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Put the words into the correct forms

1. The headquarters of Pizza Hut (UK) are (locate) London.
2. Their range of (produce)............... includes pizza, pasta, salads, and desserts.
3. The company (employer)................... 16,000 people.
4. Pizza Hut (UK)'s (sale)....................are over £300 million.
5. Their main (compete)…………… are Pizza Express and Ask.
6. They have many (branch)………… most large towns in Britain.
7. Their (market shares) .......... at the moment is 6%.
8. Nokia (advertisements) .......on buses in China.
9. Texas Instruments (supply)....................Nokia with parts for mobile phones.
10. The company has more than 50,000 (employ) the world.
11. We have got five big (customer)......................
12. Lorella Braglia is the (found) ………………... of Dielle company.
13. She is also the main (designe) ……………
14. We would like to (increasing)………. that number to 10% in the next ten years
15. Elizabeth sounded (happiness).................. on the telephone last night.
16. We (invest) ………………………..USD 5,000 in our company share, last year.
17. Marketing Department launched a new (advertise)………….......campaign last month.
18. Ms. Bolton is both good (manage)…….............and a skilled negotiator.
19. She has to pay back the (lend) six months.
20. If you are well qualified, you'll be in a better position of (promote)............………….
21. We don't have enough money to (financial)................our new research and development
22. It is a good idea to meet other (unemployment)..................................... people.
23. Are you good with figures, patient and (attention) detail?
24. Thank you once again for (improve).................your quote.
25. I look forward to (receive)............... the goods in due course.
26. Europe is one of the company's (market)…………………
27. Italian (invest)........................takes 30% stake in hotel group.
28. In 1991, he made the best (invest)............................of his life.
29. Riyadh is continuing to grow as the (commerce)..................... capital of Saudi Arabia.
30. Oil and petrol are our main (produce)....................
31. The company also manufactures and (distributing)......................gas, petrochemicals, and electricity.
32. I work in the (train)......................department.
33. The number of Internet users (rise)................. rapidly at the moment.
34. The company can raise capital by (issue) stock.
35. The company has a (success).....................................year and good profits.
36. The tourist industry provides a lot of (opportunity)...................for many small entrepreneurs who
operate shops and restaurants.
37. The chairman of British Airways (decide).................. to create a low-cost airline in March 1997.
38. If they want to borrow money, they make an (appoint) see us.
39. You are a market (analyse)........................I believe.
40. We recruit computer (technic)……………
41. What is your biggest (markets)........................
42. The company is successful because it has good (advertise)……………… campaigns.
43. He (open).................a new company in Ruhr Valley in 1963.
44. This company exported 80,000 cars to over 30 (country) 2012.
45. Vietnam is one of (develop)…………….......countries.
46. James works for (invest)……………….. .magazine.
47. We are looking for (potentialise)……………………...clients for our new products.
48. The company has (annually)……………….. sales of more than twenty million dollars this year.
49. SBS is a division of the (fame)……………….. ..German company, Siemens.
50. The company (export)........................... a lot of clothes to many countries in Europe.
51. The head (officer)......................of Nokia is in Helsinki.
52. A number of small company will go (bankruptcy)... ..when the government reduces the legal
working hours to thirty hours a week.
53. He made an (information)...............................and useful presentation.
54. He lost his job because his company has made a (lose)............recently and went bankrupt.
55. We will give you exact (sell)............figures as soon as we get them from our Accounting
56. We have production facilities, agents and subsidiaries in all five (continent)..............................
57. Last year, our sales rose (steady)................................
58. With good advertising and (competition)…………………..prices, Nokia company is dominating
the mobile phone market worldwide.
59. Living standard of people in (develop).....................countries is very high.
60. The (employ).................................... .rate in our country is increasing.
61. Traveling by public transport is very (attract)…………………......because there are long delays.
62. She has already made a room (reserve) Mrs.Smith's name.
63. When you meet someone at the airport you check their (arrive)..................... time on the arrival
64. The government has favorable policies to encourage the (develop)................ of small business.
65. Starbucks is a company that (sales)........... ..its products to the public.
66. The (supply)………….....give us high-quality products and we offer our customers a very good
67. We are thinking about (expand).................. ....into Eastern Europe and the Far East, particularly
68. The population of the world (rise)……………...very fast at the time being.
69. The number of people without jobs (fall)...... …… the moment.
70. We are sure that his company is one of good (supply)........................... in this area.
71. She gets to her office at about 8.30 and spends an hour (deal)...................with her mail.
72. Unfortunately, he (fail).......................the examination last year.
73. I'm getting ready for the annual sales (meet).........................
74. Our customers want to buy high (qualification).................... .products with a full range of sizes and
models of domestic famous companies.
75. I do project (manage)................................for various human resources function.
76. I deal with day-to-day (employ)......................problems, such as legal issues, and with workforce
planning, such as layoffs and hiring.
77. More and more customers would like (buy)....................... goods online.
78. Their company specializes in (produce)....................toothpaste.
79. There is a (fit)....................centre at the Plaza hotel.
80. A negotiation is a business (discuss)................ between people who have different interests.

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