Control of Settlement and Volume Loss Induced by Tunneling Under Recently Reclaimed Land

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Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301

Control of settlement and volume loss induced by tunneling

under recently reclaimed land
A.K.L. Kwong a, C.C.W. Ng a, A. Schwob b
AECOM, Hong Kong, China
Dragages – Bouygues Joint Venture, Hong Kong, China

Received 30 April 2018; accepted 1 March 2019

Available online 19 April 2019


The proposed Tuen Mun–Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL) project comprises a 9-km-long dual two-lane carriageway between Tuen
Mun and North Lantau, Hong Kong. Construction of the two tunnels at the Northern Landfall Fall was carried out by two TBMs: the
northbound is referred to as ML03 and has an excavated diameter of 17.63 m, and the southbound is referred to as ML02 and has an
excavated diameter of 14.00 m. The use of TBMs minimized the amount of dredging and removal of soft marine deposits, resulting in less
impact to the environment within and near the work site of the project. Ground treatment in the form of deep vibro-compaction was
carried out at the sand fill and band drains installed in the marine deposit. A surcharge was also added above the final formation level
to limit the residual settlement and differential settlement of the reclaimed land to less than 500 mm and 1 in 300, respectively, for a
design life of 50 years. Finite element analyses were performed to predict the settlement trough under different confinement pressures
along the tunnel alignment. Extensive monitoring of the ground movement was carried out during the driving of the two TBMs to ensure
that the design confinement pressure of the slurry would not cause excessive settlement, heave, or blow out at the shallow tunnel sections
or different facilities along the tunnel alignment. The monitoring data was then used to back-calculate the percentage of volume loss,
which is a key index describing the behavior of the ground during excavation. The monitoring data showed that the measured settlement
and back-calculated volume loss were much lower than the predicted values.
Ó 2019 Tongji University and Tongji University Press. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Owner. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Keywords: TBM excavation; Settlement trough; Volume loss; Ground treatment; Confinement pressure

1 Introduction of the reclaimed HKBCF, the alignment turns north and

heads into a 5-km-long sub-sea tunnel, which was con-
The proposed Tuen Mun–Chek Lap Kok Link (TM- structed with large-diameter tunnel boring machines
CLKL) project comprises a 9-km-long dual two-lane road- (TBM), passing under Urmston Road in a southward
way between Tuen Mun and North Lantau, Hong Kong direction. After crossing Urmston Road, the alignment sur-
(see key plan in Fig. 1). The alignment commences at a con- faces at a new reclamation just east of the Tuen Mun River
nection with the North Lantau Highway (NLH) at Tai Ho Trade Terminal (RTT) and then heads eastward on an ele-
in Lantau. It then heads northwest on a 1.6-km-long mar- vated structure over Lung Mun Road, before joining a pro-
ine viaduct to the proposed Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao posed toll plaza at Tuen Mun Area 46.
Bridge at the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities As shown in Fig. 1, the reclaimed land [referred to as the
(HKBCF) near the Hong Kong International Airport Northern Landfall (NLF)] just east of the Tuen Mun RTT
(HKIA) at Chek Lap Kok. After reaching the eastern edge was created to accommodate the launching shaft for the
2467-9674/Ó 2019 Tongji University and Tongji University Press. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Owner.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
290 A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301

Fig. 1. Site location plan and major facilities at the northern landfall.

two TBMs, ventilation/retrieval/re-launching shafts, slurry clay to sandy clayey silt (alluvial silt/clay) and a medium
treatment plant, grouting plant, the permanent tunnel dense to very dense, grey to brown, silty, fine to coarse
administration building, and tunnel portal. sand with some sub-angular to sub-rounded, fine to coarse
Construction of the two tunnels at the NLF has been gravel of moderately strong quartz (alluvial sand).
carried out by two TBMs: the northbound TBM is referred Saprolitic soils, comprising Grade V to IV materials,
to as ML03, with an excavated diameter of 17.63 m, and are encountered below the stratum of alluvium. The
the southbound TBM is referred to as ML02, with an exca- thickness of the saprolite generally varies from approxi-
vated diameter of 14.00 m. The use of TBMs minimized the mately 2 to 33 m. It is generally extremely weak to very
amount of dredging and removal of soft marine deposits weak, greenish-grey, brown or yellowish-brown, and
required, and thus there was less impact to the environment completely to highly decomposed (firm to very stiff,
within and near the work site of the project. sandy clayey silt).
The bedrock below the saprolitic soils varies from 5 to
1.1 Existing topography and bathymetry 55 mPD, and is approximately 0 to 45 m below the seabed.
Shallow bedrock at 5 mPD is encountered at the existing
The NLF is located in the water southeast of the existing sea frontage and then deepens gradually in the seaward
frontage of the RTT. According to the bathymetric survey direction. The bedrock material is predominantly granite,
results, the existing seabed level around the site generally with andesite locally encountered at the northern portion.
varies between 5 and 13 mPD (mean principal datum). The granite is a moderately strong to strong, pinkish-grey,
spotted dark green, dappled brown, moderately to slightly
1.2 Geological setting decomposed, fine to coarse-grained granite. Joints are clo-
sely to medium-spaced, locally very closely and widely
As shown in Fig. 2, the sub-surface profile along the spaced, rough stepped and rough planar with occasional
reclamation area consists of a layer of marine deposits rough undulating, extremely narrow to very narrow, iron
overlaying a layer of alluvium, which is underlain by com- and manganese-stained, and occasionally kaolin chlorite-
pletely decomposed rocks. The general description of each coated.
material stratum is summarized below. From the launching shaft towards the middle of the
A layer of marine deposits is encountered at the seabed NLF, the excavation mainly occurred in a variable thick-
with a thickness varying from 0 to 7.5 m. This layer is pre- ness of fill, marine deposits, and alluvium. Thereafter,
dominantly clay, and is typically described as a very soft to toward the ventilation shaft, the excavation mainly
firm, grey, slightly sandy, silty clay with occasional shell occurred in Grade V to IV materials and bedrock.
A layer of alluvium, with a thickness varying from 0 to 2 Ground treatment
13 m, underlies the marine deposits. The standard penetra-
tion test (SPT) ‘‘N” values range from 6 to 90. The allu- Vertical bands of drains with soil surcharge were used as
vium is characterized by inter-bedded clays, silts, and ground improvement measures to accelerate the consolida-
sands, and is typically described as a firm, grey, sandy silty tion of the marine deposits and the underlying alluvial
A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301 291

Fig. 2. Sub-surface geological profile at the northern landfall.

clays in order to limit the residual and differential settle- tions near the portal, deep vibro-compaction was also
ment to less than 500 mm and 1 in 300, respectively, for carried out at the sand fill layer.
a design life of 50 years. After the site was formed to The undrained shear strength of the marine deposits and
+5.5 mPD, it was further raised to +10.00 mPD and sur- alluvial clay for design after the ground treatment was
charged for a period of six months. The surcharge near taken to be a minimum of 60 kPa (under general public fill)
the slurry treatment plant (STP) was kept in place for a to 70 kPa (under the vibro-compacted sand), which had to
longer period, as far as permitted by the construction pro- be verified by a cone penetration test after the ground treat-
gram. At locations near the STP and at the shallow sec- ment and before the tunnels were excavated.
292 A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301

The spacing of the installed band drains was generally The Young’s modulus of the concrete is taken as
1.5 m center-to-center, but was decreased to 1.2 m center- 27,700 MPa.
to-center from the launching shaft toward the middle part Eq. (1) below is adopted from Wood (1975) to calculate
of the reclaimed area in order to accelerate the consolida- the moment of inertia of the ring, taking into consideration
tion of the thicker marine deposits at this location. the number of segments (n) per ring.
A layer of sand blanket (1–2 m thick) with a geotextile  2
layer underneath was laid over the soft marine deposits. I ring ¼ I joint þ I segment ; ð1Þ
Fill material was placed in a layer above the sand blanket n
by bottom dumping or end tipping to prevent generation where Iring is moment of inertia of the ring, Ijoint is moment
of mud waves due to slip failures within the soft marine of inertia of the joint, and Isegment is moment of inertia of
deposits. the segment.
For ground treatment of the seawall foundation, a sand
blanket with a geotextile layer underneath served as an ini- 3.2 Mechanical properties of the tunnel linings
tial confinement over the top of the very soft marine depos-
its to improve the strength through consolidation. The Table 2 summarizes the mechanical properties of the
sand blanket also acts a protective layer to prevent dis- tunnel linings.
turbed marine mud from being mixed into and polluting
the marine environment during the ground treatment 3.3 Geotechnical properties of the soils
Public fill consisting of rocks, concrete, asphalt, rubble, Table 3 lists the geotechnical properties of the soils used
bricks, stones, and earth was used as a preloading sur- for the finite element modeling.
charge to accelerate the consolidation process of the soft
marine deposits. 4 Surface settlement induced by the TBMs
Rock fill was required for the construction of the verti-
cal and sloping seawall. For the vertical seawall, the rock The surface settlement induced by the tunnel boring
base consisted of Grade 400 rock fill, while rock fill with process and installation of the segmental lining depends
a smaller size was used as a rock wedge and granular filter on the geological strata and their engineering properties:
behind the seawall. The core of the rubble mound sloping the height of the tunnel cover, the excavated diameter,
seawall was made of Grade 400 rock fill; rock fill of smaller the confinement pressure exerted by the TBM at the front
size was used as a granular filter. face (around the shield, and in the annular void around the
lining), and the rate of advance of the TBM.
3 Design parameters In this project, the overpressures exerted by the two
TBMs must be set and monitored at different cross-
The design parameters used in the finite element pro- sections along the tunnels in order to ensure that the sur-
gram for predicting the settlement are described in the fol- face settlement remains below the following acceptable
lowing sections. levels:

3.1 Geometry of the tunnel linings (1) Maximum surface settlement: (i) 500 mm in the long
term; (ii) 100 mm during excavation; (iii) 50 mm
Table 1 summarizes the geometric characteristics of the under the STP.
tunnel linings.

Table 1
Geometric characteristics of the tunnel linings.
Tunnel Internal diameter (m) External diameter (m) Excavated diameter (m) Lining thickness Number of segments
ML02 12.40 13.50 14.00 0.55/0.37 m at joints 9
ML03 15.60 17.00 17.63 0.70/0.50 m at joints 12

Table 2
Mechanical properties of the tunnel linings.
Tunnel Density Poisson’s Concrete Grade Young’s Modulus (GPa) Axial Stiffness, EA (kN/m) Bending Stiffness, EI (kN∙m/m)
(kN/m3) ratio (MPa)
Short Term Long Term Short Term Long Term Short Term Long Term
ML02 24.5 0.2 55 28.9 14.45 1.59  107 7.95  106 2.01  105 1.01  105
ML03 24.5 0.2 55 28.9 14.45 2.023  107 1.011 5  107 3.93  105 1.97  105
Table 3
Geotechnical properties of the soils.
Soil Type Unit Weight Drained Young’s Modulus, Undrained Young’s Poisson’s Undrained shear Peak frictional Apparent Coeff. of earth
(kN/m3) E (MPa) Modulus, Eu (MPa) ratio strength, Cu (kPa) angle, /0 (°) cohesion, c0 pressure at rest, K0
Reclamation (sand fill) 19 35 (vibro-compacted) — 0.25 — 33 0 0.46
Marine deposits or alluvial clay 15 Eu/1.2 z   12 mPD: 23.7 0.36 z   12 mPD: 26 0 0.56

A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301

under 76 kPa surcharge z <  12 mPD: 23.7– 59.2
0.4(z + 12) z <  12 mPD:
59.2–1.1(z + 12)
Marine deposits or alluvial clay 15 Eu/1.2 z   12 mPD: 28.5 0.36 z   12 mPD: 26 0 0.56
under 130 kPa surcharge z <  12 mPD: 28.5– 71.2
0.4(z + 12) z <  12 mPD:
71.2–1.1(z + 12)
Marine deposits or alluvial clay 15 Eu/1.2 z   12 mPD: 30.08 0.36 z   12 mPD: 75 26 0 0.56
under 150 kPa surcharge z <  12 mPD: 30.08– z <  12 mPD: 75–
0.4(z + 12) 1.1(z + 12)
Alluvial sand 19 z   11 mPD: 54 — 0.25 — 34 0 0.44
z <  11 mPD: 54–2.8(z
+ 11)
Completely decomposed granite 20 z  -25 mPD: 20–0.6(z — 0.25 — 34 5 0.44
(CDG) + 25)
25mPD > z >  35 mPD:
20–3(z + 25)
z <  35 mPD: 50–15(z
+ 35)
z   12 mPD: 23.7 indicates that at and above  12 mPD, the value is 23.7 MPa.
z <  12 mPD: 23.7–0.4(z + 12) indicates that below  12 mPD, the value begins at 23.7 MPa and increases linearly with the depth with a slope of 0.4.

294 A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301

Table 5
Summary of equivalent overpressures.
Section Equivalent overpressure, P f (kPa)
ML02 ML03
Section A–A 150 170
Section B–B 170 190
Section C–C 80 100
Section D–D 100 110
Section E–E 50 50

(2) Maximum differential settlement: (i) 1/300 mm in the

long term; (ii) 1/500 mm under the STP.
(3) Maximum volume loss: 2%.

Many methods can be used to predict the ground move-

ment due to tunneling. These methods can be broadly cat-
egorized into three groups: empirical, analytical, and
numerical methods. The empirical methods, developed
from the early work of Peck (1969), assume that the trans-
verse settlement trough resembles an inverted normal
Gaussian distribution curve that depends on two parame-
ters: dmax, the maximum settlement at the tunnel center
line, and i, the distance to the inflection point. The analyt-
ical methods are based on an elastic approach (Loganathan
& Poulos, 1998). The numerical methods are based on the
finite element method (FEM), and take into account the
Fig. 3. Failure surface for identifying the minimum confinement pressure
in frictional soils. interaction between the soil and the structural lining as well
as accommodating realistic soil behavior (Potts, 2003).
This study back-calculates the percentage of volume loss
Table 4 achieved during tunneling based on the method developed
Summary of minimum confinement pressures. by Peck (1969) by analyzing the measured settlement
Tunnel Minimum confinement pressure, trough; the corresponding dmax and i were calculated at
P s (kPa) various sections along the tunnel alignment. From general
Fill, marine deposits, CDG experience and site observations, the observed settlement
alluvial clay profile typically closely follows the distribution assumed
ML02 (excavated diameter 14.00 m) 40 30 by Peck (1969).
ML03 (excavated diameter 17.63 m) 50 40 The percentage of volume loss is given by the following

Fig. 4. TBM front face pressure, shield pressure, and grout pressure.
Table 6
Total grout and slurry pressures for ML02.
ML02 Design slurry Hydrostatic Grouting pressure applied behind the Hydrostatic Slurry pressure used in Slurry pressure applied at the
overpressure, P slurry , at pressure at crown shield during construction pressure at axis computer model tunnel face during construction
Axis (kPa) (kPa) Set grout overpressure, Total Grout (kPa) Equivalent overpressure at Slurry total pressure, P slurry , at
0 axis, P f , from Eq. (5) (kPa) axis (kPa)
P grout , at crown (kPa) Pressure, P grout
Various locations [1] [2] [3] [4] = [2] + [3] [5] [6] = 0.5[1] + 0.5[3] [7] = [1] + [5]
Section A–A: 80 > minimum 254 220 474 322 150 402
Marine deposit and requirement 30
Section B–B: 100 > minimum 244 240 484 311 170 411
Alluvial clay and requirement 30
Section C–C: 60 > minimum 181 110 291 248 80 308

A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301

Marine deposits, requirement 30
alluvial sand, and
Section D–D: 60 > minimum 143 140 283 211 100 271
Fill, marine requirement 30
deposits, and CDG
Section E–E: 50 > minimum 19 60 79 86 55 136
Fill and marine requirement 40

Table 7
Total grout and slurry pressures for ML03.
ML03 Design slurry Hydrostatic Grouting pressure applied behind Hydrostatic Slurry pressure used in Slurry pressure applied at
overpressure, P slurry , pressure at the shield during construction pressure at axis computer model the tunnel face during
at Axis (kPa) crown (kPa) (kPa) Equivalent overpressure construction
Set grout Total Grout 0
at axis, P f , from Eq. (5) Slurry total pressure, P slurry ,
overpressure, Pressure, P grout
P grout , at crown (kPa) (kPa) at axis(kPa)

Various locations [1] [2] [3] [4] = [2] + [3] [5] [6] = 0.5[1] + 0.5[3] [7] = [1] + [5]
Section A–A: 100 > minimum 243 240 483 328 170 428
Marine deposit and CDG requirement 30
Section B–B: 120 > minimum 232 260 492 317 190 437
Alluvial clay and CDG requirement 30
Section C–C: 75 > minimum 176 125 301 261 100 336
Marine deposits, alluvial sand, and requirement 30
Section D–D: 75 > minimum 154 145 299 224 110 299
Fill, marine deposits, and CDG requirement 30
Section E–E: 50  minimum 49 50 99 99 50 149
Fill and marine deposits requirement 50

296 A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301

Fig. 5. Computer model for settlement prediction (Section E–E in Fig. 2).

100 2pS max i 5 Confinement pressures exerted by the TBM
V L ð% Þ ¼ ; ð2Þ
S exc
The confinement pressures exerted by the TBM during
where VL is percentage of volume loss, Smax is maximum excavation must be controlled above a minimum value to
settlement in the section of interest, I is position of the prevent instability of the excavation face, but below a max-
inflection point of the settlement curve, and Sexc is exca- imum value to prevent heaving of the ground.
vated area. For cohesive soils, the method developed by Kimura
The measured settlement, s, at various locations, y, is fit- and Mair (1981) was adopted.
ted with a curve to identify and locate the position of the 0
The minimum confinement pressure, P s , in cohesive soils
inflection point using the following relationship:
uses the recommendation in Report (2009), given as
y 2 follows:
s ¼ S max e 2i2 : ð3Þ
0 D Su
The settlement trough was measured perpendicular to Ps ¼ c H þ þq  N c; ð4Þ
the cross-sections at the first passage of the ML03 TBM, 2 k FOS
and the measurement was repeated when the ML02 TBM
passed approximately six weeks later. The inflection point where c is bulk unit weight of the ground, H is cover over
is found by overlapping the two settlement troughs to rep- the tunnel, D is excavated diameter of the tunnel, q is aver-
resent the worst combined effects of both tunnel age surcharge pressure at the ground surface, Su is
constructions. undrained shear strength of the ground, Nc is stability
A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301 297

Fig. 6. Actual applied slurry pressure vs. the design total slurry pressure.

number at collapse, obtained from charts in Kimura and The maximum confinement pressure is calculated
Mair (1981), and kFOS is partial factor of safety. through a conservative approach based only on the dead
For frictional soils, the method developed by weight of the soil above the tunnel, without consideration
Anagnostou and Kovari (1996) was adopted. of additional surcharge loading at the ground surface. A
The minimum confinement pressure in frictional soils is maximum confinement pressure of 120 kPa is determined
derived from the ‘‘silo model” developed by Horn (1961), by assuming that the shallowest location governs the whole
in which a 3D sliding mechanism in limiting equilibrium tunnel alignment.
is assumed to occur along slip plane AB–EF–LM, as shown Both the ultimate limit state (ULS) and serviceability
in Fig. 3. The sliding surface is assumed to be bounded limit state (SLS) are evaluated to assess which state con-
within a wedge (volume inside ABDCEF) plus the silo trols the design of the confinement pressures.
above (volume inside DCEF-KNLM). The partial factors applied to the shear strength param-
An iterative process is applied to the limit equilibrium eters in the ULS design are as follows:
method to derive a balance between the driving force from
the wedge and the silo and the resistance force from sliding (1) On tan /0 (frictional angle): divide by 1.2.
planes ABEF (back), ADE (side) and BCF (side). The min- (2) On c0 (cohesion intercept): divide by 1.2.
imum confinement pressure is determined by varying the (3) On Su: divide by 1.5.
inclination angle, x, until the maximum driving shear force (4) On the unit weight: divide by 1.0.
is obtained.
Table 4 lists the minimum confinement pressures for Different partial factors are applied for different materi-
tunnels excavated in fill, marine deposits, alluvial clays, als based on the statistical reliability of the average
and CDG. strength.
298 A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301

Fig. 7. Prediction of settlement from the simulation results.

For SLS calculations, a partial factor of 1.0 is applied to The face pressure is the horizontal pressure exerted on
all of the soil parameters. the front face of the excavation by the slurry in the cham-
A partial factor of 1.5 is also applied to the surcharge in ber of the TBM.
the ULS calculation, while a partial factor of 1.0 is applied The shield pressure is the radial pressure exerted on the
in the SLS calculation. shield of the TBM by the slurry. It is assumed that the
The slurry pressure was controlled by an ‘‘air bubble shield pressure is the same as the face pressure.
control” system within ±5 kPa around the target pressure. The grout pressure is the radial pressure exerted by the
The slurry density is defined as 11 kN/m3. injection of grouting material through the tail skin into
the annular void between the ground and the installed
6 Confinement pressure modeling using finite element segment.
analysis The overall average pressure is based on the work by
Aristaghes and Autuori (2003), who suggested that the
The confinement pressures exerted by the TBM during equivalent overpressure, P f , applied to the tunnel crown
excavation are modeled using 2D finite element analysis that satisfies the settlement and volume loss criteria can
to ensure that the surface settlement remains below accept- be described as follows:
able levels. 0 0 0

As the actual excavation and installation of the segmen- P f ¼ 0:5P grout þ 0:5P slurry ; ð5Þ
tal lining is a 3D problem, the use of a 2D model necessi- 0 0
where P grout is grout overpressure, and P slurry is slurry
tates some simplifications. It is assumed that the
confinement pressures applied at the tunnel boundaries in 0 0
the mesh are overall averages of the front face pressure in P grout is set to between 50 and 150 kPa above P slurry at the
the slurry, shield pressure around the shield, and grout axis to prevent any slurry leakage from the tail skin to the
pressure around the lining (see Fig. 4). shield and to ensure the annular space between the ground
and the segment are in direct contact.
A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301 299

Fig. 8. Comparison of the predicted vs. measured settlement results.

From the minimum confinement pressures listed in (2) Apply the surcharge at the ground surface, and install
Table 4, the grout overpressures are adjusted and substi- the diaphragm wall or other ground treatment works
tuted into Eq. (5) to calculate P f at the different section as structural members where appropriate;
locations shown in Fig. 2; the resulting values are input (3) Excavate the northbound tunnel, ML03, and apply a
0 0
into the finite element analysis (Table 5). radial pressure of k(ro  P f ) with k = 0.8. In the pro-
Based on the estimated hydrostatic pressures, the total gram, k is a confinement ratio describing the propor-
grout pressure at the crown and the total slurry pressure tioning of the overburden stresses applied to the
at the axis are then calculated and applied as the tunnel lining based on the distance between the tunnel face
advances (Tables 6 and 7). and the point  where the tunnel lining is erected.
The computer program Plaxis was used in this study. For the convergence-confinement method, k is rec-
The magnitudes of the vertical stress and the pore water ommended in AFTES (2002) based on the following
pressure were estimated with regard to the tunnel overbur- assumptions:
den and water head above the tunnel. Boundary conditions For ML03 (excavated diameter 17.63 m, x = 10 m),
and displacements were fixed at the lateral and lower k  0.8 for 2x
boundaries. For example, Section E–E in Fig. 5 shows For ML02 (excavated diameter 14.00 m, x = 13.2 m),
the computer model for a location where there is 10 m of k  0.9 for 2x  2.
overburden with the excavation occurring partially in
vibro-compacted sand and partially in marine deposits. An additional calculation is performed as a sensitivity
To simulate the construction phases and their effects on check by assuming a small degree of stress relaxation
the ground surface, the following modeling steps were between the face and the lining erection. In this sensitivity
applied to all of the sections: check, a relaxation factor (1  k) equal to 0.2 is applied,
representing that the in situ overburden stresses are par-
(1) Initialize the in situ stresses, ro ;by turning on gravity tially taken up by the ground and partially taken up by
(normally referred to as the Ko procedure); the lining segments after the confinement pressure is
300 A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301

reduced to zero at the time the lining segments are 7 Settlement trough and volume loss measured during TBM
installed. Therefore, a relaxation factor of 0.2 (for excavation
k = 0.8) indicates that 20% of the overburden stresses are
taken up by the ground and 80% are taken up by the lining Controlling the slurry pressure at the axis during
segments. It is assumed that after the TBM has excavated advancing of the TBM and installation of the lining seg-
the face, the lining segments behind the shield are usually ments is very important for minimizing settlement within
installed immediately behind the excavation within a short the allowable limit.
period of time (less than 24 h), such that the overburden Figure 6 shows that the actual slurry pressure applied is
stresses are transferred primarily to the lining segments close to the design total slurry pressure. In the ML02 tun-
rather than to the ground. This modeling assumption is nel, the confinement pressure from Ring 245 to Ring 280
conservative for the lining design, as it leads to higher stres- was increased slightly during excavation to compensate
ses within the lining. However, it is robust in terms of for the larger settlement observed in this area due to the
reducing soil instability, thus resulting in less yielding of slow advance of the TBM resulting from planned satura-
the soils and less ground movement. tion trials and equipment calibration.
The predicted settlement in Section E–E is shown in
(4) Install the northbound ML03 tunnel linings; Fig. 7. Section E–E is located immediately behind the
(5) Excavate the southbound tunnel, ML02, and apply break-in plug (ML03 Ring 27; ML02 Ring 22) with a sur-
the equivalent overpressure P f with k = 0.9; charge level at +10 mPD when the TBM passed. The soil
(6) Install the southbound ML02 tunnel linings; cover above the tunnel was 10 m. The maximum predicted
(7) Add the permanent surcharge loading to simulate the settlement at the final stage was 146 mm, with a maximum
long-term conditions. predicted volume loss of 1.1% after completion of both
tunnels. At this location, the settlement at the ML02 side

Fig. 9. Comparison of the predicted vs. measured volume losses.

A.K.L. Kwong et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 289–301 301

was reduced from 116 mm after the lining was installed at Acknowledgements
ML02 to 80 mm after the excavation and lining installation
was completed for both ML02 and ML03 owing to the sur- The writers are grateful for the support of Highways
charge removal at the long-term stage. Department, HKSARG. Their support contributed in
Figure 8 shows a comparison of the predicted settlement expediting the approval process. However, the contents
versus the measured settlement in Section E–E. of this paper do not necessarily reflect the views and poli-
The upper part of Fig. 8 shows the measured settlement cies of these supporting organizations, nor does the men-
at monitoring stations nearest to Section E–E. The results tion of trade names or commercial products constitute
show the settlement trough located transversely across the endorsement or recommendation for use. The writers are
section when the ML03 TBM first passed underneath and also grateful to the Dragages-Bouygues Joint Venture for
subsequently when the ML02 TBM passed underneath the use of the monitoring data and site record.
one month later. After the settlement was stabilized, which
was taken as the final stage, the settlement recorded above Conflict of interest
ML03 was 45 mm, whereas that recorded above ML02 was
37 mm. This shows that both of the measured settlements The authors declare no conflict of interest on the con-
are less than the design settlement, and the actual volume tent, materials and parties presented in this paper.
loss is smaller than the design prediction.
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volume loss exceeded the design value and reached a max- BTS/ICE. (2000). Specification for tunneling. British Tunnelling Society
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