Lab Activity

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BMMK 2094 SEMESTER 1 SESI 2022/2023




NAME (B092110079)
MATRIX # (B092110317)




In this lab activity, students are required to measure air and sound quality. The welding process
involves various types of hazards. In this activity, students are required to identify hazards
using measuring tools provided by the lecturer. This project was carried out in three places,
namely the MRE laboratory, the outside environment of the workshop and in the welding
workshop. This project is to ensure that all students can define good air and sound quality in
different places.

2.0 TASK

2.1 Student needs to measure:

2.1.1 Noise
Noise is derived from the Latin word ‘nausea’ implying ‘unwanted sound’ or ‘sound that
is loud, unpleasant or unexpected’. The noise originates from human activities, especially the
urbanization and the development of transport and industry. Though, the urban population is
much more affected by such pollution, however, small town and villages along side roads or
industries are also victim of this problem. Noise is becoming an increasingly omnipresent, yet
unnoticed form of pollution even in developed countries. In measuring the noise level,
temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, dust and from magnetic field can all affect
the performance of noise measuring instruments and the data measured. Therefore,
preparations on the procedures of measurement are very important in order to obtain
the accurate data reading as well as to achieve the objective of the experiment.

2.1.2 Air Quality

The particles in the air vary from location to location within the area. Air particles are small
fractions of solid matter suspended in a gas or liquid. On the other hand, aerosol refers to
particles and/or droplets of liquid and gas together. Sources of particles can be man-made or
natural. A large amount of air particles in the environment is the main cause of pollution that
can bring various implications such as health problems and reduced visibility. Because in this
case we want to determine good quality air in measurements.
2.2 Objectives

1. To measure the level of noise at the selected study locations.

2. To analyse data and interpret the results of the experiment.
3. To quantify the presence of particulate matter in air.
4. To analyze data and interpret the results of the air particle experiment.

3.1 Apparatus
• Noise level meter / Digital sound meter

Figure 3.1: The apparatus uses to determine the noise

3.2 Procedure

1. Covered the metal microphone with microphone cover that included.

2. Switched on the power of noise level meter and the measurement showed
default unit is decibles (dB).
3. Hold the noise level meter by hand during the experimental session.
4. The measurement ranges between minimum and maximum have been showed
in the screen display.
Figure 3.2: Noise level range

3.3 Apparatus
• Air quality monitor

Figure 3.3 The apparatus uses to determine the air quality

3.4 Procedure

1. Switched on the power of quality monitor and the measurement showed default
2. Find a place for air quality measurement.
3. Hold the quality monitor by hand during the experimental session.
4. The measurement until 1 minute to see a result.

Minute MRE Outside Welding Workshop (dB)

Laboratory Environment Before Grinding While Grinding
(dB) (dB)
1 60.1 65.3 68.1 102.9
Table 1: Noise reading of location in 1 minute duration.

1 Minute MRE Outside Welding Workshop

Laboratory Environment
With Ventilation Without Ventilation
Temperature 20.5 - 24.5 25.7
PH 86.0 - 83.0 90.0
CH2O 0 - 0 0
CO 0 - 0 0.80
CO2 8696 - 5695 3543
VOC 0.77 - 0.02 0.40
Table 2: Air reading of location in 1 minute duration.


The risk that may occur if hazard not in control.

Noise exposure

Exposure to high levels of noise can cause permanent hearing loss. Neither surgery nor a
hearing aid can help correct this type of hearing loss. Short term exposure to loud noise can
also cause a temporary change in hearing (your ears may feel stuffed up) or a ringing in your
ears (tinnitus). These short-term problems may go away within a few minutes or hours after
leaving the noise. However, repeated exposures to loud noise can lead to permanent tinnitus
and/or hearing loss.

Loud noise can create physical and psychological stress, reduce productivity, interfere with
communication and concentration, and contribute to workplace accidents and injuries by
making it difficult to hear warning signals. The effects of noise induced hearing loss can be
profound, limiting your ability to hear high frequency sounds, understand speech, and seriously
impairing your ability to communicate.

Air quality

Both short- and long-term exposure to air pollution can lead to a wide range of diseases,
including stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, trachea, bronchus and lung cancers,
aggravated asthma and lower respiratory infections.

Particulate matter is the term for particles found in the air, including dust, dirt, soot, smoke,
and liquid droplets. Large concentrations of particulate matter are typically emitted by sources
such as diesel vehicles and coal-fired power plants. Particles less than 10 micrometers in
diameter (PM10) pose a health concern because they can be inhaled into and accumulate in the
respiratory system. Particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5) are referred to as
"fine" particles and pose the greatest health risks. Because of their small size (approximately
1/30th the average width of a human hair), fine particles can lodge deeply into the lungs.


Student need to submit the measurement results with explanation and discussion about
the readings.

Figure 4: While Grinding

Minute MRE Outside Welding Workshop (dB)
Laboratory Environment Before Grinding While Grinding
(dB) (dB)
1 60.1 65.3 68.1 102.9

• Noise

Based on the lab activity that has been run with 1 minute time measurement. The result has
been record reffering to table above. The table shows 3 different type of places which is
MRE lab, outside environment and welding workshop. We are using noise level meter in
order to investigate the level of noise at the place. The level of noise are influenced by the
activity around. In the MRE lab, 60.1 db which are considerd as low in level noise range
because of the place which are build with asbestos and minimal work activity held. Outside
environment are 65.3, the result are little bit higher from the MRE lab becaue of the
transportation such as the noise are made from car, motorcycle and even lorry. From the
last place which is welding workshop, recorded the highest value level of noise based on
the work activity “ grinding”. The range of noise level in the workshop are between and
increase to 90-105 while grinding exceed the safe level that may be harmful to people like
mentioned earlier. There are a few steps that can help to reduce the level of noise in order
to avoid the effect to worker such as using the correct ppe like earbud and earplug.

Figure 5: MRE Laboratory Figure 6: WithVentilation Figure 7: Without Ventilation

1 Minute MRE Outside Welding Workshop
Laboratory Environment
With Ventilation Without Ventilation
Temperature 20.5 - 24.5 25.7
PH 86.0 - 83.0 90.0
CH2O 0 - 0 0
CO 0 - 0 0.80
CO2 8696 - 5695 3543
VOC 0.77 - 0.02 0.40

• Air quality
Table above represent the value of air quality that has been measured within 1 minute in a
different areas. The measurement has been recorded using air quality monitor which gave us a
different type of value in temperature, PH, CH20,CO,CO2 and VOC. According to the table,
the value for MRE lab for temperature are lower than the welding workshop, while the value
for PH in the MRE lab are higher. It is because of the provided air conditioner which makes
the MRE a lot more moisture. However the value of the CO2 are a lot more higher in MRE lab
because of the non existence of air ventilation that prevent the air changes. In the table also
recorded a two different value of air quality while welding which are with and without air
ventilation. The value of air quality with ventilation are more lower, cause by the air ventilation
that helps the air changes in the room and prevents the workers inhales a harmful particles in
the air. There are a lot of prevention method in order to helps workers from the hazard such as
provide a correct air ventilation system in workshop and wearing air respiratory or mask while
handling any sorts of particle in the air.

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