from Sigma-Aldrich (Milan, Italy).
room temperature (25  1°C). The artificial
All other chemicals, solvents, etc., were of an-
lachrymal fluid had the following composition
alytical grade.
(in mg/100 mL of distilled water): MgCl2, 4.75;
CaCl2, 7.97; KHCO3, 260.00; and NaCl, 754.00.6
Test formulations
The specimens were examined and pho-
AG dispersions for rheologic studies were ob- tographed with a light microscope (Axioskop,
tained by slowly adding the polymer to depu- Zeiss, Arese, Italy) equipped with digital photo


Polymer Mannitol Viscosity

Formulation (% w/w) (% w/w) pH (, mPa  s)

AG-Sol 5.00000 4.4 6.5 1.21

TSP® 0.50000 5.0 6.4 9.16
HA 0.2% 0.20000 5.0 6.5 24.40
TSP 0.04% 0.04000 5.0 6.3 1.22
HA 0.00144% 0.00144 5.0 6.6 1.26

AG, arabinogalactan; TSP, tamarind seed polysaccharide; HA, hyaluronic acid.


camera (DC100, Leica, Solms, Germany), and hu- Fauglia, Italy) were used and treated as pre-
man lachrymal fluid was used as the control. scribed in the publication “Guide for the Care and
Use of Laboratory Animals” (National Institutes
Rheological assessment of mucin-polymers of Health Publication No. 92–93, revised 1985).
adhesive bond strength All experiments conformed with the ARVO Res-
olution on the Use of Animals in Research: They
The method of Hassan and Gallo,7 consisting were carried out under veterinary supervision,
of the measurement of viscosity changes induced after approval of the protocols by the Ethical-Sci-
in a mucin dispersion by the addition of the poly- entific Committee of the University of Pisa (Pisa,
mers, was essentially followed. According to this Italy).
method, the viscosity component due to bioad- The animals were housed singly in standard
hesion, b, is calculated from the equation b  cages in a room with controlled lighting at 19 
t  m  p, where t, m, and p are the indi- 1°C and 50%  5% R.H. (relative humidity), with
vidual viscosity coefficients of the system, of no restriction of food or water. During the ex-
mucin and of the polymer, respectively. Then, the periments, the rabbits were placed in restraining
normalized parameter “adhesion index” (AI)  boxes, to which they had been habituated, in a
b/p was calculated. Such a normalization en- room with dim lighting; they were allowed to
abled polymer dispersions characterized by dif- move their heads freely, and their eye movements
ferent viscosity properties to be compared.8 The were not restricted.
viscosity measurements were carried out using a
Rheostress RS 150 apparatus equipped with coax-
ial cylinders (Z40 and Z41) at shear rates ranging Induction and treatment of dry eye conditions
from 0 to 500 sec1 at 32°C. The measurements The animals were preliminarily submitted to
were carried out on solution containing: (i) 15% the Schirmer I test and to a slit-lamp examination
w/w mucin alone (m); (ii) the polymer at the of the corneal surface to verify the integrity of the
usual concentration (p); and (iii) mixtures of corneal epithelium and the function of lachrymal
mucin with the polymers, at the same concentra- system. Then, 12 animals were treated as reported
tions indicated before. AG and TSP dispersions by Burgalassi and colleagues.6 Briefly, all animals
exhibited a Newtonian behavior; the dispersions received in the lower conjunctival sac of both eyes
based on HA, mucin, and mucin/polymer ex- 50 L of 1% AS at 9.00 AM, 1.00 PM, and 5.00 PM.
hibited a pseudoplastic flow, and their apparent Five (5) min after each administration of AS, they
viscosity, , was calculated for D  200 s1 from received an eye 50 L of the formulation under
plots of  versus D, according to the equation   study, AG-Sol, while the polymer-free vehicle
aDb, where a and b are experimentally deter- was administered in the control eye. All treat-
mined values. ments were discontinued after 5 days.
The Schirmer I test was performed 2, 3, 4, and
Fluorescein isothiocyanate AG synthesis 5 days after the first administration of AS, at
Fluorescein isothiocyanate–labeled AG (FITC- 10.00 AM. The test was performed on both eyes
AG) was synthesized as follows: AG (1 g) was (nonanesthetized) of all animals by maintaining
dissolved in methyl sulfoxide (10 mL) containing for 3 min a standardized test strip (Alfa Intes,
a few drops of pyridine. Isothiocyanatofluores- Casoria, Italy) into the external third of the
cein (0.1 g) was added, followed by dibutyltin di- lower conjunctival fornix. The wetted length, in
laurate (20 mg), and the mixture was heated for millimeters, of the strip was taken as the test
2 h at 95°C. After several precipitations in ethanol score.
to remove free dye, FITC-AG was filtered off and After staining with fluorescein (Fluorets; Smith
dried at 80°C.9 & Nephew Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Romford, UK),
FITC-AG solutions were prepared by heating the corneal surface was observed with a slit-lamp
for 30 min at 80°C while gently stirring. biomicroscope fitted with a blue filter. The test
was performed at 2.00 PM at 3, 4, and 5 days af-
ter the first administration of AS. The occurrence
of dotted staining, revealing the presence of dry
Seventy-six (76) male albino New Zealand rab- spots on the ocular surface, was considered as a
bits, weighing 2.5–3.0 kg (Pampaloni Rabbitry, symptom of corneal desiccation.

Evaluation of the preocular retention of the eye was stained with 10 L of fluorescein (1.0%
FITC-AG solution w/w in water) to visualize the damaged area. The
diameter of corneal wounds was measured using
The retention time of the polymer in rabbit eyes
a slit-lamp biomicroscope fitted with a blue filter
was assessed by applying 50 L of 5.0% w/w
and a micrometer.4
FITC-AG solution into the lower conjunctival sac
of both eyes of 8 animals; the eyelids of the ani-
mals were then gently kept closed for 30 sec. As
Statistical data analysis
a reference, 1.0% w/w fluorescein aqueous solu- The variability of individual observations pre-
tion (Fluo), presenting the same fluorescence in- sented throughout this paper were reported as
tensity at 5.0% FITC-AG, was administered in the the standard deviation of the mean.
same way to 8 animals. At 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, The statistical significance of differences be-
and 60 min after administration, tear fluid sam- tween means for Schirmer I test data and for
ples were collected from the lower marginal tear corneal epithelial defect area, were assessed by
strip using 1.0 L disposable glass capillaries one way analysis of variance (ANOVA; StatView
(Drummond “Microcaps”; Fisher Scientific, St. software, Abacus Concepts, Inc., Berkeley, CA).
Louis, MO). The tear fluid was transferred into When statistical differences were detected, mul-
microtubes, and the capillaries were flushed with tiple comparisons were made among the data cor-
distilled water. After dilution with distilled wa- responding to various measuring times using
ter (50 L), the fluorescence of FITC-AG in the Fisher’s Protected Least Significant Difference
samples was measured at 514 nm (excitation 490 (PLSD) test. In the relevant figures, the symbols
nm; RF-551 Fluorometer; Shimadzu, Kyoto, (* and §) indicate a significant difference at the
Japan). P  0.05 level.
The statistical significance for the corneal ep-
ithelium integrity observations was tested by a con-
Induction and treatment of an experimental tingency table analysis (Total chi-square, StatView
corneal lesion software, Abacus Software, Berkeley, CA).
The rabbits were divided into six groups, each
consisting of 8 animals. The corneal surface was
preliminarily examined by slit lamp to verify the RESULTS
integrity of the corneal epithelium. All animals
were anesthetized by an intramuscular (i.m.) in- Characteristics of the AG dispersion
jection of 0.15 mL/kg of Zoletil® 100 (Laboratories The viscosity (mPa.s) versus concentration (%
Virdac, Carros, France). The right eye was then w/w) profile of AG dispersions is reported in Fig-
kept open with a blepharostat and anesthetized ure 1. All tested AG dispersions exhibited a New-
with 10 L of oxybuprocaine hydrochloride tonian behavior.
(Novesina®, MiPharm, Milano, Italy). The corneal
epithelium was removed by applying, for 1 min,
a paper disc (diameter 6 mm; Whatman No. 50 fil-
ter paper, Maidstone, UK) shaped like a small con-
tact lens and soaked with 10 L of n-heptanol.10
The eyes were then carefully rinsed with normal
saline, and only the damaged eye of each animal
of groups 1–5 was treated three times daily with
50 L of the formulations under test, while the
sixth group was used as the control and treated
with 50 L of normal saline solution.
The treated groups 1–5 received the following
formulations: AG-Sol; 0.5% TSP; 0.04% TSP; 0.2%
HA; and 0.00144% HA.
Immediately after producing the epithelial FIG. 1. Rheological properties of a 5.0% arabinogalac-
damage and before each daily treatment, the right tan dispersion.

The ferning test showed that AG crystallized

forming type I fern-like structures similar to those
produced by human lachrymal fluid (Fig. 2A–2B).

Rheological assessment of mucin-polymers

adhesive bond strength
The results of the rheologic measurements are
summarized in Table 2. The polymeric solutions
showed a wide viscosity range, from 1.38 mPa.s
of AG to 24.40 mPa.s of HA, but an inspection of
the AI values in Table 2 shows that AG interacts
with mucin “in vitro” more than the other tested

A Corneal epithelium dryness

The Schirmer test scores (reported as millime-
ters of wet strip 3 min after insertion) obtained
before (basal values) and after (dry eye) treatment
with AS, and relevant to the treatment with the
formulation under test, are reported in Fig. 3A.
A significantly decreased tear production (P 
0.05, Fisher’s PLSD test) was observed since the
third day after the beginning of AS treatment: at
this time, the average Schirmer test score in dry
eyes was reduced from 14.60  2.99 mm (basal
value) to 11.33  4.85 mm. AG-Sol-treated eyes
showed greater scores with respect to dry eyes at
all experimental times, with values ranging be-
tween 15.08  5.09 and 16.20  3.79 mm, and
B with statistically significant differences on the
3rd, 4th, and 5th days of treatment (P-levels 
FIG. 2. Ferning test: (A) A 2.5% arabinogalactan dis-
0.0031, 0.0027, and 0.014, respectively, on the
persion and (B) human lachrymal fluid (scale bar  50
m). Fisher’s PLSD test).
The results of the slit-lamp examination of the
fluorescein-stained corneas, expressed as the per-


HGM AG TSP HA (m, p, t) b AI
Formulation (% w/w) (% w/w) (% w/w) (% w/w) (mPa  s) (mPa  s) (b/p)

1 15.0 — — — 47.97 — —
2 — 5.0 — — 1.38 — —
3 — — 0.5 — 9.16 — —
4 — — — 0.2 24.40 — —
5 15.0 5.0 — — 73.10 23.74 17.21
6 15.0 — 0.5 — 190.41 133.27 14.55
7 15.0 — — 0.2 145.97 73.59 3.02

HGM, hog gastric mucin; AG, arbinogalactan; TSP, tamarind seed polysaccharide; HA, hyaluronic acid; m, p, t,
b, viscosity coefficients of mucin, polymer, the mucin-polymer system, and bioadhesive component; AI, adhesion

microscope fitted with a blue filter evidenced a

fluorescent corneal film lasting 20 min for both
solutions. The quantitative analysis showed flu-
orescence in tear fluid decreased very rapidly af-
ter administration, even if was still quite high af-
ter 10 min: 14.49% and 9.74% for FITC-AG and
Fluo, respectively. The fluorescence produced by
FITC-AG was still detectable 60 min after ad-
ministration (0.74%  0.13%), while it disap-
A peared from 30 min for Fluo.

Experimental corneal lesion in rabbits

The produced corneal lesions were very regu-
lar in shape and had a constant area of 28.27 mm2,
possibly because of the small amount of n-hep-
tanol (10 L) used to soak the paper disc: A larger
amount would spread onto the cornea, produc-
ing irregularly shaped lesions. The mean epithe-
lial defect areas for each treatment group are re-
ported in Figures 5A and 5B as the percentage of
the initially damaged area (mean  SD) versus
time. AG-Sol showed the same efficiency as 0.5%
B TSP and 0.2% HA in enhancing corneal epithe-
FIG. 3. Corneal epithelium dryness. (A) Schirmer test lium wound healing. When TSP and HA were
scores obtained with arabinogalactan (AG)-Sol formula- tested at the same viscosity of AG-Sol, some dif-
tion in the rabbit dry eye model (n  12). *Significantly ferences appeared. The AG-Sol and 0.04% TSP
different from control (P  0.05, Fisher’s Protected Least
Significant Difference test). (B) Percentage of fluorescein-
eyedrop groups produced a small decrease in the
positive eyes in control (“dry”) eyes and in eyes treated damaged area 24 h after the first treatment with
with the AG-Sol formulation (n  12). P-levels (total chi- respect to the control group. However, as shown
square) by contingency table analysis. by statistical analysis, only AG-Sol produced sig-
nificantly different results (P  0.05; Fisher’s
PLSD test) from the controls at 27, 29, 31, 34, and
centage of eyes showing dotted staining, are il- 41 h after the first treatment, and 0.04% TSP was
lustrated in Figure 3B, reporting the data ob-
tained on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th days of treatment.
The values corresponding to “dry” eyes (i.e.,
treated with AS alone) were 33.33%, 50.00%, and
58.33%, respectively. In the case of AG-Sol, at all
observation times, a lower percentage (ranging
from 8.33% to 16.67%) of stained eyes with re-
spect to dry eyes was observed, even if it was sig-
nificantly different (P  0.05, total chi-square)
only on the fifth day.

Evaluation of the time of residence of the

formulation in rabbit eyes
The behavior in the rabbit eyes of the aqueous
solutions containing 5.0% w/w FITC-AG and
1.0% w/w Fluo is illustrated in Figure 4 as the
percentage of the fluorescence at 1 min in tear FIG. 4. Evaluation of the time of residence of floures-
fluid (mean  standard deviation [SD]) vs. time. cein isothiocyanate–labeled arabinogalactan and floures-
Observation of the eye surface by slit-lamp bio- cein aqueous solutions in rabbit eyes (n  8).

beta-D-galactan type. Side chains consist of com-

binations of single galactose sugars, as well as
longer side chains comprised of both beta-galac-
tose and beta-arabinose residues in a molar ratio
of approximately 6:1.5 A molecular modeling
study has revealed that the resulting triple helix,
applicable to Western larch AG, can assume quite
different morphologies, since the side group has
access to several allowed conformational states.11
All tested AG dispersions (0.2 to 10%) showed
A a Newtonian rheologic behavior and viscosity
values ranging from 1.00 to 1.58 mPa.s. The vis-
cosity of tear fluid is reported to be 1.02–1.93
mPa  s,12 and viscosizers are commonly added
to ophthalmic formulations to lengthen their pre-
ocular residence time. The maximum allowable
viscosity of ophthalmic solutions has been indi-
cated to be in the range 15–30 mPa  s,13 but in
the case of mucoadhesive polymers, lower values
may produce the same results, as evidenced by
Saettone and colleagues14 and by Oechsner and
Keipert.15 Moreover, the application of highly
B viscous formulations renders administration
FIG. 5. (A–B). Reduction of the corneal defect area in more difficult and may cause ocular discomfort,
rabbits after different treatments (n  8). *arabinogalac- usually resulting in a reduced patient compli-
tan (AG) and § tamarind seed polysaccharide (TSP) sig- ance.16
nificantly different from control (P  0.05, Fisher’s Pro- An interesting physical characteristic of tears,
tected Least Significant Difference test). HA, hyaluronic
acid. when allowed to dry on a microscope slide at
room temperature, is their ability to crystallize
forming fern-like structures.17 Rolando18 classi-
significantly different only at 29 h. No time points fied tear-film crystallization (i.e., ferning or ar-
were significantly different for the 0.00144% HA borization) in four types according to their ap-
formulation. pearance. Basically, type I consists of large,
homogeneous ferns; in type II, fern patterns are
smaller and sparsely distributed; in type III, ar-
DISCUSSION borisation is scarcely present; while it is totally
absent in type IV. An attempt was subsequently
AGs are a class of long, densely branched poly- made by Filippello and colleagues19 to apply the
saccharides with molecular weights ranging from ferning test to the evaluation of polymeric artifi-
10,000 to 120,000 Da. As mentioned in the Intro- cial tear substitutes: The assumption was made
duction, AGs are FDA-approved for use in food that polymers showing the best muco-mimetic
applications and are orally safe, even in large properties would crystallize in fern-like patterns,
doses. In nature, AGs are found in several mi- analogous to those produced by lachrymal mu-
crobial systems, where they are complexed be- cus itself. Such properties are apparent in AG so-
tween peptidoglycans and mycolic acids as com- lutions.
ponents of the cell wall. Although many edible Several methods have been employed to in-
and inedible plants are rich sources of AGs, vestigate mucin-polymer interactions and to
mostly in glycoprotein form and bound to a pro- classify polymers as mucoadhesives. Rheologic
tein spine of either threonine, proline, or serine, interaction to evidence the mucoadhesive prop-
they are most abundant in the inner bark of erties of polymeric substances is a time-honored
conifers of the genus Larix (larch). All AGs iso- technique in the ophthalmic field,14,20,21 even if
lated from larch trees are water-soluble, nitrogen- spectroscopic methods have been recently em-
free, highly branched polysaccharides of the 3,6- ployed to characterize the mucoadhesive-mucus

interface.22–24 Our rheologic results indicated Though, for the time being, they are demon-
strong interactions between AG and mucin, of the strated only on rabbits, these findings suggest the
same order as those shown by TSP and about potentiality of AG in dry eye conditions, and for
fivefold greater than HA, in spite of the nonvis- the prevention and treatment of corneal wounds.
cous properties of AG. AG solutions might particularly benefit contact
Inclusion of a fluorescent marker in polymeric lens wearers because of their tolerability, pro-
ophthalmic vehicles is a well-known technique longed permanence, and noninterference with vi-
for investigations on the ocular retention time, sion owing to low viscosity. Further research
and on the influence of polymers on the thickness meant to verify the compatibility of AG with con-
of precorneal tear film.25 These factors are con- tact lens and microscopy studies, aimed at a more
sidered of great importance in ophthalmic vehi- thorough survey of its involvement at tissue level,
cles, since they can ensure a long contact time are in progress.
with the ocular surface and a high and constant Finally, clinical trials will definitely need to
drug concentration in the tear film, and hence, a verify the transferability of these results to hu-
high ocular bioavailability.26 Gamma scinti- mans.
graphic studies by Wilson and his associates on
the residence time of polymers in the eye27,28
demonstrated that the mean half-time for the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
clearance of saline solution was 22 sec, and was
significantly increased by the addition of poly- The authors wish to thank Professor M. F. Saet-
mers: half-times were 1089 and 89 sec for 0.6% tone for useful discussions and Dr. E. Napolitano
w/w gellan gum and 0.5% w/w hydroxyethyl- for assistance in the synthesis of FITC-AG.
cellulose, respectively, and retention times
reached 35 and 116 min after the application of
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