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C Learning Sequence steps in stories read or events in written materials (e.g.,

Competencies preparing land for planting, following a recipe, arranging historical
events, and in implementing a project)
NAME: _______________________________________________ FACILITATOR:___________________________
CLC: ________________________________________________ DATE:_____________________________

Sequence of Events
The order of events in a story is called the sequence of events. Consider what happens
at the beginning, middle, and end of the story to figure out the order of events. You should
also seek for transition words to assist you grasp the sequence of events.

Activity 1: View the video on our group page entitled “Unsung Hero”

Write the sequence of event on the Unsung Hero using the storyboard below.


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ALS Learner Signature ALS Teacher Parents/Guardian Signature
Sequencing activities are especially beneficial when you incorporate visual aids. Using a
storyboard enables the student to visualize the activity and make connections between a
picture and the activity that is or needs to be taking place. Storyboards are also a great
sequencing tool because they are made up of cells in a row or column, or both, which
helps students keep ideas, details, and pictures in the correct order. Having students
manipulate the events, whether on a computer or in paper form, gives them a more
concrete understanding of the sequence of events.

Some typical types of sequence of events charts are:

• Beginning, Middle, End

• First, Then, Next, Last (or however many transition steps are necessary)
• 1, 2, 3...

Activity 2: Put a number to identify the sequence of events. Start with putting number 1 on the first
event or step.

I. Cooking Adobo

1. Add vinegar. Stir and cook for 10 minutes.

2. Combine chicken, soy sauce, and garlic in a large bowl. Mix well.
Marinate the chicken for at least 1 hour. Note: the longer the time, the
3. Pour-in the remaining marinade, including garlic. Add water. Bring to a
4. Heat a cooking pot. Pour cooking oil.
5. Add dried bay leaves and whole peppercorn. Simmer for 30 minutes or
until the chicken gets tender
6. Put-in the sugar, and salt. Stir and turn the heat off. Serve hot. Share
and Enjoy!
7. When the oil is hot enough, pan-fry the marinated chicken for 2
minutes per side.

_____________ ________________ ______________

ALS Learner Signature ALS Teacher Parents/Guardian Signature
II. Planting a seed
1. Allow the seed to grow

2. Prepare moistened soil

3. place soil into cells of tray

4. Place 2-3 seeds into each cell

5. Remove all but one of the seedlings in each cell

III. Story of ALS Journey

ALS Journey
Elliey Diane M. Apelacion

I am Eli, I have six siblings, and I am the eldest. I stopped studying when I was grade
8. I was 14 years old when I had to work full time to help my mother and father to provide
for the whole family. I really want to continue studying but I know that we are lacking
financially. When I was walking down the street, someone came to me and introduced me
to the Alternative Learning System. I thought I can’t continue studying until we have a
financial breakthrough yet this program that I encountered gave me hope to continue
dreaming for myself and for my family. I enrolled and been meeting my facilitator twice a
week throughout my ALS journey. I can work on my free time and study on the scheduled
days I answer my modules. I am very happy because I can’t imagine that while studying,
I can still help my parents. We are still challenged financially but I was able to save some
money so that I can focus studying on my Senior High School journey. Now, I am closer
to my dreams and I am doing my best to accomplish what I have to do.

_____________ ________________ ______________

ALS Learner Signature ALS Teacher Parents/Guardian Signature
_____________ ________________ ______________
ALS Learner Signature ALS Teacher Parents/Guardian Signature
Answer Key:

A. Combine chicken, soy sauce, and garlic in a large bowl. Mix well. Marinate the
chicken for at least 1 hour. Note: the longer the time, the better
B. Heat a cooking pot. Pour cooking oil.
C. When the oil is hot enough, pan-fry the marinated chicken for 2 minutes per side.
D. Pour-in the remaining marinade, including garlic. Add water. Bring to a boil
E. Add dried bay leaves and whole peppercorn. Simmer for 30 minutes or until the
chicken gets tender
F. Add vinegar. Stir and cook for 10 minutes.
G. Put-in the sugar, and salt. Stir and turn the heat off. Serve hot. Share and enjoy!

_____________ ________________ ______________

ALS Learner Signature ALS Teacher Parents/Guardian Signature

1. Prepare moistened soil

2. place soil into cells of tray

3. Place 2-3 seeds into each cell

4. Allow the seed to grow

5. Remove all but one of the seedlings in each cell

_____________ ________________ ______________

ALS Learner Signature ALS Teacher Parents/Guardian Signature

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