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Time of Writing, 07.12.2022, current free version: 1.3 current patron version 1.

Okay, so the basics:

to keep the animatronics in check you need to keep them "winded up"

-for frennie you just need to click the Button till the circle fills up

-for fexa, you need to look at her for specific amount of time

-for chiku you need to go to kitchen and press on the microwave Button to wind her up

-for bonfie (after unlocking Her) you need to find coins scattered around the map and deposit them into machine
In arcade to keep Her arcade cabinet running

now the map:

1.main stage

2.dining area

4.private Cove/VIP room

5.fexa room

6.arcade bathroom

8.woman bathroom

10.employee room window/prize corner

12.electrical room office

Bonfie will spawn In far left of arcade after unlocking Her, freonie will Dance behind the curtain of main stage, fexa
will be In Her room while chiku doesn’t phisically exist In game until Her timer runs out



A-move left

D-move right

S-move backwards

SPACE (hold)-inventory , in order to use items you need to grab the item with your mouse and drop it In chosen

F-toggle flashlight on/off

TAB-open/close camera


As of now (1.4) you can run faster by moving straight and In one of directions at the same time
story mode:

Night 1

After a cutscene when you Get control of your character you need to go to main stage camera and wind up

Then you have to put some items on the employee room shelf

One of the items (golden cup) is In the Office the Rest are In employee room

After placing all the items you Get phone call and you are ordered to correct a couple of posters on the Wall In
corridor right of your Office, after finishing the task you will have to check on frennie Just to realise she is gone
right before the power outage. You then need to go to electrical room to Flip a switch and restart a generator,
when you Get into dining area you will be noticed by frennie and she will start running after you, all you have to do
is Get into Office before she reaches you, after another cutscene you will have a buick minigame that Simple
requires you to tap lmb as Fast as you can

Night 2

As of now Night two is Just a cutscene, there is no more content In story mode as of now.

Next is arcade, arcade is endless mode when you can play nightshifts on chosen difficulty, no story

Now about the tasks In arcade:

Original tasks (1.0 upwards)

-ressuply the bar: you need to find total of 6 bottles of alcohol from your office, there should be 5 on the shelf letf
from your pc and 2 more on the ground below, go to the dining Area and on the left side of it there should be a
bar, go behind the counter and put bottles in the places that glow blue (you put the Items by holding space,
dragging chosen Item with your mouse and dropping it in chosen location )

-restock the condom machine, you need to pick up condoms in your office (they are on the shelf right next to
alcohol bottles) then go to the dining Area and on the left side of it, close to the bar there should be room for VIP,
go there and at the end of this room there is a blocky machine you just need to walk up to it and use condoms on

-find lefty/return lefty to the store, you need to find lefty plushy, it spawns in one of 3 places, on the sink in
bathroom on the table in the dining room or on the table in the kitchen, After picking it up you need to go to the
store, it is purple window on one of the walls on the left of your office, Simply drop lefty in designated spot.

-clean the toilets, you Reed to go to the bathroom that is on the right side of the dining area, you have to go to
each of the stalls and clean them by interacting with them to flush water

To unlock bonfie In arcade you need toBuy screwdriver from the shop and then pick it up in employee room then
use it to open vent and go through them to the arcade room After that open the Doors from inside

After doing this bonfie will spawn from next night onward and there is no way to Turn her off though.

Getting the scenes: In 1.3 there is a Total of five scenes aviliable,

To unlock main 4 scenes Just Get caught by 4 main animatronics

The fifth scene is a secret Marie scene, you need to buy screwdrivers from shop, then pic kit up In employee
room, go to kitchen open Upper part of the fridge, pick up milk, then find lefty plushy, then put all 3 objects In shop

Buyeble objects affecting game: Cucumber, screwdriver, nighvision camera| cosmetics content: amongus,
cheems, dancing purple Guy, costumes
Patreon exclusive game content:

-New tasks In arcade mode:

-tidy up emplyee room, you need to go to employee room and find items on the floor, after that
put them on shelves.

-clean up dining area, on the floor of the dining area there will be pieces of trash that you need
to pick up and put into the robot bin driving around

-straighten out the posters, you need to interact with four posters, 2 in right corridor close to
your Office, 1 on the right side of the main stage and 1 in VIP room/private Cove

-clean the cumstain off of bathroom mirror, you need to go into employee room and pick up
spray bottle from the table, then go to Mans bathroom and use the bottle on the mirror stain.

3 new scenes,

-threesome, to unlock solve sliding puzzle In dining area

-golden frennie, look through hole In last stall of Man bathroom between 3-4am

-fexa missionary, buy champagne from shop and pick it up In employee room, then wait till fexa leaves
Her room and go In there, put the champagne into bucket and hit the switch next to it.

New mechanics:

Blackout, sometimes In arcade mode the lights will go out, then you have to go to employee room and pick up
„fuse detail” from closet In there, then you have to go to electrical room and put fuse In the place of switch at the
end of the room to restore electricity (during blackout you can’t use cameras and PC

Adrenalin, to make it easier to manager your stamina you can spend 100$ to buy single use adrenaline shot, that
will make your stamina unlimited, Only Works for 1 night but there is no limit about how many you can buy

Companions, you can now buy companions that will follow you, play music Or Just stand where you want them to,
In order to control them open inventory and In Upper right corner you will have companion control panel

New buyable objects, champagne, adrenaline, companion (normal), companion (dr. Livesy)

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