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Jose Antonio L.


XI – Galileo

Oral Communication in Context

“Sleep that soothes away all our worries. Sleep that puts each day to rest. Sleep that relieves
the weary laborer and heals hurt minds”

- Shakespeare

Greetings, fellow students. What's up? Have you all had a restful night's sleep? I'm here
today to discuss a particular topic that all of us seniors are very familiar with. It has something to
do with the word that rhymes with sheep. So without further ado, would you kindly lend me your
eyes and ears as I discuss the one thing that all seniors have in common, and that is sleep

Sleep deprivation is a general term to describe a state caused by inadequate quantity or

quality of sleep, including voluntary or involuntary sleeplessness and circadian rhythm sleep
disorders. Sleep is as important to the human body as food and water, but many of us don't get
enough sleep. According to a Paul Junrey A. Toyong study from 2021, 88 percent of students
had sleep problems and typically slept for less than 6 hours each night. After class, we are so
exhausted when we get home, right? As a result, we frequently nap briefly before working on our
homework. Some of us get up in the middle of the night to finish tasks, and because of this,
many of us are sleep deprived. Sleep is undoubtedly one of the most essential requirements for
the human body to function properly. It plays a very important role in ensuring the wellness of
the human body, both physically and mentally. In fact, the importance of sleep is clear from the
fact that it helps you maintain a good lifestyle throughout your entire lifetime. Not only does it
help us maintain your physical and mental health, but it also helps in maintaining a decent and
healthy lifestyle along with ensuring safety from a number of fatal diseases. It goes without
saying that getting enough sleep is crucial, but a new study just out in the Journal of
Neuroscience claims that chronic sleep loss can cause the brain to "eat itself."

Do you guys know what the effects of sleep deprivation are? Well, sleep deficiency is
linked to many chronic health problems, including heart disease, kidney disease, high blood
pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression. Sleep deficiency is also linked to a higher
chance of injury in adults, teens, and children. Furthermore, as students, lack of sleep has an
effect on our academic performances as well. Sleep loss has been shown to cause impairments in
a number of aspects central to successful communication, ranging from poorer linguistic
comprehension to alterations in speech prosody. However, the effect of sleep loss on actual
communication is unknown. Insufficient sleep negatively affects the nervous system, resulting in
poor brain function. That's why we can't come up with an idea when we are given a task because
our brain lacks the capacity to think due to our lack of sleep.

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