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As we all know, video games have been existing since the 20th century and it is one of the most

popular topics in today’s society. As developments and technologies are improving at such a
spectacular speed, video games are also on part with the times as it is rapidly growing and being
enhanced to the level that the games look as it is filmed in real life. Although it has such a big
achievement in keeping up with the growth of developments, a question has always popped up in
some of the society’s minds which is “Does video games have a bad effect on younger generations?”.
Thus, this discussion will enlighten society about the pros and cons of video games towards the
children of our future.

First and foremost, one of the benefits of video games is that it helps the youth to release their
stress when going through a tough day. Video games are one of the biggest factors of releasing
stress as it gives off the feeling of successfulness and pleasure that they may not receive in real life
but can when they receive an exquisite gift after completing a very hard level. When this happens,
the stress that has been accumulating on the shoulders of the children will be lifted a bit like the
brain release dopamine hormone. The sense of excitement and joy will help the children to be more
ready for the oncoming challenges on the next day. Reducing children’s stress will also make them
have less chance of getting into a depressed state thus lessen the rate of suicidal death cases which
happens a lot starting at the age of 12 and above. Therefore, video games play a big part in
controlling the emotions and stress levels of the future generation.

The next focus of the good of video games is video games help to improve a youth’s focus and
understanding when going through study sessions at school or home if used correctly. While playing
video games, children will focus their attention on one thing which is the game they are playing and
that will stimulate their brain to normalize giving their full attention towards the topics that they are
doing in this case video games. Next, understanding the topics that they are studying can be related
to when they are getting the hang of the rules of the video games. This is because the brain of
students is still developing and playing video games helps to constantly improve their understanding
skills while playing it. They can utilize these skills that they acquired while learning and studying. Not
to be forgotten, the term “used correctly” is mentioned because although it can help the youth be
more attentive towards a situation, it will also stray their mind to think about the games they are
wanting to play while in class thus distracting them rather than making them focused. As the saying
goes, in every seed of good there is always a piece of bad.

Diverting our point to the bane side of video games, it can become addicting to younglings who
can’t control their time on when to stop playing video games. Broaching that video games help to
give off excitement and fun, the feelings would hover around the youth’s head and they will want to
feel those emotions again and again thus making them addicted to playing video games. This will not
only distract them from their studies and make them a shut-in which would darken their future as
they will only focus on video games and not improving their life. This will also affect their health as
they won’t be doing exercises and depends on fast food so they will have the time to stay playing
video games. These problems will diminish the rate of development of humanity. To conclude, the
usage of video games should be limited by the parents so it will not disrupt the youth’s education
and health.
To summarise, there are numerous advantages and disadvantages of video games for children.
There is no such thing as a yes or no answer to the question. It is dependent on the child, which
means they must be able to balance both schooling and play. Furthermore, excessive video game
play can lead to difficulties. If kids are always inside the room playing video games, it is difficult for
them to receive adequate physical play and exercise. Kids can grow overweight if they do not get
enough exercise. Overindulging in video games can have a negative impact on other essential
aspects of a child's life, such as friendships and academic performance. The impact of video games is
now obvious, since it affects thousands of people every day all around the world. From Street Fighter
to FIFA 09, these games have a psychological and physiological impact on gamers in society. Many
gamers have become attached to the life and person they believe they have become as a result of
their experiences in virtual worlds. These worlds have drawn gamers who would not otherwise be
living their ideal life into the fantasy and unrealistic expectations of video games. However, if they
know how to keep themselves in check. It will have a positive impact on them by allowing them to
concentrate better in class, relieve stress, and improve their agility. There is no definitive solution to
the problem of gaming and its impact on user behaviour. Nonetheless, there are some suggestions
for a possible solution, such as the need for more governments to impose stricter rating systems,
parents becoming more aware and responsible for their children's gameplay, and gamers
themselves becoming more conscious of the need to separate the gaming world from the real world.

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