Tự luận HVTC TA

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1. What is an attitude? Analyze three components of an attitude.

Then, sort your

example into the three main components of attitudes.Describe a workplace
example of how people seek consistency among their attitudes and their
behavior by reducing cognitive dissonance.
- Attitudes:

 Evaluate statements or judgments concerning objects, people and events.

- Three components of an attitude:

 Affective: the emotional or feeling segment of attitude ( cảm xúc)

EX: the affective part of the person’s attitude would be feeling certain discomfort
knowing that he works for a company that ís harming people

 Cognitive: the option or belief segment of attitude ( nhận thức)

EX: the cognitive part of the person’s attitude would be the evaluate that tobacco is

 Behavior: an intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something

EX: the behavioral part of the person’s attitude would be the ignoring of the
imformation to receive the high salary.

 A person working for a tabacco company can ignore the scientific imformation that
tobacco is harmful, because he recieves high rewards in the form of a high salary

2. Why have teams become so popular? Teams can be classified based on their
objectives. dentify and discuss the four most common forms of work teams. Tell
your experience about one type of work teams that you haved joined.

- Teams become popular because:

 Great way to use employee talents

 Teams are more flexible and responsive to changes in the environment

 Can quickly assemble, deploy, refocus, and disband

 Facilitate employee involvement

 Increase employee participation in decision making

 Democratize an organization and increase motivation

- Four most common forms of work teams:

 Problem- solving teams:

+ 5 to 7 emloyees from the same department

+ a few hours each week

+ discuss ways of improving quality, effeciency, and the work environment

 Self- managed work teams:

+ 10 to 15 people

+ tale on respnsiblities of their former supervisors

 Cross- functional teams:

+ employees from about the same hierarchical level

+ from different work areas

+ come together to accomplish a task

 Virtual teams:

+ teams that use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed

members in order to achieve a common goal

+ limited socializing

+ the ability to overcome time and space constraints

EX: During covid 19 I had to study online so I worked with you guys in the form of
virtual teamwork. We often use google meet for virtual team work. Thereby I see
that virtual teamwork helps us the ability to overcome time and space constraints .
we cannot repeat the normal give and take of face-to-face discussion. Especially
when members have not met face-to-face, virtual groups tend to be more task-
focused and exchange less social-emotional information than face-to-face groups.
Not surprisingly, our members reported being less satisfied with the group
interaction process than the face-to-face groups.

3. The team effectiveness model identifies four categories of key components making up
effective teams. What are these four categories? Give examples of each category.

- Work design

- Team’s composition: to making up effetive teams , to requires three skill:

+ technical skill, problem- solving and decision making skill, and communication

- Team’s contextual: four contextual factors : adequate resource, effective leadership, a

environmet of trust, a performance evaluate and reward that reflects team contribution
- Team’s process include memer commit to a common plan and goal, esstablish of specific
team goals, mental models

4. The first category is

work design. Work
design characteristics
5. motivation and
increase team
effectiveness. These
characteristics motivate
6. they increase
members' sense of
responsibility and
ownership over the work
7. because they make the
work more interesting to
8. b) The second relates
to the team's
composition. To perform
effectively, a team
9. requires three different
types of skills - technical
expertise, problem-
solving and
skills, and interpersonal
skills. No team can
achieve its performance
11.potential without
developing all three
types of skills.
12.c) Third is the
resources and contextual
influences that make
teams effective. The
13.four contextual factors
that appear to be most
significantly related to
14.performance are the
presence of adequate
resources, effective
leadership, a climate of
15.trust, and a
performance evaluation
and reward system that
reflects team
17.d) Finally, process
variables reflect the
things that go on in the
team that influence
18.effectiveness. These
include member
commitment to a
common plan and
19.establishment of
specific team goals, team
efficacy, establishment
of mental models, a
20.managed level of
conflict, and
minimization of social
21.The first category is
work design. Work
design characteristics
22.motivation and
increase team
effectiveness. These
characteristics motivate
23.they increase
members' sense of
responsibility and
ownership over the work
24.because they make the
work more interesting to
25.b) The second relates
to the team's
composition. To perform
effectively, a team
26.requires three different
types of skills - technical
expertise, problem-
solving and
skills, and interpersonal
skills. No team can
achieve its performance
28.potential without
developing all three
types of skills.
29.c) Third is the
resources and contextual
influences that make
teams effective. The
30.four contextual factors
that appear to be most
significantly related to
31.performance are the
presence of adequate
resources, effective
leadership, a climate of
32.trust, and a
performance evaluation
and reward system that
reflects team
34.d) Finally, process
variables reflect the
things that go on in the
team that influence
35.effectiveness. These
include member
commitment to a
common plan and
36.establishment of
specific team goals, team
efficacy, establishment
of mental models, a
37.managed level of
conflict, and
minimization of social
4. What are the major causes of job satisfaction?

 The major job satisfaction facets are the work itself, pay, advancement
opportunities, supervision, and coworkers. Enjoying the work itself is almost always
the facet most strongly correlated with high levels of overall job satisfaction

 For people who are poor or who live in poor countries, pay does correlate with job
satisfaction and with overall happiness. But, once an individual reaches a level of
comfortable living. the relationship virtually disappears.

 Personality also influence job satisfaction.

+ a negative are usually less satisfied with their jobs.

+ a positive core self-evaluation are more satisfied with their job

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